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/lit/ - Literature

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20330590 No.20330590 [Reply] [Original]

Have you read this book?
Is it about the russian armed forces?
Should I read it?

>> No.20330595

it's about humans

>> No.20330596

That tweet itself is propaganda

>> No.20330597

it’s not very good, but you should read it

>> No.20330611

The biggest issue the book has is that it explicitly says the reason the world is the way it is in the year 1984 is because Marx was right and any sensible person knows that every prediction Marx made was wrong, so the world turning into 1984 is impossible; that's why the year 1984 came and passed without resembling the book even a little bit.

>> No.20330612

Just like in the book 1984!!!!!!

>> No.20330614

Thought that was bob saget

>> No.20330635

where does the book talk about marx? haven’t read it in a while so don’t remember

>> No.20330646
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>> No.20330653

This! Bob Saget made it!

>> No.20330655

THat's why they killed him

>> No.20330725

Kek this.

>> No.20330739

more people should read Brave New World instead. the plot is fucking stupid but the general world building is pretty close to the modern dystopia.

>> No.20330811

Literally 1984! It wasn't supposed to be a manuel!

>> No.20331119

>that's why the year 1984 came and passed without resembling the book even a little bit
It definitely resembled the book in the Eastern Europe and other communist states. You're probably a zoomer who thinks 1980s were like Miami Vice or The Breakfast Club everywhere.

>> No.20331166


This. The book is about what drives us humans, and how it can eventually be exploited by a malicious government.

You should definitely read it if you haven't yet, it's eye opening in a weird way

>> No.20331221

That's just a superficial view of the Soviet Union and 1984. Sure, you had a socialist government that tried to control every aspect of society and an elite unwilling to give away their power, but nothing close to the tacit agreement between continental superpowers to keep waging an unwinnable war to deplete the resources of the nation so that the workers never realize they don't need the government. If anything, the world was relatively peaceful, China was becoming capitalist and the US was nowhere close to becoming a socialist dictatorship. So, over all, pretty wrong.

>> No.20331526

I read the book and I don't fucking remember that. How the fuck would the main character even know Marx??

>> No.20331532

Congrats, you've made the stupidest post on /lit/ this year.

>> No.20331861

Bravo Orwell

>> No.20331973

It doesn’t talk about Marx. I literally just finished it a day ago. You’re an idiot.

>> No.20331984

there's literally nothing wrong with the 1984 world

>> No.20332165

I agree with the other poster, this is quite possibly the stupidest post I've seen all year. If this is a troll, well done. For anyone that's wondering, Orwell was highly critical of communism in all of his works, most notably Animal Farm.

>> No.20332171

>tacit agreement between continental superpowers to keep waging an unwinnable war to deplete the resources of the nation so that the workers never realize they don't need the government.
Yeah, good thing that never happened, phew.

>> No.20332730

/lit/ backs Russia. Fuck this guy

>> No.20333608
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But why was Big Brother and The Party cartoonishly evil? I dont understand their motive at all.

>> No.20333623

I find it amazing that America has been doing everything that Russia is doing right now for literal decades and the media bents themselves backwards to make them look like the good guys. Remember all the horrific rape of human rights that China did over the years? The Uighurs genocide? Remember Hong Kong? It's like people are discovering just right now that war is bad and people do bad things in it.

>> No.20333639

>the plot is fucking stupid but the general world building is pretty close to the modern dystopia
this world's plot is pretty fucking stupid too
people are running the planet and human society into the ground to CONSOOM useless fucking products they do not need
40% of internet traffic is porn, we have gigantic boats traveling across the whole fucking ocean to deliver plastic garbage that sells for $0.5, we have smartphones, there is literally nothing elegant about humanity anymore

>> No.20334260

>and any sensible person knows that every prediction Marx made was wrong
Was it? A lot of people would tell you otherwise.

>> No.20334270

I dunno I like those things, though

>> No.20334511

>lit is a safe space for contrarian americans
kys etc

>> No.20334947
File: 36 KB, 1280x720, Insoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the English Civil Service for you. Ingsoc was simply the Civil Service finally freed from the theater of politics, permanent secretaries were no longer there to execute (and de facto dissuade and hamper) the policy of elected MPs. Newspeak was the superlative realization of the Civil Service's own euphemistic code.

>> No.20334973

We’re generally smarter, so we back the war against Naziism and biological warfare development. Most Americans feel this way. Only Twitterits and the socks that corral them want Ukraine to win. You kys, nazifag

>> No.20335327

eruption of yellowstone can’t happen fast enough

>> No.20335343
File: 17 KB, 480x360, 79E8B09B-1370-495A-92AC-222AE529C671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit / is located in the US Rockies

>> No.20335360
File: 245 KB, 440x590, 1650066560656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only because based CIA agents realize there is no value to this ground, /pol/ was lost 6 years ago to FSB shills, and only /k/ now holds any strategic value.
Kinda funny how the only competent branch of the Russian military is their troll farm.

>> No.20335394

>there is literally nothing elegant about humanity anymore
there never was, dumb tradlarp zoomer

>> No.20335413

>We’re generally smarter, so we back the war against Naziism and biological warfare development.
> We're generally smarter, so we back the side with an economy the strength of Italy with a military which peaked 40~50 years ago. We'll keep on seething that this was the smart choice decades after Putin has been deposed by his own government.

>> No.20335485

>We're generally smarter, so we back the side with an economy the strength of Italy, because it ends the petrodollar and US neoliberal hegemony for a more unipolar Eurasian power base.
Because some of us enjoy our 3D chess.

>> No.20336235

Ah, once again, /lit/ doesn't read books.

>> No.20336243


White bitch

>> No.20336284

You must be 18 years or older to post on 4chan
Look at his pretentious smile. He's fantasizing about all the protest hoe pussy that he thinks he's gonna get.

>> No.20336287

You're a punk faggot nigger. Who lives vicariously through other men cause you are a punk who cant fight and you probably enjoy cocks in your mouth.

>> No.20336321

kek, niggers like you should be burnt alive

>> No.20336572

>petrodollar and US neoliberal hegemony
> the ruble is not a petro-currency
You what mate?

>> No.20336679

1984 sucks

its a fucking boring read like great gatsby, animal farm, and lord of the flies

just pointless and stupid shit novels made popular by normie cucks who dont even read books except for synopses