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File: 1.07 MB, 1437x2048, Oswald-Spengler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20350487 No.20350487 [Reply] [Original]

Was his raging hard-on for Goethe that led him to him to bring up Goethe at every possible opportunity in his writing justified?

>> No.20350496


>> No.20350531

Spengler was an incel high school teacher who preached a cucked doomerism. Another German whose philosophy is incredibly destructive to Europe.

>> No.20350539

This, sick of retards posting Spergler quotes and thinking they're deep. Doomer philosophy is the gayest shit possible.

>> No.20350683

Do you retards understand that 'pessimism' occupies a fractional place in his philosophy? Most of it has absolutely nothing to do with le sad West gonna fall.

You could even argue his predictions of the end aren't even pessimistic, since in his philosophy it's only a natural progress.

>> No.20350689 [DELETED] 

t. tranny

>> No.20350736

Toynbee was the real CHAD

>> No.20350748

Let me guess, you are either a leftie or a christian and you never read his books.

>> No.20350764 [DELETED] 

Trannies love Spergler

>> No.20351054 [DELETED] 

t. Ranny

>> No.20351064

>It's not that pessimistic, and uhh well it's not even pessimistic at all!

The guy literally advocates becoming a soulless STEMlord and watching your country get overrun with pajeets and bantus. It's pathetic.

>> No.20351072

Oswald "You can't do nuffin" Spergler

Your realize that 95% of the Spengler reception on the right has been to critique his pessimism?

>> No.20351595 [DELETED] 

You realize you're a braindead spiritual nigger? Hang yourself you fucking kike.

>> No.20351648

Great work, really fantastic contribution.

>> No.20351660

The fucking state of this board...

>> No.20351664

Stop posting in shitty demoralization threads and maybe I'll try.

>> No.20351680


>> No.20351891

That's literally what Spengler says to his own people.

>> No.20351910

>The guy literally advocates becoming a soulless STEMlord and watching your country get overrun with pajeets and bantus.
He said it's inevitable, not that you should give up.

Btw, I didn't say 'it wasn't that pessimistic, I said his pessimism occupies a very small place in his philosophy and one could contest even calling that place pessimistic.

>> No.20351918

>He said it's inevitable, not that you should give up.

nice pilpul

>> No.20352212

Oh so now we can't have honest scientific theorizing?

>> No.20352241

t. retards filtered by based Chad Spengler

>> No.20352252

I'll try anything if it discourages you from posting.

>> No.20352428

>We're doomed, but like, le don't give up, man!

what a joke

>> No.20352433

based chad? he was a balding incel school teacher

>> No.20352462

>>We're doomed
>don't give up
His philosophy isn't in the direction of either of these phrases. Death is part of life as well, so by your own logic you're doomed as well. So stop projecting them onto him.

>> No.20352493

He says the possibilities for western culture have ended and the only thing left for le noble man is to become a bugman and watch brown hordes (his words) invade you as you do nothing to stop it. It's retarded and fatalist.

>> No.20352498

Also, a massive cope for Germans having lost WW1.

>> No.20352516

he doesnt say that anywhere

>> No.20352521

he boned rich socialites in italy and switzerland

>> No.20352566

Read Man and Technics.

Who? People with advanced rhinophyma?

>> No.20352569

Spengler is a top tier pleb filter

>> No.20353260
File: 331 KB, 579x595, 1502552890953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Spengler is best read, as he intended, as poetry.

He would have laughed at midwits saying stuff like "BUT HE SAID ACCEPT DA BROWN HORDES INVADINGGG HAIL EVORPA"

>> No.20353276

>He would have laughed at midwits saying stuff like "BUT HE SAID ACCEPT DA BROWN HORDES INVADINGGG HAIL EVORPA"

He literally says that at the end of Man and Technics. You can't wave this away, no matter how hard you try. It's cuck philosophy.

>> No.20353567

i have the book out right now and not seeing where he said that. what page?

>> No.20353617

Yes but he attempted to do so and historicize with the perspective of Nietzsche

>> No.20353685

isaac schrader

>> No.20354625

We all hate him.

>> No.20354696

Obviously didn't read his later works, especially Hour of Decision

How amateurish do you have to be to think a single work represents an oeuvre ?