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20332784 No.20332784 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me why theatre is not dead.

>> No.20332788

have you forgot about Slave Play

>> No.20332789

Dumb faggot americans still go to see it and fat stupid dumbass women go see plays about coming out as trans in the 1920s or the middle ages as told by rapping apes

>> No.20332792

Robert Lepage still lives

>> No.20332793

>or the middle ages as told by rapping apes
The other day when I found what passes for theater in America, I fell into a deep depression for 2 days. Do they have no respect for art and elegance. I weep for humanity

>> No.20332923

why they always do it barefoot?

>> No.20333014

Get a hold of yourself faggot

>> No.20333016

Shoes comping on stage in a space designed for amplifying sounds from that stage is terribly annoying.

>> No.20333397

It's a social center for the urbanite middle classes. The performances there are completely beside this point, they're just the inconsequential backdrop to the social act of "going to the theatre" and "keeping up with culture".

>> No.20333398

nvm I misread it as "tell me why theatre is dead".

>> No.20333710
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>look up local theatre to check what's on
>indigenous person identity play
>ukraine fundraiser
>''it's sohard to be a fag'' play
>American musical

>> No.20333730
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Theatre culture is dead, so no young people are being taught how to act (well) or their theatre history.

>> No.20333747


At my work, someone has been making a show of doing some community theater, leaving flyers. She left behind a page of dialogue in a plastic sheet.

>> No.20333940

Few years back the local children's theatre did Titus Andronicus, slightly censored with silly allusions. Great fun.

Used to live in a city of 3500 that has a ballet, while not world class or anything it is very unique. Rich old lady gave her fortune to her home town for a ballet, so for something like 80 years now they fly a big name from ballet into town every year to teach and direct the seasons ballets. You go there and you see a well done ballet with a cast made up of people who have been in that ballet for almost their entire lives, everything from 5 year olds to 50s, regular to see three generations of a family on stage. It is a weird thing, virtually unknown to the general public outside of the town but well known by those in the upper echelons of ballet since so many big names have taken a year off to teach there as a sort of sabbatical.

>> No.20334248

I saw a musical one-man play about the life of Ethel Waters earlier this year and it was fantastic. It was a really small, minimal production, but the actress was wonderful and she was an incredible singer as well.

>> No.20334262
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this desu

>> No.20334394
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Sadly, theater officially died in 2019 with the release of Madea's Farewell.

What else could there possibly be left to do?

>> No.20334403

Nobody in the US even goes to these things, why be upset about it? American artistic output has been almost nonexistent since its founding, nothing has changed.

>> No.20334420

All the art world today seems to be an echo chamber of fart-sniffing progressive rich people. But as long as they don't take tax payers' money it's fine I guess.

>> No.20334430

>so no young people are being taught how to act (well) or their theatre history.
That's not really true at all, there are plenty of young actors today showing great promise, but the focus has shifted away from the stage and towards the screen. The majority of actors you see on the screen were trained on the stage, and I'm sure they know their history, likely more intimately than you.

>> No.20334434

I went to the opera last Friday. Had a good time

>> No.20334438

I watched this 2 weekends ago on the new National Theatre streaming service at a friend's place. We also watched Caryl Chruchill, and she was good. Theatre doesn't seem dead.

>> No.20334445

This stance is incompatible with one lamenting the death of theatre.

>> No.20334451

What play is this?

>> No.20334452

How? He's literally lamenting the death of theatre in that post. Farting on a stage is not theatre, it's the death of theatre.

>> No.20334454

It's not bad, becuase it's good.

>> No.20334459

Miller's A View from the Bridge. My friend had an account on here https://www.nationaltheatre.org.uk/ntathome

>> No.20334461

He is lamenting the fact that theatre is engaging with contemporary society and art forms, rather than stagnating and adhering to reactionary aesthetics.

>> No.20334466

No, he's lamenting that it's garbage.

>> No.20334507

It's the same for novels. The access to entertainment and the speed of information has created a massive change in how novels are written and sold. Authors know they're competing with television and film, so they write gripping and engaging material to garner a wide audience and secure their own livelihood. The glut of entertainment content has really changed how literature is written. I'm trying not to lament the change and complain that it was so much better 100 years ago, but I'm really reaching to find good contemporary literature that will stand the test of time. I feel like H. Q. Nobody's 25 book City of Storm and Shadows series won't get there.

>> No.20334521

>Farting on a stage is not theatre, it's the death of theatre.
Ubu Roi did that over one hundred years ago and we've had some fantastic theatre since that time.
Oh nice, I've been meaning to read/watch more Miller.

>> No.20334554

>so they write gripping and engaging material t
I've heard a few lectures about how to write and get published on YT and they sound like a recipes for mediocrity and conformity.
>your first paragraph HAS to have a hook
>if you don't have this the publisher won't even read the second paragraph and will throw your draft on the pile of rejected (and read the next draft)
Imagine if everybody followed the same rules why even read different books if you already know what to expect? Sometimes I feel like writing a book that violates all the rules, just out of spite

>> No.20334556

Ok, and so what if it is garbage? The development of art is a dialectic between artists, art movements and society.

>> No.20334561

Retard alert

>> No.20334563

Do you think art is just beamed down into the artist's head from the heavens or something?

>> No.20334570

Not him but yeah that's literally how good art works
Otherwise it's just trash

>> No.20334581

>Ok, and so what if it is garbage?
Then theatre not alive. I don't know why you're being autistic. You're basically asking why don't people enjoy bad things. Because they're bad.

>> No.20334663

Unironically this.

>> No.20334683

It lives on in Wrestling and Politics

>> No.20334691
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Tell me this wasn't a moment of Avant-Garde Theater that surpassed even Beckett's tele-plays

>> No.20334694

Based and correct. Without divine inspiration you're wasting your time.

>> No.20334734

Literally this.

>> No.20334745

They are. That's what really bothers me. Everyone is out to make a buck and I understand that it's a sign of the times. We don't have the social aristocracy of the 18-1900s where you could beg money from your family members to live. It's very independence focused now. You're on your own and it's more expensive to live, so you must focus on money first. You write and sell what sells to the world instead of focusing on developing a new art. I'm no pessimist but I can't help but feel it's the end of Western civilization, much less the end of traditional literature.

>> No.20334747


Alhamdulillah. Materialist btfo.

>> No.20336136

Why? It’s dead as fuck.

>> No.20338190



>> No.20338229

>Theatre culture is dead
This, and the various new media taking material elsewhere, where in the past there were fewer outlets. That and Broadway musicals are the extra-subhuman capeshit descendants of Opera, which also corrupted the stage.

>Ubu Roi did that over one hundred years ago
Only things like Book of Mormon approach it, and what exceptions there are to actual quality plays are operating in a ghost dance cargo cult environment of the form. Reviving it will require engaging with tech to put on something truly engrossing and present in ways film and television cannot bring to the table . . . religious revival may be a prerequisite

>> No.20338658

this is the best theatre play in the world. the rest of you cannot argue

>> No.20338675
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>theater officially died in 2019

>> No.20338686

Theater officially died in 1966

>> No.20338688

Yeah and every young film actor is shit. Their understanding of the classics (even modern ones like Beckett) is true mediocrity and as far from a classical education as possible.

I'm not saying there aren't exceptions, but you cannot pretend as if virtually every form of theatre culture hasn't gone down the drain. Perhaps chiefly because, as you say yourself, theatre culture is less important than film, and though you may try to claim they're still trained theatrically and it doesn't affect their acting, it does. For an infinite array of reasons.

>> No.20338704

What is the name of the town?