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20333803 No.20333803 [Reply] [Original]

Subvocalizing is the patrician way of reading

>> No.20333895
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I read out loud

>> No.20334186

>schizo way of reading

>> No.20334242

Technically the Patrician way of reading would be reading out loud because *I shit you not* the Romans had no idea that you can also read silently.

>> No.20334294

bullshit. they didn't do it because they were based

>> No.20334300

I let God read it for me. And I read everything through his voice.

>> No.20334331

This is the most redit post ive seen all week.
These types of ridiculous "fun fact" trivia is the true mark of a midwit. How the fuck didnt they have no idea about reading silently you nigger? Think before you post

>> No.20334335

>reading at all

>> No.20334336

Are you just mentally or also physically retarded?

>> No.20334337

everyone subvocalizes, if someone tells you they don't then they're lying to you

>> No.20334341

if you can think silently then you can also read silently, even the first person who invented written scripture would've instinctively realized this you moron

>> No.20334354

Are you crazy? You don't have to do that, learn the meaning of some Japanese kanji, and try checking out some Japanese, and there you have it, a word that you can understand but can't read.

>> No.20334355

I'm not Japanese, why the fuck would I do that you retarded weeb faggot

>> No.20334359

>too much of a fucking monkey to conceptualize that
I'm done with monolingual retards.

>> No.20334361

You would still be subvocalizing in English, even though you're using kanji.

>> No.20334368
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Like the Greeks and Romans did.

>> No.20334376

No? Can't you think of concepts? And maybe even have a hard time translating them to language?

>> No.20335401

>I let God read it for me
underrated comment

>> No.20336670

how is kanji any different from writing? do the kanji words have no equivalent in speech?

>> No.20336678
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I do this for all poetry.