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20366470 No.20366470 [Reply] [Original]

How did she filter this board so hard?

>> No.20366475 [SPOILER] 
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lol idiot

>> No.20366480
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this board has never been filtered as this board has never read a book.

>> No.20366481

I'm like 200 pgs into The Secret Doctrine. Its quite astonishing that she was able to write all of that in the 1800's.

Any QRD on Isis Unveiled?

>> No.20366489

How is Secret Doctrine? I've always wanted to read hpb just to see what captivated people at the time

Do you know if any other TS writers are good? Is Leadbeater worth reading?

>> No.20366495

Yah amazing book. I read it twice but never read ISIS unveiled though I have been meaning too for some time now. ISIS unveiled was supposed one of Einstein's favorite books.

She is in the top echelon and probably filters 95% or more of her readers. The amount of knowledge you have to already possess when you come her to work take most people a decade or more to acquire (if they ever do)

>> No.20366497

I have never read any ts stuff outside of BV

>> No.20366524

I unironically believe in the idea of the Hyperborea, Lemuria, Atlantis, and Aryan eras

>> No.20366527
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I don't believe you actually do. I suspect you're larping to fit in with your social media "friends."
I might be wrong but you sound like an inauthentic person.

>> No.20366540

doesnt require belief when you have the proof

>> No.20366588
File: 48 KB, 333x500, 51nHao-0UUL._AC_SY780_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blavatsky was right about shamans being mediums and having no spiritual power of their own. In this book a legitimate shaman admits as much.

>> No.20366598

Blavatsky is so lame. She had a chance to create a genuinely great religion founded in Neoplatonism and flubbed it by introducing retarded new age Buddhism into the mix.

>> No.20366599

I don't even use social media. I just like the idea of forgotten ancient civilizations

>> No.20366787

Guenon and Evola are better, but she is still interesting.

>> No.20366813

she was merely a programmed multiple herself

>> No.20366831

I recently read the first chapter of Eliade's history of religions volume 1, where he talks about paleohumans and their religion. It's way more speculative than anything you'd find outside Graham Hancock. I'm not sure if this still holds up, but I didn't know that the Lascaux culture was consistent from Spain to Russia, and lasted tens of thousands of years. How can you explain that while just assuming they were cavemen? Just because we don't have any of their ruins doesn't mean anything, we don't have any ruins of Celtic civilization either and yet we know it was a fully urban, complex society (as Guenon notes somewhere). We don't have many ruins of Wendish society either prior to the German Northern Crusades, and yet we know it was incredibly complex and spanned from Denmark to Poland.

You ever watch the Graham Hancock episodes of Rogan? Laugh if you want, but some of the stuff about settlements that are now underwater because the whole coastal shelf used to be above water tens of thousands of years ago is intriguing.

There is also more and more information coming out about Neolithic and pre-Neolithic trade networks and civilizations, like the BMAC and Andronovo cultures. Also any time new finds are made it is clear that there was advanced trade between different civilizations or "proto" civilizations even early on. They must have had mutual knowledge. Again just because there is no record of stone buildings of the civilizations of tin and amber traders in Europe doesn't mean nothing existed.

Extend this "networking" back to the people of the Lascaux caves, factor in things like Gobekli Tepe, and incorporate what can be verified of Hancock's underwater ruins, and you have the very real possibility that some of what occultists say about lost civilizations is true. Add in the occult factors, like the possibility that their consciousness didn't permit the subject-object split (they may have lived in a mythic "dream-time" or something close to it), and that they were more in tune with myths and rituals like the ones Eliade describes, and it's possible that entirely different forms of civilization would have existed. Maybe a shamanic or druidic civilization of surprisingly high intellectual and philosophical complexity, but based on hunting and gathering.

>> No.20366877

Yeah bro, Evola writes about this too.

>> No.20366927

it's all here. I spent 20 years collecting it >>20366540

>> No.20367922

How old are you?

>> No.20368225

74 u?

>> No.20368250

post wrinkled hand, now

>> No.20368368

I lost my hands in Vietnam

>> No.20368389

Watching some lecture videos of her contemporary followers totally disillusioned me about her, they appear as literal retards that sniff their own farts and beg for money

>> No.20368400
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then how did you do the captcha

>> No.20368404

I’ve been a 4chan pass owner since ‘94

>> No.20368412
File: 105 KB, 1242x1208, pepe pets kot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did you type what you just said to me :O

>> No.20368413


>> No.20369684

Because people here don’t read.

>> No.20369711

Leadbeater comes across as generally dated. Annie Besant however had excellent prose and her ideas are still more interesting and novel than most new age drivel. Grs Mead is also excellent

>> No.20369713 [DELETED] 

You're all idiots.

>> No.20369718 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20369752

Yes, that's what most occultists look like.

>> No.20370137 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20370163
File: 164 KB, 1000x750, gnosticism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gnosticism is for degenerate numbskulls who are too stupid for regular science, too morally confused for conventional ethics, too shifty and paranoid for regular and non-secretive religion and too scatterbrained for actual philosophy.

>> No.20370179

i dictate my posts to a young hindu boy so he may type them for me

>> No.20370257

damn I want to fuck that argentinian bussy so hard hngggg

>> No.20370260

Holy based