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File: 83 KB, 720x900, 4E35D2A5-51A5-4DAE-980D-C363D44767CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20339004 No.20339004 [Reply] [Original]

lotr and the hobbit are overrated and boring

>> No.20339011

I enjoyed them, I admit that I overrated them and said they were the best but I was enchanted and in love with Middle Earth, when I grew up I lost some of that love to other books and genres so I don't overrate them anymore, I just think they are good.

>> No.20339017

-- he typed through overwhelming fat and sweat dropping on the keyboard.

>> No.20339022

haha so true!

grimdark which is said by critics to be "anti-tolkien" is superior to tolkien-esque fiction

>> No.20339024
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nice hat
you single?

>> No.20339035

Supreme mushroom of fungal majesty.

>> No.20339038

Depends on the consensus. They're great fantasy and are touching, being rooted in Tolkien's sentiments about war and his own Marian faith, along with his autistic passion for language and culture. What followed him is fakedeep shit from neckbeards and people who go to conventions. It's not deeply profound, it's all good fun, but it's actual worthwhile genre fiction, it rises above that label.
Tolkien-esque is never actually anything like Tolkien. Grimdark is often fakedeep and le morally gray that is sometimes interesting in parts but never in its whole.

>> No.20339049
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>people who go to conventions
going to conventions is pozzed and unbased, its a known thing.

>> No.20339178

Orcs catapult sacks of human heads into the King's city. sounds pretty grimdark to me.

>> No.20339265

Grimdark is much more holistic than "gruesome things happen sometimes".

>> No.20339314

You made this thread to shill yourself didn't you.

Cool outfit but cringe attention seeking.

>> No.20339319

i am not gay

>> No.20340719

Does anyone actually fall for this pandering bullshit.
This just makes me hate women even more.

>> No.20340770

Is that a Hume turban

>> No.20340802
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>> No.20340945

lol look at that dudes shoulders, he's an absolute unit, literally an Orc

>> No.20340982

orcs lose in the end of lotr where as warhammer 40k and AOS is still pumping out new books which means their respective universe are in a bloody stalemate where one faction isnt gaining huge progress over the others but the world is still filled in excess with brutal and cruel violence

thats grimdark

>> No.20341411
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>> No.20341497

based retard

>> No.20341676

He looks about like what I'd expect.

>> No.20341747

The Hobbit is the Chaddest book of all time. OP is a fag.

>> No.20341750

You're not cool for saying something so spineless.

>> No.20341787

shut up manchild cuck

>> No.20341824

Not an argument.

>> No.20341833

He's right. Go cry about it to your dungeons and dragons group pussy.

>> No.20341940

most fantasy authors are fat retards who got a liberal arts degree from their parents' money and went to conventions and smoked weed in college to then go on and lecture you and I about stereotypes are le bad and the virtues of diversity, inclusion, and tolerance. meanwhile Tolkien bled for his country and went about his business afterward.

>> No.20341980

I've been rereading parts of Lord of the RIngs recently and I actually appreciate it a lot more now than I did as a kid. I was surprised by what a page-turner it was. Not at all as boring as I remembered it. Or maybe I'm just turning into an Ent as I grow older.

>> No.20341983
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>> No.20341993

>Book series that faggots are still copying 68 years later
>Called overrated by a no-name incel

Pack it up boys, Tolkien's over

>> No.20342359

most of the time I hate humans and their egos, ignorance and narcissism but occasionally something happens that makes me see the side that is worth saving and protecting. This picture is one of those times