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20365472 No.20365472 [Reply] [Original]

Im drunk and I'm extremely lonely. How do you anons cope with loneliness?
Anyways, have a good weekend

>> No.20365507

You don't "cope" with painful emotions, you listen to them and process them. Loneliness for example means you need connection, authentic genuine meaningful connection with other people. Not here, but in person. I dealt with it by reconnecting with old friends, being more social overall, and moving from my lonely hometown to a city. I'm currently reading Stoner.

>> No.20365520

Also, I'm reading Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition by Frances Yates

>> No.20365528
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My 8th grade teacher gave it to me. He told me i was a fast and excellent reader. Before this tho he gave me Silas Marner and Les Miserables

>> No.20365532

I cope by planning to move across the country as soon as I finish college and telling myself that the experience of being an loser incel with no friends will have given me more insight than normies and make me more appreciative of any future happiness.

>> No.20365538

i cultivate parasocial followers by streaming on youtube

>> No.20365540
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This is actually good advice, thank you. That being said, I have tried connecting with old friends and making new friends as well but its not that easy, people are very materialistic and fake so in my experience it usually feels like a waste of energy.

>> No.20365556
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Revenge of the Sith. I'm 25% through and loving it

>> No.20365578

>el iniciado hermético
Then you should know that solitude is precious.

>> No.20365600

>I have tried connecting with old friends and making new friends as well but its not that easy
Yeah you wouldn't be lonely if you didn't have some self-defeating behaviors or beliefs that have led you to this situation. Antisocial behavior like being on your phone, not really listening, being desperate or judgemental of others can fall into that category.
>people are very materialistic and fake so in my experience it usually feels like a waste of energy.
Consider that you might be wrong about this belief, or if you really feel strongly that this is true then you have to seek out those who don't fit this definition for you.

>> No.20365607

>How do you anons cope with loneliness
Detachment. If you are practicing Hermeticism you shouldn't be drunk, but you already know this I think. Detachment is the key, observe these emotions but remain superior to them.

>> No.20365621

>he knows

>> No.20365637

It doesn't bother me.
Why would I seek the company of most of these creatures?
>unironic sportsball fans
>dude alcohol
>dude weed
I have no interest in most people. And people like OP are the worst. They want to use you. Not because you're their friend but because they "need" someone to occupy their self dug void pf existence. Idle talk and time wasting and excessive texting and neediness are traits of weakness.

>> No.20365641

The Sound and The Fury.
>How do you anons cope with loneliness?
My situation is probably unique to myself but perhaps applicable to many anons here. I most likely have an undiagnosed mild social deficiency or what people would call autism. I couldn't relate to 99% of people around me and couldn't converse if my life depended on it. I do better with special needs people with mild intellectual disabilities but even with them I feel isolated. I guess I cope with a rich inner fantasy life. I literally have movies that play in my head, been doing it for as long as I remember. I realized that I shouldn't care what other people think of me because they might as well be a different species. I learned to be happy with myself with the few things I enjoy doing.

>> No.20365651

C'mon Anon, he's only an iniciado. He hasn't learned that yet.

>> No.20365658

groundwork of the metaphysics of ethics by kant

>> No.20365660

>How do you anons cope with loneliness?
Drugs and alcohol. I get zonked as fuck for days at a time and mope around listening to music.

>> No.20365665

>how do you deal with loneliness?
well anon normally I get piss drunk, watch porn and then feel worse, thinking about how jerking off puts me on the same level as a dog humping its stuffed animal. Eventually I'll throw on some sad music and stumble to the closet and take down my pistol. I'll set it on the table and open the case but won't take it out. I'll look at it for a while and try not to think as I listen to the music. I'll load and reload one of the magazines absentmindedly like how a kid flicks those fidget spinners. I'll grab the unloaded gun and charge it and pull the trigger a few times. The next step is holding the gun, still unloaded, against my head and practicing pulling the trigger to get myself used to the feeling. I realize that I'm too drunk to write a "good" suicide note and if I'm going to kill myself my mom deserves to know. Maybe it'll make it easier for her not to blame herself. Lastly I decide not to kill myself and shakily put my gun away and lie down on my bed. In the morning I pretend like nothing happened and wait another 3 months before the process starts again.

>> No.20365701

You cant disregard the true divine nature and magic of human social connection/interaction. Not saying to become dependent of other people but at least try to form better human relationships

>> No.20365852

The Lord of the Rings. I will also instantly leave this thread to avoid spoilers, so don't even bother replying to me.

I finished Hobbit and it was better than expected, but overall it wasn't really a lot of fantasy. On the other hand TLotR really starts to dick into the fantasy genre and I can finally understand why pretty much all people say "start with Tolkien".

I also never watched any movie about Tolkien stuff, so I'm literally reading it blindly and I enjoy every page.

>> No.20365870

Reading Stoner. First booke I've read in ages desu. I've loved it - especially the second half, I've just been highlighting passages constantly and having a great time. No idea what to read next tho, I only read this bc a mate said it's good and not too difficult

>> No.20365883

Also to answer your question I have a loving family who I spend time with regularly. That and keeping busy staves off loneliness

>> No.20365960

The Thursday Murder Club

I picked the book up last week from a charity shop after proposing to my girlfriend on our anniversary. I'm kind of nursing the book since it reminds me of our getaway, some of the literary friends I've had along the way, and my fiancé.

Hopefully the book doesn't suck, because I've only read the cover lol.

>> No.20365984

That's amazing dude, to have a pure read through of LOTR without having seen the movies is actually a blessing these days. Enjoy your reading

>> No.20365993
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I hope to find and read this jew/goy erotic novel.

>> No.20366016

You sound so much like me that i now fear for my own life

>> No.20366326

The worst part about it is that this scene actually transpired about 6 months ago. I got sober and ended up getting a therapist and I'm doing way better now.

>> No.20366351
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>How do you deal with loneliness?
I come here :)
>what are you reading this Friday night?
I'm currently reading The Black Book of Communism :) Thank you for asking, I am feeling quite comfy rn

>> No.20366354

Friday is for drunkposting lyrics across several boards

>> No.20366360
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I miss my wife like you wouldn't believe. I'm reading pic related.

>> No.20366365

I just finished the school semester so I will be trying to finish War & Peace over the summer. Starting tonight. Feels gud to be able to read for pleasure again instead of textbooks I don't really want to read.

>> No.20366377

Oh yeah about the loneliness
I'm a loner type who needs isolation or else I get depressed. So sitting here alone on a Friday doesn't bother me at all, it's quite comfy and I am content.

>> No.20366397

>want to connect with others, be valued by another, and share intimacy with someone else
>but also hate letting people get close to me
>wish to find someone who would accept me for who I am and who I could let down my guard around without putting on a persona
>but also hate my personality and thought patterns and want to change
>wish to form a relationship with someone in which I can give myself to them and work hard for their sake
>but also see myself as a burden and a source of problems and distress for almost everyone who has known me
What's the matter with me? Is connecting with other people this hard for everybody or am I just a legitimate retard?

>> No.20366435

People take loneliness for granted, what a perfect thing it is to be alone. Last night I had some stupid whore in my bed last night. She browsed tiktok until three AM, the fragmented nonsensical audio raping my ears while I was trying to read. Every moment I felt my rage building, her stupid head resting on my chest her fingers scrolling flicking right then left it was too much I lost my head I stood up towering over her I couldn’t control my breath I screamed at her to get out you stupid bitch get out now she began to cry and I threw her clothes at her and she scurried off into the night. As soon as she left I was overcome with an immense sense of serenity, alone again with my thoughts free to wander without the oppressive presence of her dank burning cunt. It’s good to be alone I think

>> No.20366472

can't decide. i haven't been consistently reading for a month or so. nothing's really jumping out at me and getting my attention like it used to. i've gone here and asked what to read and i get answers but then i either don't read them or lose interest.
i think i really just need more nabokov. nothings like him but i've consistently felt an excitement for reading more of his stuff. i have ada but im stupid and trying to do a book a month and im afraid i wont finish

>> No.20366485
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I’m reading this. Halfway through.

>> No.20366494

How do you feel about it

>> No.20366861

I can relate, reminds me of myself when I was 17-23ish. Now I'm 26 and accept my life as a hermit, personally I don't care if I get a gf or wife or whatever, not all men are meant for it or need it. Maybe you're older than me though. Going from my experience it sounds like you are too self-conscious, stop caring/worrying and start acting. Your false ego is getting in the way I think, realise that all these little fears are meaningless in the grand scheme of things, if people have a problem with you let them speak up, it's on them. You are so much more than whatever superficial layer the average person sees. If they have a freakout and don't like you just move on. Who gives a shit. If you're legitimately mentally handicapped or something then that might be different though.

Idk if any of this helps. Reading it again it basically amounts to "b urself", I realise. As I said, I am speaking from and reflecting on my own experience sort of to myself. I regret caring so much, I wish I had approached people more and been more positive, less broody, asking girls out or whatever, going about my earlier life and human interactions with LOVE, in sympathy with others, but not caring one way or the other. Men are in their heads way too much now, and worry about emotional things like a woman. Become a law unto yourself as much as you can too.

>> No.20366875

"I had all the characteristics of a human being—flesh, blood, skin, hair—but my depersonalization was so intense, had gone so deep, that my normal ability to feel compassion had been eradicated, the victim of a slow, purposeful erasure. I was simply imitating reality, a rough resemblance of a human being, with only a dim corner of my mind functioning."

>> No.20367000

Anon, I don't know what time it is for you right now, but go take a look at the Moon. Seriously. You can never be alone with the Moon.

>> No.20367017

probably a grass is greener thing but i love having time to myself without interruption, gimme even 48 hours of solitude, oh what joy that'd be
what am i reading? i'm finishing Walter Scott's The Antiquary

>> No.20367018

Sounds similar to the Patrick Bateman monologue. I never read the book, just saw the movie.

>> No.20367040

human all too human
Goethe's maxims penguin classics

>> No.20367135
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Just finished reading this.

>> No.20367732
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Isn't it funny how this triple eye spot thing is sad wet crying eye.

>> No.20367785

>triple eye spot thing

>> No.20367790

I think he meant the light reflections in the eyes, if there is so many of them it means the eyes are more wet than usual.

>> No.20367796

I cope by posting on /lit/ and /tv/.
I don't actually watch television or film, but I do read.

>> No.20367826

I'm trying to read this one mystery story I found, but while one would think 100 pages would be a breeze, this guy's style, despite being rather simple, is also rather dull.

>> No.20367849


>> No.20367867

Im alone since Im 18. Now Im 31. You will learn to deal with it. But you must accept that youre not a normie. You will never have friends or a gf, so find other things that give you joy in life. I find joy and luck in art.

Its seldom but sometimes of course I feel lonely. Then I get drunk.

>> No.20368015
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>You will never have friends
I can do that, and have been dealing with it since I was 15.
>or a gf
This is the hard part.

>> No.20368056

>This is the hard part.

everythings getting easier as soon as you hit your 30s, fren.
find a nice prostitute and two or three hobbies and you are set for life. and dont get too deep into the shitposting

>> No.20368669

Nothing. Since I don’t read.

>> No.20369317

Just finished it. The twist was really good.

>> No.20369542
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I'm currently reading "The Conspiracy against the Human Race" by Thomas Ligotti. btw. I'm almost finished with the book.
What I expected according to some reviews:
a disturbing, deeply depressing and pessimistic book
What I got:
Certainly no disturbing content, but something one usually should avoid - confirmation of my already established opinion about humanity and the burden of consciousness. Or to sum up what the author proposes as the preferable future of humanity (which I wholeheartedly agree to and also support):
voluntary self-extinction

Also the vocabulary was quite a bit beyond my grasp and had to look-up lots of words, first because I'm kinda inexperienced with philosophical books like these and second because english isn't my mother language. I usually don't have that much trouble understanding english text, but this was a bit too much for me

>> No.20369559

>You will never have friends or a gf
being a 4chan autist != lacking the ability to make friends
you are just coping to the fact that you never actually exposed yourself to such environments where you can make friends and now trying to convince other anons into doing so too
your grown ass should atleast advice the younger ones to maintain a healthy relationship between both the worlds

>> No.20369565

I was very impressed by his writing style in that book. Usually when it comes up here we just talk about its ideology but the actual texture of the writing is quite nice.

>> No.20369615

For me the difficult part & the thing I fear is finding a good job as a social retard.
Seems like all the good jobs you have to know how to network & shit. I'm afraid I'll be stuck in food service for the rest of my life.

>> No.20369935

I love the LOTR movies but found the books dreadfully dull. I give him credit for his creativity, but the actual meat and potatoes of the novel put me to sleep.

>> No.20369951

The prose in his fiction is also very good.

>> No.20370040


i would even consider myself a 4chan autist like you said. i just grow up and lived in a world that never shared the same interests as myself (arts) and so you feel like a social outcast or a weirdo.
I dont think that my advise is wrong because if you are browsing 4chan, especially /lit/ you are deeper into things.
but i dont want to drag anyone deeper into misery. if you have the chance to have a better life than use it. i never had and its over for me, i know it, i accepted it and Im fine with it.

cant help you with that,fren. Im a neet since Im 16. I wasted my 20s with the dream of becoming an author or a filmmaker. It didnt work out. Now I just live my life with my hobbies. Im fine with it. I will never work at McDonalds because I think and I know Im to good for this shit.

>> No.20370047


>> No.20370377

I know plenty of 4chan autists in their 30s through an online community, they all have wives and children, it is quite nice to see. However they may be slightly less autistic, since they are pol and biz types. Even the younger ones talk about having sex and stuff.

>> No.20370808

>cant help you with that,fren. Im a neet since Im 16. I wasted my 20s with the dream of becoming an author or a filmmaker. It didnt work out. Now I just live my life with my hobbies. Im fine with it. I will never work at McDonalds because I think and I know Im to good for this shit.
How do you make money though? I could never just live off another person like a parasite. I've never worked at Mcdonalds.
Mostly just kitchen jobs @ various local restaurants. Which has been okay, but I'd like to do something more with my life.

>> No.20371412


>> No.20371432

>Bro I am a normalfag and all my normalfag bros have wives and kids and we're autists just like you bro so just be yourself bro
Thanks for sharing

>> No.20371435

>cant help you with that,fren. Im a neet since Im 16. I wasted my 20s with the dream of becoming an author or a filmmaker. It didnt work out. Now I just live my life with my hobbies. Im fine with it. I will never work at McDonalds because I think and I know Im to good for this shit.
Extremely based.

>> No.20371672

how does it feel to be a waste of life?

>> No.20371691

good because life itself is senseless and everything we do is useless in the end

>> No.20371731

"His very brain was sick and powerless. He could scarcely interpret the letters of the signboards of the shops. By his monstrous way of life he seemed to have put himself beyond the limits of reality. Nothing moved him or spoke to him from the real world unless he heard in it an echo of the infuriated cries within him."

>> No.20372023

>Waaah you can't leech off my tax money
Not my problem

>> No.20372089

You should leave most of the internet, accept the pain and start to slowly make real life friends.
I'll start now, adios.

>> No.20372950

They aren't normalfags, they use pol and biz and talk about jews and black retards all the time

>> No.20373032

None of that has anything to do with being a normalfag or not.