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File: 76 KB, 445x600, Dostoevskij_1863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2033286 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody please care to rate Dostoyevsky's novels so that I can make a choice as to which books to read first?

Failing that, a single recommendation?

>> No.2033288

Anna Karenina

>> No.2033296

Start with Crime and Punishment

>> No.2033301

If you havent read anything by Dostojewski yet, i would recommend the "brothers karamasow" (or whatever the title might be in english), especially the "high inquisitor" (maybe its grand-inquisitor, again, english).

While Anna Karenina is propably the first book you should read as a whole, the "high inquisitor" is a great, short piece taken out of the brothers karamasow representing Dostojewskis natural ability to see into peoples minds and writing about their most hidden desires and thoughts.

As far as Ive read Dostojewski it would be
Anna Karenina
Brothers Karamasow

>> No.2033303

# Notes from Underground (Записки из подполья [Zapiski iz podpolya], 1864)
# Crime and Punishment (Преступление и наказание [Prestuplenie i nakazanie], 1866)
# The Gambler (Игрок [Igrok], 1867)
# The Idiot (Идиот [Idiot], 1869). Translated into English by Henry Carlisle and Olga Carlisle.
# The Eternal Husband (Вечный муж [Vechnyj muzh], 1870)
# Demons (Бесы [Besy], 1872)
# The Adolescent (Подросток [Podrostok], 1875)
# The Brothers Karamazov (Братья Карамазовы [Brat'ya Karamazovy], 1880)

>> No.2033305

Raskolnikow is known in English at least as Crime and Punishment. And Anna Karenina is by Leo Tolstoy.

>> No.2033306

two and half man
the betsy
roseanne barr
ellen degeneres
the sea and the fuckbuddy
the west is the best
testicles are besticles

>> No.2033312
File: 660 KB, 634x352, 1314163606457.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this post

I'm not sure the wall falling was a good thing

>> No.2033324



>> No.2033328


Cause Anna Karenina is not by Dostoyevsky. Its by Tolstoy and one of his best books.

>> No.2033340


What's this got to do with the wall coming down?

>> No.2033341

I hear 'Fathers and Sons' and 'The Overcoat' are p good, op.

>> No.2033344

He's assuming that you're from somewhere in the old Warsaw Bloc, and saying that he would prefer that the wall hadn't come down, so that you wouldn't be able to post.

The More You Know!


>> No.2033359


1: I'm not the dude.

2: I got the joke, the point is it sucked. It's provincial and bigoted.

>> No.2033364

>trying to insult someone with words like 'provincial' and 'bigoted'

Anyway, here's my d-daddy rankings

1. The Brothers Karamazov
2. The Idiot
3. Crime and Punishment
4. Notes from Undergound
5. The Eternal Husband
6. The Demons
7. The Double

Though they're all definitely worth a read. Just roll a die and go with whatever it lands on. However, TBK will probably give you the best introduction into Dostoevsky's philosophy/theology.

>> No.2033371


It's not insult, it's accuracy. It's because it's 2011 that it's provincial to come out with shit about wishing people from other countries were excluded from the conversation.

>> No.2033378

Dostoevsky is cool if you're 16 years old and male. Otherwise he's shit.

>> No.2033393
File: 34 KB, 1193x716, 1313311690859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You understand what it is to be provincial, but you don't know the standardized English notation for Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment, or that Tolstoy wrote Karenina?

10/10, you horrible red bastard.

>> No.2033414


I told you, I'm not the dude.