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20348673 No.20348673 [Reply] [Original]

Will reading many books of Mishima instill in me a sense of purpose and direction and motivate me towards becoming disciplined if that is what I go in to them looking for?

>> No.20348680

Don't read confessions of a mask it'll turn you into a faggot.
t. Faggot

>> No.20348690

>instill in me a sense of purpose and direction and motivate me towards becoming
Sounds like it instills a sense and purpose and direction in you towards sucking cock. Which is fine bro just accept that ur gey

>> No.20348702

Not really, it was more an extremely intransigent obsession with "purity" to an almost ridiculous point, both in his books and in real life

>have read sailor and the entire sea of fertility tetralogy

>> No.20348717

I've thought a lot about it and I don't think that I am.
Do you think the internet is impure?

>> No.20348739

you gotta love useless adhd riddled retards think that "reading" (ie looking it up on wikipedia) a book will magically save them from their shitty decisions and solve the problems they caused themselves, all because they lack self-control and think it's some kind of spiritual journey to stop eating processed food and clean their rooms

>> No.20348760

I certainly felt some of that when I read The Sound of Waves. It's a short book, but it's really one of the best that I've read. It's a timeless tale for me.

>> No.20348896

I am currently reading Sun and Steel. Would highly recommend

>> No.20349046

I just wonder who took these pictures for Mishima. Imagine accompanying this far right homosexual to various places in his various outfits so that he can do all sorts of poses on film.

>> No.20349062

No. Reading him currently, and his books are far heavier skewed towards purity and beauty, as anon before me mentioned too. His ideas might help make yours more aggressive if you like to simp for people who subscribe to the same ideologies as you, but seeing as you're asking how to become directional and inspired, means you need to discover it for yourself and stop being a faggot anon.
Clean your room and love your country.

>> No.20349080

To be quite frank you can read his books as a sort of critique of many things he supposedly praised.

I think he's quite possibly very misunderstood and more nuancred than many give him credit for.

He had a fascination with high ideals, beauty and health but he criticizes them as well in his own way.