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20373681 No.20373681 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best, thorough, neutral, biography of this guy?
>I'm dying of cancer and have like six more months to live, need it badly before I'm gone so please no pro-soviet "hitler was.. LE BAD!" shit or "we were kangz" crap. just facts.

>> No.20373689

There's no such thing as neutral biography of someone like Hitler you retard. You can either buy a schizo hagiography or something mainstream.

>> No.20373709

Listen here you fucking nigger there's over 30 biography books on his life alone, let alone studies about his mental health, diet, and what not. You can't honestly believe there isn't even one which tries to state the honest facts of his existence.

>> No.20373714

was hitler a shit eater or is that just propaganda

>> No.20373715

Mein kampf. It contains everything you wish to know and more.

>> No.20373728

John Toland's is the only single volume that is *actually* neutral. Kershaw writes with dripping disdain. If you pair it with Stolfi after, it's not as bad, since it takes the form of a debate.

>> No.20373730

With it referring to Kershaw. I'd personally recommend Richard Evan's Trilogy followed up with Toland's biography. Evans is biased like Kershaw but uses sources rather than sentiment to fight his battles.

>> No.20373733

I guess neutrality could be defined as being in between "the holocaust didn't happen" and "hitler ate shit and fucked his dog"

>> No.20373791

First thing first, nice dubs.
>the holocaust didn't happen
Secondly, anyone dumb enough to say that is either a blind retard or a sheep-fucker-muslim who's angry at Israel for bombing his village.
>hitler ate shit and fucked his dog
Third, if I'm not mistaken there's a book specifically about hitler's sex life and how all the women in his life killed themselves. Never heard anything about fucking dogs.
>John Toland's is the only single volume that is *actually* neutral
Toland book is in two volumes though

>> No.20373852

Wasn't Hitler a volcel? Also, there are single volume-only editions of Toland's book.

>> No.20373945

>"hitler was.. LE BAD!"
He kinda was though. If you write the facts of Hitler's life down, he's gonna sound like "le bad" person because he was. It'd be like writing a biography of a serial killer, there's just no way you could make him not sound "le bad."

>> No.20374063

It depends. Did he prefer to ban Jews sending them to Africa and Near East or to wipe them off of the face of the earth? People will think that it is le bad to do both, but is it really in the first case?

>> No.20374198

You're thinking of Martin Luther.

>> No.20374297
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No, no, no. You mean Martin Luther King.

>> No.20374308

You're dying of cancer, you have a lot of time to do reading
Why not read them all?

>> No.20374398

>Is it bad to forcefully deport and displace your own citizens?

>> No.20374624
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That's Martin Luther King Jr.

>> No.20374668

>your own citizens
nice try

>> No.20374880

Every Jewish family which would've been deported would've been living there longer than Hitler was, who only moved to Germany as a young man.

>> No.20374906

Austria and Germany are one and the same volk.

>> No.20374936 [DELETED] 

>There's no such thing as neutral biography
Nobody is immune to bias.
>You can't honestly believe there isn't even one which tries to state the honest facts
Honest facts are boring, mundane, unappealing. Sensationalism is the norm.

>> No.20374941


David Irving's Hitler book

Only one u need OP.. u will get the truth

>> No.20376068

Stop larping.

>> No.20377580

not neutral and not even a biography

>> No.20378122


>> No.20378400

Probably not the best idea to be reading about hitler before your impending death. Read the Bible instead.

>> No.20379414


>> No.20379417

John Toland

>> No.20379850
File: 216 KB, 596x439, 8a325550-9b40-4bd8-a23c-40efcacc076c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Irving's Hitler's War

>> No.20379853

I would like to write one. I am a good writer but have no history background.

>> No.20379901

I read Volume I of Kershaw’s biography and I thought it was alright. A bit frustrating that when i tried to check his references they were all or almost all in German which I can’t read but I guess that’s on me.

What’s wrong with Kershaw’s book? Other than minor aesthetic faults like writing shit like “if this hadnt happened this way, hitler’s movement would’ve been finished”