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File: 29 KB, 289x430, 9780062505972-1410972244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20355742 No.20355742 [Reply] [Original]

What did I think of this? Seems like feminist drivel, am on the verge of dropping it 10 pages in as the authors start praising feminism and seething at 'muh patriarchy' strawman in the first chapter already.

>> No.20355759

I've read it and honestly it's quite bad. Jung is way better. This book is mostly platitudes and at some point the authors starts seething about nazis and survivalists completely out of the blue, it's pretty much a watered down, modernity-friendly version of Jung's insights. Waste of time

>> No.20355766

I think you've picked it up at a wrong timeline in your life. You're supposed to read this after having sex not before.

>> No.20356505

Thanks for replying, is there a particular book of his you would recommend (specifically for males)?

>> No.20357985


>> No.20358056

Esoteric take, but one I definitely agree with.

>> No.20358069

I like Robert Moore. If you can just not seethe at the political commentary, that book will teach you plenty. However you should be familiar with CG Jung and the generation of Jungians that came after him. Moore is a couple gens removed. I don't think the core message of the book is feminist.

>> No.20358556
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The core message of the book is definitely not feminist.
Don't get filtered by normie fluff, OP. Don't get too attached to the concept of Patriarchy if you know little about it. What Moore says about patriarchy being boys pretending to be men (and, by extension, creating a society more fitting for boys and girls than to men and women, such as the one we live in today), is true.
Second of all, if you just kept reading a little bit more, you would have read that:
>In the present crisis in masculinity we do not need, as some feminists are saying, less masculine power. We need more. But we need more of the mature masculine. We need more Man psychology. We need to develop a sense of calmness about masculine power so we don’t have to act out dominating, disempowering behavior toward others.
>There is too much slandering and wounding of both the masculine and the feminine in patriarchy, as well as in the feminist reaction against patriarchy. The feminist critique, when it is not wise enough, actually further wounds an already besieged authentic masculinity. It may be that, in truth, there never has been a time yet in human history when mature masculinity (or mature femininity) was really in ascendancy. We can’t be sure of that. What we can be sure of is that mature masculinity is not in the ascendant today.

The place of men in patriarchy is akin to what you'll find to be the active (or +, I don't recall what is called and I can't bother enough to search for it.): Tyrant, Sadists, Detached Manipulators, and Addicted lovers.
The place of men in a would be matriarchy is akin to what you'll find to be the negative/passive pole of masculinity: Weaklings, Masochists, "Innocents", and Impotent Lovers.

>> No.20358565
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fuck. the print malfunctioned.

>> No.20358580
File: 233 KB, 521x643, 1635471874772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As for matriarchies and patriarchies, although picrel (from Jack Donovan's Way of Men) isn't talking about them explicitly, the table provides a good look at how a society would be if males interests dominated and if females interests dominated. Both of them are shit for men and women alike.
>Some researchers have suggested that bonobos aren’t as peaceful as Wrangham and Peterson believed, but it does seem clear that they are more peaceful and matriarchal than chimps, and that their lifestyle is similar to what I’ve described...

>As a metaphor for what happens to men living in a secure peace of plenty like our own, the bonobo way looks eerily familiar.
>Aren’t most men today spoiled mamma’s boys without father figures, without hunting or fighting or brother-bonds, whose only masculine outlet is promiscuous sex?

>> No.20359140


>> No.20360550

Didn't this guy go crazy?

>> No.20360581

I don't know how it is where you live but if you look at zoomers it's insane how female dominated their social structure is. Boys are way more timid, basically doing whatever the girl wants for a chance of pussy. The girls are super assertive and openly promiscuous. It's gonna get much worse.

>> No.20361088

do you think it's possible to make one of these for females or they not pyramid-y enough?

>> No.20361308
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>Boys are way more timid, basically doing whatever the girl wants for a chance of pussy. The girls are super assertive and openly promiscuous
That's really hot to me.
Is there any psychological analysis available to explain why I find this phenomenon so hot?

>> No.20361330

Not him but the guy mainly geared his analysis toward men I think

>> No.20362264

ya i have the book. it's very jung cucked, but entertaining. I just think we should posit how the female archetypes might look. Obviously the bitch belongs somewhere there, analogous to the male warrior somehow.

>> No.20362756
File: 198 KB, 848x632, 1643303882993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Killed his wife and them himself. It was dementia.
Normally different environments within the same country/city are more male-dominated/female-dominated. Different workspaces and so on. School/College is almost always female-oriented. Poor neighborhoods are almost always male-oriented, whereas rich neighborhoods are almost always female-oriented.
I suppose that it's gonna get more matriarchal until a breaking point where it goes back to going patriarchal and so on, as a cycle that will go on until some exterior event breaks it.

I don't know if there is a book about it or not. The closest I could get to (for purposes of reference) was a blogpost:


which contains picrel. I do think it's possible to represent female archetypes in this way but I feel like the job would be done best by a woman.

>> No.20362854

Not anymore

>> No.20362869

>reversed gender roles fetish will become a reality in your lifetime
thank you jesus

>> No.20363062

good, I didn't know about this. Sorry for posting this >>20362756

>> No.20364150

I thought his point about rituals having more potency than ceremonies was insightful.

>> No.20364189

>am on the verge of dropping it 10 pages in as the authors start praising feminism and seething at 'muh patriarchy' strawman in the first chapter already.
The burger mindset of classifying everything either in your in-group or in your out-group, then concluding everything in your in-group is based and everything in your out-group is cringe and gay
Your culture has mostly moved past books as they're not divisive enough, you'd better go along with the flow on that one

>> No.20364256

aha thanks for the link. this handles the bitch archetype much more elegantly than i. there are so many flavors of bitch; you got frigid bitch, dumb bitch, distracted bitch, little bitch on the passive side, and crazy bitch, needy bitch, evil bitch, and, well, whore works just fine for the seductive placement.
>a cycle that will go on until some exterior event breaks it.
inb4 tranny revolution