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/lit/ - Literature

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20367107 No.20367107 [Reply] [Original]

Why are modern east asians (mainly the japanese) so much better at writing impactful literature than the west?

Most of what people talk about nowadays are east asian stories. Squid games, berserk, etc. And the Japanese are even better at prose storytelling (pic related).

>> No.20367119

OP is an idiot. So this thread is now about our favourite works of East Asian Lit.

>> No.20367132

i'll ignore your shitty half assed bait and just say my piece about battle royale
i've never read the book but i watched the movie in high school with a close friend while we were absolutely off our asses on dxm
and to this day, a decade later, i contend that it's the perfect dxm movie
the extreme time dilation really makes you feel it, i mean it's a survival setting over the course of 72 hours if i remember right, and dxm really makes it feel damn near 72 hours
between that and the somewhat bizarre, idiosyncratic direction, it's a wonderful movie for dissos
and i'm a huge fan of takeshi, and he really did his thing here. even though he only played a minor role he still feels like the star

>> No.20367374

>what people talk about
Who cares what people talk about? Do you not have a brain of your own?

>> No.20367975


Their culture isn't as dehumanised as the west is. They have still retained core ideas about what is fundamental to humanity - the soul, the heart, instead of reducing your identity to matter, and where you want to stick your peepee.

The west is a positivist wasteland of degeneracy where there is no internal depth because everything has been externalised, and all focus in the west is on the externals. The west has even forgotten that true knowledge and thinking comes from the heart - which is because the west has apostatised from biblical tradition. Biblical tradition clearly states in it that thought and knowledge comes from the heart, and the Japanese word for knowing uses the heart in it.

>> No.20367982

Is that novel actually good?

>> No.20367992

It's a written anime.

It goes into more details than the movie, lots of fun to read, but don't expect miracles

>> No.20368022
File: 207 KB, 600x635, bait darkest dungeon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Squid Game

>> No.20368031

Retarded beyond comprehension. Japan is the most hypercapitalist country on the planet. Reproduction is coming to a standstill there because most millennials and younger are either completely alienated incels or wageslaves with 80+ hour working weeks who can’t say no when their boss demands they spent the little free time they have drinking with him. Japanese respect for tradition is an orientalist western meme and only applicable to some oldfags that live in rural areas.

>> No.20368051 [DELETED] 

It’s because their publishing and film companies aren’t run by Jews. In the US and Canada white male authors struggle to get published. The Oscars and other award committees have diversity quotas where you need a certain amount of minorities. They won’t publish anything with any good messages about masculinity, family values, etc... In Mein Kampf Hitler predicted that Japan would be better of culturally than Europe because Jews can’t blend in with Asians. If the industry in the west wasn’t so anti-male and anti-white it would be a different story for sure. Also, the difference in the quality of education systems is also relevant.

>> No.20368064


The reason they've degenerated into the most hypercapitalist country is precisely because of their retention of an element of their traditional outlook - that in your life you are supposed to dedicate your entire life to something, completely and utterly. This type of dedication mentality is not modern - and when this pre-modern virtue is applied to capitalism, it completely destroys the people in the country, because capitalism is inherently destructive (I'm not a commie - communism is identically destructive to capitalism but it has more power in itself to take over someone's soul).

They're also not materialists. They don't trust organize religion, but that doesn't mean they're majority atheist or materialist.

>> No.20368148

>the Japanese word for knowing uses the heart in it
What word are you talking about? 知る? 分かる? Neither of these uses 心.