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/lit/ - Literature

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20372405 No.20372405 [Reply] [Original]

looking for ones on stuff like mermaids, cointelpro, crisis actors, targeted individuals, global warming/weather, those pretty much

any of those categories are welcome

>> No.20372414


Anyone read Allen's None Dare Call it Conspiracy?

>> No.20372422
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>> No.20372425

heard of it

>> No.20372470
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Freemasonry and Judaism (de Poncins, 1929)
The Secrets of the Federal Reserve (Mullins, 1952)
Pawns in the Game (Carr, 1956)
Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Sky (Jung, 1959)
Medical Nemesis (Illich, 1974)
Messengers of Deception: UFO Contacts and Cults (Vallee, 1979)
The Shadow Warrior: O.S.S. and the Origins of the C.I.A. (Smith, 1983)
The Jesuits (Martin, 1988)
Revelations: Alien Contact and Human Deception (Vallee, 1991)
Behold a Pale Horse (Cooper, 1991)
Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare (Hoffman, 1992)
The Creature From Jekyll Island (Griffin, 1994)
Daimonic Reality (Harpur, 1994)
The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave (Springmeier, 1996)
The Federal Siege at Ruby Ridge (Weavers, 1998)
Who Paid the Piper? The C.I.A. and the Cultural Cold War (Saunders, 1999)
The Deeper Truth: Uncovering the Missing History of Egypt (Cassaro, 2000)
Children of the Matrix (Icke, 2001)
The Lost Book of Enki (Sitchin, 2002)
Programmed to Kill (McGowan, 2004)
Don’t Touch this Book! (Holey, 2004)
The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration & 9/11 (Griffin, 2004)
Cracks in the Great Wall: UFOs and Traditional Metaphysics (Upton, 2005)
Climate Change: The Facts (Moran, 2010)
Billions for the Bankers – Debts for the People (Flinchpaugh, 2012)
The Ruling Elite: The Zionist Seizure of World Power (Spingola, 2012)
Conspiracy Theory in America (De-Haven Smith, 2013)
The Perception Deception (Icke, 2013)
The Banking Swindle: Modern Creation and the State (Bolton, 2013)
JFK – 9/11: 50 Years of Deep State (Guyenot, 2014)
The Flat Earth Creator (Allen, 2016)
The Missing Link: Powerful Evidence of an Advanced “Golden Age” Culture in Prehistoric Antiquity (Cassaro, 2016)
The CIA as Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World (Valentine, 2016)
Inconvenient Facts (Wrightstone, 2017)
The Mythology of Global Warming (Bunker, 2018)
Habeas Data (Farivar, 2018)
The Climate Chronicles (Bastardi, 2018)
The Real Inconvenient Truth (Sangster, 2019)
Beware the World to Come (Bjerknes, 2020)
Operation Trojan Horse: The True Story Behind the Most Shocking Government Cover-Up of the Last Thirty Years (Davis, 2021)
Covid-19 and The Global Predators: We Are the Prey (Breggin, 2021)
Psaudopandemic: New Normal Technocracy (Davis, 2021)

>> No.20372474

Please recommend some XIX century conspirancy kinos.

>> No.20372587

thanks, will save this

>> No.20372692

Which ones are banned from Amazon? I know The Ruling Elite: The Zionist Seizure of World Power is banned from Amazon.

>> No.20372743

>serial murder
>Charles Manson

>> No.20372824

>he doesn't know

>> No.20372831

>serial murder
ESL fag.

>> No.20372954
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>> No.20372957

shill who paid thousands of dollars for 4chan ads and still has to force his own meme

>> No.20372963

See >>20370818
It’s the best book out there

>> No.20372966


This was probably the most schizo one since it’s about the targeted individuals conspiracy. I came across these books from /x/ on a redpill thread. Really far out stuff. Ouroboros was really good too.

>> No.20372973

Yeah these are probably the schizo motherload alright. Didn’t these start off from here?

>> No.20372978

>Chris Chan

More like Terry Davis tier T.B.H.

>> No.20373088
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several hundred conspiracy theory books split into various categories

>> No.20373130

Proud oldfag here. Class of 2008.

>> No.20373152


2007 or so, why am I still here. The only board that still "feels" like 4chan to me is /tv/, and I don't even like TV or movies.

>> No.20373179

>why am I still here.

Because the imageboard format is actually great and despite all the shitposting and redditor zoomer midwits the lack of filter + imageboard format can still get you great discussion about things you would have otherwise never heard of. Basically 4chan can throw you into the heart of niche topics in a way no other site can.

>> No.20373212

Seconding this request, if Amazon bans it it's probably good shit.

>> No.20373256

Dugin's books are banned and they're all second-rate plagiarisms of unbanned German philosophers.

>> No.20373273

Keep the original, throw out the imitations. I like it.

>> No.20373284


>> No.20373306
File: 206 KB, 750x717, B31AA421-0973-4EB6-A449-4F28EDC84079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit. Targeted individuals, school shootings and reptilians? Sounds kino.

>> No.20373309

Op here, is there any other books on targeted individuals?

>> No.20373320

I read Reptilian Odyssey a few months ago. It’s definitely the best book I’ve read on targeted individuals in novel form. Most of the other books on the topic are presented in nonfiction format but this one was the most entertaining.

>> No.20373326

Yeah I'm mostly looking for non fiction

>> No.20373560

Which philosophers

>> No.20373565


>> No.20373572

went nowhere

>> No.20373582

nevermind, got it, I stupidly put the thing in the url bar without the http crap