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/lit/ - Literature

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20360475 No.20360475 [Reply] [Original]

Why do women read retarded shit?

>> No.20360524
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>Piper Bellinger is fashionable, influential, and her reputation as a wild child means the paparazzi are constantly on her heels. When too much champagne and an out-of-control rooftop party lands Piper in the slammer, her stepfather decides enough is enough. So he cuts her off, and sends Piper and her sister to learn some responsibility running their late father’s dive bar... in Washington.
Piper hasn’t even been in Westport for five minutes when she meets big, bearded sea captain Brendan, who thinks she won’t last a week outside of Beverly Hills. So what if Piper can’t do math, and the idea of sleeping in a shabby apartment with bunk beds gives her hives. How bad could it really be? She’s determined to show her stepfather—and the hot, grumpy local—that she’s more than a pretty face.
Except it’s a small town and everywhere she turns, she bumps into Brendan. The fun-loving socialite and the gruff fisherman are polar opposites, but there’s an undeniable attraction simmering between them. Piper doesn’t want any distractions, especially feelings for a man who sails off into the sunset for weeks at a time. Yet as she reconnects with her past and begins to feel at home in Westport, Piper starts to wonder if the cold, glamorous life she knew is what she truly wants. LA is calling her name, but Brendan—and this town full of memories—may have already caught her heart.

>> No.20360555
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I like this story

>> No.20360603

Lol. A lot of larpers here read fascist magic books which is way worse

>> No.20360621

Their phones and apps recommend retarded shit to them. It's really that simple.

>> No.20360637

i'd rather read this retarded garbage than being a loser gaymer anime watcher like most modern "men" are

>> No.20360724

I thought the whole "Women only read soft-core porno fantasies" was a meme. I mean this sounds like a plot line an incel would come up with.
>dumb blonde starlet
>daddy issues
>exiled to the BOONIES (oh no!)
>falls in love with rough rugged man (oh yes!)
>how do I reconcile this quaint CONSERVATIVE life in this small town with my DEGENERATE LIBERAL FLOOZIE LA LIFESTYLE!!
Jesus Christ. Every day I'm reminded women are walking memes. Sometimes I go on "ray-did" and read posts about women getting mad another girl in the office is "copying her style". Something like that gets posted about once every three days on "ray-did". Women are just fucking memes and if you read their unfiltered thoughts on "ray-did" you'll see what I mean.

Joyce really did get it right with Molly's monologue in Ulysses. Women seem to type (or think) in extremely long-winded sentence where their thoughts just flit randomly about. Just go to "ray-did".

>> No.20360733
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because they can read. We can avoid this just stopping teaching women about written language

>> No.20360788

"As within, so without."

>> No.20360846

Meanwhile, men read hentai and watch Marvel movies

>> No.20360859

No. Men don't. Children do that and faggot weebs. Neither of which are men.

>> No.20360866

Not all of us. I've been watching the Gilmore Girls for a little over a month now. I'm in the third season, and I think I'm done with it. Your stories are just as garbage as dudes. Go outside.

>> No.20360867

why are 24 hour challenges so popular with book youtubers?

>> No.20360869

Seeing yourself as the better when compared to failed men is sad as fuck. The truth remains that horny femlit will forever be shit.

>> No.20360871

This is a really hard question, Anon. It's a shame there isn't a simple answer.

>> No.20360878

most men are inherently failed men.

>> No.20360895

It proves they are intelligent and a real book lover.

>> No.20360896

Meanwhile, women read ao3 fagshit and insert themselves in "forced sex" fantasies. And watch marvel frfr nocap

>> No.20360899

This. Anons also harp on “w*men” because they are lesser..but what does that say about the losers here who are men? They believe men are better but most anons can’t even better themselves or challenge their beliefs. And their beliefs fit conveniently into some box they can label, and they never deviate or have opposing beliefs. Definition of unaware NPC’s

>> No.20360913

Indeed, so comparing yourself to them while not being much better is pointless. Its saying you eat firm poop as opposed to losers who slurp diarrhoea. Modern romance stories are still bad though.

>> No.20360915

always makes me laugh when anons act superior on the internet hate machine. i really wonder what makes these people tick

>> No.20360954

There are lots of inferiors here

>> No.20360963

crying about failed cuckmen is pathetic as fuck LOL

I spit on them

>> No.20360978

It's not hard to be better than a failed cuckman so what's there to be proud about.

>> No.20361001

What the fuck are TikTok books?

>> No.20361021

Books that are popular on TikTok. Basically a bunch of women pose with the book half-naked and say something like
>sis tea omg yes
Then other women see these high-value women own this book and think if they own it too then they will be high-value just like the woman in the TikTok. So then they purchase the book and make their own derivative version of the TikTok they originally watched.

>> No.20361028

Why do you want them to read our stuff?

>> No.20361033

The answer's in the question, anon.

>> No.20361047

>sis tea omg yes
That proves the woman in question hasn't read a book in her life and keeps books as decorations.
In all honesty, I don't mind people who don't read at all. I just can't stand it when they try to kill English language like this. I'm not an anglophone, but this trend spills into other languages as well. Part of me dies when I see "be like" translated into my language.

>> No.20361075

shut up cuckman

>> No.20361079

>Counterexamples don't exist because we can just define them not to be counterexamples

>> No.20361737 [DELETED] 

People just call Evola 'Fascist Magic' because they don't know what he writes about. He wrote about Buddhism and Perennial religious tradition. He's a more academic and uptight Alan Watts.

Meanwhile idiots like you talk about shit they know nothing about.

>> No.20361746

Good evening, is this the I hate women thread?

>> No.20361753
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People just call Evola 'Fascist Magic' because they don't know what he writes about. He wrote about Buddhism and Perennial religious tradition. He's a more academic and uptight Alan Watts.
Meanwhile idiots like you talk about shit they know nothing about.


>> No.20361756

Isn’t that every thread?

>> No.20361772

>almost saved fascism by activating its real inner destiny and potential
>almost saved europe
>almost saved the world
>kept up the fight even when it seemed lost
>created all the tools for conceptualizing the continuation of the fight even "among the ruins"
>sweet old sincere grandpa
I love Evola so much bros

>> No.20361806

they have whole marketing teams just to sell retarded books to women

>> No.20361899

>>almost saved fascism
no he only makes it worse. fascism is not right wing.

>> No.20361923 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.20361986

This sounds fun, may give it a read the next time I am in the mood for something light. But I might be biased on this one.

t. big, bearded, gruff fisherman

Actually sailor, but I do a good bit of fishing.

>> No.20362037

because they are in fact retarded?

>> No.20362129

>I've been watching the Gilmore Girls for a little over a month now. I'm in the third season, and I think I'm done with it
is it not good? dated? not good after the 3rd season?
why'd you give up?

>> No.20362142

Read this.
You should lose all your interest in women once and for all by the end of it.

>> No.20362159

>she became millionaire just for this 1 story
it's not fair

>> No.20362218

It's like Moby Dick except the whale is the reader.

>> No.20362222

>Why do women read retarded shit?
Why does the pope wear a funny hat?

>> No.20362252
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Men before technology were less pathetic like that and more violent
Women were exactly the same, in other words still pathetic, only now they don't breed
People are generally barely redeemable retards but the absolute truth is that male retardation at least keeps up the fertility rate meaning that men are better, QED
> inb4 touch grass incel chud
I'm an adhd zoomer narcissist who has the broccoli cut and a gucci fit including a pinky ring and you balding fucking nigger millennial ex-hipsters can suck the sweat off my nuts
among others I have also read all of Hesiod and I am peak /lit/, I am also a first year graduate student at 21
you can't fuckin touch me

>> No.20362271
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I love Marvel movies but I don't hentai at all. Stuff like that and rule 34 is so bizzare/violent and nonconsensual I can't stand it. It really gives me anxiety so I avoid it as much as possible.

>> No.20362296
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Nice credentials. Maybe someday you will work for me.

>> No.20362299

>graduate student
I really hope it isn't in anything /lit/ related bruh

>> No.20362346
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Nope it's in STEM, but I do know some fun arthoes at NYU and we get along very well when I visit the city,
I met them via my friend who was a wall street intern there a few summers ago, he's also a grad student now, working on application of predictive machine learning algos to markets
The place I live rn has no /lit/ scene to speak of sadly, it's trash except for the institution.

>> No.20362435
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Real men do not condescend those with differing tastes.

>> No.20362534

Gilmore Girls is based and comfy, you mong

>> No.20362546


>> No.20362581

Why do you type like a woman

>> No.20362583


Kek, /lit/ is full of pol-tards everyday trying to integrate magic into their "traditionalism", but yeah, normie woman with actual lives are the real retards.

>> No.20362585

Because women are retarded shit.

>> No.20362597


>HR by day, whore by night
>normal life

>> No.20362623

>normie woman with actual lives
aka "meals for one, lives alone, buying premade prepackaged sandwiches from the fridge in the breakroom until you get lucky and die of salmonella"
this is something that literally happened at my workplace, and I work at a hospital, so these women are not doing poorly in terms of money

>> No.20362655

was this whore supposed to be the good person of the story?

>> No.20362715


>> No.20362716

the funny thing is that the movies and tv shows women watch are the same

just sex and crimes and some ''deep'' questions the roasties ask themselves how they can ''navigate life''

>> No.20362717

> he doesn't enjoy Gilmore girls
End yourself

>> No.20362746

>>Not all of us. I've been watching the Gilmore Girls for a little over a month now.
lel peak vaginal show, just sex stories after stories lol

>In season 2, the basketball drama was completely removed from the series, as executives felt that the show was geared more toward a male audience.[57] David Janollari, then entertainment president at The WB, attributed the show's sophomore success partly to its shift in focus from a male-driven sports plot to expanding the stories of its girls. He felt they had time to "step back and learn from audience response" and that Schwahn tailored the show toward the "core audience". Schwahn said, "Girls watch the show in large numbers. [In the first season], the girls were sort of appendages to the boys." Show producer Joe Davola and Schwahn agreed with "sex sells" and "skin to win" sentiments for storyline directions. Less time on the basketball court could afford One Tree Hill more time for plots fueled by sex and drugs.[57] Lack of basketball drama, however, meant a decrease in male viewership. In a 2006 interview, Schwahn said, "In the second TV season, we didn't play any basketball, which was the rest of their junior year, and I felt that the show suffered a little bit."[24]


>> No.20362754

>>>almost saved fascism by activating its real inner destiny and potential

Fascism didnt exist before atheism.
Fascism is the atheist version of monarchy: being obsessed with being told what to do by a few generic bureaucrats turned into control freaks in order to secure their positions, since fascism being part of atheism and its circlekering over bureaucratic trifles, they have no external supernatural justification for being here, contrary to kings who claimed God put them in charge.

>> No.20362961

Someone copying your style is fucking annoying though. It can take hours to make an outfit.

>> No.20363030 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20363035
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>> No.20363039
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>> No.20363057

Weininger was right, women use uterus as their primary cognitive organ

>> No.20363136

The dumbass with nothing to prove who doesn't read, nor pretend to is not a problem. The problems always seem to arise from midwit striver types. These are the ones who will complain about problematic themes or too many white males in the canon. I hate these people

>> No.20363261

Well, if you set a book in urban USA, UK, France, Sweden, etc. you SHOULD include people of various races because they are a part of that environment. If the story is set on the countryside, it doesn't require non-whites. I don't want to stir trouble, but non-whites dominate urban areas in the West. I'm Croatian and three girls I know got blacked. Hindus work in construction and delivery here too. It's just how it is and it will get more severe.

>> No.20363424

I exclusively read pu-song-ling tales from liaozhai. Fucking faggot i hope fox demon throw stones to your eaves tonight

>> No.20363456
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Fascist magic books and dead philosophers