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20344694 No.20344694 [Reply] [Original]

Have you gotten it yet?

>> No.20344706

ah, i knew it had to be some stupid eceleb shit. kill yourself twitter immigrant

>> No.20344717

begone fat iranian butter merchant

>> No.20344751

>stupid eceleb shit
Literally gives the best political analysis we have rn

>> No.20344775

oh? and how did you come to that conclusion?

>> No.20344794

>hip-hop breakbeat
>find out yourself with...

>> No.20344801

Go away, zoomer retard.

>> No.20344824
File: 96 KB, 648x1024, hoyu8iasdh-1239083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally gives the best political analysis we have rn
Last thing I remember this intellectual giant peddling was in 2020 when he shilled qanon-tier theories about how Trump was gonna enact martial law and drag civilians in front of a military court. Stopped listening to what he had to say after that bout of utter retardation.

>> No.20344825

Well, I have not seen anyone else online who is adressing relevant political issues by citing as many works by different authors. I assume, therefore, "literally" his analyzes are the most accurate of the well known commentators on the Internet right now.

>> No.20344837

He's a boomer that's why

>> No.20344841

not yet

>> No.20344862

should arrive this week

>> No.20344892

Is it worth reading if i've already read The Machiavellians

>> No.20344926

I don't know, this book is about debunking the delution of sovereignty of the people.

>> No.20344944

It's more brief but covers a bunch of people Burnham just couldn't in 1943 when he wrote the Machiavellians, including two of his own "successors"(Gottfried and Francis).

>> No.20344953

Academic Agent is a grade A asshole that hates people with aspergers and read Rousseau in a completely wrongheaded way.

>> No.20344961

thats not the conclusion, have you actually read the book or just the introduction/advertisment?

>> No.20344978

lmao post sauce.

>> No.20345005
File: 136 KB, 950x994, 1651607579761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume you meant to reply to >>20344926
No I have not read it yet, I just assoomed...
Haven't read The Machiavellians either..

>> No.20345486

Yeah it seems he fell into the trap of being a really angry, contrarian, "anti-elite" guy. In that mindset, real analysis becomes clouded, and you become vulnerable to things like Qanon and extreme antivaxx theories, anything that tells you the media and major institutions are totally worthless, "the revolution must be imminent" style thinking, "the elites are completely incompetent and/or evil and this can't go on any longer", etc.

>> No.20345901

why so many are seething at AA in this thread, seems like a decent guy

>> No.20345908

ARRGGH I forgot the question mark

>> No.20345910

He doesn't acknowledge the jq and hardly alludes to it when pressed. That's my biggest gripe with him

>> No.20345922

anon he has recommended the 'forbidden texts' numerous times

>> No.20345923

He does though but not on Youtube plus that subject is a hole for resentful losers as a rule. All rw intellectuals will be hounded by self destructive wignats until they acknowledge the elders of zion and destroy their lives.

>> No.20345925

How much longer can this clown show go go on, though? Our elites seem pretty clueless. Just look at the Biden administration’s failure to manage the inflation and foreign affairs. They don’t seem very competent or in touch with the rest of the population.

>> No.20345938

Can you stop having women on your show? Even if I agree with them, their grating voices ruin it for me.

>> No.20345977

AA is that you?

>> No.20346006

Yes he does. Even on YouTube he makes jq allusions and jokes.

>> No.20346187

I really don't know. It's possible a crisis will hit, and some faction of elites like Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, etc. will somehow be able to seize more control and move things in a better direction. On the other hand, it's very plausible that people are so domesticated and propagandized that they will simply continue to put up with decline, for decades and decades as western nations essentially become Brazil or worse. I've become skeptical of people insisting the elites are totally incompetent and don't know what they're getting into, the people are gonna get mad as hell and they're not gonna take it anymore, the revolution is totally inevitable, etc.

>> No.20346258

Who doxxed him?

>> No.20346314

>Just look at the Biden administration’s failure to manage the inflation and foreign affairs.
Unironically they are managing foreign affairs okay, inflation is the Fed's fault. The Fed cucked on tightening in 2018, overstimulated in 2020 and didn't start tightening until this year when they should've in 2021. Biden doesn't have that much control over the Fed.

>> No.20346458


>> No.20346478
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>Unironically they are managing foreign affairs okay

>> No.20346583

Can someone give me a quick rundown on the author? I’ve heard about the book but don’t know anything about him.

>> No.20346600

>duh jooz did it
>insightful analysis

>> No.20346607

If they can pull out a win in Ukraine it'll be a huge win for the EU in terms of acquiring natural resources. That and finally exiting Afghanistan bumps the Biden administration to "average" on foreign affairs.

>> No.20346634

He's just a humble scholar

>> No.20346635

>If they can take back Mariupol and drive the Russians back to Moscow, topple Putin, divvy up Russia into zones with western oligarch managers and suck the nation dry, selling their children into sex trafficking rings, the US and EU will be riding on easy street.

Oh what’s this? The Ukrainian solders in Azovstal gave up all their hostages and they’re set to either die and surrender? Hahahahhahaaa. Petrodollar is finished, anon.

>> No.20346642

>Neema Parvini
Sounds non-white. I'll pass.

>> No.20346667

That's more accurate than 90% of "nuanced analysis" types who will inevitably bring up Gnosticism.

>> No.20346671

He's half Persian

>> No.20346673

Our elites are pretty brilliant in terms of sheer work ethic. The sad thing is watching the effort get spent into the most pointless ventures.

>> No.20346686

The petrodollar is a non-thing unironically made up by a weird Russophile American academic. DXY is going to the moon right now. Putin doesn't need to be toppled or anything like that, the currently contested areas in Ukraine have a ton of important natural resources which is the whole reason there's a war there in the first place.

>> No.20346698

He's a British (half Iranian) reactionary Youtuber named Academic Agent. Part of a clique that's friends with Sargon, but further right than him. Also part of the broader "dissident right" community, adjacent to nationalists, third positionists, etc. His videos originally focused on Austrian school economics, kind of a capitalist libertarian guy, but he moved away from that and became more radical after reading Italian elite theory and people like Evola. He's one of the few that hasn't been banned from Youtube because he carefully maneuvers around the most taboo subjects. He does multiple weekly streams that last a few hours each, one on current events, one that deep dives into history/politics/religion/whatever, one that explores culture, etc. and this is the bulk of his content. I believe he was also a teacher or professor at one point, but he got fired. He also has a website selling courses on economics, politics, etc.

>> No.20346726


>> No.20347659
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>it'll be a huge win for the EU in terms of acquiring natural resources
Yes sky-rocketing energy prices is a huge win I'm sure this won't drive even more people into the hands of Russophile populists. Expending America's political capital on a proxy war with...Russia of all people is definitely the move we need to make while China sits on the sidelines. Kek you don't actually believe this drivel do you?

>> No.20348380

>debunking the sovereignty of the people
popular sovereignty was debunked literally THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO
this internet-brain libby pseud should be eaten alive by starving anteaters I hate these people so much