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File: 42 KB, 280x298, Burton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20336480 No.20336480 [Reply] [Original]

>The male figure here, as all the world over, is notably superior amongst the lower mammals, to that of the female. The latter is a system of soft, curved, and rounded lines, graceful, but meaningless and monotonous. The former far excels it in variety of form and in nobility of make, in strength of bone and in suppleness of muscle and sinew. In these lands, where all figures are semi-nude, the exeeding difference between the sexes strikes the eye at once. There will be a score of fine male figures to one female, and there she is, as everywhere else, as inferior as is the Venus de’ Medici to the Apollo Belvedere.
>Captain Sir Richard Burton - Abeokuta and the Camaroons Mountains
Was he right bros? No homo.

>> No.20336494


>> No.20337029

Burton was one of the few human beings to ever live.

>> No.20338063

The rest are NPCs?

>> No.20338207

noodle arms could never overpower a woman LOL

>> No.20338227

Since the death of Alexander the Great, yes, more or less.

>> No.20338285
File: 1.92 MB, 1532x742, rg1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20338355

Attractive females are a dime a dozen. Truly well-sculpted males are a rarity worthy of applauding

>> No.20338385

Baste homo

>> No.20338390

>your name shall be remembered in history b-but I had children!!!!

>> No.20338391

holy reddit Batman!

>> No.20338411

>Tell the truth
>Hear an advertisement for some other bulletin board site
This is a spam bot. Flag these things for the jannies when you see them

>> No.20338428

Psychopathy and high intelligence are virtually indistinguishable. Reality is like a game of chess: how intelligent you are perceived to be, which is indistinguishable from how intelligent you actually are, is totally dependent simply on how far ahead of the other players you're capable of thinking, rather than some absolute measurement of thought which we've never been capable of quantifying. This is the reason you'll notice a huge amount of successful scientists and other thinkers are diagnosed psychopaths.

>> No.20338436

>Psychopathy and high intelligence are virtually indistinguishable
No. Not at all. In no way whatsoever.

>> No.20338481

I don't see how that makes the typical NPC more laudable. Great men follow their own megalomaniac delusions till it breaks them, while NPC normie types are content to spend their whole life battling for a spot in the pecking order of whatever small niche they're born into. Is one more vain than the other, or does it just demonstrate a greater overall intelligence and ambition?

I've never seen any measurable quantifiable reason to believe that normies are actually better human beings. In most cases, these people are the first to turn on someone in need, to gossip, and to lie, and it's only once you point out the general hypocrisy and egotism underlying most human interactions that they suddenly become defensive and angry, throwing around accusations of cruelty and cynicism.

If we are going to consider morality as anything more than a popularity contest among hypocrites then your definition of psychopathy falls short. At least great acts, even ones that result in tragedy or spectacular violence, have a chance of impressing God.

>> No.20338733
File: 113 KB, 1000x1000, s_&_C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of his involvement with the freemasons, along with other adventurers of the time? Can they still help an individual to live to the full, or are they just a club for dusty old men now?

>> No.20339390

there is no such thing as a diagnosed psychopath

>> No.20339411
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>> No.20339418
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>> No.20339490
File: 78 KB, 563x760, soft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But he looks soft, curved, with rounded lines, and graceful in a twink kind of way.

>> No.20339509

Wait until you learn about this guy called Napoleon

>> No.20339542

>be julius
>get captured by pirates
>become good friends with them
>play sports etc
>one day write a poem
>read it too the pirates
>pirates gently mock you
>mock them back saying "you are all barbarians when I am free again I will have you all crucified" lol
>pirates laugh it off
>your ransom gets paid
>you are free
>proceed to buy large fleet of ships
>then you return and crucify every last pirates

>> No.20339718
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>> No.20339733

Actually he can, you’d be fucking surprised how weak the average woman is. Literally the very bottom tier of men were shown to have an equal strength to the most strongest women. (This is obviously untrained population)

>> No.20339851


>> No.20341618

So what is superior, twink or woman?

>> No.20342599

>What do you think of his involvement with the freemasons
Was he really?Auspicious dubs btw, although I've heard that freemasons are in league with the antichrist.

>> No.20342643

would you like me to explain it?

>> No.20342896

Actually, would you?

>> No.20342912

This smells of resentment.

>> No.20343160

>Alexander, Napoleon, Hitler
I don't think any of these three have anything in common besides being rulers of their respective countries. Alexander never saw defeat, Napoleon was a strategic genius but was defeated by his own hubris, and Hitler is not even comparable to the other two as he was merely a politician, his battlefield record devoid of Alexander's heroism or Napoleon's brilliance.

>> No.20343266

>Psychopathy and high intelligence are virtually indistinguishable
Psychopaths are mentally stunted animals. This is clearly distinct from some incel thinking he's eclipsed what he is to become a perfect rational actor automaton.

>> No.20343269

it's hilarious how people like this are so willing to assert sweeping claims but take a step back when it encroaches on their feelings

>> No.20343805

>Was he right bros?
No, he's not right.

>> No.20343838

Depends if you want to breed or just have fun.

>> No.20343845

I meant aesthetically, not sexually.

>> No.20344614

>Was he really?
Yes, like a lot of British officers of the time. His wife burned a lot of his papers after he died though, so there are probably a lot of things we will never know about him.
>Auspicious dubs
Spooky. Didn't notice that.
>I've heard that freemasons are in league with the antichrist
Not sure about that one. They did attract some black magicians back in the day, but most masons are regular churchgoing men.

>> No.20344632

Napoleon had children and his blood lives to this day

>> No.20345937

doesn't have any direct descendants