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20335339 No.20335339[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I avoid letting my immense disgust for based tradlarper 4chan "christians" overwhelm my interest in Christianity? I can barely handle the embarrassment of being adjacent to these people

>> No.20335361

Your interest in Christianity is your own, no?

>> No.20335387

No matter how many cringe LARPers and false teachers are out there, I have faith in Jesus so I don’t let them bother me, though I wish they would change. Just find a good church. These people hardly exist IRL

>> No.20335389

Is your interest in Christianity religious in nature (you're seeing in Christianity the answers you seek), or historical/philosophical/sociological/etc?

>> No.20335400

Religious! I'm green however, so the difference outwardly between me and the tradlarpers is small

>> No.20335432

With Christians you have two options.
1. The mentally ill incels larping as crusaders on 4chan claiming the religion is about “mogging pagans and muslims” and “killing faggots on the street” and naively hoping that a return to christianity will fix the modern dating paradigm.
2. Multicultural churches that are just a bunch of people with no shared blood, history, or culture thrown together, run by zionist pastors and stoner youth leaders who say things like “Jesus was all above love and forgiveness, bro. Who are we to judge each other?” and are probably in favour of gay marriage.
If you insist on following the religion I’d recommend praying in solitude and practicing asceticism make it real personal because good communities revolving around the faith no longer exist.

>> No.20335457

You put it well, but it seems sort of self-centered. I suppose retreating inward is a better alternative than the above though.

>> No.20335465

tfw when I would like to be religious but just can't believe in god or get over the shortcomings of my birth religion (catholic)

>> No.20335466
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>How do I avoid letting my immense disgust for based tradlarper 4chan "christians" overwhelm my interest in Christianity?
Stop spending time in Christian Larp /lit/ threads and go to the local Church of the denomination of your choice (I assume you are already lost to God anyways since you are mentioning Christians and not Catholics, so it won't matter in the end).
Tomorrow is Sunday, anon. Just do it.

>> No.20335474

You're right but you sound like the exact type of tradcath I'm talking about

>> No.20335486
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>> No.20335490
File: 237 KB, 337x296, Jesus_as_Satan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus was evil. Read Mandaean criticisms of him.
Mandaeans literally descend from Ancient Mesopotamians, and you snow nigger cunts are appropriating a complex Semitic tradition your arrogant shit brains cannot begin to understand.
Stick to the Greeks who are better anyways.

>> No.20335499

>Nazi schizo
>Gnostic schizo

I'm tired of 4chan

>> No.20335502

Mandaeism is older than Paul.

>> No.20335509


>> No.20335522

Go to hell, worshiper of evil-doers and Satan.
I bathe in purifying waters, not the excrement of your false prophet. Slit your fucking throat. Jesus was Satan incarnate.

>> No.20335535

You sound sane

>> No.20335536

I myself was thinking of attending a Calvinist leaning Anglican church for mass. I actually have always reading the Bible even when I was an atheist so its not skin deep

>> No.20335548


>> No.20335588

>If you insist on following the religion I’d recommend praying in solitude and practicing asceticism make it real personal because good communities revolving around the faith no longer exist.
Without community or a master you are in danger of falling into deception or wrong view. You can still make it, but odds are against you.

>> No.20335604

Go back to Iran Reza

>> No.20335620

Go back to Israel, David.
Also, my first and last name have Pre-Islamic origin unlike you, David/John/Matthew or whatever the fuck.
I only respect Mandaeans out of Abrahamic traditions because I know 100% Jesus was an evil piece of shit. Even Muslims revere Jesus, I don't.
Every single person who reveres Jesus, including Muslims and Christians, should be executed.

>> No.20335622

They exist almost exclusively on the internet so just be a Christian in ways outside the internet.

>> No.20335638

>Pre-Islamic origin
Pre-Abrahamic origin*

>> No.20335639

by going to church and being an ackshual christian you fucking tradlarper

>> No.20335643

I’m an atheist interested in Christianity (in historical, theological and literary way). Although 4chan “Christians” make me cringe, I know they are not genuine since no one can truly be religious in the modern day (whether Christian or pagan). Just as an atheist would be out of place in the Middle Ages, a religious person is out of place in the modern day.

>> No.20335655

Blessed digits but I think odds are against you no matter what

>> No.20335672
File: 520 KB, 2130x1407, Coral_Reefs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you idiots, see? Jesus was the most reprehensible human being in all of history! He claimed to possess a specific kind of holiness confined to his flesh. Christians have rituals of symbolically cannibalizing him! Wake up!
Mandaeans are correct. Holiness is found in the purity of the sacred elements like water. Pure water is open to all wise sages. Jesus was an evil being trying to create a system of preventing people from embracing the sacredness of the sacred elements, which he confined to his flesh.
Either pick up some Greek philosophy or just leave this Abrahamic stuff alone. If you love Jesus so much then fuck off to Israel.

>> No.20335678

By realizing that disgust and embarrassment for other people are not christian feelings anon

>> No.20335684

>sacredness of the sacred element
sacredness of the elements*

>> No.20335701

4chan isn't a christian site either

>> No.20335721
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>good communities revolving around the faith no longer exist
But they do :) Cuckstianity is not one of them, true.

>> No.20335744


>> No.20335774

Bery true

>> No.20335801

I said communities around *the* faith, specifically referring to the christian faith, not faith in general.

>> No.20335899

Jesus and Muhammad were false prophets.
John the Baptist was okay.

>> No.20335964

Lol schizo

>> No.20335988

Jesus and Muhammad were false prophets.
John the Baptist was okay.
John the Baptist would have been a scuba diver in modern times who seeks to protect the coral reef.