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File: 232 KB, 907x1360, Tedor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20368737 No.20368737 [Reply] [Original]

Who is this guy really?

>> No.20368738 [DELETED] 

he's my hero. am /pol/chud btw.

>> No.20368802

In the last thread about books on Hitler and National Socialism there were many anons recommending and vouching for this book. I have seen the same in my researches through the archives, but I also happened to see a post criticizing this book as too biased (too hitlerist, maybe) and recommending David Irving, who was also recommended in the last thread we had.
So if I had to choose one of the books in order to understand Hitler and the Nazi ideology better which one should I pick: Tedor's or Irving's (Hitler's War)?

>> No.20368805

>Adolf "Rostchild" Hiedler

>> No.20368881 [DELETED] 

a chud

>> No.20368963

Whos Richard Tedor? I get zero info on him online

>> No.20368971

The only Authentic man in 20th century Europe
If he won the war he could be celebrated like Muhammed
If he didn't wage war against the international jew, he would have been remembered as Napoleon

>> No.20369283

Yeah, I can't find anything either

>> No.20369326

>So if I had to choose one of the books in order to understand Hitler and the Nazi ideology better which one should I pick: Tedor's or Irving's (Hitler's War)?
Neither, they're both pseudohistorical.

>> No.20369352

What do you recommend then?

>> No.20369383


>> No.20369394

Just read David Irving and come to your own conclusion. Even his critics can't deny that no one alive has done more research or interviewed more living witnesses than David Irving had. He doesn't explicitly deny the holocaust, but he leaves it out because he has yet to find any evidence it actually happened. Literally, all claims of the holocaust come from cyclic references. The oldest sources for the holocaust are always from Jewish authors who cite other Jewish authors as their sources. If you keep following the references, they end up going in circles. It's absolutely mind-boggling that academia is still getting away with this shit today in spite of a complete lack of any evidence that it ever actually happened, along with mountains of evidence making it clear that it's not even possible for it to have happened.

Then there's shit like the Jewish revolutionary war of 1918 being all but completely forgotten. It's genuinely infuriating. We're witnessing how fake history gets established in real-time.

>> No.20369404

>Jewish revolutionary war of 1918
qrd on this?

>> No.20369416


>> No.20369420

OP here, that is what I am asking. Obviously it's a pen-name of some historian, could it be someone famous?

>> No.20369422

An underrated painter, in my honest opinion.
Not the best statesman but at least he tried something.

>> No.20369433

Vatican puppet

>> No.20369438

>Most of the commanders and leaders were Jews, similar to Luxemburg.

>> No.20369439

Irving obviously knows and comments on the Majdanek, Treblinka and other death camps. He even cites Himmler's letters on them. The only thing he contests is the importance of Auschwitz.

>> No.20369467
File: 78 KB, 600x768, leuchter-report.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really a shame that the worldview of 95%+ of the population has been successfully sculpted by the omission of any and all skeptical claims. Very few people are even aware of the existence of texts like pic related, yet they confidently assume that they have a whole and complete view of the events in question because the entire educational apparatus of Western culture conspires to keep it out of public consciousness. As for who benefits, well, that much is sadly obvious.

>> No.20369513

Adolf Sheckelgruber

>> No.20369526
File: 448 KB, 1440x1080, 1608282566882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An infertile narcissist who took advantage of a generation of young males that lost their fathers and country, asserting himself as a national stepfather that would restore the country to greatness, only to suck them into a genocide cult that would force them to fight an unwinnable all-or-nothing war, all because Hitler saw himself as the embodiment of his country and if he couldn't have children then neither should his country.

>> No.20369530

Rundown on that report?

>> No.20369569


>> No.20369574

Find a flaw

>> No.20369688
File: 621 KB, 668x675, unknown-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alienation of a generation of veterans who were brave, strong and conducted themselves with the utmost respect for the nations values
>Long standing racial grudges against foreigners destroying and preying upon native peoples and exploiting them
>Blamed for the destruction of the West when they merely beat all others on account of strong martial tradition
>Left-wing violence in the streets with Far-Left holding many positions in society
>Break down of acceptable sexual norms, complete with trannies and non-conventional behaviors
>Hyper-inflation caused by manipulation of the economy by you-know-who.
>Several generations of angry, patient men who know how good things can be if certain groups were removed entirely
>Young men feeling lost and without a goal or the ability to rely on long-held masculine traditions of home, hearth, family and church.

So very glad we have none of this now.

>> No.20369737

When you think about it Hitler gasing the Jews after having been victim of Allied Mustard gas attacks during WW2 might have been some sort of schadenfreude for his mother's early death because of the incompetency of a Jewish doctor.

Add in that he was possibly a quarter Jewish himself. He certainly displayed the Jewish quality of being an Egoist. He was a powerful intellect.

Fascists are just collectivists of another nature, and collectivists are always deluded into believing some "other" is more important than their own needs. Seems to affect zoomies and PTSD'd vets in equal measure.

>> No.20369779

grow up

>> No.20369828
File: 15 KB, 400x245, vanguard-america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you identify anything there which is erroneous? The average man on the street is tired and fed up. We tried not being racist, we tried believing in the free market, we tried believing that we could all work together and raise ourselves all as once. This was all lies, spoken to placate a people whom they feared would unify around creed and shared blood.

All of it destroyed the nation, its people and their history. Few would reject a trade of some civil liberties for homogeneous cities, towns and a return to some traditional values.

>> No.20369841
File: 108 KB, 842x1024, 1651608810791m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to lereddit

>> No.20369845


>> No.20369853

kinda like marx but with more pizzazz

>> No.20369877
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>He certainly displayed the Jewish quality of being an Egoist.
Every leader has some form of egoism, from Caesar to Napoleon. Your attempt to misrepresent Hitler as some sort of textbook jew is as offensive as it is wrong.

>collectivists are always deluded into believing some "other" is more important than their own needs
That is false. Fascists want to place their needs above those of 'the other'. Which is reasonable and dare I say needed in this cutthroat age of ethnic tensions. That European people would unify and support each other like every other demographic is doing.

>> No.20370181

He might be overly dramatic or polemical, but anti-fascists are really the people who should grow up. They can go only so long denying reality.

>> No.20370217

>Fascists want to place their needs above those of 'the other'.
Not quite. A fascist society requires an ethic of self-sacrifice for the good of the country, which must be seen as a positive and honorable thing to do.

>> No.20370238

Were the Greeks fascists?

>> No.20370239
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>Not quite. A fascist society requires an ethic of self-sacrifice for the good of the country, which must be seen as a positive and honorable thing to do.

Yes, quite. Do not try and twist it in to some bizarre likeness of Communism wherein the utopia is just over the horizon. One of its most core tenants is the building up of a strong and healthy people and a broader valuation of eugenic practices. You do not obtain that by constant sacrifice of the very stock you're trying to uplift.

>> No.20370289

Think I remember reading somewhere that he taught at a community college or something, though I'm probably thinking of someone else who wrote an article about why liberals are intellectually incapable.

>> No.20370357
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>why liberals are intellectually incapable

Their world view requires careful denial of certain realities, facts and data. This precludes them from serious academic thought and reliant on presuppositions and butter-soft sciences where academic rigor is unwelcome.

>> No.20370492

About your pic, has anyone tried Civic National Socialism? That seems like something that could be memed to prominence. Only thing I can think of is those few black power rallies Rockwell went to or something. Chuds cholos thug niggas would be a funny political faction

>> No.20370514
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>has anyone tried Civic National Socialism? That seems like something that could be memed to prominence

Not at all, the US is build on a nation of ideas and values not blood and soil. Ideas change with the times, blood and soil are immutable and can not be changed. Despite how we try we can not unite disparate people under monolithic ideas, there needs to be a near-blood connection. We are social creatures and we all crave the bonds of people who look, sound and behave like us.

Rockwell attended black power rallies in order to encourage a separation between the peoples.

>> No.20370704

Various forms of fascism, national socialism, national syndicalism, integralism, etc., have come pretty close to being "civic" rather than "ethnic" (as current meme parlance goes). But the lines get blurry because most of them either had historical/volkisch situations that already involved a mixed people, or, they didn't have to think the problem through to some extreme absurd conclusion because they assumed that ethnic admixture was a fringe issue anyway. Mussolini could afford not to fetishize race when he assumed Italy was and would remain mostly "Italian." That doesn't mean he had no concept whatsoever of ethnicity or would have been indifferent to suddenly race-swapping half the country with pizza-eating Ethiopians.

Nazi racial fetishism was excessively vulgar and mostly a mass phenomenon. Nobody really wants that social darwinist scientistic bullshit, not even the best and brightest of the Nazis. For most people, ethnicity is important, but it isn't some central fetish totem either. It's sufficient for me to say that Swedes look like Swedes and I presume they would like to continue looking like Swedes and not Arabs. That doesn't mean I despise Arabs or I'm about to whip out my calipers and start measuring skulls. The "weight" of self-organization in societies is on the side of ethnic homogeneity, barring highly exceptional circumstances (and deliberate propaganda) trying to artificially dilute the "races."

I'm a black nationalist for the exact same reasons I'm a white nationalist.

>> No.20370846

Nations are an atheist construct in the first place.

>> No.20370997

He is the man mainly responsible for the state of Israel: he is Moshiach

>> No.20371227

Civnatsoc would only be comprehensible in you guessed it an American context. Not much of what you said applies here because Americans are indeed thrown into a historical situation wherein homogeneity and continuity cannot at all be taken for granted. That means a Volkisch movement here would indeed *have* to rigorously engage in the most aggressive and fanatical form of your race fetishism if it were to be a clasically Volkisch type deal at all. That’s why I think the Civic Natsoc meme could become something here. Not sure if there was some fascist balkanoid or transylvanian country that had a 56% situation to use as an antecedent for us Amerigolems

>> No.20371261

what book is this from?

>> No.20371272

newfags rarely come to /lit/ and even if they come they usually can't handle the schizophrenia and leave after a few weeks, /pol/ is politics so it is meant to attract people from the most vile sites possible
I hope the recent surge of retard these days on /lit/ ends soon

>> No.20371476

i've noticed a renewed effort lately from those who are heavily invested in this kind of thing. they are once again bombarding parts of the internet with 'the nazis were gay' and 'hitler was on coke' with tenuous evidence from biased sources. of course, amphetamines were used by every army and are in use in the military and every university today. my favourite part though is how they bring up how nice their uniforms were as evidence for homosexuality.

>> No.20371482
File: 256 KB, 1281x859, 125364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pre-2016 4chan was reddit as hell

>> No.20371724

Some Austrian.

>> No.20371961

A jew, Lavrov is right.

>> No.20372010

Hitler wasn't gay, its common knowledge he was fucking his niece Eva.

There's a small following in more radical Kabbalisitic sects that Hitler was the Jewish Messiah.

>Fulfilled the covenant of returning the Holy Land
>Fulfilled the prophecy of a Great Holocausts to restore faith in YHWY
>Plans resulted in the destruction and disarmament of virtually every non-communist authoritarian state.

In a way he was kind of a Super Jew: had the Jews launched a war with these goals in mind, and had had only six million causalities throughout, they would have called it a triumphant success.

>> No.20372020

How is that reddit?

>> No.20372112

How is it not? It is frivolous, neurodegenrative and just lame.

>> No.20372126

Also, it has that nauseating tinge of not occurring but someone causing and everyone playing along.
The neat mozart drawing is just the vomit on top of the shit cake.

>> No.20372143

touch grass

>> No.20372250
File: 1.91 MB, 1033x1033, enlightened_hyperchad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jewish psy-magic is real folks
Successfully casting spells on the whole world

>> No.20372262

Pretty much every society pre twentieth century could be described as fascist relative to modernity
It is essentially the default state of man

>> No.20372265

>has anyone tried Civic National Socialism?

>> No.20372321



>> No.20372355
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>no arguments
You sure showed him, sister!

>> No.20372398
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>>Fulfilled the covenant of returning the Holy Land
How so? The Haavara Agreement was a mostly unrealized project as it only managed to relocate 60,000 Jews to Palestine

>>Fulfilled the prophecy of a Great Holocausts to restore faith in YHWY
>he thinks the Holohoax happened

>>Plans resulted in the destruction and disarmament of virtually every non-communist authoritarian state.
The Axis lost the war so it's only natural that they'd be disarmed. As far as destruction goes, both sides suffered heavy damages so I'm not sure what you're trying to say here

>> No.20372412

thanks. the guy reposting the poggerest images from his wignat discord itt sounds like a huge loser though

>> No.20372413 [DELETED] 
File: 2.63 MB, 3210x2882, 1645733242894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, because Russia is totally not under Jewish control and they're the last remaining bastion against globohomo

>> No.20372660 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 976x549, _80081758_elliottspencerandstephenfryrexfeatures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saber rattling Russia threatens Europe
>Almost all Russian Oligarchs are Jews
>Entire nation Judaized
>Wait two years before invading
>The day before the invasion all Jews are evacuated somehow
>Mandatory fighting for European males
>Result is a lot of dead European males

Wild how this happens and nobody says anything.

picrel, a british jew

>> No.20372680

serious question: do any black people work for that guy's company? because diversity stats for i.t. say probably not.

>> No.20372693 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 634x566, eb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problems with a company, especially mid-sized one, can be pegged directly to the number of minorities and blacks in positions of authority.

>> No.20372699


>> No.20373106

The ends justify the means. However events could have played out absent Hitler we'll never know, but the modern formation of Israel and the Glowie-Globohomo new world order would not exist without him.
I'm only saying that, were I Hitler, I would see my actions as having led to the fulfillment of everything I feared. Imagine if Germany had remained fascistic and had merely bided its time, taking small territorial gains over many decades as opposed to radical short term action.
It's clear, from the perspective of history, that Hitler's decision to invade Poland set events in motion that would ensure that Fascism as a form of government administration would be completely annihilated.

In current year Fascist parties, if they exist, are fringe at best, and even then only in rural or underdeveloped regions.

The total result of Hitler's efforts was the establishment of the UN, Israel, global Judaic dominance, and the utter annihilation of any man of fighting age who happened to live in Italy, Japan, or Greece. Hardly a Caesar.

>> No.20373336
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Hitler was forced to undertake Operation Barbarossa as a preemptive attack due to USSR's (subsequently unsuccessful) invasion of Finland, he very well knew that the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact meant nothing to the commies so it was a matter of time before they began marching in towards Western Europe, after all the Comintern's main goal was one world communist state and the subjugation of all non-communist countries. Also, there was a not a small number of German population living on the territory of Poland at the time who were being terrorised and genocided en masse, which was another reason for Hitler to do what he did.

>> No.20373362

Hitlerism is passe, crude, vulgar, rudimentary in terms of theory and has been thoroughly discredited on the battlefield. The right should move past venerating this deranged megalomaniacal failure and read right leaning political theory/philosophy of more intellectual substance

>> No.20373397

Like a clock it moved, the only survivor of a falling line, the last product of a time-forsaken world order, or rather of that order’s downfall and liberation, whose very name recalls the epoch of capitulation. Yet this clock moved and rightly so, bearing before it all the old European unity of a national statehood, armed to the teeth in case of war, with for-the-state an apparatus of territorial planning, the army, police, and judiciary — all backed by the promise of the absolute leader as guarantor of order.

Before it the State disappeared into the endless, alien future which promised not less than total war and devastation to “come who may dare.” Hitler tapped into a Jungian undercurrent in the German collective consciousness that conjured up visions of ancient Germanic mythical symbolism. He sought revenge against their enemies and would guide his people towards redemption and salvation.

But it was like the clock of the old Utopia, promised by the other discredited ideologies, which still lived on as a working but empty model and a form of consciousness in some German brains. The clock now was ticking off, its hands hardly moving. Meanwhile the people in general had become keenly aware of all those things which had been relegated to the old faith or relegated to the future — the mythical great national past, the historical epoch defining future, enemies foreign and internal, the in-the-making national future — and they sensed that the glorious national past was within their reach to manifest yet again in their lifetimes. People in general grasped all this, and the people were feeling the urge to change, the urge to change the times themselves, not to just change politics and law, or even to change Germany or her state.

The people in Germany were angry, they were disgusted, they were in revolt, and their hatred of the former, discredited line was at its height. People looked in silence at the clock of the old, self-serving national past, which was stopped, and which it seemed to be toppling, breaking down, getting ready to fall in pieces before its eyes, and then suddenly the people’s anger was transformed into hatred for those few. The other old line of Utopian thought had thought it possible to conquer all prejudices and feelings, and that is why it had thought and acted accordingly. The opposition to this old way of thinking had been raised not at all by the man who wanted to conquer all prejudices. It was just the reaction of the people who had fought themselves out of old Utopian thought, the reaction of the people who in a stormy period, when everything was collapsing, had become aware of the untruth of this Utopian belief, and they had tasted at once what a Utopia really was, and what it really meant.

>> No.20373408
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>Hitlerism is passe, crude, vulgar, rudimentary in terms of theory and has been thoroughly discredited on the battlefield. The right should move past venerating this deranged megalomaniacal failure and read right leaning political theory/philosophy of more intellectual substance

>> No.20373438

The new leadership and the new order, of Hitler and the National Socialists, had by their speech and their actions made the people aware of the ancient myths, of their own inner past, of what was hidden in them and from them, of the past of the nation, of its future, of its inner life. Not they, the new leaders, but the people themselves — these were the carriers of this spirit.

For the state which had the people for its carriers no longer wanted to serve the selfishness of the individual; instead it stood for everything that the body politic wanted and expected. No longer was it a mere simple piece of machinery or formality, it became synonymous with the people's interests and defense, a state and government unified with the people and land, the blood and soil, which alone could protect the people’s interests, their families, goods and property from robbers and thieves. The moment this connection was established, the state became a place of truth. It became one with the people and served the people's will.

Not a matter of coercion or manipulation, but their rights to the truth and to the good. The content and meaning of the state changed, and in its turn the meaning of the people’s subjectivity changed. What had once been carried in the people’s hands — an arbitrary life, a purposeless life, an insincere, accidental life — became manifest in the form of a life lived in accordance with the truth, a life of true connection, of harmony with all existence, of the will to the good, a life without falsehood, a life led by the good, a life with direction, stability, and pride in the achievements of themselves and their ancestors.

>> No.20373464

Not an argument. Hitler's master race theory and arguments against Jewish Bolshevism were disproven by his army losing to the Bolsheviks and liberal democratic nations. Hitler was the perpetrator of barbarism and industrial grade genocide. He made right wing beliefs and nationalist ideas taboo in the west for generations to come. Hitler is one of the worst representatives for your ideology that you could possibly utilize and there are far more substantial and credible thinkers you should be citing.

>> No.20373471

Dumb. Hitler has many limitations and flaws and the worship of him is misguided but he proved that a nation properly girded for war can stand up to the entire Anglo-American financial and colonial world empire and the Bolshevik terror regime at the same time, fighting a two front war and almost winning.

The Nazis, Japanese, and Italians were the only countries that refused to develop chemical and biological weapons as they were dishonorable. Hitler and the Japanese both ordered experiments discontinued. The good guys lost WW2, for all their flaws.

>> No.20373479
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>Not an argument. Hitler's master race theory and arguments against Jewish Bolshevism were disproven by his army losing to the Bolsheviks and liberal democratic nations. Hitler was the perpetrator of barbarism and industrial grade genocide. He made right wing beliefs and nationalist ideas taboo in the west for generations to come. Hitler is one of the worst representatives for your ideology that you could possibly utilize and there are far more substantial and credible thinkers you should be citing.

>> No.20373527

looks like his arguments were proven by the fact that Judeo-liberal nations are currently collapsing into schizophrenic niggertranny worship while China dabs on them

>> No.20373543

1930s-40s America was probably closer to Hitler's ideology than it is to modern day Democrats, progressives, American leftists. BLM and Antifa would not be tolerated in that time period lets just put it that way.

>> No.20373836

Some furfag lolcow from deviantart obsessed with eagles and wolves

>> No.20373839

>Pretty much every society pre twentieth century could be described as fascist relative to modernity
Such as... native americans... whoa

>> No.20373846

based and jungpilled

>> No.20373849

Yeah we should all read Guenon and go jerk off over blue pajeet tiddies

>> No.20374153
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>Hitler's master race theory and arguments against Jewish Bolshevism were disproven by his army losing to the Bolsheviks and liberal democratic nations.

They beat them back to their very doorstep, not even Napoleon was able to achieve that. While also fighting a war on the Western Front, and ruthlessly pacifying huge swathes of territory they had conquered. It very nearly worked, had another Soviet Famine robbed them of vast swathes of men, the world would be a very different place.

>Hitler was the perpetrator of barbarism and industrial grade genocide
Violence in defense of that which you love is not immoral. When all around you see every last shred of national pride, traditional values and native beliefs being utterly ground down by materialistic parasites, it does motivate you to action.

>He made right wing beliefs and nationalist ideas taboo in the west for generations to come.
He did, but they are rapidly becoming interesting and discussed in factories and lunch rooms all over the West. The same circumstances that allowed the National Socialists to rise are repeating themselves now a thousandfold more intensely.

>> No.20374565

Here's an interview of Richard Tedor from 2014:

>> No.20374567

It was 200,000 and they died from malnourishment after supply lines were bombed by the allies

>> No.20375184

>who took advantage of a generation of young males that lost their fathers and country, asserting himself as a national stepfather

Leftist projection of the father-son relationship is my favorite meme!

>> No.20375214
File: 500 KB, 605x903, Roger_Scruton_by_Pete_Helme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who took advantage of a generation of young males

No, all the Alte Kämpfers were veterans and fathers themselves. Blood & Soil mentality has a powerful attraction to the men of Europe, even now every effort is made to prevent us from unifying behind such an ideology as people will die.

>> No.20376070

A failed painter.

>> No.20376079

>armchair general
cocoa brown amerimutt fingers typed this post

>> No.20376524
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Im from North-West Europe, sir. And correct.

>> No.20376605

>It's genuinely infuriating. We're witnessing how fake history gets established in real-time.
>Leuchter Report

you idiots do realize that denying the holocaust in its trademark form is punishable as a crime in places like Germany. How do you expect "false history" to get fixed if it is legally impossible to change to anything different.

>> No.20376783

David Irving and the Leuchter Report are far from any solid basis to sustain this discourse of yours. Irving was btfo in the court, he himself changed things from his Hitler’s War in the second edition, there are translation mistakes, crass ones, like misreading haben for juden, there are many incoherent conjectures, inversion of the order of the facts, malicious implications, etc. I do think there might be valuable material but the purpose the book serves, that the Holocaust didn’t happen, that Hitler didn’t know about killings, is simply preposterous and unfouded, having as rationale nothing but Irving’s own sentimental desires. As for the Leuchter Report, many scientists and researches contest it vehemently, for the analyses were not conducted properly. For example, weren’t the camps imploded? Didn’t the walls become open air, exposed to the weather and rain, wind, etc? I’m not a jew lover but I want things assessed with rigour. With this rhetoric based on weak, incompetent “proofs” you people give the standard narrative even more force.

>> No.20376813

>haben for juden
how can you misread a verb for a noun? not even a sentence fragment would make sense anymore.
>With this rhetoric based on weak, incompetent “proofs” you people give the standard narrative even more force.
kek thats what truther tier deniers say when trying to be friendly with holocaust promulgators. Dont turn all this shit on its head glowie

>> No.20376869
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>jewish gaslighting: the post

>> No.20376900

See? Not a single reasonable contestation of what I presented. Instead proceeded with the retarded view of le evil frankfurt schule that only normaloids, who obviously don’t read, hold.

>> No.20376929 [DELETED] 
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Neck yourself inbred kike

>> No.20376932
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>> No.20376937
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>> No.20376942
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>> No.20376946
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>> No.20376948
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>> No.20376953
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>> No.20376974
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>> No.20376980
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>> No.20377018

>The teaching of homosexuality to children
Adorno and Horkheimer didn't like homos

>> No.20377081

Holy fucking shit. Get a load of this wigtard. I won’t waste my time with this 4chan shitpost tier compilation, that goes with great arguments such as “uh no written orders by hitler see even historians say this! Therefore no genocide of jews!!”. This is the level of retardation you people believe. You base yourself on memes and internet posts, just another Buffaloo shooter imbecile who lives a miserable life, not even dedicating it to real inquiries. Not a single robust, scientific, precise, factual material to support your fantasies. This is sad.

>> No.20377085

Why does this not mention ESG scores and Blackrock?

>> No.20377112


>> No.20377398

Why are you being antisemitic?

>Born into a Jewish family, Kapito earned an MBA from Harvard Business School in Boston, Massachusetts (HBS) in 1983 after completing a BS degree in Economics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Kapito met his wife Ellen when she was a student at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing.

>Fink was born on November 2, 1952.[9][10] He grew up in a Jewish family[11] in Van Nuys, California, where his mother was an English professor and his father owned a shoe store.[4] He earned a BA in Political Science from UCLA in 1974.[10] Fink is also a member of Kappa Beta Phi.[12] He then received an MBA in Real Estate at the UCLA Anderson Graduate School of Management in 1976.[10][13]

>Wagner was born in 1961 in Chicago to a Jewish family.[6] She graduated in 1982 with honors from Wellesley College with a BA in English and economics, and then earned an MBA in finance from the University of Chicago in 1984.[7]

>> No.20377987
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> You know, with Hitler, the more I learn about that guy, the more I don't care for him.

> This guy sounds like a real jerk!

>> No.20378153
File: 31 KB, 750x214, FS4Gv0BXEAEUrK_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From "Molotov Remembers"

>> No.20378156
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Also... laffo

>> No.20378168
File: 129 KB, 499x349, Kissinger_Mao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kissinger: “Paper tiger.” Yes, that was all about us. (Laughter)

Mao: But you are a German from Germany. But your Germany now has met with an ill fate, because in two wars it has been defeated.

Kissinger: It attempted too much, beyond its abilities and resources.

Mao: Yes, and it also scattered its forces in war. For example, in its attack against the Soviet Union. If it is going to attack, it should attack in one place, but they separated their troops into three routes. It began in June but then by the winter they couldn’t stand it because it was too cold. What is the reason for the Europeans fear of the cold?

Kissinger: The Germans were not prepared for a long war. Actually they did not mobilize their whole forces until 1943. I agree with the Chairman that if they had concentrated on one front they would almost certainly have won. They were only ten kilometers from Moscow even by dispersing their forces. (Chairman Mao relights his cigar.)

They shouldn’t have attacked Moscow or Kiev. They should have taken Leningrad as a first step. Another error in policy was they didn’t cross the sea after Dunkirk.

Kissinger: After Dunkirk.

Mao: They were entirely unprepared.

Kissinger: And Hitler was a romantic. He had a strange liking for England.

Mao: Oh? Then why didn’t they go there? Because the British at that time were completely without troops.

Kissinger: If they were able to cross the channel into Britain … I think they had only one division in all of England.

Zhou: Is that so?

Kissinger: Yes.

Zhou: Also Sir Anthony Eden told us in Germany at that time that a Minister in the Army of Churchill’s Government said at that time if Hitler had crossed the channel they would have had no forces. They had withdrawn all their forces back. When they were preparing for the German crossing, Churchill had no arms. He could only organize police to defend the coast. If they crossed they would not be able to defend.

Kissinger: It also shows what a courageous man can do because Churchill created by his personality much more strength than they possessed.

Mao: Actually by that time they couldn’t hold.

Zhou: So Hitler carried some romantic feelings about Britain?

Kissinger: I think he was a maniac, but he did have some feelings about Britain.

Mao: I believe Hitler was from the Rhine area?

Kissinger: Austria.

Zhou: He was a soldier in the First World War.

Kissinger: He was in the German Army, but he was a native of Austria.

Zhou: From the Danube.

Kissinger: He conducted strategy artistically rather than strategically. He did it by intuition. He had no overall plan.

Mao: Then why did the German troops heed him so much?

Kissinger: Probably because the Germans are somewhat romantic people and because he must have had a very strong personality.

Mao: Mainly because during the First World War the German nation was humiliated.

Kissinger: Yes, that was a very important factor.

>> No.20378171

This man was barely funny and your imitation of him even less so

>> No.20378207

You're wrong, but I'm curious:
Name a good comedian, in your opinion.

>> No.20378248

Sarah Silverman

>> No.20378266


>> No.20378423

Did you try to read it autobiography ffs?>

>> No.20378532

t. Russian diplomat

>> No.20378546
File: 670 KB, 806x4054, 1568601517441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies deleted the first and most important pic, fuck you jannies

>> No.20379800
