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20358306 No.20358306[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Before it is said, yes I will read the bible

But what I am asking for now are book(s) that aims to show that
a) What “God” is as a concept
b) That this “God” is real

I will incoherently scream and shit myself to the first fuck who tells me to “Just have faith bro”,“Open your heart to god bro”

For the sake of keeping the thread clean, don’t fucking argue with each other over anything other than books
Take your philosophical thought to /his/

>> No.20358314

Matthew, Luke, John, Mark.
Mere Christianity

>> No.20358316

Papini's biography of Augustine which itself makes the Confessions much more compelling and readable

>> No.20358334

Just ask a genuine Catholic that you know in real life in private. 4chan isn't the place for this question.

>> No.20358347

There's lots of genuine Christians on 4chan, and many Christians WHO READ on /lit

>> No.20358359

>“Just have faith bro”,“Open your heart to god bro”
That's the only answer to your question, Anon. Kierkegaard's leap of faith. There's no proof for a religious god.

>> No.20358365

There are no "books" that "convince", it requires a *walk*.

>> No.20358376
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>> No.20358394

You can’t use reason to convince yourself something that rejects reason, just read the bible and worship the jewish rabbi, no thinking required

>> No.20358731

>“Just have faith bro”,“Open your heart to god bro”
Unironically this, asking for proof entirely misses the point.

>> No.20358732

Why Christianity? Maybe some other religion is correct.

>> No.20358775

Justification of the Good by Vladimir Solovyov
Unfading Light by Sergius Bulgakov
The Light of Christ by Thomas Joseph White
Is Atheism Dead by Eric Metaxis
The Experience of God by David Bentley Hart
Atheist Delusions by David Bentley Hart
The Beauty of the Infinite by David Bentley Hart
A Certain Faith by Barry Perlman
Reality by Wynard de Beer
New Proofs of God by Robert Spitzer

>> No.20358794
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>> No.20359035

Pascal's Pensées are literally Christian apologetics

Re-God, keep in mind that the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Christians a had a similar framework for religion which was Thoth, Titan, and God. The difference seems to me to be that there was no orthodoxy which prevented the pantheon of gods from growing in other models. TL;DR everyone has believed in a form of a God or supernatural entity, i.e. Nirvana which is all consciousness in one, or a series of gods. I'd be more concerned on why Christ is correct.

>> No.20359039

The Confessions were good. Nothing can show you God is real though.
This is true. Either there is no proof or everything is proof. Ask yourself what sort of world you want to live in: a meaingless one or one thats pervaded by love.

>> No.20359040

I haven't seen a satisfcatory definition of God because nearly all of the ancients thought that the universe or Earth was immortal. Good is all things which are eternal and thus beyond space-time and thus One and infinite. Ethics are part of this because every act of kindness survives and merges into one at the end of time which is the rebirth. Christ explains this perfectly but the snake is universe-bounded space-time which is fallible because it's not eternal. You choose this when you recognize that the beautific vision in religion is that everything others have felt you will feel in this end. I will know you and you will know me.

>> No.20359045

You could try learning formal logic or mathematics. There's a few arguments people usually invoke.

Unfortunately none of them have solved it though. There's no substantial evidence or consistent arguments to give you a definite answer. Remains a void

>> No.20359051

Quotes from Christ on this:
Jesus said to them, "When you make the two into one, and make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and so make the male and the female a single one so that the male won't be male nor the female female; when you make eyes in the place of an eye, a hand in the place of a hand, a foot in the place of a foot, and an image in the place of an image; then you'll enter [the kingdom]."
Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.

>> No.20359054

>There's lots of genuine Christians on 4chan
I think you confused Christians with larping /pol/tards who want to RETVRN

>> No.20359060

It's cute you guys say LARPing about Christians and successful people - come on now.

>> No.20359061

Cool, Jesus was pro trans identity.

>> No.20359065

Do you want the real meaning or are you satisfied with that post lol

>> No.20359066

And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,
The key difference as at vs in the beginning. At the beginning is the start of mankind and its fall whereas in the beginning is literally before the Fall.

>> No.20359069

before Adam* not the Fall

>> No.20359075

>you guys

>> No.20359078

Currently reading Mark and I find it so fascinating. I don't want to sound like a gnostic but I can't help but see symbolism everywhere. Feeding the multitudes seems to have a hidden meaning, the specific number of baskets etc. All these "unclean spirits" too. When the spirits ask to be sent into the pigs then run off a cliff. It's crazy stuff.

I believe Jesus existed. I believe he performed miracles. But there seems to be much more than meets the eye with the gospel accounts. Some of the things Christ said were almost cryptic and not easily understood. That's what pisses me off with Christians, they think they know exactly what he meant when they are just taking things at face value and parroting the official Catholic line which was decided centuries ago

>> No.20359082

this is like asking: how do i fall in love with a specific girl
either you will or you won't, it's not something you can force or a mindset you can attain via reasoning
and no, reading the Bible KEK will not make you more likely to believe

>> No.20359087

>reading the Bible KEK will not make you more likely to believe
I became Christian from reading the Bible.

>> No.20359109

i personally recommend Mere Christianity, and have heard The Case for Christ is good.
also the Gospels (and pay attention, several people read it superficially and got nothing).
Adding onto that, there's some gnostic heretic quoting the "gospel" of Thomas. do disregard all of that.

>> No.20359114

>Adding onto that, there's some gnostic heretic quoting the "gospel" of Thomas. do disregard all of that.
This is a fun one for the Catholics:
>Jesus said, "When you see the one who wasn't born of a woman, fall down on your face and worship that person. That's your Father."
>"And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven."
Guess the heresy!

>> No.20359119

to get you more interested, quick summary.
Lewis first discusses the existence of God, and then shows how it has to be the Christian one. it expects you to be an unbeliever almost, and he argues his points well.
the second one refers to that spiritually, and the first one is just your fabrication. begone.

>> No.20359122

>and the first one is just your fabrication
I don't get how anyone can view at least most of the Gospel of Thomas as legit - it's not even Gnostic at all.

>> No.20359123

why don't you stop wasting your precious time with religious larping and focus on something productive instead

>> No.20359125

define productive

>> No.20359128

>it's not gnostic at all, i promise!

>> No.20359131

it's the same formula of all such lies. They give it weight by copying the Bible, and then add their own things.

>> No.20359138
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Ignore all other posts.

If you want the answer from a purely historical/anthropological point of view; if you want to be convinced by your own rules, then read Girard.

I recommend Things Hidden since the Foundation of the World.

He doesn't even try to convince you and he doesn't soap-box. It's completely empirical.
Any Christians who haven't read him, you're welcome.

>> No.20359163
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>Books that will convince me that Christianity is correct?

Jesus Christ, who, being the Son of God, is merriment manifest, perfected virtue by descending to Earth, and living with perpetual sorrow before heroically dying as a martyr, the actions that every individual on Earth, with any trace of nobility, practices, and/or is inspired by, to this day —this is the definition of corrective conversion.

>But what I am asking for now are book(s) that aims to show that
>a) What “God” is as a concept

Read Christian gnostic texts for that.

>b) That this “God” is real

That is evidenced by the logos.

The Christian Word is the verbal reification of logos/the Cross, the architextural pattern of which extends throughout all of divine substance, and its cordiated layers.

>> No.20359295

The God Delusion
The Origin of Species
The Selfish Gene
Letter to a Christian Nation
God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything
Atlas Shrugged

>> No.20359307
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Read Mauro Biglino. The Bible talks about aliens, not about a omnipotent god.

>> No.20359415

Ask Christians who hang in /gif/ atheist hate threads. Those are the most pious and virtuous Christians in existence.

>> No.20359451

I don't see it
This is basically the counter-argument to all non-Catholic things "Bro the devil quotes the Bible." I don't disagree that it's a good warning but gosh darn is the Nag Hammadi Codex not a doctrinal bomb.

>> No.20359479

>Christians who hang in /gif/
merely opening /gif/ is grounds for your eternal damnation at the will of the volcano demon

>> No.20359537
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Read Ellul.

>> No.20359539
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It is of course understandable that God and the meaning of the bible appears as incomprehensibly considering the stories we grow up with and how the meaning of language has shifted today. "Just believe" is of course useless advice for a modern materialist. Giving detailed accounts of the historical and cultural context that led to the development of Christianity can only be useful to someone who already knows the answers to the questions you ask but want to dig deeper. If you want to understand the meaning of Christianity and belief I would recommend books that help you understand how to understand ancient stories and mythology in the same way that ancient people would have understood them. Pic related is the best introduction to how to do that. It will help you understand how to engage with God, how to understand Christianity and religion and stories in general as well as how we as humans best can comprehend reality. Alternatively, you can start with his brother's youtube videos. https://youtu.be/0VIRA6T33o4

>> No.20359762

>ancient people doing the ancient equivalent of exactly what i said by copying in heresy, along with proper Scripture to make it feel authentic
there's a reason nobody ever accepted those as anything besides the drivel they are.
it's not even your quote, it's a blatant Christian veneer for everything else shoved in.

>> No.20361146

That book sucks

>> No.20361165

Aquinas might do it, although keep in mind that he’s “borrowing” lots from Aristotle, and that he contradicts himself.

>> No.20361188

Nietzsche and the Screwtape Letters.

>> No.20361284

>there's a reason nobody ever accepted those as anything besides the drivel they are.
>brothers in Christ
>it's not even your quote, it's a blatant Christian veneer for everything else shoved in.
What's the everything else

>> No.20361329

all the gnostic shite. for example, everything it says Christ said, besides what it copies from the Bible.
>brothers in Christ
ones in error, sadly. even more sad if they are doing it on purpose.

>> No.20361391

>everything it says Christ said, besides what it copies from the Bible.
Shocking assessment

>> No.20361420 [DELETED] 

isn't it? yet they keep peddling the rest of it.

>> No.20361433
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>a) What “God” is as a concept

>I haven't seen a satisfcatory definition of God

Here is an article on the nature and attributes of God from the Catholic Encyclopedia:


>b) That this “God” is real

See: https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/06608b.htm

See also: John L. Stoddard, Rebuilding a Lost Faith. The attached is an excerpt from this book.

>> No.20361466

Great link and thank you for sharing! My issue is that infinite and eternal are still separate or corrolaries to one another but otherwise it's nice.

>> No.20361510


>> No.20361532

>Things Hidden since the Foundation of the World.

I need to get a bigger ereader so I can stop reading pdfs on my laptop