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20322425 No.20322425 [Reply] [Original]

Suggest me a book every person should have read in his life once. I am talking about THE book. A book where you learn about yourself and understand the world.

I liked andorra cause its a model of society

>> No.20322426

The Quran.

>> No.20322429

The Torah

>> No.20322435

The Bible

>> No.20322441

The Book of Mormon

>> No.20322444

The novelization of Star Wars

>> No.20322445

If have a job, and especially if you plan on having some kind of career, read The Gervais Principle essays by Venkatesh Rao. It's a short read and it's absolutely essential.

>> No.20322451

numerals therefore true

>> No.20322469

Leviticus so you learn what you should do and what not to do

Deuteronomy is another solid option since it explains what happens to you in case you disobey the laws (and also what happens if you obey them)

5 books so it's too much for OP

>> No.20322488

Nice try ahmet
Nice try maybe ismael?
Nice try gunther
Nice try george
Not actually but sounds interesting

I am looking for a book which is like a acid trip that opens your eyes to i dont know. Life and all that stuff around

>> No.20322496

Solid answer.
Any anons can confirm? We need to reach general consensus.

By law, do you mean the laws of the state?

>> No.20322521


>Population of a small city
>No standing army but all adult males must own a rifle to defend the nation if called on
>Over 90% white
>Very high human development, very low inequality
>Moderate climate
>Official language is Catalan, the second-most beautiful romance language after its sister Occitan
>Most of the population is trilingual

Why yes, it is the model of society

>> No.20322555

You miss the best part:
>Ski in the alps on Friday
>Sunbathe in Barcelona on Saturday
Unbelievably comfy place to be

>> No.20322692

Ok you got me there with leviticus its another religious book

So you really want me to read the bible?

>> No.20322751

any actual understanding of "self and the world" you might get out of reading comes out in the long term, from exposure to a thousand books. it doesn't matter if you read something "important" today if you haven't developed the necessary literacy and capacity for nuance by reading for the last ten, twenty, thirty years. there are no shortcuts for this.

>> No.20322761

Tao Te Ching

>> No.20322810

Siddhartha, so you realize what you’re looking for will not be found in any book but from experience alone

>> No.20322913

I really dislike Indians. Their people tend towards despotism.

>> No.20323023

Besides the KJV Bible, probably Behind Communism by Frank L Britton

>> No.20324145

Hmm this probably but again some religious stuff. Atleast its written in the last 100 years.
What the
I dont know man. Just tell me something that comes with a bang and you think every person should read that. And is not about any religion or written 1000 bc

>> No.20324170

Harry Potter. Trust me it can change your entire worldview. A truly groundbreaking series with grandiloquent prose. Even the Ulysses can't hold a candle to it.

>> No.20324205

Meh too much fantasy also i am spoilered too hard

ulysses actually sounds good, sb confirm? we need general consensus, give me the best shit you got

>> No.20324209

Yes, with commentary by Rashi

>> No.20324214

makes sense why their invasion of high level jobs coincidided with massive cuts to private welfare

>> No.20324325

Siddhartha, by Herman Hesse.
I always reread the final paragraphs when I find it in a bookstore.

>> No.20324329
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>> No.20324335

Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.20324340

Man and his symbols by carl jung
Ted kaczynski manifesto

>> No.20324343

Marx's Capital to understand how bad things really are.

>> No.20324356

andorra is kino, barcelona is shit though

>> No.20324497

No i dont care too much about religions and stuff, also mostly kind of outdated.
Ok we got 2 times siddharta thats a start
>The 77-chapter "exhortation" is written with intentionally poor grammar, mixing Nietzschean philosophy with criticisms of modern society.

I think thats too high iq for me
Both seem to quite good somebody confirm this mans take

>> No.20324500

War & Peace because reading a 1200 page novel teaches you a lot of patience

>> No.20324524

How to Measure Anything by Douglas Hubbard.
The exception is if you already know about decision theory then don't bother. But not only are there a whole lot of nerdy statistical tools you can use, there's three important insights:
1. If something would change the decision you intend to make, then it is measurable. When people try to measure 'intangibles' like "Security" or "Collaboration" usually there's downstream decisions that it could affect, such as a new keypass system or what software tool should be used to manage email.
2. No measure needs to give you absolute certainty, especially if you have absolute uncertainty and no information then almost any measure will reduce uncertainty about your decision and thus be an improvement
3. It's worth doing a measure as long as the cost of taking the measurement is less than the cost of a bad decision, don't worry about potential projections about profits. The costs of a poor decision are usually very easy to glean (i.e. re: "security" - if there was a break in, how would it cost to materially replace and get things back to normal for example)
There's a lot more to it than that. But as a paranoid type from a arts background being able to think in numeric terms about intangibles and reframing my approach to certainty was a fucking gamechanger.
I think the book is valuable if only for the bit about intangibles. Too often I see people ask about Sheinproblems.
I see that guy's posts come up a lot on twitter, can you give me in tweet form a lesson or observation from the book?

>> No.20324537

Good post, I probably won't read that boo though because I hate numbers

>> No.20324543

Cool but is it wrapped in a story or something? I dont want to read something like a guide

And please confirm takes from others if you think they are legit takes and you approve them

>> No.20324565

>Cool but is it wrapped in a story or something?
No it's not. I prefer my non-fiction books like that. Just give me the information without flab. But apparently that's not for you.
>And please confirm takes from others if you think they are legit takes and you approve them
What takes? I think the only book I've read is the Tao Te Ching and I can't remember anything from it aside from a vague notion that you have to act with expedience and don't resist things? And I never finished Ulysseus because I'm a pleb. Wonderfully written work, but I don't think it's the first thing I'd recommend as "the book" to understand yourself and understand the world. In fact I think novels and fictions only give you pleasure when you have some degree of understanding of the world.

>> No.20324981

Lang Math

>> No.20324996

Dune or I, Robot

>> No.20325336

I liked Cat's Cradle as a thought provoking story.

>> No.20325342
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The Bible, unironically

>> No.20325351
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Pic rel has worked wonders for me.

>> No.20325484


>> No.20325615

The reign of quantity and the signs of the times by René Guénon

>> No.20326525

Demian by Herman Hesse

>> No.20326560

The Origin of Species

>> No.20326716

Gottfried Benn's early poems

>> No.20326725

The Bibble