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/lit/ - Literature

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20329326 No.20329326 [Reply] [Original]

What or who should I read if i'm looking for self-steem improvement?
is Nietzsche a good idea?

>> No.20329404

self-help books, also get a psychiatrist

you are not interested in literature

>> No.20329451

i'm already taking psychiatric medication for depression.

Will reading phylosophy not make my mentality stronger?

>> No.20329459

Not really, you will get bored and drop it while not improving on yourself in any way or form

>> No.20329463

I'm in the same boat, OP. Philosophy, particularly the likes of Nietzsche, will create far more questions than it provide answers. You'd be better off turning to the Bible or Stoicism or something if you want a simplistic template for becoming a "better person"

>> No.20329466

so is stoicism a good idea then

went through a recent bad breakout

>> No.20329484
File: 2.19 MB, 1700x2275, Aristotle_Altemps_Inv8575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aristotle is chronically underrated. His Nicomachean Ethics is not an abstract debate, it's a guide on how to live like a man.

>And the more completely a man possesses virtue, and the happier he is, the more he will be distressed at the thought of death. For to such a man life is supremely worth living; and he is losing the greatest blessings, and he knows it; and this is a grievious thing. But that does not make him any less brave; he is probably even braver for it, because in preference to those blessings he chooses a gallant end in war.
-Nicomachean Ethics, 1117b10-15

>> No.20329533

>taking psychiatric medication for depression
many people think that the existence of a category of product is proof that the category is at least logically sound, even if any number of individual products don't work. in reality "pill to treat depression" is as absurd as "pill to treat waterboarding". your problem is not biochemical, it's not even entirely internal. you're just taking zombie pills for the same reason that a hobo does heroin.

>> No.20329960

Can I read it now or do I need to read Plato to understand it?

>> No.20331406
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the japanese cartoon one piece

>> No.20331427


Please read this

>> No.20332370

nietzsche died insane, marx died poor, jesus was matyred
seeing a pattern here? how followers tend to die like their leaders when they believe it the most?

>> No.20332757

Of course not, that's why I recommended it. It's a simple book overall, probably one of the simplest he wrote.

>> No.20333480

Thanks Anon

>> No.20333488

Nietzsche is only speaking to a certain type of person. If you are not of that type, it will only make you feel worse.

>> No.20333575

Didn't know he could write like that. I read metaphysics and it was so dry.

>> No.20333659
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>> No.20333684

I have tried this and others. I dont give up, per se, I just get an hour or two into things and then procrastinate and I never get back into them. Books, tv shows, games. Epic games gives free games every week, plus my steam backlog, I just replay the few games I like and I'm stuck on this hamster wheel

>> No.20333721

>Enough wisdom to see the problem but not enough willpower to solve it.
Many such cases. Sad!

>> No.20333857

Chekhoved and true. You're supposed to use them pills only for a few weeks where you start also doing other stuff, then drop the meds and keep doing stuff. Not just wait for the pills to fix you.

>> No.20333868
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>> No.20333886

when you start considering playing video games as productive in that you are clearing out some imaginary backlog, then you're already too far gone

>> No.20333944
File: 48 KB, 800x750, JoeRape231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine thinking people will listen to good advice from an altruist

If people listened to good advice we wouldn't be in this fucking hellscape of retardation, vice, and degeneracy.

>"Just solve your own problems"
>that requires work
>that requires reason
>that is harder than refusing to solve my problems
>I expect others to solve my problems for me
>I'm the victim and I'm entitled to compensation because I have problems
>My problems are only problematic because you don't coddle them
>You need to change the world so my own problems cause no inconvenience of dissatisfaction in my life
>I will lie and pretend that I'm going to solve them
>I will read the advice, but then fail to follow the good advice
>I just want to be high on dopamine
>I don't have the patience for good advice, give me hasty and shortsighted plans
>You need to pay me money to solve my own problems
>I have faith that this leader/author/faith will solve my problems
>I will just believe in magic or God so they will solve my problems
>I am only willing to follow the instructions given by state media
>I don't have the capacity for free will, I am a slave to compulsion and hedonism
>I can't read
>I can't do math
>I have very limited understanding of cause and effect
>As much self-improvement is a pleasant thought, I don't care about myself enough to do anything
>The government has only taught me to cry and make empty threats online, I have no formal training in problem resolution
>Self improvement alleges that I am somehow imperfect, and this is a socially unjust and bigoted statement
>I will only follow advice that is most pleasing, even when this advice is flawed and dysfunctional
>I create my own problems yet refuse to accept my own guilt
>I've divested from reality and live only in electronic fantasy
>I just live inside of books and condemn reality
>I am very afraid of reality and unwilling to face my fears
>My life is comfortable enough for me to be indifferent to self-improvement
>I am personally satisfied, leaving me with little interest in helping others because there is little for me to gain personally

Ted is preaching to a young 1950s man with a fairly coherent moral compass and a general ability to interact with the world and human society in the archetypal pseudo-protagonist way the typical peasant would. He thinks these people have the capacity to work, to speak to others, to entertain free thought, to plan, to organize, and to produce yield. The men these days have few if any of these capacities.

Ted is trying to mold a man from clay, but due to being imprisoned, is unable to see that this is not clay he is attempting to work, but merely feces. Even if this feces were to be molded through self-discipline and sent through the kiln of self-actualization, the shit would simply crumble into dust because the psychological composition of the modern everyman is so adulterated by the pollution of endless unconditional decadence since birth.

>> No.20333950
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The way I resolve my own problems is just by abstaining from opinions, this way, there are no problems. Whether or not something is "problematic" is an opinion, and you can just have a different opinion.

>> No.20333957

self esteem = good looks + decent height + money in your bank account
anything else you tell yourself is just cope, you'll never see good looking well off people struggling with self esteem or self confidence, that shit comes to them naturally

>> No.20333975
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>imagine thinking theres a difference between playing video games and imaginary "productivity"

Dog, I've got a massive canon, I'm fairly productive, and despite everything, there's little ability for me to produce anything of value. The status quo ensures that the only socially acceptable and economically legitimizing position is one that parrots the agenda of the state and coddles the shortcomings of the everyman.

This is literally the only acceptable position, and when this is true, being "productive" amounts to nothing because there is 0 audience if you don't write in this manner, and if you choose to write a manner that appeases the agenda of the state while simultaneously coddling the shortcomings of the peasants, you've reduced yourself to being an indistinguishable ball-fondler like every other published, popular, and state-approved author.

You should be doing this that and the other, not wasting your life with bullshit. Really? To what end have "productive pursuits" accomplished anything for anyone other than basal, meaningless hedonism?


All of this is pointless because the ends are predetermined. You're just putting fuel in the machine of society which you have no ability to influence the direction of. The fact that you are able to attain these "chad ends" only proves that you're willing to excise your own spine and replace this with attached fucking double-sided purple dildo attached to the puppeteer's crux by the guide-wires of your unwavering and unending compliance with the expectations outlined before you by your masters.

You work hard, for what? To what end does the work of the ox benefit himself? He is but a beast of burden. He is just a tool used to perpetuate the desired ends of the men who own him. You are the ox. Regardless of how hard you work, your labor will amount to nothing but empowering those who own you, all while your fetid corpse will simply be plowed back into the dirt and forgotten once you've ceased to prove yourself useful and valuable for your owner.

>> No.20334896

Reading Zarathustra left me depressed and delusional for a year. Don’t read Nietzsche if you smoke weed and have schizo tendencies.