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20368040 No.20368040 [Reply] [Original]

I cant think of a more redpilled book written by a jew than this one.
Theres subtles redpills all over this book. About sexual relations, rape, hierarchy of males, tribalism, nationalism. All is intrinsic human.

>> No.20368233

evolution is not true and hellenic civilization is millions of years old

please stop lying or god will strike you dead


t. the management

>> No.20368238

Yuval Harari is an agent of the counter initiation

>> No.20368346

Redpills aren't basic anthropological truths anon.

>> No.20368364

They are when the narrative is claiming the opposite.

>> No.20368430

I always figured this was just more kosher propaganda like Guns Germs and Steel
Redpill me on this book

>> No.20368467

They literally are
Its a book written by a jew but a GAY jew, gays have no honor so Yuval is spilling (((their))) secrets without even realizing.

>> No.20368470
File: 107 KB, 611x674, literally my copy of the talmud - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"gay jew"

Yeah that's not a thing

>> No.20369280
File: 1.03 MB, 685x1024, 1582662918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He really is. WEF, transhumanist, and so on.

>> No.20369296

>While at Oxford, Harari first encountered the writings of Jared Diamond, whom he has acknowledged as an influence on his own writing. At a Berggruen Institute salon, Harari said that Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel “was kind of an epiphany in my academic career. I realized that I could actually write such books.”[7][8]
Here's your Davos Man, bro.

>> No.20369297
File: 19 KB, 443x488, 1617679325443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scholars with relevant subject matter expertise have been very critical of its scientific and historical claims

>> No.20369378

Idealistic liberal trash.

>> No.20370050

Yes, he is idealistic, however, the information in the book is very valuable and realist.

>> No.20371758

Go back to /pol/.

>> No.20372689

>scholars with relevant subject matter expertise have been very critical of its scientific and historical claims

>> No.20372703

and not a single word of it is verifiably true or agreed upon by experts

>> No.20372747

That's acadmia in general. Just chat a bunch of shit, suck the right dicks for a book deal, and have other jealous academics go "AKSUALLY."

>> No.20372764

>Harari cites Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel (1997) as one of the greatest inspirations for the book by showing that it was possible to "ask very big questions and answer them scientifically"

>> No.20372809

Only a bunch of retarded oversocialized leftists are denying these basic evolutionary facts. Even Jane Goodall's studies on chimpanzees and her observations of human similarities pointed to everything OP is talking about.
The thing about the "more" educated leftists is they try to argue we should suppress such violent tendencies and channel them into more "civilized" endeavors.
I have my own unique take about all of this. I don't think human beings were meant for civilization. We're merely the stepping stones for future avian species like Garudas. If you study a lot of ornithology, especially corvids, you'd see that they're more evolutionary equipped for civilization and high culture than human beings.
The end goal of humanity is omnicide as Ulrich Horstmann beautifully makes clear. At the very least, we should unleash all of our violent impulses onto the Jews, have a bit of fun with them, if you catch my drift.

>> No.20372915

Lurk more fucking hell

>> No.20372918

macroevolution is blatantly false. genes are very important but obviously clownfish didn't grow legs and become Socrates or whatever asinine bullshit they teach in college

>> No.20372926

>pol is a guenonian board
Top kek. Back to your redd1t safespace

>> No.20373019

Crows are already smarter than chimpanzees.

>> No.20373094

The lesson here is that as long as it comes from a renowned academic, is peer-reviewed (by people with important positions at valid institutions, of course) gives proper credit and contributes to solidify their nepotistic community and gets published exclusively through valid editorial channels, it can be either raw racism or the LGBTQ manifesto and it'll be as good as anything else.
>Tl;dr: if it's kosher it's good