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File: 38 KB, 474x649, Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20345197 No.20345197[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why do chuds believe in literal magic, leftbros?

>> No.20345230

Read ever-present origin

>> No.20345252

Because fascism is the male equivalent of witchcraft, only practiced by mentally ill.

>> No.20345258

>everyone who disagrees with me is a fascist
hello r3dditard

>> No.20345280

>OP's picture is a dude who called himself super fascist.
>Stop saying others are fascist reeeeee.
Fuck off retard.

>> No.20345290

They are retarded. Simple as. Their worldview is routinely crushed so they have to believe in the fantastical

>> No.20345318

>dude what if reality is limited by repeatable experiment rather than all possibilities simply needing to be discovered to be experimented on first
I hate worshipers of the mundane so much it's unreal.

>> No.20345345

>called himself super fascist.
no, he called himself a "supra-fascist"; ie, above or beyond fascism, superior to it. You fucking gay redditor, I am OP, and you're a dumb faggot who probably simps for brown turds.

But their ideology is basically the same one held by ancient Kings and emperors and the upper castes of antiquity or even the present day to a limited extent.

>> No.20345347

Magic is fun and you Marxfags wouldn’t know anything about that

>> No.20345357

just werks

>> No.20345364

I've never seen an ideology that wasn't mostly founded on baseless assumptions, at least magic is fun.

>> No.20345365

why are leftists generally more obese and ugly, and also in favour of more degeneracy? this seems like the easier position to hold, and a position that the inferior (mentally ill people, BIPOC people, LGBT freaks, etc.) would be in favour of. It is also the side that corporations pander to / encourage, which tells you a lot.

>> No.20345378

>4 posts in and already there's a literal retard who misunderstood Evola's famous quote
I thought /lit/ was supposed to be intelligent?

>> No.20345389

If you believe those ancient kings were magical, you’re welcome to. Many ideas that were commonplace in the past have been exposed as rubbish. And lol at comparing yourself to the ancient kings and emperors of antiquity. You’re proving the anon who used the word delusional right

>> No.20345392

The redditor newfags who come from the bbc raids on /b/ are lowering the quality of the board.

>> No.20345402

>If you believe those ancient kings were magical, you’re welcome to
woah, 150+IQ take right here. Just kidding of course, it feels like I'm talking to a mentally handicapped shitskin. Are you saying that he emperors and kings were inferior to you? how do you know other dimensions don't exist? do you know what lies beyond the veil of sleep? how? profane science has no idea.

>> No.20345407

I think left wingers in general are more likely to believe in and practice "the occult", but right wing thought leaders, at least the earlier ones like Evola, were influenced more by aristocratic views, and the nobility were historically the ones who practiced these sorts of things.

>> No.20345417

>He isn't a super fascist, he's a beyond fascist, that's... Uhh.... That's fascism with fairy tales! Totally not fascism.
At least people back in the day were fascist proudly, now incels will hide it for some reason, sad. Maybe use fascist magic to make you white.
>Super fascist wasn't a fascist because.... Because he wasn't okay? Magical fairy tales make you different.
Did you transition from fascism to beyond fascism? FtB? Good for you.

>> No.20345425

So I’m not smart because I don’t believe in other realms and shit? If one believes in conjuring, hollow earth and the like, they are smart? Sounds backwards to me. And I never compared myself to ancient kings and frankly I don’t give a fuck what King Ammoutenater IV thought. Most were born in the right families to inherit their position

>> No.20345434

Love this guy's food reviews

>> No.20345445

This thread won't get deleted. A high quality post indeed.

>> No.20345451

>will hide it for some reason
Because few people are actually fascist, you utter retard. You can be far right without being a fascist. And why would one openly come out as a fascist when it would open them up to losing their job, getting harassed or assaulted, etc.? And do you know what the prefix "supra" means? you are so stupid but think you're intelligent, blinded by your vulgar ego.

>So I’m not smart
Correct. Go back to r3ddit you retarded homo, your posts are horrible and you are obviously new.

>> No.20345464

Lol. I’ve been here for many years and it’s your kind who has contributed to the steep decline in this board. Maybe I am retarded but at least I don’t believe in magic. Post a video of you’re magic abilities or training to make me a believer

>> No.20345470
File: 141 KB, 1200x806, intro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.20345482

So you are not a fascist but read a dude who called himself a super fascist? What are you then? MAGAfag? What for will you use fascist magic for? To make yourself white? For another metaphysical LARP instead of your christcuckery LARP that got old?

>> No.20345492

>Lol. I’ve been here for many years
No you haven't, your greentexts read like something a faggot redditor would write. Go simp for shitskins or something. The far right has made this board better even if it is only by scaring off the marxist subhumans.

>> No.20345497

Not even the anon you're talking to, but just do yourself a favor and look up footage of hydrokinesis or levitation, and then shut the fuck up. There's a billion on the internet. The man you are talking to isn't required to spoonfeed you for being such a willfully ignorant faggot.

>> No.20345498

>brown turds
>handicapped shitskin
Most of the Mesopotamian, Sumerian, Indian, Persian, and some other kings were brown, you idiot.

>> No.20345511

>dude who called himself a super fascist?
Do you have a learning disability?
>fascist magic
It has nothing to do with fascism. I also find it funny that you replied twice as if it wasn't totally obvious you're the same person in both posts, you shitskinned faggot.

>> No.20345512

I didn’t greentext. The bitterness and resentment are dripping off you. Seethe more. Maybe that will power your fascist magic

>> No.20345517

Many of your ancestors have been worshiping a shitskin for 1000+ years whilst babbling about Semitic kings like Solomon.

>> No.20345521

No they weren't, the nobility of antiquity were more often pale and blue-eyed. The browning happened later with a mixing of the castes and general dissolution of their society. How bluepilled are you? next you'll be telling me diversity is our strength and black people are our equals.

>> No.20345530

>Bro the wind moved something therefore turn to fascism.
If that impresses you then I wonder what will David Blaine do to you.
So if isn't about fascism why do you read a book from someone calling himself super fascist? If you care about magic join a magician school. Maybe they can make you white.

>> No.20345531

People who look for material proof of the immaterial are not suited for the mysteries.

>y-you mad?
>t. retard angrily rambling about fascism
top kek

I don't know what you're talking about. Metaphysically, the darker races are lower down in the hierarchy.

>> No.20345532
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>> No.20345538

>the nobility of antiquity were more often pale and blue-eyed.
Nope, I've studied the genetics enough, you stupid Nordicist fag. I doubt Evola even claims that. If he does, he's wrong then.
Also, having lighter phenotypes doesn't make one white. A blonde Iranian still clusters with darker Iranians. Your ideology would literally Balkanize and destroy countries with ancient heritages. Genuinely kys, you quixotic faggot.
>The browning happened later with a mixing of the castes and general dissolution of their society.
Population genetics shows different realities.
>How bluepilled are you? next you'll be telling me diversity is our strength and black people are our equals.
I'm telling you to fuck off with telling me you know about my culture and history than you do. I'm sick and tired of you retarded faggots. If you want to protect the racial profile of your own people, then that is fine to me, but you fuck with telling me you know more about my past and ancestors than I do myself.
You have the same mentalities as liberal cunts in that you don't leave other people alone.
I don't go around telling Greeks or Scotts or Irish or Swedes that their ancient kings were this or that because I don't give a shit.

>> No.20345539

Mystification and romanticization is part of the fascist credo. So is hentai apparently

>> No.20345543

What Harry Potter does to a fascist mf.

>> No.20345547

I'm actually a marxist-leninist, julius evola was literally an evil racist who hated poc and lgbtqq2+ folx, fuck racism and fuck white supremecy. only antisemtic trump supporting neofascist reactionaries believe in "magic". check your privilege, and stop being an uncle tom ok?

>> No.20345548

>So if isn't about fascism why do you read a book from someone calling himself super fascist?
you know that Evola don't advocates for fascim and 'super facist' means above or beyond fascism

>> No.20345550

>than you do
that I do*
>you fuck with
you fuck off with*

>> No.20345555

You’re being laughed at bro. Just give it up. No one is mad besides you. I have a big smile on my face

>> No.20345561

BOTH Nordicists and self-loathing liberals are two sides of the same coin, that is the bottom barrel of losers from the West.

>> No.20345563

So he became a Nazi? An upgrade for you I'm sure.

>> No.20345577

The oldest Egyptian mummies have red or red-blonde hair and Caucasian features. Statues of ancient nobility all over the world are depicted with blue eyes. Countless ancient greek poets depict the gods and demigods/heros with golden hair and grey or blue eyes and white skin. Not to mention Aryan India, wherein the upper castes were pale-skinned, and the shudras were black or very dark. Did you know they had a yearly ritual where a pale-skinned ksatriya battled a dark-skinned shudra, re-enacting the battle of light vs. dark / truth vs falsehood? even today the upper castes have lighter skin and sometimes blue or green eyes. I am just getting started, all of these ancient civilisations had pale-skinned and coloured-eyed upper castes. Whether or not they are genetically the same as present-day Europeans is a separate issue. Although some studies have shown this as well. You are coping.

Why was Hercules said to have gold hair? Why did Athena have grey eyes? Aphrodite being blonde? other ancient kings being blonde and blue-eyed? These were descriptions written thousands of years ago.

>> No.20345587

This. Some people just aren’t fit for this world or reality and belong in a mental institution with heavy medication

>> No.20345589

>p-please stop posting, i am smiling as you bully me
You're not my bro, you're a nigger, and you're coping.

>Evola was a nazi
Do you have a learning disability?

>> No.20345594

sounds like a cope for being brown tbqh

>> No.20345597

I’m just chilling with my girlfriend bro, and you’re making us crack up. Thank you

>> No.20345605

Your post is still brainlet normalfag garbage, literally boomer-tier or worse.

>> No.20345611

Oh I get it now, now I understand why you as a brown person like Evola, because he's a spiritual racist. So who cares if you are brown, as long as in spirit you are a white racist. Sorry for calling you or Evola a fascist, you are just a spiritual racist like him. Got it, carry on with your LARP.

>> No.20345613
File: 103 KB, 479x715, 16483726497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>telling people who are bullying you on 4chan that you are actually hanging out with your girlfriend and showing her shitposts
this is a whole new level of shitskinned incel cope.

>> No.20345614

???? I’m genuinely unsure if you’re trolling or crazy

>> No.20345616
File: 638 KB, 3576x1696, sassanid_looks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People who look for material proof of the immaterial are not suited for the mysteries.

>Begins babbling about how all "higher peoples" have blue eyes and blonde hair, which is material proof of their elevated divine status
>The oldest Egyptian mummies have red or red-blonde hair and Caucasian features.
Hair reddens through a oxidizing chemical process involving eumelanin.
Also, looking at autosomal DNA samples of ancient samples is better.
>Countless ancient greek poets depict the gods and demigods/heros with golden hair and grey or blue eyes and white skin.
If we rely on ancient illustrations, we tend to get conflicting results. For example, Alexander Mosaic shows darker features for Greeks and Persians. Also, we have Sassanian paintings that show royalty with dark hair and dark eyes.
>even today the upper castes have lighter skin and sometimes blue or green eyes. I
Autosomal DNA is preferable to analyze. It's true that Brahmins have more steppe admixture, but their looks do range a lot from being light to dark. Also, not many of the Brahmins have blue eyes or blonde hair... it's mostly just light skin.
> Although some studies have shown this as well. You are coping.
No, they are not. I've studied this enough.
Fuck off with trying to claim non-European legacies before I bring back scaphism for you and chanting from the Zend Avesta. I'll give you a taste of real "hospitality" and "divinity of war", you fucking duplicitous ingrate trash.

>> No.20345622

I’m a big black guy and my girlfriend is a petite blonde hair blue eyed girl…

Nah. We’re both white with blue eyes. Just wanted to rustle your jimmies

>> No.20345626

I'm ethnically Scottish and English. I think it is quite funny that you are validating our "racist" worldview though, well done on quickly checking out Evola's wikipedia article btw, now start cutting yourself, pooskin.

>> No.20345646

Ya you seem pretty stupid.

>Hair reddens through a oxidizing chemical process involving eumelanin.
You halfwit, they studied the hair follicles on Ramses II and determined he was a strawberry blonde. There are 4000+ year old mummies in china that are 6'6" and blonde buried with swastikas. Keep coping, brown turd.

>> No.20345652

I guess if you can't be superior in real life you can LARP that you are superior in spirit. Whatever helps you cope. Be it spiritual racism or other metaphysical copes.

>> No.20345655

You're almost certainly a mutt/pooskin.

>> No.20345656

because they aren't lying papist ibm employees

>> No.20345664

We should probably leave this guy alone. He is unwell. He is the type that we’ll see on the news that will lead to a crusade against /lit/

>> No.20345669

I have light skin, but I'd still strap you to the boat, glaze your body with honey, and chant from the Zend Avesta as insects gnaw at your bones. I'll give you a taste of the "magick" from my ancestors, you arrogant piece of shit. You are full of shit and not approaching this realistically.
>You halfwit, they studied the hair follicles on Ramses II and determined he was a strawberry blonde.
The autosomal DNA is more valuable. Autosomal DNA covers the entire genome via one's grandparents, and it is more valuable than paternal and maternal haplogroups.
>There are 4000+ year old mummies in china that are 6'6" and blonde buried with swastikas.
This... is an exaggeration, but Tocharians and some Steppe tribes did migrate and mix a lot, especially in Central Asia. Yes, they clustered near NW Euros, but that doesn't mean all non-Euros were largely of steppe ancestry.
You rely on lying by omission, lying by muddying the waters, lying like half-assed biased research.

>> No.20345670

nazi means nazirite

whites are the real jews

>> No.20345673

>implying you would know what constitutes spiritual superiority
thanks for the laugh

>> No.20345676
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>> No.20345677

you just want people to believe atlantis wasn't real so you don't go to space jail for sinking it

>> No.20345684
File: 51 KB, 709x595, EDA124EB-4859-41EB-A5CB-8CCE7A169D2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20345686

I look like a younger John Travolta.
I'm not even a liberal or leftist. I'm saying you shouldn't go around claiming other peoples' cultural legacies based on Nordicist lies/misrepresentations. It is immensely insulting and low IQ. It's basically what Afrocentrists engage in.
Fuck off and focus on your peoples and culture.

>> No.20345690



>> No.20345694

Spiritual racism is just metaphysics, there is no "knowing" because anyone can make shit up as they go. At the end of the day any form of metaphysics, be it spiritual racism is just fairy tales. Your fairy tales are different from Evolas fairy tales, you change them, add, discord how you want, whatever fits your "worldview".

>> No.20345697

tf is this thread lmao

>> No.20345698

>replies instantly
be silent, foul and dark shudra dog.

>> No.20345699

Tell mom that you stopped taking your meds

>> No.20345704

You don't understand any of the scientific details in that.
Those people still cluster closer to the people in their areas. NW European genome is around 50% Yamnaya, ~30% Neolithic Anatolian farmer, and the rest WHG. Now compare it to the Pe'kin cave samples:
>~57% of its ancestry from groups related to those of the local Levant Neolithic, ~26% from groups related to those of the Anatolian Neolithic, and ~17% from groups related to those of the Iran Chalcolithic.
NW Euros don't have any Levant Neolithic or Iran Chalcolithic ancestry.

>> No.20345706

Metaphysical knowledge is first and foremost experiential. Metaphysically, the sun represents radiating virtue, love, joy, truth, etc. and melanin block sunlight, which is extremely problematic.

>> No.20345708

>Hercules said to have gold hair?
he wasn't and it's not present in the surviving iconography of antiquity

>Why did Athena have grey eyes?
glaucopes don't mean 'grey eyes' but bright eyed and might refer to literal brightness
and that was only a local epithet of her and her consistent depiction throughout antiquity was as someone with dark hair

> Aphrodite being blonde?
she wasn't

>other ancient kings being blonde and blue-eyed?
like augustus that your type always claim to be blond but turned out to be a misstranslation and pigment analysis of statues of his time show that he was depicted with light brown hair ?

material Genetic evidence >>>>>> All

>> No.20345711

I type fast, you stupid snow nigger trash. You behave worse than a lying Jew. Slit your throat.
I would never call you a dog because they are sentient beings unlike you.

>> No.20345717

>believe in literal magic,
LOL lefties believe trannies are women

>> No.20345723

Cool, ancient colonisers were still pale-skinned and blue-eyed, aka WHITE. The people presently living in these areas are very different. Modern day egyptians for example have a much higher amount of sub-saharan admixture, which arrived relatively recently. This is all part of the dissolution during the dark age, iron age, kali yuga, whatever you wanna call it, spoken of perennially.

>> No.20345741
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>> No.20345743

>he wasn't and it's not present in the surviving iconography of antiquity
Yes he was, read practically any greek mythology from the original source and the gods/demigods are described as having white features, such as golden hair or grey eyes. Hercules is definitely not an exception. Roman emperors (who we have physical descriptions of) often had grey or even blue eyes, read or dirty-blonde hair, etc. Very different from modern population of that area. Why wouldn't they be different? they were an elite class of rulers, over the conquered slave class. You should read more instead of debating online based off of how you feel.

>> No.20345745

No it isn't, you attribute your own points to whatever you want and call it truth when the person next you will have completely different view and points for the same thing. You aren't experiating anything, you are just putting your own inner ideas and personality onto things and nothings. And like I said, you can make it up as you go.

>> No.20345748

You need to genuinely kill yourself, take a knife to that throat and stop running your disingenuous mouth. I am getting tired of you. You don't care about the truth. You only care about what strokes your shit ego. Now, read me carefully, faggot. I know this is asking a lot from someone as stupid and incompetent as you. Knowing you, you will just misinterpret everything I say and just twist it. I am being honest here.
>Cool, ancient colonisers were still pale-skinned and blue-eyed, aka WHITE.
No, Sintashta didn't have blue eyes or blonde hair on average, but they did cluster near NW Euros. They mixed with BMAC peoples 500-1000 years before formation of Persian and Indian cultures. These mixed peoples resemble Yaghnobis and Pamiri Tajiks, but they do not cluster near Europeans on PCA autosomal DNA plots. Moreover, light features are not that prevalent among them.
There was no steppe migration like that into Egypt or the Levant however. Ancient Egyptians were in between modern Greeks and Arabs. They had little to no steppe admixture.

Yes, 500-1000 years ago, there were peoples that resembled you that influenced and mixed with peoples who led to creation of Persian and Indian ethos. However, you have nothing to do with either ancient Mesopotamians, Egyptians, or etc. I'm talking from a real population genetics angle here.

>> No.20345749

this is a fraudulent form of magic. a satanic parody of divinity

>> No.20345758

>he didn't have blonde hair, he had light brown hair!
Woah, he was basically a nigger!

>> No.20345762

The media in 2016 memed the word "fascist" and now we have to deal with the fallout of npcs and anti-npc contrarian npcs sperging out when they here their activation phrase.

>> No.20345777
File: 2.67 MB, 2800x3312, use_against_nordicists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20345778

>is unironically seething
>Ramses II had strawberry blonde hair based off analysis of his hair follicles
>gods and heros of ancient greece are consistently described as having white features like pale skin, golden hair and blue or grey eyes
>this brown retard thinks they were genetically the same as modern african and semitic mutts despite thousands of years of migrations from darker populations and mixing of castes

>> No.20345782

This thread is something else. Eye opening

>> No.20345783

Machiavelli had red hair, many older Italians did. Even today there are still some with red hair, but it is uncommon, since the inferior darker races have come up from the south over and over again.

>> No.20345786
File: 1.19 MB, 2800x3312, use_against_nordicists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most Europeans are brown based on your fucking standards.

>> No.20345795

Pretty ballsy to put people in the wrong tier even when their picture is right there.

>> No.20345818

He obviously has an anti-white agenda. Anybody who wants to preserve white phenotypes and points out that many ancient civilisations were actually a lot "whiter" than commonly believed is a "nordicist" aka an evil nazi psychopath.

>> No.20345822

Most of them have dark hair and either light or dark eyes. Blonde hair actually seems quite rare. Are you going to start screaming Beethoven was non-Euro?
Slit your throat, you disingenuous faggot.
I was being honest while you only care about self-aggrandizement.

>> No.20345830

What are my standards? Most Europeans have pale skin, coloured eyes and coloured hair. Definitely not brown. It sounds like you're fighting a boogeyman in your head, and it also sounds like you hate white people and want us all to be mutts like you.

>> No.20345842

If i had an anti-white agenda, I would be encouraging you faggots to race mix or whatever. I am saying to stop trying to claim other peoples' cultural legacies by using half-truths. If you actually read my post deeply, you'd be able to tell I am being honest and have background in the population genetics and migration patterns.

>> No.20345848

Woah.....are you saying that not all white people have pure blonde hair? still, there is clearly a difference between having brown hair/brown eyes vs being a mutt with a high concentration of african or arab genes aka having very dark eyes, black hair and brown skin.

>> No.20345853

You were saying that the royals of most ancient non-European cultures had blue eyes and blonde hair, which I pointed out is a fabrication.
I'm also pointing out that not even many European intellectuals had blonde hair. Most seemed to have to brown to dark hair and eyes.
Is it okay if you focus on your own peoples and leave other cultures alone? You're a disingenuous faggot.

>> No.20345861

>I would be encouraging you faggots to race mix or whatever
That's basically what you're doing. You're saying ancient people who were phenotypically white are actually indistinguishable from modern day shitskins, who are merely the degenerated offshoots or an older and more noble race with white features. You are attempting to mongrelizing ancient nobles.

>> No.20345863

Stop going around spreading lies that ancient peoples in non-Euro countries were blonde hair and blue eyes, and I won't use the same poison against you. It is obvious you are trying to Balkanize certain countries. Fuck off and focus on your own people.

>> No.20345883

>which I pointed out is a fabrication.
So the roman emperors weren't actually far more white than the people in that region today? homer is lying when he describes gods and heroes as having golden hair, pale skin, and blue or grey eyes? the ancient iranians weren't actually pale with blonde hair and blue eyes? the aryan invaders of india weren't actually pale with blue eyes? ancient persian emperors didn't actually say they came from an ancient noble bloodline of Aryans? you're coping and bending selective material evidence to justify your point, you seem to hate white people honestly, a lot of your posts you are trying to mongrelise them outright.

>> No.20345887

>phenotypically white
Autosomal DNA matters more, and based on the autosomal DNA, they were not phenotypically white.
You're acting worse than a Jew.
You have nothing to do with Ancient Mesopotamians, Egyptian, Persians, Indian, Chinese, Central Asian cultures. You're acting like a WE WUZ Afrocentrist who claims Beethoven is black or something.
Stop it. Focus on your own fucking country or region.

>> No.20345893

No, just the upper castes that conquered these regions. Whether or not they were European is another issue and I don't know enough to say if they were. But ya, most ancient peoples of note were what we would describe as white; ie, pale skin, red/brown/blonde hair, blue or grey eyes, etc. The lower castes that were colonised by these people were dark-skinned. Over time the castes all mixed.

>> No.20345894

>/lit/ - Slower Moving /pol/ Threads

>> No.20345905

I don't care about Romans or Greeks. I've seen studies that show Greeks didn't have much steppe admixture and more closely resemble modern-day Greeks than NW Euros. This guy posted one here: >>20345532
However, I didn't study it that much because I focus on different cultures.
>the ancient iranians weren't actually pale with blonde hair and blue eyes
They weren't. I gave you Sassanian artifacts here: >>20345616
Stop claiming other peoples' cultural legacies.
>a lot of your posts you are trying to mongrelise them outright.
I'm not claiming your cultures.

>> No.20345909

You stupid nigger, we have 4000 year old ancient Aryan mummies in China and 3000+ year old mummies from Ancient Egypt that have reddish blonde hair and caucasian features. That is the point. India was colonised by pale-skinned blue-eyed people, some possible blonde, thousands of years ago.

>> No.20345911

Magic is the most baser and redpilled thing ever

>> No.20345913

leftist niggas believe in "universal human rights" and "economy" but when someone says that having a positive outlook on life and strong values makes you a better person they call them retarded

>> No.20345917

>But ya, most ancient peoples of note were what we would describe as white; ie, pale skin, red/brown/blonde hair, blue or grey eyes, etc.
No. This is a misrepresentation. You distorting and exaggerating certain data to make a claim that tries to claim other peoples' cultural legacies.
If I explain this to you, then you'd immediately twist what I'd say to push your Nordicist bullshit more.
Please, for the love of God, focus on your own region and peoples. Leave other people alone.
Accepting waves of immigrants was a mistake, no doubt. Aim for your ethnostate and fuck off with claiming other peoples' cultural legacies.

>> No.20345919

Report buttons exist for a reason.

>> No.20345924

>>He isn't a super hegelian, he's a beyond hegelian, a marxist! That's... Uhh.... That's hegelianism with fairy tales! Totally not hegelianism

>> No.20345926

The studies don't really matter, since they won't consider things like caste. The ancient kings, heroes and gods were consistently described as having white features. I've also seen studies on tombs of aristocrats that had higher percentages of "nordic" dna compared to the burials of the plebs.

I guess you are so attached to this since you can't bear the idea of your ancient history actually being white as well.

>> No.20345927

Oh my science fags don't even realize that blood magic and curses are realer than quantum physics.

>> No.20345934

>to make a claim that tries to claim other peoples' cultural legacies.
I don't care about that, you're projecting some insecurities I think.

>> No.20345945

They moved into BMAC and maybe IVC and mixed with the people there before moving into Iran and India. They were at most 50% Sintashta/white. The early elites may have had more Sintashta steppe admixture.
However, there is no evidence of anything like this occurring in Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt. Yes, there is a lot of NW Euro STEPPE admixture in Central Asia but not so much in Ancient Mesopotamia or Egypt.

>> No.20345948

>Evola: *exists*
>anti-white mutts and trannies: *seethe*

>> No.20345956

What's weird is the Pe'qin cave samples in Israel had light eyes and hair, but they had no steppe admixture. This is another point: Race is not skin deep.
Someone can have more white admixture and dark hair and eyes while someone can have less Euro admixture and have light eyes and light hair.
You have caveman logic.

>> No.20345960

Depends on the castes. The ruling elite that conquered would not have the same genetics as the plebs being ruled over. Scientific studies don't seem to account for this obvious fact.

>> No.20345965

When I say white I am referring to the outward appearance, and I'm not pretending this represents race.

>> No.20345967

Not true. Actually study population genetics, you memelord edgelord faggot.
>Scientific studies don't seem to account for this obvious fact.
they actually show light features don't necessarily correlate with Aryan/steppe admixture. Neolithic Anatolian farmers had more light features on average.

>> No.20345974

>they had light hair and eyes but they weren't actually white, mkay?
This is a whole new level of mutt cope.

>> No.20345979

Really? Can you link me to some studies where the population genetics of the different castes are compared/contrasted?

>> No.20345984

That's because you're a shallow and retarded faggot. I'm talking about race here mainly and breaking it down into ancestral components. For example this post shows that light features do not necessarily correlate with Aryan/steppe admixture: >>20345704

>> No.20345985

You don't have strong and positive values, you have resentment and hate values. But you know, I'm sure you can spin racism however you want.

>> No.20345991

Lol no they weren't. Nice try tho, Jamal

>> No.20345996
File: 177 KB, 1024x997, nature-study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to cluster with whites on PCA autosomal plots.
Stop trying to balkanize nations.
A dark skinned Iranian clusters with a blonde blue eyed one.
Slit your throat, fucking cuck. I know you're probably Masons or something like that.
This PCA of autosomal DNA is from a Nature study btw.

>> No.20346001

Kys, David. You have nothing to do with those peoples. You have an impressive cultural legacy yourself. Stick to it and leave others alone.

>> No.20346003

He means positive in the sense of positivism, you seething brainlet.

You're the one having a tantrum over ancient populations being white. You don't even deny it, you just say they had different DNA, but where still white.

>> No.20346010

>dark skinned iranians still have more ancient and noble iranian DNA in them as well
No shit sherlock

>> No.20346017

You behave like a low-class shudra, not like your superior ancient aryan ancestors. It's probably the african admixture, it is racial garbage and you know it.

>> No.20346021

you have to cluster with whites on PCA autosomal DNA plots to be white, dumb faggot. Check here: >>20345996

I'm saying even if they had light features, which is highly doubtful, they still cluster with their own people rather than Europeans.
A blonde blue eyed Iranian is still racially closer to Iranians relative to Europeans.
I've studied this shit enough, faggot. Please focus on your own peoples, your own ethnonationalist interests, or whatever and leave other people alone, nigger.

My cousin has blue eyes and blonde hair. That doesn't mean he's more related to you than me.

>> No.20346027

So you gain positivism and catharsis from racism? Ain't you one sick LARPer.

>> No.20346031

so they had blue eyes, pale skin and possibly blonde hair but weren't actually white? sounds like a cope.

>> No.20346032

Given that my cousin and people of the same race can have different eye and hair colors, this means they are superficial traits. Only a few genes select for them and they cannot thus be considered determinant factors of race.
What you are doing is trying to destabilize nations with pseudohistory and pseudoscience based on superficial appearances and parochial readings of history.
This is why Nordicists are hated and mocked frequently everywhere. You lack nuance.

>> No.20346039

I'm no more or less racist than the ancient nobility.

>> No.20346041
File: 120 KB, 720x1600, Julius Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished my Evola collection, about to start reading him soon

>> No.20346048

Your ancient and genetically pure ancestors resembled present-day Europeans more than they resemble present day brown skinned people with pube hair. Why haven't you replied to >>20345979

>> No.20346052

You think adopting some "noble" values will make you noble? A mutt born in a stable will stay a mutt. Here's some noble wisdom for you, pleb.

>> No.20346055

Damn, you go hard.

>> No.20346058

Ancient nobility was more racist than you. They didn't give a shit about claiming other peoples' cultural legacies. There was no sense of "Aryan brotherhood" that you retarded hicks have.
You're just marginally smarter than Afrocentrists, but you still equally rely on lies, misrepresentations, omission of data, etc

>> No.20346066

>White people: exist

>> No.20346072

>seething shitskin thinks it knows about nobility lel

>> No.20346074

they rely on the fact that the pharaohs were greek and you are a liar like your father the devil

>> No.20346081

4chan edgelord bottom barrel whites: All ancient royals were white!
Normal people: That's highly doubtful because...
4chan edgelord bottom barrel whites: REEEEEEEE! YOU ARE ATTACKING US.


>> No.20346089

>If I larp as a noble I will become noble.
You sure sound like a racist country bumpkin. Know your place, pleb.

>> No.20346097

They actually cared about it a lot, they were constantly seeking to identify themselves to ancient bloodlines allegedly stemming from gods. There was the Persian Emperor, Darius I think, I could be wrong, who inscribed on a stone that he came from the ancient and noble bloodline of the Aryans. Bloodlines were very important to them, they were sacred. You are arguing with a strawman in your head btw, you also unironically seem to be mentally ill.

>> No.20346102

I hope his remaining 5 or 6 untranslated works get translated soon

>> No.20346106

I agree, but my point was that the Ancient Greeks, Romans, Indians, or Persian royalty did not see themselves as being the same "white" people. You're arguing they were all white.
> mentally ill.
You're the mentally ill one who can't acknowledge any race outside of NW Euros as competent.

>> No.20346109

If you're white you're automatically more noble than a non-white, especially when considering the majority of Europeans can trace their ancestry back to royalty. A large majority of Brits for example, can be traced back to King John. Almost all of US presidents can be traced back to him.

>> No.20346115

I don't care lol, get out of my thread you brown lebanese faggot. you will never be white like your superior aryan ancestors.

>> No.20346119

And every single person in the world can be traced back to one woman in Africa.

>> No.20346125

1. they can't
2. that has no bearing on the argument, you are terrible at logic, and are unironically mentally ill

>> No.20346128

Chuds rule supreme

>> No.20346130

I don't give a shit about your thread. Slit your throat, you pompous jackass.
You will never be virtuous like the heroes from your cultures and myths. You don't give a shit about honesty.
Light features don't even necessarily correlate with Aryan/steppe admixture as recent evidence is showing. /His/ shares the journal articles all the time, but I don't save it because I have more noble goals to focus on.
Also, I have light skin, but this means nothing. Gloating about your external appearance and a very shallow thing to do. External appearance doesn't matter when you're old and decrepit.

>> No.20346135

Phenotype was exactly what I thought but wayyy more J2a in Mycenaeans than I anticipated. Well done medbros from an I1 lad. Finding info on Mycenaean Y-DNA isn't easy for whatever reason.

>> No.20346139

>unironically mentally ill
Keep projecting, faggot.
Chuds need attention otherwise the solitude would gnaw at their soul, and they would rightfully commit suicide.
Both chuds and self-loathing liberals should get the rope.
There's a different between wanting demographic majority in your country versus going around and claiming other peoples' cultural legacies like nignogs.

>> No.20346141

Yes, they can trace, ever heard of genetics?

>> No.20346144

you are a mentally ill lebanese mutt and you don't have anything interesting to contribute to this thread. every one of your posts is spewing autism and anti-white hatred, as well as advocating violence for no discernable reason other than your own juvenile, inferior nature. When I ask you for a study you don't even have the guts to respond, yet you claim to care about honesty or virtue? bye, faggot.

>> No.20346145

meant for >>20345532

>> No.20346146

mental illness is a very subjective matter and only seeks to subjugate the problem of other minds

>> No.20346151

Chuds rule supreme
normies rage and scream

>> No.20346152

Chud = anyone who advocates for white interests

Shut up brown turd.

>> No.20346156

>anti-white hatred
How? I even agreed you have viable cause for ethnonationalism.
You're just a mentally ill and narcissistic and retarded faggot who cannot understand nuance. You're basically asking me to agree with your lies.
Also, what makes you think I'm Lebanese? Fuck off.

>> No.20346159

except the aryan space atlanteans

>> No.20346160

You are responding to a lebanese mutt living in a white country who hates white people.

>> No.20346166

>Chud = anyone who advocates for white interests
If that's true why does the chud meme face look exactly like that anti-work reddit tranny?

>> No.20346167

>the lebanese brown turd is still posting

>> No.20346172

Nigga, you don't even know your neighbors name, what white interests?

>> No.20346175

Not spiritually/metaphysically. That's a classic mistake really.

>> No.20346177

leftists are bad at memes and end up projecting, since they are mentally ill Freudian basket cases.

>> No.20346180

>When I ask you for a study you don't even have the guts to respond, yet you claim to care about honesty or virtue?
Vahaduo G25 is down, but I've played with samples a lot around the world and created calculators for them. I would have to create it on R* software again.
I recommend emailing Davidski and asking him to explain everything to you step-by-step:

>> No.20346188

which ones are those? is synthesis of the doctrine of race different from myth of the blood?

>> No.20346195

I agree that you have viable reason for ethnonationalism, anti-miscegenation laws, and so on. I'm neither Lebanese nor anti-white. I'm saying to fuck off with your lies and trying to claim ancient cultures that aren't yours.
Europe has a very impressive cultural legacy. Why not stick with that?

>> No.20346198

Unironically, right-wingers recourse to supernaturalism, perennialism, etc. to ground values that everyone realized were actually evil after the events of WW2 because they have no other justification.

>> No.20346200

I am very close with my neighbours in my 95% white hometown, but currently I am living in a big city and surrounded by 3rd world sewage, so I am not exactly eager to associate with them.

>> No.20346205

Makes perfect sense desu
>wrong even more so than /pol/
>impoverished mutants
>on synthetic hormones
>will never be real women
>incapable of understanding Evola much less Guenon
Not much hope for that lot.

>> No.20346206
File: 503 KB, 976x850, 2B2713E8-D60D-4A3D-9B16-B3F1FB0A7802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be the worst thread I have seen all year

>> No.20346210

Oh I see the Iranian is shitting up yet another thread, go back to Iran Reza. Stop leeching off the nice burgers who allowed you to live in their country.

>> No.20346211
File: 2.48 MB, 540x301, LowTierGod tumblr_f6b6cca20cd7baa93b99e5d04919fbf1_7413885f_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total Supremacy

>> No.20346212

You're not helping your political cause when you spread lies about ancient non-European royals being white. You can argue for ethnonationalism via better rhetoric.

>> No.20346214

You can thank the antiwhite lebanese mutt for that.

>> No.20346217

No one realized anything. If they did DeFi would have taken over international finance and Russia wouldn't be spitroasting Ukraine right now. The bulk of our species is just unironically cattle tier.

>> No.20346219

>posts a dirty shudra whose identity is centered around being enslaved
what was meant by this?

>> No.20346223

How am I antiwhite? I even said homogeneous populations are better for being more high-trust. Stop trying to claim other peoples' cultural legacies. It's not a noble thing to do, and you rely too much on misrepresentation. You can argue for ethnonationalism via other rhetoric.
Both my first and last names have pre-Islamic origins.
How am I leeching off anyone? I'm a burned out data scientist.

>> No.20346225

Post hand

>> No.20346226

Adam and Eve were Greek you lying fuck

>> No.20346234
File: 153 KB, 390x571, hermtrad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest, how well did you understand this book?

>> No.20346235

According to the wiki, the untranslated books are:
1926; The Individual and the Becoming of the World
1927; Man as Potency
1927; The Theory of the Absolute Individual
1930; The Phenomenology of the Absolute Individual
1960; The Worker in the Thought of Ernst Jünger

And no, Synthesis of the doctrine of race and Myth of Blood are 2 different works.

>> No.20346236

Ok, then the ruling elite realized that right-wing values were evil and got the herd to believe it, doesn't change my point, then that makes Antiracism, respecting LGBTQ people, feminism, etc. aristocratic values now.
>b-b-but not real aristocrats kali yuga etc.
A majority of people of aristocratic descent are left-libs by now like everyone of sufficient wealth.

>> No.20346238

I've posted my hand numerous times before. Having light skin doesn't mean anything in terms of race and autosomal DNA.
I don't like arrogant people, and I would use my hands to choke you.
You can argue for the benefit of ethnonationalism and homogeneous populations without resorting to lies such as claiming all non-Euro royals were white.

>> No.20346239
File: 835 KB, 320x180, Lowtg2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what was meant by this?
Display of Supremacy and sublime physique

>> No.20346244

Adam and Eve were Jewish.

>> No.20346251
File: 295 KB, 900x788, 1647428504710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entire generation of young minds who could have become brilliant if they had read Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, Frege, Husserl, Wittgenstein, Whitehead or Heidegger became slobbering retards instead because this meme and joke of a man was pushed by a select few permanently online twitterphilosophy edgelords
It is genuinely a god damn tragedy.

>> No.20346261

Yeah, that's what I said

>> No.20346265
File: 38 KB, 1193x1654, go back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20346273

If they read those thinkers they would've become left-liberals.

>> No.20346284

Enfranchised leftoids believe in stuff like History, Progress, The Dialectic, Whitehead, “the arc of history bends towards justice”, Human Rights etc. All of that is at least adjacent to what is meant by magic. Other Leftoids that are kooks and wingbats within their own tradition strongly believe in more visceral magic as well such as crystals, hexes, orgasms and sex as revolutionary acts, ugly art as anti-fascism etc. Remember those NYC witches cursing Drumpf? Ever been to Salem MA? Witch central and it’s full of BIPOC flags and gays. Who cares anyways, magic is based and hopefully it does exist in some sense