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/lit/ - Literature

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20346870 No.20346870 [Reply] [Original]

I started reading Mahabharata some days ago and I am really excited. I am Spanish, so I am just reading a shorted version (no full translation avaiable in my language). Despite that, I am really enjoying It.

It is like rediscovering the Illiad but longer and deeper. I don't know, which is the consideration of Indian classics in /lit/? I am just willing to share my enthusiasm with you.

>> No.20346961
File: 398 KB, 1079x1333, Kopeshwar Temple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mahabharata and Ramayana receive an excessive amount of attention in all discussions about Indian literature, despite being pretty atypical works
This is understandable since they are very influential and furnish many subjects for latter writers, but reading only them will give you a false idea of Indian literature as exhibited in pic related
Reading them in abridged form is probably prudent, they are extremely long
In my opinion, the best works of Indian literature belong to later periods, Bhavabhuti excels in drama, Bharavi and Magha in epic poetry, and Kalidasa is supreme in everything
He is probably the best author to start with, I can go into more detail if you are interested

>> No.20346976
File: 32 KB, 1662x124, lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck posted wrong pic, this is what I meant
The poster here criticizes Indian works for using formulaic and conventional expressions, while in reality latter works feature some of the most inventive and far-fetched similes in any literature

>> No.20347154

What is he talking about?

>> No.20347179

yes it is pretty amazing. Have you seen the movie? If not watch it, it is really good as well

>> No.20347209

"these fuckers" meaning white people, he is arguing their literature is superior

>> No.20347259

He's just an arrogant fuckhead. It's fine if he prefers Western literature, but the way he acts like it's an absolute fact is very Jewish in mentality.
For example, I prefer Chinese poetry over Western "poetry", which I personally consider largely garbage. However, I won't act like my preferences are absolute fact.

>> No.20347267

curious, why do you prefer Chinese poetry? and who do you like? Li Po and Tu Fu?

>> No.20347288

I like Wang Wei, Shiwu, Han Shan, and a few others. I like the sense of "uninhabited space" in Chinese poetry. There is a sense of space that goes beyond (whilst while including) humanity, an "all-encompassing place" in other words. The way the metaphors and similes are used is more organic, and many of them can tie into Buddhist or Daoist philosophy in a more "profound and elegant manner" than Western classical poetry's obsession with endless references to the Greeks, Jewish myths, and so on. It gets tiring when I'm reading about a simple idyllic scene or object, and then there's a random reference to Jewish or Greek mythos. It personally bothers me.
The closest Western poet to the Chinese style I've found is Tom Hennen, who is a Midwestern American. He was influenced by "Deep Image movement". I recommend his book Darkness Sticks to Everything. Note, the title makes it sound pessimistic, but it really isn't.
It's hard to describe poetry in terse language, especially personal preferences.

>> No.20347698

If you think the group “white people” was a thing before the 20th century, let alone in ancient times, you are uneducated

>> No.20347757

This is a good and intriguing perspective. What other naturalistic Westerners do you enjoy? I had similar feelings about Keats, who is very involved with the idyllic world, but is also very stuffily involved with dense references to Greece. I don't think that's bad, but it does interfere with the liminality of such poetry, as it fixates on a very specific set of cultural associations.

>> No.20348332
File: 130 KB, 850x846, Principal-Component-Analysis-PCA-on-all-present-day-west-Eurasians-with-ancient-samples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try redd1t

whites = WHG + EEF + Steppe

>> No.20348341
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>> No.20348357

I'm not a leftist, faggot.

>> No.20348362

According to the Iliad the Greeks had red and blonde hair.

>> No.20348367

idiot. Aryans are wypipo

>> No.20348369

We have plenty of ancient Greek genetics at this point, they were largely WHG+EEF in the Minoan period, WGH+EEF+steppe in the Mycenean and classical and then received more steppe mixture in the 6/7th centuries.

they cluster with the rest of europe.

>modern greeks have more steppe than their ancient cousins
sorry varg :/

>minoans and myceanans had no levantine, natufian or otherwise MENA admixture
sorry taleb :/

>> No.20348373

You're arguing with low IQ altright Amerimutt trash. He spams the same shit in many other threads.

>> No.20348385

What about the different castes? Presumably the lower castes/slaves were different genetically from the elite rulers who conquered them originally.

>> No.20348388 [DELETED] 


>> No.20348394

this. Greek is an IE language imposed by a conqueror/settler culture. can't compare randos to Alexander

>> No.20348416

Read the physical descriptions of the Roman emperors, they are very white except near the end I believe. Far whiter than the present day population.

>> No.20348442

we have samples from "royal"/high status tombs. the profiles are the same as the low-status graves. there is an even more recent study that shows the same. i'll have to find the link. no difference in Steppe % vs Neolithic % in low or high status burials.


Not supported by genetic evidence. Iron age Italians and "republic" era Romans were roughly similar to modern Italians in terms of ancestry. During the Imperial era there was a significant influx of "eastern" type admixture that looks Greek. There was then an influx of northern admixture in the early medieval period that looks south German.

Iron age Italians, Etruscans and Republic era Romans were all roughly similar and were mostly R1b U152. The Imperial era influx seems to have been a transitory event that disappeared after the Empire fell. Roman cities were always population sinks that required constant immigration to keep the population levels up so it is unsurprising these "eastern" types died off.

Modern southern Italians and Greeks plot nearest to the Imperial Romans. Central/Northern Italians cluster nearest to Iron Age Italians, Etruscans and Republic era Romans.

R1b U152 was heavily present in most, if not all, Roman populations we have samples of.

>> No.20348457
File: 202 KB, 1218x757, Ancient_Rome_PCA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This PCA sums up that rough summary i typed out

>> No.20348477

There was a Syrian emperor by 218. But it doesn't matter what stock the Romans themselves were. Rome itself was entirely of immigrant, alien stock by the 200s. The old Roman and senatorial families grew as degenerate as our own families today, they barely had children, didn't want to marry, practiced abortion, and largely died out, and were quickly replaced by Semites and other Eastern immigrants who had higher birth rates. The poets of this time all wail and cry for the fate of the Roman stock and inveigh against a Rome of foreigners.

>> No.20348503

You dumb nigger, at least half of the emperors who we have descriptions of had red or brown hair and blue, grey or green eyes. Northern Italians are white, so whether you admit it or not you've shown how they became muttified since then.

>> No.20348504

Yes, as societies decline they become more brown.

>> No.20348508

i think you completely misunderstood that post.

>muh hair color
are you 13?

>> No.20348511

He's a piece of shit and has been spamming the same alt-right shit for years. He's derailed so many topics with spastic Nordicist bullshit.

>> No.20348527

Yep. Thankfully the Eastern "new romans" seem to have died out and Italy shifted back towards the rest of Europe. many modern Italians are R1b U152. it seems the countryside was still ethnic old stock Latin even as foreign blood flooded into the cities. The true Roman gentlemen class had retired to the country villas.

>> No.20348529

I've seen at least one study that suggested otherwise. I don't see anything in that link saying anything about caste but I only skimmed it on my phone. There are countless descriptions of the legendary Kings, gods, demigods etc. as having golden hair and blue or gray eyes.

>> No.20348531

>everyone saying the ancient greeks were white is a "nordicist" and the same person
You have schizophrenia.

>> No.20348532

link to such study?

No evidence of that in these cultures

Interesting stories but not real science

>> No.20348534

I've seen Italian cuties with red hair. Also in some of the pictures of medieval aristocrats they appear to have red hair as well. Know anything about that?

>> No.20348535

I can tell it's the same person based on syntax.
Ancient Greeks didn't have high steppe admixture.

>> No.20348539

Ok? Not sure your point. Ancedote is not evidence.

There are red haired Italians, what point are you trying to make?

Like the rest of Europe they are WHG+EEF+Steppe. Those groups had a wide variety of eye and hair colors

>> No.20348542

He's basically a Jew that thinks having light eyes and hair makes you somehow special and chosen.

>> No.20348550

Are you saying that the ancient Greeks didn't have castes? And you think it is irrelevant that ancient Greek royalty and gods were consistently described as having Nordic features in the original sources, because you have some sparse and incomplete scientific studies, which also still have a high degree of uncertainty in them subject to interpretation and the bias of modernity. You said in your last post that the royals and pleb graves were the same, but now you're saying there is no evidence of caste?

>> No.20348553

Lol now this is just trolling

We have samples of high and low status graves, they look the same.

What "caste" are you trying to find? Lol

>> No.20348554

I just asked if you would know about more ancient Italians having red hair at higher rates, why are you so defensive?

>> No.20348555
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> I don't know, which is the consideration of Indian classics in /lit/?
Indian literature is BASED

>> No.20348558

What genetic evidence suggests "higher rates" of redhair in Italy on the past? Link to a study?

>> No.20348559 [DELETED] 

He also thinks every non-European royalty from Ancient Egyptians, Indians, to Persians, likewise, had Nordic features. He is pestersome and has derailed many topics. He even implied Ancient Chinese royalty might have had Nordic features at a certain point.
(reposted for clarity)

>> No.20348561

>We have samples of high and low status graves, they look the same.
Post them. You gave me a study and there was nothing in it that I could see regarding such things. I've seen at least one study that suggests otherwise. And you're ignoring the fact that gods in greek legends are consistently described with more uniquely white features, just ignoring this and putting all your faith in some flimsy study open to a high degree of interpretation is idiotic.

>> No.20348562

I dont think we have *any* ancient Italian DNA sample showing alleles for red hair.

I would wager there is a higher % of redheads in Italy today than there was 2000 years ago.

>> No.20348563

Link to study you claim to know of?

Your trolling either way.

>> No.20348566

I am asking you, dummy. There are a few rare Italians with such traits, where do they come from? How can you not answer such a basic question?

>> No.20348568

I don't think he's trolling. I think he's high off a power complex based on a false narrative.
He also thinks every non-European royalty from Ancient Mesopotamians, Sumerians, Jews, Egyptians, Indians, to Persians, likewise, had Nordic features. He is pestersome and has derailed many topics.
(reposted for corrections)

>> No.20348575

But you can look at old portraits of their nobility and see it was more common, at the very least among the upper classes. You can find examples of Italians whose families have been there for centuries and they have red hair.

You are literally too stupid to answer any of my questions even when I repeat them.

>> No.20348579

lmao. fuck off varg

>we wuz rome n shietttt

>> No.20348581 [DELETED] 

>non-whites are this insecure about their ancient history
Le yikes

>> No.20348583


ya'll penis is tiny AF

>> No.20348585

>literally no argument
Top kek

>> No.20348587

I've studied the population genetics, which your shit brain is incapable of understanding. Stop acting like a Jew and claiming other peoples' cultural legacies.
Ancient Mesopotamians, Sumerians, Jews, Egyptians, Indians, and Persians did not cluster with Europeans on PCA autosomal DNA plots.

>> No.20348588

touch grass incel

saged and reported btw :)

>> No.20348592

What does that have to do with anything, you drooling mong?

>> No.20348594

tiny white shrimp dick

>> No.20348603

>I've studied the population genetics,
So? Do you think that is challenging? My degree is in engineering physics, you are too stupid to look at your studies critically, there is an enormous amount of subjectivity and uncertainty in the studies, which they even admit to. Why are you repeating the same irrelevant bullshit over and over again? We are talking about ancient Greeks, go take your meds you fucking annoying retard.

>> No.20348605 [DELETED] 

Nigger inferiority.

>> No.20348607

>being this BTFO

>> No.20348609

You've been spamming the same Nordicist bullshit in plenty of other topics. It's you that needs to take your meds or fuck off to /pol/.

>> No.20348613

>he thinks having a degree in social studies makes him intelligent
Top tier bait, nice work

>> No.20348614

i am richer than you btw :)

and i have had sex with women you can only fantasize about.

t. LX570

>> No.20348618

I have two STEM degrees.
Also, I don't think a single positive thing came from industrialization.

>> No.20348619

eat a dick faggot

>> No.20348629

Do you honestly think population genetics is stem?

If it's bullshit why haven't you refuted it? why are you so afraid of people talking about it?

Trannies aren't women.

>> No.20348638

>Do you honestly think population genetics is stem?
I have a Computer Science and Neuroscience degree. I've just studied the population genetics on my spare time.
>If it's bullshit why haven't you refuted it? why are you so afraid of people talking about it?
That guy already refuted it for Greeks or at the very least pointed out they didn't have much steppe admixture in ancient times.
I just think it's a very rude thing to go around yelling certain peoples are mongrels and that their ancient forebears clustered with NW Euros when we have autosomal samples that show otherwise.

>> No.20348650

>I just think it's a very rude thing to go around yelling certain peoples are mongrels and that their ancient forebears clustered with NW Euros when we have autosomal samples that show otherwise.
I asked why there are Italians with red hair and why they are frequently depicted with red hair in medieval and renaissance portraits and you started sperging out about nordicism.
>comp sci
nice man

>> No.20348656
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Jewish kvetching coming in 3...2...1...

>> No.20348660
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>> No.20348663
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>> No.20348664
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>> No.20348668
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It looks like ancient humans were a lot whiter than modern populations. Herodotus describes the Scythians as red-haired as well, but who knows who the real Scythians really were.

>> No.20348676
File: 876 KB, 1040x1309, alexander.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did the anti-white trannies go? I'm just getting started here.

>> No.20348683

Keep posting your cringe WE WUZ bullshit, faggot. Basically turning /lit/ into /pol/.

>> No.20348689
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>> No.20348693
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>> No.20348695
File: 237 KB, 397x434, sean_connery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Sean Connery a mutt?
Your stupid Nordicist bullshit needs to die.

>> No.20348709
File: 3.02 MB, 2976x3968, swedes in china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a nordicist. pic rel is a 4500 year old mummy (one of many) found in loulan china, with pale skin and blonde hair, even the women were > 6ft. Don't you find that intriguing? even more so when considering that the first chinese legends speak of blue-eyed giants teaching them the ways of the sacred empire.

>> No.20348713

You said, "It looks like ancient humans were a lot whiter than modern populations." That's a Nordicist claim. Population genetics does not corroborate your claim.
You're acting like a hyper-Jew with your obsession of claiming numerous ancient populations resembled NW Euros more.
Just let it go, faggot. Learn that there is much to be proud about for your own race without having to claim the legitimacy of others.

>> No.20348723

Lmao these are all died except for maybe one. Do Araboids really?
>dude we're totally getting more heckin goodboy points from Allah for following da heckin Sunnah to a T

>> No.20348727

>That's a Nordicist claim
No it isn't, it's an observable reality that I've just backed up by ancient mummies. I don't care if they're nordic or not or if they have the same DNA. They probably don't have the same DNA, but they're white af and coming from prehistoric china, which I find fascinating, especially given all the anti-white rhetoric pushed in the mainstream today. The title of that last one, "swedes in china", was what was said by the person who discovered it or analysed it, can't remember.

>> No.20348729

They are doing it to honour the prophet Mohamed, PBUH. Show some respect.

>> No.20348730

Just a little.

>> No.20348737

Sintashta clustered with Swedes & NW Euros and influenced and mixed with many ancient peoples. They did it in various waves starting in 1600 BCE.
Some ethnic groups like Yaghnobis and Pamiri Tajiks have at least 45-50% Sintashta admixture, but they cluster far away from Euros due to other admixture.
Brahmins and others have high Sintashta admixture too.
This does not mean every single ancient peoples was lighter in appearance. However, the Sintashta were a very influential and important group of peoples. I think they had some blue eyes and blonde hair, but different research shows different things. They did cluster near Swedes though.

>> No.20348740

Note, Sintashta and steppe peoples did not penetrate ancient Mesopotamians or Ancient Egyptian civilizations at least based on evidence.

>> No.20348755

I'm not claiming they were ethnically Swedish, just pointing out the fact that these ancient people existed and looked like Swedes, which is interesting and unexpected.

>> No.20348767

Sintashta racially cluster with Swedes, but it's more likely Eastern Europeans have direct descent from them due to heavy prevalence of R1a paternal haplogroup.
I keep seeing different stuff about their appearance. Some studies say their high prevalence of blue eyes and blonde hair is exaggerated.
You should keep in mind only a few genes select for hair and eye color.
In ancient Pe'qin cave sample, they found a bunch of blue eyed and blonde haired ancient Israelite samples, but they do not cluster near Europeans at all.
This means race is not skin deep.
Yamnaya probably didn't have blue eyes and blonde hair on average.

>> No.20349356

>the first chinese legends speak of blue-eyed giants teaching them the ways of the sacred empire.
Source? There is no myth of sacred empire at all on china. Their invention and culture attributed to shennong et.al . Their culture came from their ruler, therefore cult of personality based on emperor. Schizo nordicist.
Also loulan mummy literally came from upper part of china, near mongol they came down and intermarrying with local. Its found on its matrilineal dna identity containing mixture of easterner and westerner, also from their patriarch side mainly easterner. They literally hapa ethnostate, a fucking steppe nigger and rice field nigger. Not a viking murderhobo you freak

>> No.20349591

>thought I’d come back to a pleasant thread about Indian lit that I was curious about
>my post started a race war
You fucking faggots. So this is the reading comprehension of /lit/. My post (>>20347698) was implying there was no concept of white identity as in ‘wypipo’ doesn’t apply to ancient times. If you’re arguing against that with genetic data you’re retarded. Although I suppose this place wouldn’t be what it is if you niggers didn’t look for excuses to turn every thread into shitflinging race war bullshit.

>> No.20349597

Zhang mad

>> No.20349642

What is it about IE studies that makes mutts seethe so much?

>> No.20349742
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well this thread turned into a dumpster fire real quick

thanks retards

>> No.20350389

Because it’s real forms of unity in diversity, unlike lib metaphysics of ”equality”

>> No.20350730
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That's dumb, even if the category "white people" did not exist the people to whom the category did still exist, and thus making the claim "white people write the best literature" is completely intelligible
ANYWAY to get back on track with literature, the supremacy of Europeans is defensible but attacking Indian literature on the basis of its expressions being formulaic is retarded, who ever thought to compare a waterfall to a person leaping to suicide? a mountain to a geometer's rod? the firmament and the stars to a wooden panel holed by woodworms? a curved bow dislodging an arrow to a voluptuous prostitute throwing out her patron? a warrior attempting to find his fallen comrades to a grammarian trying to discover irregular verbs? a boar being shot at from two directions to, and I quote, "a coded syllable placed between a grammatical base and ending when they have come together to make a word"?
And this is not even getting to the incredible level of sound manipulation (see pic related), or the exquisite plot structures in the dramas
There's a lot to Indian books, they should be read and discussed far more than they are now

>> No.20350901

Indian languages sound like music to me. A desi woman's pitch basically microwaves my brain into melted SIMP

>> No.20351101

I wish I knew Classic Sanskrit. But I wish there were native speakers of this divine language, so I could practice conversation with and consume media made by said speakers.

>> No.20351451

> But I wish there were native speakers of this divine language, so I could practice conversation with and consume media made by said speakers.
There are a few villages of mostly speaking sanskrit-people in India, many of whom learned it from a young age, and there is a growing online Sanskrit culture on youtube and elsewhere of people from many countries having conversations and producing other content too

>> No.20351864

OP here. I was glad because I realized this thread is not archived, but after seeing what the thread has become, I am a bit disappointed. Thank you four your reply.

You seem to be an erudit. I was thinking about enriching my Mahabharata reading with one of the old TV series from the 80s. Have you watched it and do you think it is worth it? (I keep in mind your recommendations, but for now I will want to continue my humble Mahabharata trip)

Thank you again.

>> No.20352198

>But I wish there were native speakers of this divine language
There are, and there's millions more who know it as a second language.

>There is no myth of sacred empire at all on china

>> No.20352472
File: 485 KB, 2160x1594, FRnpQJ7XMAYJI8i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rg veda
>0 hits

>> No.20353188

Redpill me on the rig

>> No.20353195

Their (non-Aryans) inferiority complex is in full display.

>> No.20353236

Can you explain the studies showing how ancient Greeks are genetically closer to modern Greeks than any other european population? The same about Romans. Can you explain the Fayum portraits? The studies showing that Proto-Indo-European cultures had brown eyes and brown hair?

>> No.20353291

Oldest of the vedas, it is a collection of hymns that descends from BMAC/Sintashta. Probably the best connection to ancient Aryan culture we have left due its accurate preservation.

>> No.20353339

Are there any books on them that contain unbiased/based exegesis as well as the translated text?

>> No.20353440

I've only read Wendy Doniger's selection which has mixed reviews. Apparently Jamison and Brereton have a more recent and academic complete translation. That's all I know.

>> No.20353448

You ever read Gary Snyder?

>> No.20353787

learn sanskrit mate, you will not regret it

>> No.20353796

old mahabharat series are based af and if you want to read it for sole leisure purposes then reading any loose translations would work i guess, if you find any claim too weird the go to stack exchange and get your doubts clarified

>> No.20354048

Haven't watched the Mahabharata TV show, I hear it is stuffed with filler - if you want a shorter and more accessible version then Penguin has a good anthology of Bhasa's works ("The Shattered Thigh and Other Plays"), very short religious dramas which reenact episodes from the Mahabharata, with notes enough to gain an understanding of the epic's story

>> No.20354448

I’m not sure whether to dedicate my time to Latin, Greek, or Sanskrit. That’s why I wanted to read the English first to make sure

>> No.20354689

Were you expecting anything different when you come to /lit/?

>> No.20354904

well that entirely depends on what appeals you the most but if you are planning on learning sanskrit then i can assure you that you wont have any shortage of ancient reading material plus you can get payed by larping hippies who wanna show off their language skills to fit in vrindavan

>> No.20355442
File: 8 KB, 183x275, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the Shatakas of Bhratrhari