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20361011 No.20361011 [Reply] [Original]

Never read Beckett, what am I in for?

>> No.20361020

Some whacky shit. Only read Molloy, got halfway through Malone Dies but unfortunately got tired of trying to piece stuff together

>> No.20361031

Filtered by a French protestant kek.

>> No.20361067

Disgusting old men.

>> No.20361131

>disgusting old men
>written by the hottest old man

What did Beckett mean by this?

>> No.20361140


>> No.20361157


>> No.20361163

Molloy is two paragraphs, one is about a page long, the other one is about 90. It's basically the ramblings of a crazy person and you need to piece together what's going on. Malone Dies starts off as a more "normal" book but is very weird and not straightforward at all. The Unnamable is like Molloy, looooooong paragraphs of literal schizo rambling. If that sounds like something you hate then I don't recommend Beckett.

>> No.20361459

>French protestant
How retarded are you?
Nothing to piece together lol. It's a dude dying and he wants to give a final account of his life by listing his possessions. Only he needs to do this right before he dies otherwise it won't be true, because he could gain or lose other possessions if he does it too early. So in the meantime he plans to tell a few stories, remember he lists what he is going to write about. Only, telling that story becomes really difficult and even boring, so Malone really just gives up. Essentially Malone fails at what he sets out to do. He doesn't even really give a proper accounting of his possessions in the end, his whole purpose of writing.

>> No.20362026
File: 375 KB, 966x551, beckett.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boris Karloff got nothin' on this cat.

>> No.20362303

Not him. I’m not so familiar with Beckett, was he religious or an atheist?

>> No.20362354

The first issue with his post we've yet to recover from is that its author appears to think Beckett is French

>> No.20362629

Don't start with this. Start with something shorter and easier. You can read Waiting For Godot in less than an hour. Endgame likewise. Krapp's Last Tape, 30 minutes.

>> No.20363185

>Samuel Beckett's father William Frank Beckett was of Huguenot descent.

Seethe. Potato niggers can't write, only the French genetics can.

>> No.20363442

So he wasn't actually French or born in France. Keep coping.

>> No.20363445

Not everyone is a low IQ TikTok-addlepated zoomer like you. Starting with The Trilogy is extremely feasible.

>> No.20363459

Beckett was evidently riffing on Simone Weil's Waiting for God (Attente de Dieu, 1950), with his Waiting for Godot (En Attendant Godot, 1952). Was there more going on in this regard than just a somewhat snarky pun/play on words?

>> No.20363645

Yes. His genetics were French, therefore he was French. He moved to France. He wrote in French, he left Ireland because he wasn't Irish. No potato nigger genes here. Thank you for coping.

>> No.20364203

Everyone is descended from Adam and Eve. Therefore everyone is an Arab. What's your point?

>> No.20364375

Adam and Eve didn't exist, retard. If you want to make the Ethiopian argument, I'd say this: there's nothing for modern humanity to relate back to their primordial past. With someone like Beckett, however, his cultural, linguistic and religious ties can be very clearly pinpointed to the French gentry in Ireland, Hence he's not really Irish, but actually French. He has something to show for it. 90% of humans have nothing to show for their relation to the 'Eve' skeleton found in Africa.

>> No.20364432

>Adam and Eve didn't exist
Nephilim exist, so why can't Adam and Eve?
>Beckett is French
Keep coping. He's Irish.

>> No.20364716

>Nephilim exist
Yikes. Time to hire a new shrink.

>That man descended from French protestants, who lived in France and write in French? Yeah he's Irish, trust me.
Get help. Huff that copium.

>> No.20365009

Kandahar Giant. Native Americans had wars with six-fingered, six-toed, red-haired giants. In 1911 the bodies of two red-haired giants were discovered out west. The Smithsonian collected the bodies and "lost" them. Sorry, but God is real and you're going to hell.

>> No.20365034

See all these examples of giants with no evidence for their existence and descriptions limited entirely to hearsay and folklore? Yeah, they're real. And you're going to Hell, because that other fairy being that also definitely exists said so.

I'll pray for your swift recovery. And by pray I mean donate to your local pharmacy.