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20339644 No.20339644 [Reply] [Original]

>Just live purposefully

Is this the key to a happy life?

>> No.20339647

hobbies can have a purpose and destroying technology means your country can get run over. though Ted's completely correct about the modern left.

>> No.20339653

>t. Zogbot

>> No.20340094

Good post. I'd say read Kierkegaard and Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow instead of Ted. You can add Macintyre's After Virtue and Lasch's Revolt of the Elites and True and Only Heaven if you want actually good critiques of the modern left.

>> No.20340125

Yeah, thats the idea of an authentic life
Regardles if you find a calling that is higher than you, like the religious or artistic life, or you decide to create your own meaning (Heidegger, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Frankl, all wrote about this idea more or less)
Thing is that you just need to stick to yourself, not be a conformist or build yourself through a reflection of others (be a blind contrarian or blind follower that is).

>> No.20340128

there is no such thing as happiness
the mind is a predicting machine
we are all automatons waiting to die

>> No.20340217

Kaczynski never proposed some black-and-white dichotomy of surrogate activities being necessarily bad. He engaged with them himself. His point was--although it's been a couple of years since I read him now--simply that surrogate activities cannot fully satisfy the power process. And as for your country getting run over, obviously he thought of this. That's why the "revolution" has to be world-wide.

>> No.20340253

In a way, but it should be more "don't live your life around temporary distractions".

>> No.20340259

We can still have many pleasures and we can enjoy a good life.

>> No.20340329

he was right about the right too

>> No.20340564

He defines a surrogate activity as something we do in place of the power process. A surrogate activity, by definition, is something a person would have no natural desire for if the power process was already being fulfilled. A surrogate activity is something non-essential that we do fill time and entertain ourselves. Dedication towards surrogate activates rather than to the power process leaves a person feeling unfulfilled. You can exert the power process inside of some surrogate activities, if attainment of goal isn't too abstract, but again a surrogate activity is something that by definition, we would have no attraction towards if the power process was otherwise satisfied.

>> No.20340621

You cant have both a life of happiness and a life of purpose. They are two, not just distinct, but diametrically opposed lifestyles.The first requires you to live in the present, to both disreagrd evaluating your past(mistakes) and avoid planing for the future. A life of purpose is the opposite. You must dredge up the past actions and their results that brought you to your current reality and think about what steps you need to take to correct them so as to achieve your goal.

>> No.20340889

He is wrong about leftists being so vital to technological development and maintaining industrial society. Do you seriously think industrial society would stop functioning if the woke left disappeared? Ted obviously holds a grudge toward this personality type since his years in academia and shoehorned it into his theories.

>> No.20340895

That's right! Don't you forget it!

>> No.20340920

Pretty idealistic of him to assume everyone will voluntarily destroy their weapons

>> No.20340925

Where does he say the left is vital in upholding technological society? Genuine question.

>> No.20340961

he says to disassociate with such people because of their tendency to co-opt movements and leftize them, and that there is an inescapable leftist undertone in the academic world. He does not say anywhere that these are the same people propping the industrial system up. He only brings up leftism to point out its pervasiveness and growing popularity in the over-socialized public. He also wrote this like 35 fucking years ago and then leftism blew up and co-opted every related movement since, turning them into opportunities to virtue signal and control each other socially through increased paranoia of social abandonment.

>> No.20340970

Isn't this pretty much the point of the manifesto, second to technology constituting an oppressive force?
Oversocialized leftists seeking to sublimate all behavior and tendencies in opposition to the system into something harmless or counterrevolutionary. Feelings of inferiority driving them to pursue scientific and technological research.

Maybe I can see these tendencies being more pronounced in leftists but I don't see non-leftists tearing down the industrial system any time soon either.

>> No.20341011

I don't think a small, dedicated terrorist cell--or any group for that matter--taking down the entire technical system of one country, let alone the globe, is especially realistic. But crazier things have happened. A point of favour of Kaczynski, however, is that if you took down China and America, for instance, that would bring down the system worldwide; the possibility of a anti-tech revolution lies in the system's interconnectedness.

>> No.20341046

As I see it, no political movement could gain the momentum required to dismantle the system as utilizing it offers too much of an advantage.
What could instigate technological degrowth would be natural disaster or resource depletion. Though this would only result in the partial destruction of the system.

>> No.20341082

I hope for a future where anprims are put on display in a zoo for people of advanced, industrial societies to look at and laugh. Fuck ted, can't wait for him to die.

>> No.20341093

go to bed david

>> No.20341110

There's only partial happiness on Earth. Full happiness is in Heaven.

>> No.20341111

Doesn't death BTFO the possibility of life having purpose?

>> No.20341131

re-read it. You payed attention in the first half only and put too much emphasis on what is least important. Technology constituting as an oppressive force, and its chokehold on all civilization and the future is the primary point. He really goes over every possible counterpoint towards the end. Every fucking criticism I see of ISAIF points to the fact that the criticizer did not read thoroughly.
quads of retardation

>> No.20341165

ISAIF is just the rants of a pathetic man who can't accept that people don't want to live in mud huts. The only thing anprims deserve, is to be crushed under the boot of industrialized societies.

>> No.20341169

No. You can life a purposeful live. The question becomes with regards to acknowledging one's mortality or merely trying to rationalize it.

>> No.20341202

>Technology constituting as an oppressive force, and its chokehold on all civilization and the future is the primary point.
Re-read my post. This is what I was saying.
>He really goes over every possible counterpoint towards the end.
Not exactly. There are several issues.
Biggest one, I can't see how his proposed revolution would work out in the long term. Any pro-tech actor would immediately gain the upper hand in the unlikely event current cvilization were completely done away with. Technological progress is inevitable.
He also fails to provide an argument as to why humanity shouldn't be made content, by whatever means, existing in industrial society. As to why a brutal hunter-gatherer life, with its fair share of suffering, is the preferrable option.

>> No.20341230

almost everyone who makes threads on this board is cognitively impaired

>> No.20341245

was an incel
was autistic to the point where
he move out to live in a one room shack out in the woods with no plumbing
mailed bombs to people

>> No.20341251

He couldn't imagine someone having a fulfilling and purposeful life within industrialized society. So he wants to tear it all down so that survival becomes the purpose of man, despite the fact that it has essentially been solved.

>> No.20341268

there's no such thing as a happy life

>> No.20341273

Yes, he brings a lot of this stuff up in Technogical Slavery. He explictly says that the movement mustn't be political, that it's goal isn't to rule society precisely because of the reason you brought up. The attack would be focused primarily on infranstructure. Kaczynski often uses the Bolsheviks and similar groups as refrence point, but it could be reduced even more to, for instance, some group getting a hold of nuclear technologies and detonating it. I am also resigned to some act of God myself, simply because I have trouble justifying indirectly being responsible for the deaths of 7.4 billion people plus.

>> No.20341295
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Given that everyone is a mentally ill pillhead I'm given to thinking it was more healthy mentally to just hunt and trap all day every day with your bros. Everybody who isn't up in arms with how horrible statism is is a pillhead. The only friends I have who bought into the covid bullshit or didn't see the gerrymandering in the last election are on fucking pills.

>> No.20341302

I disagree, a life of purpose doesn't omit being able to live in the present. e.g. artists when they are in a creative frenzy are living purposefully and in the moment

>> No.20341311

You haven't read anything beyond the manifesto. As if kazcynski overlooked such a glaring aspect but you did. Lmao, get a grip narcissist.

>> No.20341461

Technological progress is not inevitable, and you did not red hard enough. There are those small-scale inventions, which man makes on his own, in an effort to make a better life for himself which will always be there. Stone tools, baskets, anprim shit. Then there is another classification of inventions which require a huge infrastructure and collective effort on the part of society to produce. Until the Industrial Revolution, we had no such infrastructure and things that could not be independently designed by a man for himself, could not exist. Cars, machines, technology, everything that has consumed the world over the last 100-200 years would have no path towards re-invention past the collapse of the industrial revolution. If we went even further back, even prior to the Agricultural revolution, which was the first unnatural movement in human evolution, there would not be an abundance of food allowed by farming. This had direct correlation on population and is what allowed for humans to unnaturally expand and create civilizations in the first place. Ted was right, that if we went back, even before agriculture, there is nothing to suggest that we would do it all again. Pre-agriculural life was less laborious and healthier to humans and it was essentially a fluke we could no longer escape. Once the population has grown to a certain degree you need agriculture to sustain it, but agriculture came first as a fluke essentially. John Zerzan talks about this in Elements of Refusal.

>> No.20341607

should i read ted? im interested in the topics i think he talks about but idk if he's worth reading

>> No.20342150

You can easily read the manifesto in a day and it’s his most interesting writing, so why not?

>> No.20342334

That's a lot of words just to say you've got no bitches.

>> No.20343334

correct post but wrong in tone and intent

>> No.20343348

The "woke left" exists because of the individualist materialist schizophrenia of the conservative-liberal "right" wing, and could never disappear so long as you were the one in charge of dismantling it

>> No.20343369

>Any pro-tech actor would immediately gain the upper hand in the unlikely event current cvilization were completely done away with. Technological progress is inevitable.
Where will this pro tech actor get access to the mineral ores and fuel to rebuild industry? That shit's all gone and flushed down the toilet, most of all the stuff that was easy to access. Where will they get the knowledge? Where and how will they get enough food supply to organize this effort?
Are you fucking stupid or insane? Real life isn't a strategy game where you can just choose to rush tech. a person in a post apocalypse or post-revolution setting will not look ahead five+ generations and struggle every day like a videogame NPC to secure a tech victory for their descendants in 200 years
>why humanity shouldn't be made content, by whatever means, existing in industrial society
humans cannot be made content period, our hungers evolved to grow and to never be sated except by the immediate threat of death. This is why brutality is not just preferable but necessary.

>> No.20343456

he doesn't call hobbies purposeless, surrogate activity has a very distinct and important purpose within the system

>> No.20343489

Redpill me on this shit. Why does it seem like every woman who's on an antidepressant cocktail also has meds for chronic shits? Is it just from a poor diet or do those SSRIs and shit also really fuck with your digestive tract?

>> No.20343920

Yes eating speed and benzos and ssris is bad for your gut microbiome. Drink kombucha, eat miso, eat kim chi, eat sourkraut, eat greek yogurt, eat kefir. The SAD is horrific. Eat calf liver, make real broth (or mire poix) and get enough collagen. Do not eat from a shelf stable bag or a box.