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20348300 No.20348300 [Reply] [Original]

Why are American literacy rates so bad?

>> No.20348305

Because they represent /lit/ in that they don't read and only pretend to read for posture.

>> No.20348310
File: 157 KB, 950x766, african-american-population-map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20348313

m-m-m-m-minorities! yeah!

>> No.20348317

>Why all doe black peepo keep voting Republican?

>> No.20348346
File: 642 KB, 1280x683, Hispanic_and_Latino_Americans_by_county.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20348376

Idaho is as conservative as Vermont is liberal and living there is basically the same because everyone's White. race is what matters, ideology is just your TV channel

>> No.20348390

Niggers don't vote, Rabbi

>> No.20348391

Yeah. A black democrat or a black republican are both equally likely to chimp for no reason.

t. grew up in majority black city

>> No.20348395

Is there a correlation here?

>> No.20348399
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>> No.20348401

Fucking lmao. Is /pol/ unironically always right?

>> No.20348404

bro, I'm sorry to say, libtards turn them out. they pour tons of money into it and fill buses with niggers paid to knock on every door in da hood 3x on election day

>> No.20348407

Most of their votes are probably concentrated to relatively few areas and don't really make a difference, and they probably vote at significantly lower rates because it's harder for them, the same way math is harder for them.

>> No.20348408

If you overlay the black population map (basically the southeastern United States from east Texas climbing up the East Coast) and the Latinos (mostly in Texas and climbing up along the West Coast, with a small islands in New York and Chicago) then yes you'll see some correlation.

It's by no means definitive but you can't just plug your ears and scream "NOOOOOOO RACE IS JUST A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT GO BACK TO /POL/ CHUD"

>> No.20348413

Looks like a pretty strong correlation plus it makes sense, since it is common knowledge that BIPOC retards have a lot of difficulty doing things like reading and writing, probably due to lower IQ and inferior culture.

>> No.20348417

About race, more or less.

This is just a map for % black or mestizo by state. The average IQ of blacks is ~85 and the average for mestizos is ~90, we should expect a decent percent of them to be unable to read above a fifth-grade level.

>> No.20348421

You also need to consider that blacks as a collective in the US have significant white admixture, boosting their IQ.

>> No.20348423

I've been to a 99% white public school and a majority black public school. The difference was very noticeable. In the black school there were actual gang members, the bullying was so bad that teachers would ignore it during class, and there weren't any after school activities besides sports. In the white school I was part of the chess club, cub scouts, and even a clown school.

>> No.20348430
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>About race, more or less.
This a critical distinction.
/pol/ has coasted for years by being right about race and gender, but then came Trump and they stopped being right about anything. Notice how /pol/ is more esoteric than /x/ these days.

/pol/ got straight bought and grifted

>> No.20348437

So drumpf is the problem and not nonstop antiwhite shills/trolls that the mods do nothing about?

>> No.20348439

I briefly lived in Los Angeles for a few months during 8th grade and went to a local 100% Latino public school to finish off the school year. I was literally the only white kid in the entire school, and oddly had a group of kids offer to keep me company every day and protect me between classes. My 2nd week there a kid got stabbed on the basketball court before lunch and had to be airlifted out by a helicopter. It was an interesting experience. I actually had a decent time since so many people wanted to be my friend, but the difference in school culture was very apparent, even with young kids

>> No.20348446

>nonstop antiwhite shills
There's a difference?
Don't forget to my your MyPillow, retard.

>> No.20348451


>> No.20348461

Yes. It's because they attracted Boomercons, Evangelicals, esoteric "third positionists" who are actually just Third Worlders, and other such types, and got away from the important stuff like crime statistics, race & IQ, etc.

>> No.20348476

You don't think there is a difference between people laughing about and shilling for the replacement of whites vs Trump supporters? You're a fucking idiot then.

>> No.20348633

Trojan horse racism threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/3 and >>>/lit/rules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.

>> No.20348671


>> No.20348716

I think there is no difference when you consider the authenticity of their arguments, the insidious nature of their goals, and their destruction of any kind of real "movement."

>> No.20348719

It's definitely cause they're black and not because they're educated in a system that dismisses them from the start.

>> No.20348736

black people tend to dismiss education from the start

>> No.20348742

>trump supporting boomer is the same as a nigger jew communist shill who wants whites to be genocided
go outside

correct, the idea that the system is racist is hilariously retarded sjw-tier idiocy. You are a shill btw. Nice samefagging.

>> No.20348745
File: 570 KB, 2048x1362, master race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This poster is the same person. Look at what they are saying while pretending to be different people to manipulate your mind. On the one hand you have someone claiming Trump supporters are worse than explicitly antiwhite communist shills, on the other hand they are simping for blacks and claiming the system is racist against them (lmao)

>> No.20348748
File: 15 KB, 540x359, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor little triggered snowflake

>> No.20348749
File: 977 KB, 3005x1879, Segregation-protest2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USA education system, famously free of racism.

>> No.20348763
File: 37 KB, 398x376, 1613155021401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts picture of child protestors from 70 years ago thinking it is proof of anything
rock solid argument there bud, how many "negroes" are there in your special ed class btw?

>> No.20348766



>> No.20348773
File: 582 KB, 498x466, incel-wojak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A disenfranchised group for whom it was literally illegal to teach how to read for half of their existence on a continent has low literacy rates?! And then who faced every resistance imaginable to have equal opportunities? And who are exploited as a racially coded laboring class?
>Gotcha, they must be innately inferior to whites!

>> No.20348776
File: 64 KB, 1184x155, Screenshot(588).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, it's /pol/ being deranged and wrong about everything in real time!

Everything is a conspiracy to you people now. You were right about niggers, but the "shareblue" paranoia destroyed your reasoning skills.

>> No.20348777
File: 170 KB, 360x346, 1599778844724.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's still going

>> No.20348781

These people are largely incapable of conceptualizing systems no matter how simply you explain it to them. It's either personal failings or stupid person genes, the idea that groups can be shaped by circumstance is something they can't even grasp.

>> No.20348783 [DELETED] 

They are innately inferior to whites.
I don't care why, I just don't want to live around them anymore.

>> No.20348785

>trump supporting boomer is the same as a nigger jew communist shill who wants whites to be genocided
This but unironically.

>> No.20348786 [DELETED] 

The average IQ in africa is like 70, intelligent gorillas have scored as high.

>> No.20348787

The posts are a minute apart and you took a long time to post this unverified screenshot. Plus, right after your posts the thread was flooded with unironic retard-level leftists crying about racism in the US. You're a subhuman brown turd and you need to commit suicide ASAP.

>> No.20348792

Or you were just wrong. See that's the problem with nu/pol/, you forgot it was possible to just be wrong sometimes.

>> No.20348794
File: 2.60 MB, 382x204, 459308230924.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the idea that groups can be shaped by circumstance is something they can't even grasp.
Of course it can be grasped, it's just obviously wrong to anybody who has done a small amount of research into the subject. These people are retarded monkeys, they didn't even invent the wheel, most of them today are still way below the mindset of a medieval peasant. The lowest class whites with no education addicted to meth are more intelligent.

>> No.20348795

I don't use /pol/, it's full of leftist shill like you. Thanks for forcing us to spread to other boards btw, great work, you fucking stupid retard.

False flagging purity spiraler, quite possible trans, disregarded.

>> No.20348798
File: 1.84 MB, 1314x1503, discord trannies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the discord trannies are here
They hate you because you're white, male, and haven't completely given into degenerate fetishes or other base instincts.

>> No.20348802

Really selling the "the trump-led 'right' is not full of paranoid children unwilling to admit a mistake" angle.

See why no one dares respect you?

>> No.20348811

This is honestly correlated to race demographics. Those areas with shittier literacy rates have higher rates of blacks and hispanics (especially illegals). Add onto this the fact that most blacks and hispanics don't value education as much as whites and asians and you exacerbate the problem.

>> No.20348812
File: 526 KB, 2972x680, cuck shills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only political insofar as I'm pro-white. Trump has basically sold out as far as I'm concerned. Unless he changes a bunch of his positions I don't really care whether he wins or not other than to watch left wing faggots like you have more tantrums. I suppose there is the argument that he is better economically for white americans, so maybe that is an asset. You are absolutely fixated on him though.

>> No.20348813

No shit, only single women and trannies would disagree.

>> No.20348817

Actually I would support Trump if I were American. The alternative of explicitly anti-white globalism is much worse. Biden is a complete trainwreck and owned by the chinese and zionists, Trump is only owned by the zionists. Still, he has sold out quite a bit, but it's inevitable and to be expected.

>> No.20348819

>You are absolutely fixated on him though.
While the "no u" argument is compelling, it does force on to wonder how someone so severely mistaken is able to pay their ISP, electricity, or even hold down a job. What do you do in life when you've made a mistake, continually double-down and deny reality?

>> No.20348820

boys think reading is gay and girls only read trash

>> No.20348822 [DELETED] 

White birthrates in middle (white) america temporarily went back up under Trump, presumably thanks to the child tax credit and the revitalisation of some sectors of the economy to a limited extent. He also banned crt, while biden unbanned and endorsed it, and his jewish cabinet calls parents terrorists for speaking out against it. that is the tip of the iceberg as to why trump would be much better than bidet if you are pro-white.

>> No.20348825

>paying for wifi
>literally has no argument
Back to your discord, falseflagging leftist subhuman.

>> No.20348826 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 900x775, JoeRape243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boys think reading is gay and girls only read trash

Lol, nigga. Reading is gay as fuck. I only read like 10 books in my entire life and it turned me into a militant child sexual fair use enthusiast.

>> No.20348828 [DELETED] 

Imagine being retarded enough to actually believe CRT is being taught in primary education.

>> No.20348829

>force on
so this is the power of....transexual discord shills

>> No.20348830 [DELETED] 

Hmmmm maybe it's as if the overall educational system is flawed and literacy isn't affected by the colour of a child's skin...

>> No.20348833 [DELETED] 

lol, trump who has more jews in his family portraits than Bergen-Belsen and chose to pardon rappers is really the white man's champion.

>> No.20348834 [DELETED] 

It’s their culture, that should be good news for a lefty that wants to help them and isn’t just posturing to look moral right

>> No.20348837 [DELETED] 
File: 1.18 MB, 1895x937, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was referring to corporate and government training, which is where Trump banned it from, you utter moron. They probably teach it in schools in certain shitty areas too, along with all the lgbt freakshow shit you presumably support.

>> No.20348838
File: 162 KB, 600x659, 1646378234289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>correct, the idea that the system is racist is hilariously retarded sjw-tier idiocy. You are a shill btw. Nice samefagging.
In what universe do you live in? Are you pretending to ignore the entire history of race relations and the drug war in the USA? Doesn't have the the largest prison population for nothing, chud.
>nigger jew communist shill who wants whites to be genocided
meds and re-education camp, now

>> No.20348840

Because all of those orange and red states are full of shitskins and niggers.