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20366614 No.20366614[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When he was a child, Chris Langan’s intellectual feats were astonishing. Among other talents, he could speak at six months, read at age three, and question the existence of God by age five. He got a perfect score on the SAT, even though he fell asleep during the test. He could ace foreign language exams by simply skimming a textbook minutes before class. He loved to learn, studying math, languages, and philosophy for hours on his own each day.

>> No.20366621

I could also read by 3, but my IQ is merely 133

>> No.20366624

>read at age three, and question the existence of God by age five.
These aren't all that astonishing.

>> No.20366630

What are some le kino for this le feel

>> No.20366670


>> No.20366679

smart guy, hope to see him go places

>> No.20366686

And I’m supposed to give a shit because…?

>> No.20366687

He already came up with the cognitive-theoretic model of the universe not much you can do after that. The CTMU solves all possible scientific and philosophical questions. To deny that is to speak nonsense.

>> No.20366694

Too bad he never actually studied philosophy beyond a superficial level. Instead we just have infinite autist dialectics creating his own system disconnected from any tradition of thought

>> No.20366696
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I'm thinking based

>> No.20366700
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I can guess whether you're circumcised.

>> No.20366734

His videos.
He said Leibniz is his husbando.

>> No.20366742

Keith, do you have to bring twitter parasocial shit here? Can't you just post like a normal person when you're on 4chan?

>> No.20366751

Yes, he's based. But his lack of engagement with philosophy is tragic.

I know he likes to talk about philosophy, but it's always from the perspective of something he's already created outside of philosophy.

>> No.20366764
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what does any of that shit even mean

>> No.20366778

These are the best two interviews of him I've heard but he's also done some TV interviews.
The CTMU is a metaphysical theory and he's hardly disconnected from traditional thought as he affirms the religious traditions of the world and is a Christian.

>> No.20366781
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Why does Langan find it necessary to not adhere to any one religion? Universalism seems directionless to me.

>> No.20366790

>a=a 8ecause... just cause okay! who cares if its as valid as a=/=a in the munchausen trillema and that "nonesense" could easily 8e through "nonesensical" ways

>> No.20366797
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Literally irrefutable but you have to have at least IQ > 140 to even begin to understand it.

>> No.20366806

He's a Christian, but the CTMU is "metareligious" meaning that it is a framework through which all religions can be interpreted. As far as what that actually means on a more detailed level, I'm not there yet. He calls CTMU the church of teleology and multiplex unity (he really likes reusing the acronym - I have no idea what multiplex unity is). He talks about Jesus here.

>> No.20366807

>he affirms the religious traditions of the world and is a Christian.
I don't think you understand what a tradition of thought is anon.

>> No.20366810
File: 7 KB, 224x224, Heidegger wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice view from nowhere, bucko.

>> No.20366838

>he really likes reusing the acronym
Joyce did this constantly with H.C.E.

>> No.20366843

Wolfgang Pauli had something to say about such theses.

>> No.20366850

Religious people been thinkin' bout stuff.

>> No.20366852

These two were confirmed to be trannies and the guy got pissed because trannies are a big no no in Russia.

>> No.20366854

If you cannot explain something simply, either it's not true or you don't understand it well enough to talk about it.

>> No.20366867

Langan said that George Bush staged 9/11 to distract from the CTMU

>> No.20366873

He's literally one of the most simple writers/thinkers in the world, the drawback from that is that he's not all that profound.

The only difficulty in reading him is in the memory processor, so to speak.

>> No.20366880

He constantly makes up gibberish words and uses them without explanation just look at this crap >>20366797

>> No.20366894

He literally explains it all to the smallest unit. Once you get used to his unique style it's not all that hard.

>> No.20366909

I mean you're correct it's not hard to understand since I just gave an explanation. He constantly makes up gibberish words and uses them without explanation. He's a stereotypical crank even down to imaging the punishments his detractors will receive.

>> No.20366911

He ended up wasting his genius away only working labor intensive jobs, of course this is still respectable but again a clear waste of his intellect. What’s with all these natural geniuses becoming losers or just not using their genius to actually do something?

>> No.20366915

Malcolm Gladwell talks about Langan and this in Outliers. He compares him to Oppenheimer and points to a shitty childhood.

>> No.20366934
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>is a Christian.
He's just a narcissist, not a Christian.

>> No.20366961

No I mean if you bother to read further about him he has exact meanings for all his words. Whether you think he's a hack or not, you can't deny he's autistic in the level of detail he put into his system.

>> No.20366967

Nothing he said there is wrong.

>> No.20366970

>when it comes to Logos, the message and the messenger are inseparable
He's really pulling a Hegel.

>> No.20366979
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Absolute truth is universal and self-substantial (tautological) by its very nature; any attempt to reduce it to anything other than what it is will result in a contradiction. We may not say reality is 'this' or 'that'; it is reality... unless the predicates in question are sufficiently general enough to be identical with it, in which case you may as well not even make the distinction (except for elucidative purposes), because there is none. As for Langan's preferential treatment of Christianity which would seem to be self-contradictory considering his past behavior, I have it on good authority that he is a utilitarian, and will therefore say what he believes will result in the greatest possible good. Luckily, the enlightened already know this.

>> No.20366984

I'm pulling my Hegel right now, if you get my drift.

>> No.20367005
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N- no.

>> No.20367007


Bell curve meme.

Low IQ: Farm work.
Midwit: Intellectual work.
High IQ: Farm work.

>> No.20367011


So he's a liar that says "I'm a Christian" so that people who are dazzled by him, but don't want to be anti-Christian, will support him.

>> No.20367022

It's meaningless being a 'genius' if all that smarts never contributes anything to the world. Where is Langan's great work of art or important research? Why is he now nothing more than a curiousity, a bit of trivia, the intellectual equivalent of a circus act?

>> No.20367026

CTMU solves all possible scientific and philosophical problems. George Bush faked 9/11 to distract people from it according to Langan

>> No.20367029

Theory of everything cranks are the most banal and stereotypical cranks. Give me more Henry Darger types.

>> No.20367083

He is not unlike Leibniz in this respect. Read the introduction to Leibniz on God and Religion.