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/lit/ - Literature

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20366182 No.20366182[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys like to read with your GF

>> No.20366187

I have dated three art hoes and tried to get all of them to read books with me, and they always find some way to weasel out of it and scroll on their phone in bed the whole night instead

>> No.20366207

Yeah, but it's like it flows from one ear and out the other. She'll reference a book every once in a while and that always makes me smile. She tolerates it because she likes knowing about all these people and hearing these funny stories and because she says she likes to hear the sound of my voice. Honestly one of the best things about our relationship.

>> No.20366247

In college I had a Harry Potter obsessed gf, so we read that shit out loud and then she would correct me if I didn't give the appropriate pause on commas or periods. It wasn't fun and we only had sex a few times, so I should have moved on quicker. Here's a life lesson to you college age dudes. If your sex life sucks, dump your gf and move on quickly, rinse, and repeat. You don't owe her anything. Never ever let them move in with you either.

>> No.20366269

My ex gf would just read the wikipedia and then claim she read the books.
She even did this with movies. Her lecturer at university of art would print out wiki entries for stuff like Baudrillard and hand them out in class.

>> No.20366279

>tfw girl im talking to unironically likes actual good /lit/ stuff
feels amazing bros, i hope i dont mess this one up

>> No.20366296

based. my gf only reads gk chesterton and manga.

>> No.20366308

yeah if a girl isn't begging for your cum every day, she isn't even attracted to you desu

>> No.20366318

I recommended mine read As I lay Dying by Faulkner, she loved it. Now she's reading Farewell to Arms by Hemingway

>> No.20366715

> off-white mutt with le quirky 'tude
> proud of her mass-market pop fiction the world will forget in three weeks

Every day, Hitler is a little more right than the day before.

>> No.20366733

Go back

>> No.20366746
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Come back

>> No.20366767
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Just finished this. I think you guys would really enjoy it.

>> No.20366768

No but she likes telling me about stuff she read and listening to me talk about stuff I read

>> No.20366786

The Bible

>> No.20366805

>Her lecturer at university of art would print out wiki entries for stuff like Baudrillard and hand them out in class.
Yeah, humanities educations are largely just a weird form of cultural capital.

>> No.20366816

Yes I read the Bible (not kidding) to my wife and my daughter every night. It has made me a more full person reading it again from a non-religious standpoint. It’s made me consider going back to church

>> No.20366883

Wholesome and based

>> No.20367589

my gf is functionally illiterate but she likse listening to me read

>> No.20367717
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I NEED a /lit/ gf who will tolerate my anti-Semitism and racism.

>> No.20367726

I read about history and my wife does not enjoy it much, until it comes on the news somehow relating to today. Then she's like "oo Tell me what you know"

>> No.20367743

Had gfs and pussies as a teenager, you couldn’t pay me enough to waste time on women now. They’re fun especially if you’re drunk and high on sex hormones but it’s a complete timesink, potentially a lifetrap - they just manipulate you into NPC mediocrity to satisfy their midwit desires. Unless your idea of self-actualization is thorough dedication to family life and material providing, I advise to enjoy fresh pussy in your youth and enlightened volcel route afterwards.

>> No.20368038
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I married a really really high IQ one and this was still true. If they aren't masscult drones they become one soon enough.

Woman, thy name is NPC.

>> No.20368041
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No. I like to read with my bf, though.

>> No.20368045

>Her lecturer at university of art would print out wiki entries for stuff like Baudrillard and hand them out in class.
Jesus Christ, how horrifying.

>> No.20368119
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>girl unironically liking good /lit/ stuff
Has any anon here successfully managed to mold their girlfriend into a certified /lit/ girl? My 18 y/o girlfriend ticks all the boxes for your basic social media damaged performative art hoe reader at the moment. She buys new books multiple times a month based on tiktok recommendations and her erotica obsessed girlfriends. Her bookshelf looks like an LGBTQ flag and her goodreads is filled with books she hasn't read yet.

However, she is young and she does in fact read quite a lot (even if it unfortunately is trash). When I was 18 I barely read at all so I know that a change is possible (didn't start reading /lit/ stuff until I turned 20, I'm 22 now). I was thinking of introducing her to the /lit/ world by getting her to read The Bell Jar, Lolita, Picture of Dorian Gray and The Secret History. After that, I might throw in a The Sun Also Rises, American Psycho, The Collector etc. What do you guys think about this plan, could it work? Any books in particular that I should get her to read? How can I best cultivate internal motivation within her to make sure that she actually wants to read the stuff?