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20361955 No.20361955 [Reply] [Original]

What about an off-shoot of Cyberpunk exploring the technological control presented seeping into suburban life? Burgerpunk in the suburbs. Like Updike meets Stephenson

>> No.20361994
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This is kinda in Fallout 4.1950s suburban lifestyle except they have levitating robot servants that do the dishes and other cyberpunk tier technology.

>> No.20362263

i dont get it
why does it need wifi or electricity for that matter

>> No.20362280
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Resistance is futile.

>> No.20362283

so you can slow cook or smoke stuff for really long periods of time without having to babysit it. remote monitoring of how cooked your food is and the ability to adjust the temperature. way too much fucking work in my opinion, but the world will never lack for obsessed hobbyists

>> No.20362301

I smoke meat with a real fire, and I don't have to babysit it. I think you might be retarded.

>> No.20362306

it's meant for retards and technophiles

>> No.20362308

i'm just describing the nominal use case. wanna start a slowcook in the morning and adjust the temp throughout the day? here's your tool

>> No.20362314

You can also walk your lazy ass over to the fire and stoke it, place an extra log on, or smother it a bit.

>> No.20362316

He’s just explaining the technology, why are you getting angry at him? It’s not like he has admitted to using it or is promoting it.

>> No.20362322

not if you're at work, or taking your boat out, or any of the various reasons you might want to leave the location of the grill while it cooks. please stop making me defend this over priced toy. yes it's the epitome of IoT excess, but clearly it has functionality beyond a basic fire

>> No.20362325

Yeah, leaving a fire going at the location where most of your possessions are is brilliant.

>> No.20362335

i simply do not care enough to continue this.

>> No.20362342

You knew it was pointless from the beginning, in every way.

>> No.20363121

The better question is why the owner ever connected it to the internet in the first place. That is, if it does work without the internet (it should, if it doesn't you're a retard for buying it).

>> No.20363127

live fire is like, 50% of the grilling experience

>> No.20363128

he legit explained to you the use case while admitting he thinks it's still dumb and here you are being an autist.

>> No.20363132

Yeah but then you can’t show off to your consoooomer friends how you can control your bbq from 20 feet away with an app from your smartphone.
The iPhone was the beginning of the end.

>> No.20363349
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>> No.20363411

White Noise

>> No.20363491

>bbq has a computer in it that automatically updates so you don’t fuck up your food
>”haha like woah bro le ebin dystopia right?”
Hope the first world implodes and all these normie fucks die

>> No.20363567

Normies are the ones who deliver your tendies. Don’t forget that

>> No.20363612

Right, how did anyone ever cook their food properly before the grills all had WiFi?

>> No.20363614

As long as you make sure to include lots of the inanity of middle class suburbia life and how people get way too upset about petty nonsense and interpersonal drama, but with the added snooping ability of technology.

>I saw Susan and Jimmy walking by on my doorbell camera!
>secret group chats
>revenge porn sharing
>everyone sucking up to the nerdy kid who writes everyone's malware for them
>"step" competitions and people cheating them
>the weirdo anti-tech family who everyone hates and is portrayed as dumb but clearly lives the happiest and most satisfied lives

>> No.20363689

And I never once asked what the use case was. Stop being a faggot.

>> No.20363922

This sorta thing tends to come in cycles. JG Ballard and a lot of mid-century sci-fi authors wrote a lot about this, and in the early 2000's there was a lot of media that focused on how alienating and bizarre the suburbs can be. And then circa 2009 it switched to mocking hipsters, and then in 2015 the whole suburban middle-class lifestyle got lumped in with the Trump campaign so it had another upswing.

I think it would be interesting to see a work of fiction wherein the suburban setting is totally neutral (while still being exaggerated or distorted), because I think that more accurately reflects the nature of the setting. Unless you have an extremely overbearing HOA then life in the suburbs tends to be what you make it, the only inherent downside is less walkability.