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20340906 No.20340906 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books for someone like me? There are a few issues, some of which have been caused by books.

1. I literally cannot believe in any spooks at all. It feels like mental cuckoldry and humiliation. As a result I can't bear to adhere to any life rules. Giving up junk food is cucked. Setting goals is cucked. It's all a prison. When I see anyone express any of these vague thoughts or rules or pieces of advice, I hate it so much.

2. What can I do about my ugliness, betaness, zero social success, and zero anything with women? I'm incelblackpilled and have been since 2014. I was r9k pulled from 2012 but reading about the lookspill in 2014 really set out how little hope I have in many aspects of life and things have been consistent with that before and after. The lookspill was something that even most of 4chan couldn't bear but now even YouTubers freely talk about it.

I become the ugly loser nobody talks to within a week of all of my jobs. I'm in my early 30s and did nothing with my 20s socially and only just barely managed to start a career job that people in their mid 20s have. I haven't even been outside the UK for over a decade.

3. Are there any novels that are good at all or have I lost all patience with them? I don't really give a fuck about fiction anymore. I went through this painful grinding stage of reading pomo novels and literary fiction in my early 20s and a lot of it was boring as fuck.

4. I can't make myself do anything productive in my free time. I think disliking my degree subject so much while also being a total loser at university destroyed all of my motivation. My university experience involved: total social failure and isolation: procrastination that started in my second year, increased slowly, and then became extreme; experiencing a deluge of graduate intern and job rejections (after interviews) which was demoralising. The idea of doing anything productive in my free time and without any external pressure seems like a giant leap.

>> No.20341045

the Bible

>> No.20341158

This. Also, you've allowed yourself to use a lot of vaguely intellectual-sounding nonsense to justify your complacent, colorless lifestyle. On some level you know this to be true. Take up hiking or something similar. It's good for your body and it's very refreshing to enjoy natural beauty.

>r9k pilled
You must stop thinking like this. Stop allowing yourself to use these words. Ideally, strictly limit the time you allow yourself to spend on this website.

Be patient with yourself. You can get better. Journaling can help. Get a therapist if you can afford it; just having someone to talk to can be a big help. They're trained to listen and they have to because you're paying them. Also realize that everyone is deeply flawed, even those who appear to have it all figured out. Being aware of your flaws is a strength, it's the first step to overcoming them. But viewing them as an unchangeable, essential part of who you are (labeling yourself "ugly loser", for example) leads to complacence and despondency. They're not who you are, and you can overcome them. Just because someone's flaws are not immediately visible doesn't mean they aren't there, or that the person isn't aware of them. But if others are unaware of their flaws, view them not with resentment but with compassion on account of this, since they're even further from overcoming them. Practice empathy and check your own resentful attitude.

I used to think a lot like you do. I'm a lot happier now. You can be too.

>> No.20341673

>What can I do about my ugliness, betaness, zero social success, and zero anything with women?
Stop having a bitch mentality as expressed in
>Giving up junk food is cucked. Setting goals is cucked. It's all a prison. When I see anyone express any of these vague thoughts or rules or pieces of advice, I hate it so much.
Then set some goals, break them into achievable sub-goals, break those sub-goals into something you can do productively for an hour or two every day (for example, say you want to look like a Greek god; break that into achievable sub-goals such as being able to do X amount of pull ups and cutting sugar out of your diet; then spend an hour every day doing push ups, weight exercises, and pull ups until you've made it).
Also just exercise, eat healthy, and make some friends. It will improve your mental health considerably .

>> No.20341801

Second this. Stop it with the retarded pills. cuckbasedtradlookssocialroastiechadpill. Just shut the fuck up goddamn. how about you take the look up close at your own eyeball in the mirror pill. or the sound of the birds in the evening pill. or the pay the slightest attention to anything other than your massive internal narrative pill. I can promise you that even the most """"successful""""" people you compare yourself to sit around and feel bored or tired or overstressed or meaningless too.

The real world is right in front of you. Just be patient with yourself and others. that is all god asks

>> No.20341812

Points 2 and 4 contradict point 1.

>> No.20341847

I find your presence on this board baffling. You've been making this thread hundreds of times? None of the posts I've read indicitated any attempts to actively improve your situation or talk to someone. Your self-analysis seems generally limited. Lookism is real, but being rejected in countless job interviews for being ugly is simply improbable. Social skills can be learned. But instead you seem to have invested countless hours into making Londonfrog posts creating a fictitious alter ego over the course of half a decade (?). Not sure if this is hilarious or boderline insane.

>> No.20341861
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>> No.20341872

>make some friends
this. just take a walk in the friendgarden bro lmao.

>> No.20342035

You either play the game or see yourself become a vagabond. Simple as. Let me guess, no father?

>> No.20342604

>You could have been a happy, but instead you created a post-modern masterpiece of a generation
WTF all of a sudden I love OP.