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20372713 No.20372713 [Reply] [Original]

is there anything comfier?

>> No.20372720

Cuddling after creampie

>> No.20372728

banana or coconut?

>> No.20373913
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>> No.20373949

Laying your head upon a woman's soft breast

>> No.20374025
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>> No.20374034

I don't know why people pretend to like TLotR when they can't even demonstrate they've read it 99% of the time.

>> No.20375144



>> No.20375148

>tfw gf got no breasts to lay upon
Is sex with a biggy tiddy girl nice?

>> No.20375152

It make they seem cool in the eyes of normies

>> No.20375158

I've read it and well yeah it is about uhm the manlet and the uhm the uhh old wizard that knows magic stuff and spells and mmm he clashes with bad guys and does epic things and saves the world

>> No.20375159

I mean cult, not cool. It's the closest of high brown lit they can get without sounding pretentious

>> No.20375203


>> No.20375255

I thought the LOTR films were great but the books were unbearably dull. I'm not asking for it to be a Mad Max extravaganza where they leap right into the action, but my God does Tolkien drag on. The whole thing is needlessly ponderous and packed with tangential information about every family tree and blade of grass that doesn't benefit the story or knowledge of the characters. I give him credit for his creativity and impact on the genre, but is actual writing sucks.

>> No.20375293

I was big on Tolkien way back when and still do like him, but my love of his books has waned a lot. Don't get me wrong, people like GRRM or Michael Moorcock who shit on him are insufferable morons and Tolkien's better than them in every way, but still, I find myself disliking more and more stuff about Tolkien than I used to. The books really can get dull and repetitive, and the very frequent song sections are neat at first but overstay their welcome, dragging the plot to a halt and seeming more like page filler than anything else. Dialogue is inconsistent and not particularly well-written in many instances, and at times it's incredibly inappropriate for the particular story event. One thing I've always liked more about the movies than the books is Boromir's death scene. It's quick, dramatic, and his conversation with Aragorn is brief and emotional. In the book, Aragorn goes into a longwinded Shakespearean monologue that doesn't at all feel like a human reaction to the event going on. There are a lot of times when in otherwise tense and dramatic moments characters just start waxing poetic, talking in circles as extravagantly as possible, and killing the tension and pacing quickly. Tolkien was excellent at worldbuilding, and it shows, but actual character interactions and characterization in general were really hit or miss. When someone comes to an abandoned city and sees an old bridge as they're trudging through the wilderness, they aren't going to stop and say "Lo! To look upon thee, Tharbad, in better times!" followed by a few paragraphs of poetry speech followed by a full page of singing. I'm not wanting it to be some kind of zoomzoom simplistic shit, or something like GRRM where everyone just says shitteth and fucketh and he thinks that makes them mature, but Tolkien's characters act more like parodies of Shakespeare's plays than actual people most of the time.

>> No.20375538

yeah, the hobbit

>> No.20375622

>When someone comes to an abandoned city and sees an old bridge as they're trudging through the wilderness, they aren't going to stop and say "Lo! To look upon thee, Tharbad, in better times!" followed by a few paragraphs of poetry speech followed by a full page of singing.
Right, but it's not meant to be realistic as far as what someone would actually do in a situation, it's supposed to be myth. You know how in romcom movies, the guy always gets the girl, and in fantasy movies, the good guy always saves the day, and they always monologue and have big dramatic moments, whereas real life is nothing like any of that? That's the point, it's not meant to be real life, it's meant to be drama, myth, it's all the things real life can't be. So I'm real life, yeah you see a bridge and you just go to it. In high fantasy myth, you see the bridge, and there's a kino monologue or song or something, even if it's forced or fake for you or I to do it, it sounds cool if a mythological figure does it. There's a time and a place for all the monologues and songs and shit, and this is it.

>> No.20375972

Reading LotR after creampie

>> No.20376300


>> No.20376306

I skip all the songs and there's nothing you can do about it. Fuck elves.

>> No.20376484

> a few paragraphs of poetry speech followed by a full page of singing.
Believe it or not, people used to sing and recite poetry a lot. Not only is it one of the core ways to keep occupied in the pre-technological world, it is also how oral tradition is memorized and transmitted. So yeah, LOTR is still a fantasy, but the poetry and singing isn’t quite as unrealistic as a lot of readers assume

>> No.20376529
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some of you posters really out here getting filtered by LotR...

>> No.20376671

Behead those who insult elves

>> No.20376680

>>When someone comes to an abandoned city and sees an old bridge as they're trudging through the wilderness, they aren't going to stop and say "Lo! To look upon thee, Tharbad, in better times!" followed by a few paragraphs of poetry speech followed by a full page of singing

Maybe if you are not a king of nvmenor, but a filthy peasant

>> No.20376685
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>> No.20376699

Reading LotR to your cute gf after creampie.

>> No.20377159
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I only watch the movies, you gotta deal with it.

>> No.20377382

Monte cristo
Last of the mohicans
>as the reader may remember
I love invasive narration to period drama. 30s-50s movies are the best too.

>> No.20377385


>> No.20377443
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Yes, and it stars JRR’s analogue

>> No.20377578

"not another fucking elf" is how I've started to feel about LOTR myself.

>> No.20378308

The issue with that is the inconsistency. You go from Bree and the Shire where people talk like people and everything seems normal, then you venture out and everyone talks like an exaggerated drama character. Even in Gondor you've got a soldier who says "hold still or we'll stick you like a porcupine" to Gollum followed by his captain going "Forsooth twas grand the olden days of the kings, lo and harketh, if only days such greatness as those as shining suns could become upon us once more." I guess Tolkien's idea was making the world feel clearly fictional and fantastical and contrasting it with more mundane things, but it just comes off as jarring to me.

>> No.20378314

how is "tolkien" portrayed in the book?

>> No.20378325

>You go from Bree and the Shire where people talk like people and everything seems normal, then you venture out and everyone talks like an exaggerated drama character.

think anon, what could the shire possibly be a metaphor for? What is the point of the book? This is obviously an intentional decision. What is a shire in real life? Tolkien wasn't an amateur, (you) are

>> No.20378328

The Hobbit songs are ultra comfy, I don't think the Elves sing anything outside of the Hobbit...

>> No.20378334

think about who gollum is and why he mght speak like that, what factors have led him to having a different life experience than the other characters. sorry that not every character talks like a benzo'd zoomer in a wolrd where some people are literally thousands of years old

>> No.20378413

Based. Not as good as LotR but it's a solid trilogy. I actually liked the third book the best, even though it takes place on Earth.

>> No.20378425

Out with it. Enough with your gay socratic posting. If you have something to say then fucking say it

>> No.20378477
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>ywn live in a volcel world full of immortal beings and magic
why live

>> No.20378500

>farmers, soldiers, and innkeepers speak in a straightforward manner
>officers and aristocrats speak in a more refined and poetic way

Makes sense to me.

>> No.20378509

am*ricans will never understand what is it to be ruled by people worthy of rule

>> No.20378510

Harry Potter

>> No.20378514

I hate normalfags so fucking much

>> No.20378521


>> No.20378539

>is there anything comfier?
The Hobbit

>> No.20378581
File: 42 KB, 497x617, 1651968185434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A liberal homosexual feminist Protestant was teaching a class on George R.R. Martin, known hack

”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Gurm and accept that Planetos is the greatest fantasy setting of all time even greater than Arda!”

At this moment, a brave, patriotic, British WW1 veteran who had served 1500 tours of duty on the Somme and understood the necessity of war and fully supported all decisions made by Butcher Haig stood up.

”What are the linguistic differences among the peoples of Westeros?”

The arrogant proddie smirked quite schismatically and smugly replied “There is the Old Tongue and the Common Tongue, you stupid warmonger”

”Wrong. There should be hundreds of dialects. If the Wall is 8000 years old as you say, how can the Wildlings and Northmen understand one another?”

The HBO shill was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of A World of Ice and Fire. He stormed out of the room crying those redditor crocodile tears. The same tears redditors (who today live in such luxury most can afford sex changes) cried when Missandei was beheaded. There is no doubt that at this point our sola scriptura-faggot wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a garbage pulp fiction fan. He wished so much he could die a glorious death in battle, but he had sworn to always be a draft dodger!

The students applauded and became Tolkien fans that day and accepted the Pope as their Lord and Master. A giant eagle named “Thorondor” flew into the room and perched atop the flag of Gondor and shed a tear on the White Tree. Beowulf was read in the original Old English several times, and Eru Ilúvatar himself showed up and enacted Aragorn's flat rate tax policy across the universe.

The Lutheran was fired the next day and sunset found him squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up he was shitting brown water.

>> No.20378594

does someone have this copypasta but it's like the guy lecturing the faggot teacher about some eastern religion?

>> No.20378596

I had the byzantine version

>> No.20378613

the faggot teacher is a buddhist and the mc guy is a hindu/sikh in this one I think

>> No.20378622

>a more refined and poetic way
It's not refined, it's dull, and it's not poetic, it's melodramatic.

>> No.20378649

Post it please

>> No.20378667

wow someone distasteful likes grrm, that must mean grrm is bad…
Lol retard
Also Tolkien did a grand total of 2 x 15 day stints at the front in ww1, hardly Ernst junger

>> No.20378822


>> No.20378877

Sorry my bad 2 x 5 day stints at the front, not 15 days

>> No.20380475
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Read this to enhance your enjoyment of Tolkien

>> No.20380603

How is byzantium relevant to lotr

>> No.20380848
File: 56 KB, 435x512, uh oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.20380868

Honestly......... it has to be with a girl I've had sex with only like 4 or 5 times, otherwise it gets fucking grim and boring. I love my wife but fucking her gets old.

>> No.20380934

The Hobbit

>> No.20380980

Insufferable moron

I've reread LOTR after 20 years and I can sincerely say I've enjoyed it much more after gaining some actual literary baggage. It's an amazing achievement of the human intellect.
It's also a scholar's novel. Who else managed to extract such inspiration from medieval sagas, mold them into a whole universe that could precede our own, and write legitimately good poetry from it? Because most times it does sound like a poem in prose. That's what LOTR is, a saga found and translated millenia after the events (apart from the Shire bookends), much like the Quixote. It's worth reading it for Theoden's last ride alone.
Zoomers and bugmen will never get it, though.

>> No.20382014

Should I become a Tolkien scholar?

>> No.20382022

The Hobbit is more comfy.

>> No.20382240

I never said I hated it or didn't respect it, I just don't like it as much as I used to.

>> No.20382537
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Based. I'm on post captain at the moment. Just bought the whole series. It's so comfy desu.

>> No.20382548

Holy fucking filtered. I hope you never find enjoyment from a book again.

>> No.20382746

Your seething doesn't make Tolkien's dialogue any less dull and unnatural.

>> No.20383058

yeah, the hobbit

>> No.20383092
File: 1.65 MB, 3343x1828, F78A3466-2EF7-4A6A-B71B-F1721DF709E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s Ransom
The Philologist background was deliberate
>pic related from autobiography

>> No.20383119

Will I like this if pirate media is my favorite?

>> No.20383187

Can't see why not. It's the turn of the 19th century so a little past the golden age of piracy but it's very comfy adventures. Some of the best historical books I've read in years

>> No.20383221

This, especially if you leave it in his ass

>> No.20383228
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Tolkien is based, his LARPers are full retards. If you don't like Tolkien's artwork you're a LARPer btw.

>> No.20383242
File: 384 KB, 1072x1229, bilbo_comes_to_the_huts_of_the_raft-elves__the_tolkien_estate_limited_1937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did I not know about these, I want mtg lands like this

>> No.20383623

Agreed, it’s not as “good”, but the question was “comfy”
I’ve lived with dreams of middle earth for almost 20 years, there’s no doubt it has had a greater volume of impact in my life — but I only just got to the space trilogy recently and it blew me away with its seductive imagery. Malacandra’s handramit and Perelandra’s floating islands sound like living impressionism to me. Middle earth is far more grounded, and feels “realer”. It has always been my escape, but Lewis somehow takes me even further away in fewer words. Nowhere near the same scale of worldbuilding, but that’s not how those authors are meant to be compared imo.

>> No.20383675

Top 5 Characters Ruined by Peter Jackson

1. Faramir
2. Denethor
3. Aragorn
4. Merry
5. Eomer

All of these characters are depicted terribly in Hackson's movies.

>> No.20383685

How was Faramir depicted differently?

>> No.20383956

He had a personality like the others instead of being a static, lifeless golem that blurted out incoherent Shakespeare-speak.