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20327056 No.20327056 [Reply] [Original]

Finally finished reading pic related. So basically:
>Christianism is nihilistic cause it dehumanizes us. Supresses the human insticts that once made us happy. Makes the strong disappear and accepts the weak.
>Priests want power and use christianity as a mean to get it
>Buddhism is as stupid as christianism but at least it's more realistic.
>Christanism hates reality and makes false promises. Buddhism embraces reality and his promises are true, but it's still decadent
>Kant is a retard. Germans too. They are the cause Christianism became strong as it was.
>Manu code is... LE GOOD
What are the answers to Nietzsche's critique of Christianity?

>> No.20327153

>What are the answers to Nietzsche's critique of Christianity?
Read what you wrote, does it deserve a answer?

>> No.20327174

Yeah, I want to know what my christfrens think about it

>> No.20327203

N. is responsible for a big chunk of XX century Jewish / Judaising "thought": Freud (Jew, advocate of sexual perversion), Foucault (faggot and advocate of madness), Derrida (Talmudist and relativist), Benjamin (relativist, revolution propagator), Deleuze (lgbt, advocate of madness, called everyone he didn't agree with "fascist"), Adorno (Holohoax propagator), Heidegger (lover and teacher of the Jewess Holohoax queen Hanna Arendt).

>> No.20328699


Orthodox here.

Nietzsche has great critiques of Western Christianity. Notice that he had high praise for Christ Himself, because Christ actually embraced the cross, and the fully transcendent vision he preached, whereas a lot of Western Christianity tries to use Christianity as a way to avoid the Cross, and reduces the scope of Christianity to purely worldly aims.

Fr Seraphim Rose put it best:

“Atheism, true ‘existential’ atheism, burning with hatred of a seemingly unjust or unmerciful God is a spiritual state; it is a real attempt to grapple with the true God Whose ways are so inexplicable even to the most believing of men, and it has more than once been known to end in a blinding vision of Him Whom the real atheist truly seeks. It is Christ Who works in these souls. The Antichrist is not to be found in the deniers, but in the small affirmers, whose Christ is only on the lips. Nietzsche, in calling himself Antichrist, proved thereby his intense hunger for Christ…”

>> No.20328726

>noo the ways of God are a mystery, he is unknowable
>now convert to *my* branch of his cult, it is the one that gets him -wink-
Rose is embarassing even for an ortho

>> No.20328734

>>Manu code is... LE GOOD
This is the final takeaway of Nietzsche's philosophy

>> No.20328735


>> No.20328740

Wow, what a retarded take! Filtered faggot

>> No.20328765


>> No.20328888

suppressing those human instincts is the cornerstone of creating a more stable and advanced civilization. the human instincts which take the form of sin in Christianity are all inwardly or outwardly destructive in the context of a civilized society regardless of whether or not they may have helped us survive and satisfied us when we existed in a more primitive animalistic state. basically neech is a retard

>> No.20328896

Ah, yes, the guy who criticised the Jewish religion is responsible for Judaising western thought. Adopting a Jewish religion had nothing to do with it.

>> No.20328907

Christianity makes people spend their lives trying to gain entry into an imaginary fantasy land instead of improving life on earth for future generations. Completely takes focus away from the earth and humanity as it is, saying it’s doomed by the fault and set to be wiped clean in Revelations. It worships weakness and elevates the marginalised. Delaying instant gratification in favour of higher aims and suppressing lower primal instincts in favour of intellectual decisions isn’t unique to Christianity and, in fact, in Ecce Homo, Nietzsche does a better job than the bible of making a case for this concept that doesn’t involve an angry Jewish God and a mystical afterlife.

>> No.20328930

Ah yes, the 'everyone is secretly a christcuck' cope. Classic.

>> No.20328937

lmao, oh my.... the annihilation of sin is in its self a goal that continually improves life within civilized societies by steering people towards mastery of their wills, this process has a very direct and intimate relationship with material reality. it does not in any way "take focus away from humanity", it does the exact opposite by forcing us to look inwards and see our inherent faults for what they are, and we are only "doomed by the fault" in the sense that virtually all of us are victims of our own worst tendencies. every aspect of christian thought is reflected by material reality. there's nothing "weak" about it, youre just too simple minded to comprehend. even if your only conception of strength is who has the bigger club, Christianity still teaches its followers to pick up the sword and fight existential threats at all cost.
>Nietzsche does a better job than the bible of making a case for this
better for whom exactly? even if you want to look at this from a purely secular perspective, Ecce Homo doesn't mean shit to the average person and is not going to be moving the masses to real tangible action and change within their lives any time soon. and if anything it just shows either a massive contradiction in his logic or a complete lack of understanding that he would criticize Christianity for one thing while embracing the ideas anyway

>> No.20329036

Not a Christian but here is my answer.
>Christianism is nihilistic cause it dehumanizes us. Supresses the human insticts that once made us happy. Makes the strong disappear and accepts the weak.
Which human instincts are those, and how do you know it's suppression v.s an expression of different instincts? Also define strong v.s weak? Seems like an overly binary way to think about life. Humans care about status, but people also do legitimately care for others as well.
I also don't think there ever was some mythic time were human instincts were freely expressed and people were happy. Life has always been full of suffering.
>Priests want power and use christianity as a mean to get it
Of course everyone gets something out of their actions otherwise they wouldn't them, but that is a tautology: people only do what they want to do. Possibly the ascetic Saints living on pillars derive some satisfaction out of appearing different from other people.
In this Nietzsche has a point; even apparent self-denial can carry benefits like that of appearing virtuous. However, this is a poor argument against self-denial. Just because in reality no one is truly so self-effacing, that provides no argument as to why I shouldn't personally choose to value compassion or self-denial if it pleases me.
>Christanism hates reality and makes false promises
Possibly, there is certainly a pessimistic strain in Christianity, but there are plenty of counterexamples. Latin Americans are very Catholic, and they don't seem to have much hatred for life. Costa Rica is extremely Catholic but rates the highest on statistics of happiness in the entire world.

>> No.20329050

No one talks enough about the extent to which Nietzsche's arguments got self-owned by him not only going insane but going insane in a fit of rage and writing schizo letters about himself being "THE CRUCIFIED" and grovelingly begging for the approval of the pope.

His schizo breakdown literally refutes his philosophy because he himself couldn't follow it.

>> No.20329406

seethe harder, rose is probably the biggest midwit to use as your premier apologist. Not even a Christian but Orthodogs are simply incapable of even engaging with philsophical discourse or writing professional apologetic rebuttals, unlike Western Christians.

>> No.20329409
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Now read the book that completely dismantles Nietzsche and his facile critique of (Protestant) Christianity

>> No.20329413

>Ah, yes, the guy who criticised the Jewish religion is responsible for Judaising western thought.
That's literally what pagcucks say about Christ so...yeah

>> No.20329418

>Supresses the human insticts that once made us happy. Makes the strong disappear and accepts the weak.
This is what makes much of Christianity seem Marxist. The fetishization of pauper plight.

>> No.20329676
File: 17 KB, 523x587, ABE4984E-6032-4A01-BD89-C7213198633C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only reason why Christianity is so strong is because of Germans

>> No.20329681

>Christianism is nihilistic cause it dehumanizes us.
this is some of the most meaningless horseshit i have read

>> No.20329705

Not a Christian but I gotta say I think Nietzsche's definition of strength is flimsy, so calling Christianity a religion of the weak or the slave is an empty statement. But it's undeniable that Christianity fetishises a perfect imaginary world and encourages hate and dispondensy to this one. I don't know how I'd recover from such a brutal BTFO

>> No.20329896

>Material world sinful
>Heaven perfect
>Human corrupt
>Sensual pleasure bad. Riches bad. Desire bad.
>Just seclude yourself in a monastry, be chaste, eat simple, wear rags, pray in silence all day, and wait till you die you fucking clay abomination

Yeah, Im thinking, anti-human

>> No.20329903

Yes, please expand the cancer of the soul known as civilization. Organized power structures larger than our evolution dictated tribal size capacity are detrimental to human spiritual health.

>> No.20329994

weird there are only anti christian threads now
>Christianism is nihilistic cause it dehumanizes us. Supresses the human insticts that once made us happy. Makes the strong disappear and accepts the weak.
Relies on non-ethics based definition of happiness so it's wrong.
>Priests want power and use christianity as a mean to get it
Unlikely you'd take vows of poverty for power. Sainthood might be seen as wanting glory but also it's a narrow scope or glory.
>Buddhism is as stupid as christianism but at least it's more realistic.
Buddhism is infinitely dumber and more realistic.
>Christanism hates reality and makes false promises.
Relies on non-definition of reality.
>Kant is a retard. Germans too. They are the cause Christianism became strong as it was.
Lol obviously wrong cus Luther

>> No.20330039

This is the most retarded take I've seen so far.

>> No.20330049

Define pro-human. Hardmode, don't refer to the body

>> No.20330059

>dumb /pol/cel doesn’t realize that the figures listed are mostly atheists

>> No.20330068

Fake and gay, not even Neech was dumb enough to believe in it

>> No.20330114

>Define pro-human. Hardmode, don't refer to the body
The body is practically the only thing that matters. Any referal to some abstraction like soul or "God" is a mistake made since Plato's time.

(t. Nietzsche)

>> No.20330144

Source: bro, trust me

>> No.20330149

congrats you've thought your way into becoming a cat