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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2034137 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, why so pretentious /lit/?

You dont actually LIKE these books do you?

>> No.2034142
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I smell an illiterate.

>> No.2034146

your right, I fucking hate books their so silly.

>> No.2034149
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you're right OP, I don't like books.

I LOVE books!

>> No.2034151



My point is, read what you like to read and not what you think others expect you to have read.

>> No.2034156

No proof that you did read it as opposed to having someone read it to you.

>> No.2034163


You don't think we do this for fun? What is wrong with you. There are people who spend 25 hours a day playing WoW and TF2 but somehow our interests and pleasure is incomprehensible?

I don't even

>> No.2034170


seems a little pretentious to assume that we dont actually like these books simply because you seem not to

>> No.2034185


No I dont think so, I think its pretentious of you to claim I am pretentious for thinking you are pretentious!

Clearly I have my facts in order here.

>> No.2034213


So you are saying if I inform myself on what good books are instead of going to a book store and randomly buying books is pretentious? Oh well...

Let me ask you this: Do you go to the cinema to every single movie that is on, or do you inform yourself which movie is good and which not?

>> No.2034230

Yes as a matter of fact I do like these books (by which I presume you refer to the more difficult ones). Don't see how that would make me pretentious, but if it does, whatever. That's about it then, I guess.

>> No.2034244

We aren't /v/.

And how is /lit/ pretentious? We have, like, at least two Game of Thrones threads per day.

>> No.2034279

"I'm getting really sick of all the Borges threads recently. I mean, I like Borges, but I don't see why /lit/'s got such a hardon for him lately," said one Anon to another.

"I know! I'm sure they all read him in translation, anyway. I read books in translation, too, but at least I acknowledge it. It's not like I think I'm a genius or anything just because I've read The Little Prince."

"I'm sure most of them don't even LIKE Borges. They're just reading him because people keep posting about him."

"Yeah. Sure it's fine to make recommendations and to ask for recommendations but personally I think they're all just being showoffs. That that one guy,"

"Oh God, I hate that guy. Like we care what 20 books he just sped through to impress a bunch of anonymous people on an INTERNET MESSAGE BOARD."

If I hear any more of this conversation, thought OP, I am just going to fucking die.

"So what have you been reading lately?"

"Eh, I've been reading a lot of short stories lately. A few by Borges, lol. I've also been getting into Russian plays."

"That's cool. I'm trying to decide between Hadji Murat and The Death of Ivan Ilyich. I don't know which will be more rewarding..."

>> No.2034281

OP stiffened his arms and legs. He slowed his breathing. Die, die, he commanded himself, Die this instant, before Anon says another word.

"...so I told him that if he thought Catcher in the Rye was shit, he should really just an hero, because he was missing the point..."

Sounds became muffled, time and space began to drift apart, as in the onset of sleep. OP said his final goodbyes, his final I-love-you-Moms, and rose in spirit from his own body. He floated above the conversing Anons, no longer tortured by their conversations, their judgements, their pretenses. He saw his thread sinking toward page 15, indifferent now to whatever replies it was getting. Above him the clouds were spreading themselves open, pulling him in to that great library in the sky, where all persons who truly enjoyed the books they read went to in the end. "Sucks to your ass-mar," said OP to the morons below, who were deaf to the insult anyway. OP didn't care. He was free of those bastards. He wept one a single joyous tear as the clouds of heaven closed around him once and for all, forever sealing him off from the intellectual wasteland of /lit/.

>> No.2034283

I don't know if I like them because I've never read them, I just like to pretend I have on /lit/.

>> No.2034290


would be 9/10, but I don't know what you meant by "sucks to your ass-mar"

>> No.2034295

someone never had a 10th grade brit lit class u__u

>> No.2034296

I just felt it was a good insult, though it really makes no sense in context.

>> No.2034301

Finnegan's Wake? No one actually likes that shit.

>> No.2035081

I do.

>> No.2035085

most of 4chan is still in their teens so the vast majority have a stick up their ass.

>> No.2035088

Yeah like all of those stuck-up pretentious nerds who keep calling people hipsters for liking books. Those guys are assholes

>> No.2035092

That was beautiful. I wiped away a tear.

Sage for shitty troll.

>> No.2035109

>these books
which books?