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/lit/ - Literature

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20331736 No.20331736 [Reply] [Original]

You fags told me that Orwell killed an innocent man protecting a priest but I cant find anything about it

>> No.20331776

based if true

>> No.20331840

How is that based?

>> No.20331842

>innocent man
>protecting a priest

>> No.20331880

Fascists make shit up all the time. They’re close studies of their liberal counterparts.

>> No.20331943

So it's just a meme then? Orwell didn't actually shoot some random farmer for no good reason?

>> No.20332413

of course he wouldn't incriminate himself

>> No.20332810
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I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die

>> No.20333187


>> No.20333943


When I hear that whistle blowin', I hang my head and cry

>> No.20334328
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Reading this book I felt embarressed just reading about what it was like fighting for the rojos; how can it be possible to be so incompetent? Thankfully the working class in the west, as it existed back then, is almost completely dead as a distinguishable part of society, so we don't have to deal with these cringe "revolutionaries" who become as shit as their shadow tyrants when they realise running a country isn't as easy as they thought it'd be.

>> No.20335762

Yeah instead we get a race war

>> No.20335805

he does try to explain that you couldnt reasonably have expected better (of the POUM) in the circumstances. basically rural peasants and some factory workers linked up and tried to fight a fuckin war.

>> No.20336832

And you actually believe /lit/?

>> No.20336892

I shot the jannie
but I didn't shoot the hiromoot

>> No.20337781
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>> No.20337976

Men who gain power through violence may not possess any notable skills outside of that violence, but that doesn't mean they will recognize their general ineptitude and remove themselves from power if they grab it. They're also usually convinced they're suited to leading things other than violent revolutions, and will use their main skill, violence, to ensure they get to do so. Right wing or left wing, most violent revolutionaries are like that, and if they aren't, then they either fade into irrelevancy, or are defeated by some other violent revolutionary who doesn't want level-headed people standing in his way.

>> No.20338177

You mean we had one [Cold] and lost.

>> No.20338192

Get the Reds, Franciso!
>he didn't out himself as a murder
>therefore everyone else is lying!

>> No.20338252

Get the Reds, Francisco!

>> No.20338467

It’s not a crime to shoot fascists. They’re scum. So whatever you’re pretending to have witnessed, he was in a war against fascist traitors.
Go fight for Ukraine, turd.

>> No.20338852

>It’s not a crime to shoot fascists
It actually is tho

>> No.20338864

The main lesson I got from this book and reading about the Spanish Civil War is that idealism isn't going to overcome a decisive material disadvantage. Same with confusing a lot of foreign support among the intelligentsia and literati which is like the 1930s equivalent of believing in meme magic.

Well, the anarchists and POUM were fairly insignificant factions even with the Republicans.

>> No.20338874
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Get the Reds, Franciso!

>> No.20338877
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What am I supposed to be looking at in this webm?

>> No.20339007

Get the reds, Francisco

>> No.20339192

You actually trusted /lit/? No one here has read that book.

>> No.20339282

Do you ever wonder how much of an author's fame or obscurity rests on how their politics mesh with the ever-changing politics of the present? Who will sink like stone, who will rise from oblivion a century from now on?

>> No.20339496
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Get the BBC, Francisco!

>> No.20339548

>It’s not a crime to shoot people
Is it not? Did you mean to add "In the anarchist commune" at the end?

>> No.20339551

Well from now on we will have a Ministry of Truth and mass censorship so only Cultural Marxist intersectionalist theory will be allowed.