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File: 21 KB, 200x300, 200px-Damned_Palahniuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2032718 [Reply] [Original]

so apparently i'm getting this here new Chucky book early. Tomorrow instead of the release date 18 october.

you guys jelly?/ intetrested in this one?

>> No.2032725



>> No.2032740

no love for palahniuk? :(

>> No.2032748
File: 132 KB, 400x586, 1313501280760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's so fucking overrated. Fight Club is dumb and I had to MAKE myself get through Survivor. That was such a loose and boring plot it makes me sick that he is even published. Typical Pop-Culture crap, though. "Hey let's take this unpopular crap and like it so that others will like it."

>> No.2032749

i am dissapoint /lit/

>> No.2032759

Palahniuk really hasn't written anything quality lately, but maybe I'll pick that one up. The cover which I'm judging the book by looks pretty cool.

>> No.2032761

I liked Choke and Fight Club, but then I was only 15.

I went back to read Palahnuik a few years ago and just stopped. He's terrible.

>> No.2032762
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I like chuckles, and this sounds like it may be a return to form after Tell-all, which was a bit shitty and dull.

>"it's kind of like The Breakfast Club set in Hell."

Sounds OK to me. What the fuck is wrong with you haters? I think you all jelly, you jelly of his money and his book deal.

>> No.2032764

Yeah, those are really the only ones I enjoyed a lot.

>> No.2032771

I read Choke freaking ages ago and it was terrible. It had a pretty interesting premise to it or whatever but it just panned out freaking terrible and went all schmaltzy and pissed me off.

That's why I feel a little apprehensive about this one, even though it has a pretty dang awesome premise. It strikes me that like a writer like Ellis or Coupland (less of course, like Coupland than Ellis), Palahniuck won't have the pluck, originality or perspective to make something good of it all and the ending will ring all the falser, considering the potential this premise has for something utterly virulent and scathingly nihilistic. It certainly won't be any sort of determinate negation of the rank modern values he targets.

>> No.2032774

Please tell me that chick's breasts are available for public viewing.

I have no other interest in this thread.

>> No.2032781

Choke seemed like to me that his publisher told him they wanted more fight club and he more or less gave them the same thing and just added in a crazy mother.

>> No.2032788

I really enjoyed Fight Club, Haunted, and Rant. Pygmy and Tell-All bored me. Haven't read the others.

This looks interesting, but apparently its to help him get over some issue with his mum. I hope that doesn't involve some petty sentiment/s. If its just him being fucked up for a whole novel about a pubescent girl then... I think I'd be okay with it. Be sure to start a few more threads about it once you've finished to spoil it for us.

>> No.2032790

I mean, I know a sex addict and I know that that guy is never going to be redeemed by some sort of miracle relationship; it's beyond the ken of his pathology and it's just cynical wish fulfillment and commercialism or else plain idiocy that Choke ends like that.

>> No.2032856

be sure to check for spoilerific threads in about a week :)

>> No.2032875


> I hope that doesn't involve some petty sentiment/s.

This is ridiculous. Palahniuk is trying to consider how a girl of eleven could end up in hell, having been prompted to consider the big questions by his mom's passing. He's always stated he believes in God. I think this book is going to be the conclusion of the first phase of his work. What follows this is going to be very different. The idea that emotions other than rage count as 'petty sentiments'... this is why people associate him with socially retarded metaller douches.

>> No.2032895


I don't read for realism, I read to experience a form of thinking that can't be properly actualised in my life, or at least scenarios where they would be feasible. I want to experience a world where a bizarre philosophy is predominant, rather than what I experience now. When I want something a bit more nihilistic I go to Palahniuk. I don't see there as being anything wrong with that. But this idea that he would just blather on about how poor mummy died would really disturb me, which is why I said that. When I want real human emotion and sappy shit I'll ask for your opinions.

>> No.2033193


> I don't see there as being anything wrong with that. But this idea that he would just blather on about how poor mummy died would really disturb me, which is why I said that. When I want real human emotion and sappy shit

Confirmed for socially retarded metaller douche.

>> No.2033232

Hey OP, how come you're getting a copy early?

>> No.2033247
File: 21 KB, 400x350, screaming-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Palahniuk, I've read:
Fight Club
Invisible Monsters

I literally threw Diary across the room, I was so disgusted by how shitty it was. I enjoyed Fight Club and Invisible Monsters, and, to a certain extent, Rant, but after reading so much of his stuff I've come to realize he has the M. Night Shamalamadingdong syndrome: What a TWEEST. Not only that, but he uses his vomit inducing passages (smelling used pads, detailed descriptions of used condoms, etc etc etc) as a gimmick for people to say "WOW SO EDGY".

Fight Club is like M Night's Sixth Sense, the twist wasn't expected, and well done. Diary, to me at least, was like The Last Airbender.

ib4 you mad/you jelly

I mad, but not jelly.

>> No.2033267

An aside: I haven't yet seen Fight Club or Sixth Sense, but I already know the twists (who doesn't?). Is there any point in watching them?

>> No.2033274

Definitely, since it's not just about the twists. I mean, that's what made them famous, but I think it's the way they're executed that makes them really good.

>> No.2033278
File: 96 KB, 500x745, 1313849972872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a clever guy, writes interdasting stories, that's enough for me.

>> No.2033281


Fight Club, yes, it's a good film. The Sixth Sense, not really, anything good in it is stolen.

>> No.2033283


dunno; i ordered from the bookstore i work at, mayhaps something about that

>> No.2033291


+ the weirdest thing is i live in Belgium, so...i was a bit confused when i saw the delivery-date

>> No.2033298


Awesome! Well, let us know what it's like! Happy reading.

>> No.2033300


will do :)

>> No.2033304

I hope your partner is raped and commits suicide and you become a widow in the future. Pussy.

>> No.2033308



>> No.2033309


4chan filter, Ima grip and sip.

>> No.2033348
