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File: 26 KB, 306x475, 201385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20335376 No.20335376 [Reply] [Original]

>Jazz can be appropriated by ... fascists as march music! Saxophone was used in ... military bands!
They were really giving academic sinecures to any damn body back then.

>> No.20335392
File: 131 KB, 800x480, theodoradorno800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that the saxophone sound?
im going insaneeee

>> No.20335464

>back then

>> No.20335544

I hate when people who don't know basic music theory talk about music.

>> No.20335576

but Adorno was very knowledgeable about music theory, he was a scholar even.

>> No.20335597


>> No.20335663

>march music
What? How?

>> No.20335706

He was a composer, believe it or not.


His views are still retarded though. Plato already exposed the fact that artists only talk nonsense when they speak of their art in the dialogue Ion millennia ago.

>> No.20335718
File: 47 KB, 612x233, jazz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone with music knowledge can confirm?

>> No.20335743
File: 123 KB, 1080x595, s4rkv5m376q61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an artist, ill bite. If you do philosophy and music, dont make criticism of music, likewise if you're not a musician, the same rule applies. Leave music to the musicians. I write a lot of philosophical stuff but I'd rather not discuss music in my writings. Christgau confirmed to me most people who talk about music in a critical sense are really just doing it out of egotism and its just better to let the music do the talking in most, if not all cases

>> No.20335745
File: 167 KB, 480x621, Adorno-on-the-Beach-8c88f4e357f739a3988240b995cd431a-8c88f4e357f739a3988240b995cd431a-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had the stomach to suffer reading the Dialectic of Enlightenment and the Philosophy of New Music I could produce some hilarious quotes. One can almost hear the boot of fascism trampling the Spirit in every major chord... Except one can't and that's retarded.

>> No.20335757

>to suffer reading the Dialectic of Enlightenment and the Philosophy of New Music
Reading again*

>> No.20335766
File: 50 KB, 605x600, jellyrollmorton_vintagemusic_es.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jfc he looks like shit. Does polemical writing function as substitutive virility in those types of men?

>> No.20335778

This shit sounds satanic wtf

>> No.20335794

it can

>> No.20335814

my shit's worse so I have no real business doing "professional criticism" of anyone. its fine to hold subjective opinions in private but going around writing paragraph long screeds about how X artist or composer is "the future of music" or "humanity's dying yawn" is a colossal waste of time. learning about theory is useful. for fans of, is useful. I don't care to hear what ultimately for most critics is just "subjective opinions". its fine to dig on artists in your circle of friends but getting paid to do that, in most cases, is a scam.

>> No.20335824

You can also call it Jewish.

>> No.20335915
File: 3.08 MB, 1772x1164, Screen Shot 2022-05-07 at 1.28.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't imagine a more pure form of fascism

>> No.20335955

rhythm takes precedence over melody, brass instruments are originally a military communication technology for coordinating large groups of soldiers. plus the nature of a jazz song is that any player with some basic techniques can jump in and play along, just like men on an assembly line

>> No.20335962

no but being obsessed with manliness certainly does

>> No.20335967

this sound transports me to the assembly line horrors of auschwitz

>> No.20335970

You can see the authoritarianism seeping through their pores.

>> No.20335973

So this means we can use Hardstyle music as fascist march music? I would support rave fascism

>> No.20335981

Jazz is a mistake.

>> No.20335994

part of it is the one-way nature of communication. when someone starts tootling away on a horn you have to wait until he stops to talk back. current version of this is vigilante bluetooth djs

>> No.20336013

yes, the only difference between hardstyle and a march is the level of cacophony

>> No.20336059

The horn sections of early disco songs aee the marching tunes of homofascism

>> No.20336312

You overcomplicate. Jazz came post ragtime as new orleans party music, it's literally parade jams. It's made for parade marching around.

>> No.20336317

Have you guys forgotten technoviking? Panzermench by and one? Electronic is perfect for marching.

>> No.20336322

Jellyroll was a terminal alcoholic.

>> No.20336362


>> No.20336366

At the end, yeah. He also had a full life with women, gambling, friends, music, success, failure, fame. You know, just like Adorno lmao

>> No.20336456

Really, all the Frankfurt school "thinkers" were a bunch of neurotic assholes.

>> No.20336498

Commies really see "facism" in everything. They're ironically very similar to Mccarthy Conservatives who saw communism in everything.

>> No.20336502

Further proof in this thread that Adorno didn’t write for the masses

>> No.20336528

absolutely and mercilessly filtered kek.

>> No.20336534

K enjoy your paranoid Marxist delusions.

>> No.20336537

>neurotic assholes
All you had to say was kvetching Jews.

>> No.20336546

I'm a anprim and you statists are exactly the same thing. You have far more in common than you do difference.

>> No.20336613

Atonal music is fucking disgusting

>> No.20336626

That's the point, retard. It's literally dismantling a system designed to present illusory 'beauty' and 'harmony'. The rules that gave us Bach and Mozart can also give us Schonberg and pure, unadulterated dissonance. It's fucking glorious. God, I love being a Marxist.

>> No.20336771

Why are Marxists so deranged?

>> No.20336881

Despicable men like this deserve unending torture.

>> No.20337835

The Frankfurt School
>if only everyone got to grow up in an upper-middle class German family...but wait! under Communism...

>> No.20337850

Sorry anon, but your tone is fascist.

>> No.20337899

>pig loves rolling in shit

Many such cases.

>> No.20337949

This book and The Lost Steps by Carpentier filtered me so hard with the whole music thing. I don't even know the name of the instruments, how am I supposed to know their sounds or what the "minor e" is?

>> No.20338566
File: 166 KB, 590x747, adorno..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't write for the educated elite either.
Why did Adorno hate Jazz:
>At best Adorno’s attack on jazz seems to be out of sympathy with informed opinion on the subject; at worst it appears to be reactionary and possibly racist.
Introduction to Adorno's On Jazz:
>It is within this context that Adorno makes the observation that has brought on the accusations
of an implicit racism in his work on jazz when
he remarks that, in the consumption and
promotion of jazz, "the skin of the black man functions as much as a coloristic effect as does the silver of the saxophone."
This man wrote just for his rich patrons (US and that anti discrimination society). A record company owner without any jazz artists probably paid him to write asinine shit and decades later his ideological successors are calling him a racist because of this.

>> No.20339079

I tried reading this and got filtered. What do i read as a prerequisite? And dont say greeks.

>> No.20339142

>God, I love being a Marxist.
the fatal flaw of the failed baiter, they always get too cocky

>> No.20339151

I dunno I like power electronics and harsh noise so, to each their own maaaan!

>> No.20339168

If that's his music then he's not a composer.

>> No.20339198
File: 23 KB, 467x700, n-laibach-612-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jazz can be appropriated by ... fascists as march music! Saxophone was used in ... military bands!
Seems to check out


I've heard that Adorno was more referring to the type of hot jazz music that preceded that stuff but I dunno

I've actually seen pre-war Azov propaganda videos showing off their military exercises set to pounding music like that but I don't think it's available on YouTube anymore and a lot of those guys are getting buried in the Azovstal iron and steel works rn

>> No.20339219
File: 336 KB, 721x578, 34587357834953454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The rules that gave us Bach and Mozart can also give us Schonberg and pure, unadulterated dissonance. It's fucking glorious. God, I love being a Marxist.


>> No.20339228

>everything I don't like is fascism

Why do people take this bald faggot seriously?

>> No.20339266

I think it's the human desire to try and put everything into categories.
With how vague everything is you can find aspects of Fascism, Marxism, Liberalism, Legalism, Esotericism, etc. in pretty much anything. But you're not going to sell any books that way because it doesn't lead to a neat little theory that explains all human behavior.