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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2032530 [Reply] [Original]

Asked this on /adv/ got no /adv/
What fucking good is philosophy?
Fucking depression and suicidal then what, months of dissociation and alcoholism. Searching for meaning. But really who fucking cares? It's not like it makes a difference to my life.
So what knowledge may not exist other people may not exist i may not exist time may not exist nothing may not be certain it's just a fucking circlejerk of nothingness. Your just something or nothing in a void of maybe something who maybe feels things and thinks logic objectively exists.
Fucking whatever. Life is strange deal with it?
But it's like eating or drinking it's just something I'm compelled to do like some sort of angsty faggot. Fuck this man no wonder I don't have a girlfriend
>tl;dr: How do I stop being an angsty little teenage faggot and just experience so called reality.

See I fucking did it again when I wrote 'so called reality'. Like what sort of faggot says that? If I saw someone else had posted that I'd immediatley think they are a massive underage b& faggot

>> No.2032533

By taking mescaline.

>> No.2032535

You've come to the wrong place, Motherfucker.

>> No.2032537


And but also BRB digging up my Hume, which I have been meaning to do anyway. I am sure he has some answers.

>> No.2032541

I take that it all the time though. Got like 25 san pedros. You can't just live on mescaline though.

>> No.2032542
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Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

You are not deep, you are not edgy, you are not philosophical. You are a faggot. Stop thinking about bullshit like this and just get on with life.

You're not depressed, or suicidal, or alcoholic. You wouldn't know an existential crisis if it slapped it's cock against your face. Take it from me.

Go out on a night out and get laid. And please don't take a philosophy class, or if you're in one, please drop it.

>> No.2032550

You seem to use the word faggot in a defensive and insecure way a lot. Maybe if you came to terms with the fact that you're secretly gay you wouldn't be so uptight.

>> No.2032552

You're not depressed, or suicidal, or alcoholic. You wouldn't know an existential crisis if it slapped it's cock against your face. >Take it from me.

What do you mean by that? I'm pretty sure everyone has existential crisis's.

>> No.2032554

I am literally gay though.

>> No.2032555

> how do i get rid of teen-angst?
> by growing up.
> yeah but i dont know how to grow up, man.
> yeah great, nobody does that, unless there's an tribal initiation or somewhat. just figure it out for yourself.

just don't stop trying brah

>> No.2032556

I like your writing style it makes me laugh.

>> No.2032557


>Go out on a night out and get laid.

Get out of my /lit/ frat boy.

>> No.2032561

It's impossible to directly experience reality.

>> No.2032563

>such rage

So you feel you're having some kind of prolonged existential crisis? Why anything? And that's why you're depressed / having trouble getting some tail?

Sex does make everything better, that was good advice.

>> No.2032567

you really hate faggots don't you OP?

>> No.2032568
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you might want to check out /fit/ with this. seriously, they're experts.

>> No.2032569

Samuel L Clemens (Mark Twain) observed;

"The suicides are the only sane ones"

And also, about putting a revolver to his head but failing to pull the trigger;

"Many times in later years would I regret not having the courage to pull the trigger - but I will never be ashamed that I tried"

>> No.2032572

Bullshit that is.
Suicide is for people who were somehow unable to cultivate positive attitudes towards life.

>> No.2032575

I write like the OP when I'm drunk. Have like 40+ pages of bullshit similar to this. Anyways OP try meditation. Or sex. But don't think of sex as everything. Coming from someone who has loved and lost, sex is a lot more meaningful when you're with someone you have a deep connection to.

>> No.2032576


This dude is right STFU and get on with it

>> No.2032577


Find a literary name to support that^^.

It may be worth observing that Mark Twain lived quite a while and had some good times in his life also.

>> No.2032578

such obvious samefaggotry

>> No.2032580

Post more skinny French sluts. You'll feel better, honest.

>> No.2032581

Smoke weed erryday

>> No.2032582
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Prepare for god-tier porn

>> No.2032584
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>> No.2032585

>But don't think of sex as everything. Coming from someone who has loved and lost, sex is a lot more meaningful when you're with someone you have a deep connection to.

I think what you are trying to explain might be "erotism".

>> No.2032588


If you have not succeeded in suicide you are probably cursed with at least marginally successful genes and can move on to being a normal person.

If you are having money trouble, address that at all costs. No shame in working instead of colleging.

>> No.2032589

>What fucking good is philosophy?

This is a pretty good philosophical question. Slavoj Zizek was actually asked this same question once and he gave an interesting answer. Look it up, I think it's on youtube.

>Fucking depression and suicidal then what, months of dissociation and alcoholism.

This is not philosophy.

>Searching for meaning. But really who fucking cares?

This is philosophy, but probably by accident. I'm guessing you're just implying that people shouldn't care about philosopy. That's not philosophy.

>So what knowledge may not exist other people may not exist i may not exist time may not exist nothing may not be certain it's just a fucking circlejerk of nothingness.

That's not philosophy.

>Your just something or nothing in a void of maybe something who maybe feels things and thinks logic objectively exists.

That's not philosophy.

Are... are we actually talking about philosophy in this thread?

>Fucking whatever. Life is strange deal with it?
But it's like eating or drinking it's just something I'm compelled to do like some sort of angsty faggot.

This is not philosophy.

>Fuck this man no wonder I don't have a girlfriend

This might just be philosophy.

Wait, didn't you say you were seriously gay?

Yes, this is definitely philosophy.

>tl;dr: How do I stop being an angsty little teenage faggot and just experience so called reality.

You seem to just have a lot of pent up energy and no positive output. I recommend trying to make other people happy.

>> No.2032592


>Not philosophy

Nigga what.

>> No.2032596

I'm colleging and not working atm and I feel ashamed.

>> No.2032597


Don't let capitalist culture get to you. Just because you're not making money doesn't mean you're not doing something worthwhile. Expecting people to work full time while also going to college is ridiculous, don't do it unless you absolutely have to.

>> No.2032599
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Philosophy doesn't deal with real problems in the sense that you wouldn't consult a philosopher if a new strain of influenza appeared and started killing people.

Philosophies job is a very humble one, and that is to redefine problems to enable us to see that what we thought was a problem is not a problem at all.

Or, as Wittgenstein put it, '"Philosophy is a battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by means of language".

>> No.2032600


Alright, alright. It's all philosophy.

Everyone's philosophy!

>> No.2032612
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I'M philosophy

>> No.2032613

this has got to be one of absolute worst threads I have ever seen on /lit/

>> No.2032631


Stick around, it's early yet.

>> No.2032635

You are depressed, or at least sound as if you are. Most people, if dissatisfied with their lot in life, tend to start asking why. If you're enjoying your lot in life you have less of a tendency to stop and to think carefully about it.

I think this is why most people associate questioning life with some kind of morbidly depressed state. However, you don't need to be depressed before doing philosophy and, although philosophy might refute some of what you thought, you don't need to be depressed after philosophy either.

For me philosophy has more to do with the simple pleasure of thinking. You do the puzzle, you feel like you've worked something out and have your lightbulb moment. It can be frustrating that there are no definitive answers, but there are answers that give you that lightbulb moment and you feel as if this is something I can defend and stick by. For me taking that kind of pleasure in it is the "good" of philosophy.

I have met people who don't think it's not a good at all, and are tortured by it, but I usually end up finding they have other problems that have been allowed to mess around with their experience of life.

>> No.2032649
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>> No.2032679

More naked Parisians, please.

This gives meaning to life.

>> No.2032682
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>> No.2032703

Depressed guy here (diagnosed by psych, getting that out of the way to avoid the idiots that tell anons they're not depressed). Reading philosophy sometimes makes me feel even more depressed. Been reading the Myth of Sysphus lately. Haven't tried physical suicide and I got over philosophical suicide when I was a teen, but I can't figure out a way to bring meaning or contentedness into my life when I struggle to remember happy moments and can't image having any in the future.

Smoking or vaporizing weed helps a bit, though, try that op.

>> No.2032706

>philosophical suicide
There's no such thing.

>> No.2032714

meaning belief in a god

>> No.2032715

>There is no such thing as philosophical suicide.

Well, that depends on your school of thought. Some may argue that anything you conjure can exist, even if it's just the idea of it, it therefore exists. Just sayin....

>> No.2032716

i smoke weed, play video games and read books everyday to hide from my problems
also drink, acid/shrooms, x, mesc, k, and some coke sometimes.
i plan on dying before the age of 50

>> No.2032719

Post more petite parisiennes, I love seeing naked women that don't like tatted up whores off the streets of LA, it's a weak antidepressant

>> No.2032720

not being cheeky or anything but it's probably marijuana that's got you into this state...

just sayin

>> No.2032735

I've been depressed as long as I can remember. The only thing that stopped me from slitting my own throat when I was twelve was the thought of eternal damnation. No, weed definitely helps. Without it I don't enjoy anything at all. Once I started vaporizing I started exercising (made it bearable) and playing guitar. I've stopped for the past few months as I search for jobs (damn drug tests) and I've gone back to not exercising or playing guitar and have trouble sleeping again. For some reason this is always brought up, even by one of my psychiatrists. People seem to sometimes see a correlation with cannabis and depression. Personally I think for the most part marijuana doesn't cause or worsen depression but people who are depressed are more likely to use it to help cope.

>> No.2032737

well i suppose you COULD think of retarding your brain as a solution to chemical imbalance. but whats wrong with just meds?

>> No.2032741

you are trolling right?
you say weed is bad for your brain and suggest meds?
pharma meds are some of the worst shit you can take.
just look at Oxycontin

>> No.2032747

meds are given in prescribed doses. stoners cant remember how much they've already smoked today.

also lol @ thinking depressed ppl are more qualified to talk about depression/weed link than psychologists

>> No.2032751

jesus is this going to turn into another idiotic antipot thread? tripfags are always striving for attention.

Back to the topic. Philosophy is not a way to solve problems. if anything it creates more questions, not answers. don't read philosophy if you cant handle it op

>> No.2032752

weed wont make me feel even more like killing myself along with nausea and the shits for a month before it starts working and then a month after i stop taking it

>> No.2032755

lol @ lazy fucks who cant even type a full word out thinking their opinion is worth anything.

>> No.2032757


>> No.2032758

>didn't follow doctor's orders or building up to required dose or weaning off it(not that your mother ever taught you this one either) when coming off it. Also you're meant to report if you have side effects so they can provide an alternative.

>> No.2032760

did you read his post? he was depressed far before he started smoking and it got better afterwards then back to worse after he stopped. is cause and effect too hard for you to understand?

>> No.2032763



>> No.2032765

>apparently doesnt know that just about all antidepressants make you feel like shit for the first few weeks even if you precisely follow dosing instructions and doctor says no to switch until after those weeks when the actual effects should actually kick in
>probably knows less about this stuff than anyone in this thread but acts like a know it all

>> No.2032766

>just about all
yeah, cry moar.

>> No.2032767

Great response, enjoy your pleasure of trolling the mentally ill

>> No.2032775

You engage philosophy because it makes you engage with "reality."

You must stare nihilism in the face every single day or else your happiness is a cruel charade. Also, unlike an intellectual beta like you, I can study philosophy without bitching and moaning about it.

Never before has Dealwithit.jpg been more apropos.

>> No.2032779
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>> No.2032780
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>> No.2032782

Well, wanting to make yourself feel better is not really philosophy.
But hey, just hurry up and read Nietzsche. Fuck Camus, he's shit tier with his Myth of Sisyphus that so many people on /lit/ rave about.
I think one of the things Nietzsche did for me was show me the poverty in striving for happiness and worrying about suffering, when really these things are secondary effects and not the goal of living. If you chase happiness, it runs away.

"Whether it be hedonism, pessimism, utilitarianism, or eudaemonism, all those modes of thinking which measure the worth of things according to PLEASURE and PAIN, that is, according to accompanying circumstances and secondary considerations, are plausible modes of thought and naivetes, which every one conscious of CREATIVE powers and an artist's conscience will look down upon with scorn, though not without sympathy. [...] You want, if possible--and there is not a more foolish "if possible" --TO DO AWAY WITH SUFFERING; and we?--it really seems that WE would rather have it increased and made worse than it has ever been! Well-being, as you understand it--is certainly not a goal; it seems to us an END; a condition which at once renders man ludicrous and contemptible--and makes his destruction DESIRABLE! [...] In man CREATURE and CREATOR are united: in man there is not only matter, shred, excess, clay, mire, folly, chaos; but there is also the creator, the sculptor, the hardness of the hammer, the divinity of the spectator, and the seventh day--do ye understand this contrast? And that YOUR sympathy for the "creature in man" applies to that which has to be fashioned, bruised, forged, stretched, roasted, annealed, refined--to that which must necessarily SUFFER, and IS MEANT to suffer?"

>> No.2032786

hahaha, what was /adv/'s reaction?

>> No.2032791

they thought I was a shit friend :(

>> No.2032795


>Man is meant to suffer so we shouldn't give a fuck and just make pretty paintings

Hurpa durp, who cares about genocide and famine, I've got rocks to hit with other rocks.

>> No.2032796

nevermind that suffering isn't the same as wallowing in your own stupidity

>> No.2032802

hyperbole sure is edgy bro

>> No.2032804


Christ. Do you ever read in the abstract? or do you just take shit head on and say HUR DUR I'M FUCKING DERP.

While this existential crisis seems like babby's first. It's still a crisis that people who seek out knowledge usually have to combat with. Every time it gets worse. I think it happened 4 or 5 times and manifests itself to be more difficult and harder to overcome.

One must remember that to know that we know nothing, he must know what nothing means.

You acquire this knowledge and it is the test of your limits to see if you can handle your bubbles being burst. It identifies the problems. We live in a world where problems exist. I think it has a hand in determining how strong a person is. The only way i overcame it is by knowing even more (fighting fire with fire) but then you are left in this wasteland state where begins the arduous struggle of living and persevering. That's when you must really try to find what you are meant to do. What you want to do.

>> No.2032807


>> No.2032808


Did you quote the right post? I really have no idea how what you just said has anything to do with what I said.

>> No.2032811


>Christ. Do you ever read in the abstract? or do you just take shit head on and say HUR DUR I'M FUCKING DERP.

That line is for you. The rest is for OP and the others.

>> No.2032813


I don't know what you mean by "read in the abstract".

>> No.2032814

Traditional continentals' way of arguing.

>> No.2032815


So you argue by saying stuff you don't really mean?

That sounds retarded.

>> No.2032817


Look for the idea in the text instead of reading it so literally. You just used a hyperbole that has nothing little to do with the idea of the text.

Nietzsche was talking about how humans have the beast and the creator in them. The beast suffers, seems to be stupid and unworthily, and we want just destroy them. They also have the creator in them, which creates beauty and is worth keeping. People misdirect their sympathy to support the beast when the beast will suffer through it's nature regardless.

>> No.2032821


Well that's a bullshit idea. Leukemia is not worth pretty pictures.

>> No.2032823


Okay, let me dumb it down for you further.

People are fucking terrible. Many are not worth being around. They support their own dumb nature. There is also the potential to be greater, to be the best on this plain. Only some do that, but many spend their time showing more feeling for the beast inside of them.

>> No.2032824
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>> No.2032825


So you can be king of the retards? Who gives a fuck about that?

And what does any of that have to do with 'creating beauty'?

>> No.2032827
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I did say i would dumb it down.

>> No.2032830


I second this advice. Not going to say I was depressed, but i often felt "down" and even put the gun to my head a couple of times. But then I started doing a shitton of drugs, and now I learned to simply not give a fuck.
Adorexia, look it up, it will help you.

>> No.2032831


You are extremely dense and way to far into your point of view being right for me to change anything. Someone else can try.

>> No.2032834


Ah, demand clear ideas and masturbatory continentals call you dense. Oh well.

>> No.2032835

Outsider here. You didn't try very hard.

>> No.2032836


those are all unfounded claims

>> No.2032841


Why are you calling me a continental?

It isn't about being the king of retards. It's about people learning to try to be more like their creator side then their beast. The creator isn't just about pretty pictures. It's the side of man that is of influence, knowledge, and strength. He is capable of greater things, to make the world a better place.

>> No.2032844

Sounds like the romantic conclusion of a novel. Who says man is split into two sides?

>> No.2032845


You are correct. That observation can only be made because we do not see the whole picture. I figured it would be easier to explain it this way but i was wrong.


How much is trying hard?

>> No.2032846
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>> No.2032848


what the fuck are you talking about? what does any of this creator bullshit even mean? is this based on real-life experience, or your warrior daydreams?

>> No.2032849


It's morning. I'm not going to start going into dialectics right now. I could, but i don't want to. I just wanted to explain the idea to you. I'm not here to justify it.

>> No.2032853
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What did i get myself into.

Read the Nietzsche text. Holy fuck. He uses the term to describe a part of a human. I'm just using it in that context.

>> No.2032858


It's written in the text that man is Creature and Creator united. I assumed you read that part. This doesn't mean they are two parts in a whole.

>> No.2032860



>> No.2032862

OP isn't looking for advice, he's looking for a friend. i have little experience with that.

>> No.2032866


I read it before I posted my comment. Nothing in that piece of text makes any coherent sense whatsoever. It is a bunch of romantic babble, supported by nothing but emotional arguments. This is, of course, not very sursprising, as Nietzsche was influenced by the inventor of backing up claims with emotional appeals, Rousseau.

However, you didn't answer my question. What is the definition of Beast and Creator within man and how did you verify it as true?

>> No.2032871


>Influenced by Rousseau

Actually, Why don't you back that up. It always seemed as if he opposed Rousseau.

>> No.2032873

Tiberius was the emperor of the existential crisis, but then he could spread the suffering around quite a lot. Maybe you could be really, really mean to people in Fallout.

>> No.2032874
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>> No.2032877
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>> No.2032878


>how did you verify it as true?

If you want a scientifically backed and complete concrete proof then i cannot give it to you. I think if i wanted that from everything i read, i would have been surprised that nothing is concrete and we cannot even prove our inherent reality. This wasn't as devastating to me. What i read is what i could feel is true to me and in that, i probably proved your point better then mine.

>> No.2032879

To the guy pretending to be a moron:
This creature and creator business can be looked at in a different way. The "creature" in man is all his base needs and desires. The creature is what experiences pleasure and pain; pleasure and pain arise as the effects of the creatures positive, negative or lack of stimulation. Nietzsche is saying that this side of man is petty, and all philosophies centred around pleasure&pain are ultimately concerned with this more basic aspect of humanity. If all a person concerns himself with is pleasure and pain then he is little more than a dumb animal led by blind instincts towards self-satisfaction. The idea of a man completely satisfied and free of suffering is contemptible and worthy of destruction because suffering leads to self-improvement and a man without suffering would be completely stagnant.
There would be no need for art without suffering. There would be no need for human sympathy and compassion without suffering. Without suffering, we would be insects.
Nietzsche is saying that suffering is a necessary and useful part of human life, making philosophies bent on the eradication of suffering futile and naive.

>> No.2032880
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please be mad about this ...

>> No.2032883


I should add that not all that i read is on the feeling that it's true. It's mostly philosophy.

>> No.2032884


Actually forget this too.


>> No.2032885


Despite the fact he's really known for his attacks on Christianity and morality, I think Nietzsche was mostly a speculative philosopher of the inner life. I can remember him anatomizing emotions and motivations a lot of the time.

I got a lot out of reading him and following his thought, but if you're looking for the kind of philosophy where everything can be verified then definitely better off elsewhere.

>> No.2032888


This is basically what i wanted to say, put more eloquently and clearly.

>> No.2032889

Take it frI'm me, by exploring philosophy through yourself, rather than others, you'll go through a variety of phases.

At first you'll become the theologian, then the fatheist, the the depressed nihilist, then the suicidal consequentalist, then you start turning to a pantheistic perspective.
Once there you start to truly understand and adore life,
(note: side effects vary from suicide to bisexuality/pansexuality through the phases)
It's also through these phases that you start to drown yourself in literature.

My advice is to give up and live your life, or go through years of unneeded depression to realise that which you and others already knew.

>> No.2032892


he shared Rousseau's worship of the aristocratic hero and the way he uses temperament to prove his arguments. Sure, his propositions differed wildly from those of Rousseau, but the justification for them is essentailly the same

>> No.2032897

Hi Thrasymachus

>> No.2032898
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You can't really prove any of this. I'm doubting the aristocratic hero and Nietzsche connection too.

Wait a minute.....

>> No.2032903


I see why you would say that, but also consider these:

"They behave like women, all these great enthusiasts and prodigies--they regard "beautiful feelings" as arguments, the "heaving breast" as the bellows of divine inspiration, conviction as the criterion of truth."

Nietzsche's words. Yet, on the other hand I think he talks about having beliefs that encourage self-overcoming and feelings of power. Been a loooong time since I've read him so I could be way off here. The problem is he's not a systematic philosopher, so he can be infuriating and contradict in one book what he wrote in another. I guess many philosophers do, but perhaps him more than most.

>> No.2032905
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The way I see it, life is just a game. You can play it on easy which is the most fun or hardcore where it's a challenge competing for top rank.

Also a game that's full of minigames.
I choose easy, I'll never be rich or famous amongst the server but I'm going to enjoy my life and take a few risks, try some drugs and slack off because I'll be dead eventally and a new game will be out soon, for the new generations to play.

>> No.2032908

I don't think Nietzsche gave two fucks about Rousseau in any way.

>> No.2032911

Nietzsche's view of the aristocracy is based on the Greeks, I don't see how there is any Rousseau in there. Nietzsche does not prove his points, because he is aware that their truth is a subjective experience tied to his viewpoint.

>> No.2032917


I seem to remember Nietzsche hates Rousseau. Again, been a long time, but I'm almost sure he made a few unflattering remarks about him. Certainly Nietzsche wouldn't have liked the French revolution considering how much he loathed the idea of equality.

>> No.2032919


I googled, and I was right. Rousseau is persona non grata.


Do a ctrl-f of Rousseau through that

"The bloody farce which became an aspect of the Revolution, its "immorality," is of little concern to me: what I hate is its Rousseauan morality — the so-called "truths" of the Revolution through which it still works and attracts everything shallow and mediocre. The doctrine of equality!"

>> No.2032920

The Dawn § 163

>> No.2032979

So really he'd be one more moron that believes in "freedom" and thinks that Brave New World is a dystopia?

>> No.2033706
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Here's why /lit/ is called cancer:


Pseudo-thinkers get all hot and bothered by his powerful rhetoric, sharp intellectual turns, and his openness to sites for application.

Nietzsche uses irony. He uses sarcasm. He is an inconsistent and contradictory polemicist. We love him for those things, but it means you


Holy jesus people have a nigh impossible time accepting this. I bet you all think that "whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger" works in the Conan the Barbarian sort of way, don't you?

>> No.2033723

Protip: Nobody on /lit/ actually has read any Nietzsche, they just go on wikiquote to sound smart.

>> No.2033752

>tl;dr: How do I stop being an angsty little teenage faggot and just experience so called reality.
shut up about nouns (don't be things, do things). forsake identity. get excited.

>> No.2034668

Hey it's OP? I found this open in a tab on my desktop. Last night I was blackout drunk and I assume I must have wrote this because I won all the porn that I? posted.

Anyway stupid thread. Move along people.