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File: 18 KB, 256x390, The_God_Delusion_UK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20321938 No.20321938 [Reply] [Original]

i had a hardcore new atheist period as a teen and that combined with the hard right turn of 90% of the big new atheist figures kind of led to me not really considering my atheism as an animating thing in my politics but the escalation of anti-trans laws and this roe v. wade thing have basically made me realize that this is wrong and that christianity at the very least needs to be destroyed. what's the hot new shit in this sphere, is it even still around?

>> No.20321942

He got destroyed by Terry Eagleton:

>> No.20321949

This Life—Martin Hägglund

>> No.20321958

>but the escalation of anti-trans laws and this roe v. wade thing have basically made me realize that this is wrong and that christianity at the very least needs to be destroyed
Hi jannie.

>> No.20322024

>but the escalation of anti-trans laws
pathetic bait

>> No.20322036

Pretty sure this is the guy who tried to make the Scalia threads earlier and is trying a different approach. The second attempt was deleted shortly before this one went up.

>> No.20322040

Hitchens book "God is not great" is much better than this book. Dorkins should stick to biology, his books on evolution are much better

>> No.20322066
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>> No.20322267
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Start with the Greeks (Romans). Skip the Anglos

>> No.20322287


>> No.20322341

nu-atheism is so fucking gay

>> No.20322348

If abortion is bad then why did God kill his son

>> No.20322377

the bible tells woman who had an affair to take bitter herbs to abort the baby

>> No.20322448

The Bible explicitly states that
-Embryos aren't human (they are golems)
-Killing them is more or less fine
Read the fucking thing.

>> No.20322472

If God is good why would he nail baby jesus to the cross

>> No.20322500

jan assmann

>> No.20322537

yeah especially at easter. what a git

>> No.20322567
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He's the assmann

>> No.20322616

at least edgy atheists used to be cool back in the day, like Shelley

>> No.20322632


>> No.20322635

written by the prophet of atheism himself

>> No.20322640

Cuckstianity along with every other religion is what's wrong with the world. The cabal of christfags who are well connected at the top in American politics have ruined this country and destroyed the future prospect of freedom in any sense.

>> No.20322725

I finished reading it a month ago or so, it's pretty good. But this book is more of an intro or for complete beginners. My favorite part was where he refuted Aquinas.

>> No.20322791

This one's good too if you want something written by a person who has in-depth knowledge of Christian theology and philosophy. It's got a clear scientificist bias, but it's not as harsh on its criticisms as the big titles written by the four horsemen of Nü-Atheism.

>> No.20322809
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Forgot book cover.
Nah. I'd say humans are just selfish and drawn towards short-term pleasure by nature. Religion is just a product of human thoughts and feelings. It's not intrinsically any more evil than art or technology.

>> No.20322924

God didn't kill Him, He was killed by the Romans and the Jews.

>> No.20322969

Then why didn't God save his own son from getting mutilated by the romans and the jews?

>> No.20323024

Fuck off back to r/Atheism cringelord, nobody cares about your state of suicidal faggotry (sorry I meany "enlightenment").

>> No.20323156

>anti-trans laws
? lmao these nigger jews are literally mutilating child genitals

>> No.20323187

>BrbrruhhBUT this is a Catholic board!!!!¡

>> No.20323206

>Cuckstianity along with every other religion is what's wrong with the world.
Define wrong

>> No.20323214

>Nah. I'd say humans are just selfish and drawn towards short-term pleasure by nature.
Capitalism living rent free

>> No.20323308

I'm questioning my religion and thought about giving this book a try but the preface was so fucking bad that I immediately put it down and read a summary instead. The thought of someone falling for this shit is hilarious.

>> No.20323329

smart move

>> No.20323348

How do you mean falling for it? What are you talking about?

>> No.20323351

You have to he a fool to think something is from nothing

>> No.20323363

Humans being selfish is actually one of the central tenents of Christianty. "Lead us not into temptation" is an expression of Man's wishes to deny his own nature.
Hedonism is much older than international trade and currencies. Animals are hedonistic by nature.

>> No.20323369

>is an expression of Man's wishes to deny his own nature.
What other species tries to deny its own nature?

>> No.20323373


>> No.20323376

Where do you come from?

>> No.20323386
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Fear is the only thing stronger than desire.

>> No.20323389

>Fear is the only thing stronger than desire.
Aaaaaaaand repent

>> No.20323393

Muh laws of physics. Try and reconciliate that with the big bang(brought to you by a Jesuit) you brainlet.

>> No.20323403

>Try and reconciliate that with the big bang(brought to you by a Jesuit) you brainlet.
The Big Bang is literally something from nothing. That's why it was ridiculed to begin with by mainstream science. Big Bang is supposed to be derogatory.

>> No.20323406

Can you name even a single true Christian that has ever lived who was not an ascetic?

>> No.20323411

Also Christians don't equal validity of Christianity

>> No.20323412

The Big Bang does not explain the beginning of the universe. It only explains how the universe became as large and as cold as it is right now.

>> No.20323419

>The Big Bang does not explain the beginning of the universe
So then what were you trying to say here
>Muh laws of physics. Try and reconciliate that with the big bang(brought to you by a Jesuit) you brainlet.
What is there to reconcile with the Big Bang? As far as we know something came from nothing. Speculating before the Big Bang is meaningless for modern physics.

>> No.20323420

Ding ding
Saying the big bang made the universe is the logical equivalent of saying conception made you. It's technically correct but misses the really important part of how you can have a big bang / conception in the first place.

>> No.20323429
File: 3.40 MB, 1469x2217, Yaweh and his asherah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The contemporary Israelite studies stuff from archeology is interesting too, a lot of recent adavnces in understanding the geneology of recognisable Second Temple Judaism from the Canaanite religious milieu of polytheism, monolatry, and child sacrifice that the Israelite religion began as.

>> No.20323431

>It's technically correct but misses the really important part of how you can have a big bang / conception in the first place.
The Big Bang seems like pretty clear evidence that something came from nothing. The original argument was that believing something can come from nothing is stupid. I asked why. The Big Bang seems like good evidence that something can come from nothing.

>> No.20323433

If God doesn't give his followers strength to overcome sin, then it means sin is stronger than what faith may give people. A person may claim they repent, yet what use is it do so if they repeatedly come back to committing the same evil deeds against their fellow man?

>> No.20323436

>The Big Bang seems like pretty clear evidence that something came from nothing. The original argument was that believing something can come from nothing is stupid. I asked why. The Big Bang seems like good evidence that something can come from nothing.
How does the possibility of the big bang come from nothing?
>A person may claim they repent, yet what use is it do so if they repeatedly come back to committing the same evil deeds against their fellow man?
Because repenting and striving is the blessing.

>> No.20323438
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It doesn't even do that well, the Big Bang requires a lot of fine tuning to make it work, inflation being one of the most egregious examples of the fine tuning need to produce the observable universe.

>> No.20323439

What if the universe, bruh, was just preceeded by another universe that imploded?
What if the universe is just part of a greater multiverse?
What if the universe always existed in some form or another?
What if God IS the universe?
*hits bong*

>> No.20323446

>How does the possibility of the big bang come from nothing?
Because it seems there is evidence something can come from nothing in the Big Bang since we can detect nothing before it not even in theory. Aristotelian actuality and potentiality are stupid and discredited along with his Physics if that is what you're getting at

>> No.20323451

Yeah, how is possible for God to come from nothing? Where did God come from? Where's God right now? Will God always exist? How is it possible for God to be there all the time?

I mean, nigga, you gotta do sum serious mathronomics to make sense of this shieet.

>> No.20323454

God is the thing which allows for existence.

Not detecting doesn't mean there is nothing.

>> No.20323455

ok but does science allow for me to have a wife with a 10 inch dick?

>> No.20323461

>God is the thing which allows for existence.
So what allows for God's existence? And if God doesn't need anything to allow for his existence why does the universe? The same silly easily disproven argument gets parroted on here daily. God is not outside the quantifier everything. If something applies to everything it applies to God

>> No.20323463

But, I mean, where the f does God fit in? If the universe is where everything is, then how can something that is part of everything (for if it weren't part of everything, it would be nothing) be the creator of that which includes itself?
>inb4 no, that's not what the universe is, faggot
Then what do you call the set of all things that exist?

>> No.20323472

>So what allows for God's existence?
God. It's perfectly circular whereas the big bang is linear.
>Then what do you call the set of all things that exist?
Things willed by God. The set all of potential and actual existence is the knowledge of God.

>> No.20323477

You just described Islam. Not Christianity. Man read more books before you try and argue dumb shit.

>> No.20323478

>God. It's perfectly circular whereas the big bang is linear.
Circular argument is not accepted by most people. Otherwise I can prove God doesn't exists by just saying God doesn't exist. For the truth of that statement just refer to the same statement circularly.

>> No.20323485

Pantheism describes Spinoza's work, maybe Hegel too. Christians believe in the transcendent God bullshit that I don't agree with since it makes no sense for the universe to be everything minus God, and God to just be whatever caused everything else.

>> No.20323488

Nah. So think about existence as something which is a logical structure. Math is like this too. All logical structures have, at root circularity. Words are meaningful by other words. Algebra works because A can really equal A. Existence can exist. When I say Existence can exist I'm saying that the divine substance Existince, which is eternal, is real and thus God, which is pure existence, is real.

>> No.20323493

>Things willed by God.
I'mma call Münchhausen's trilemma on this

>> No.20323497

>Math is like this too. All logical structures have, at root circularity.
No they don't math is not like that. Math starts from unprovable axioms not circular reasoning. You can claim God as an initial axiom but I can claim no God as an axiom just as easily. Since they're axiom you can't prove or disprove them.

>> No.20323503
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Summoned by it's own bootstraps

>> No.20323504

To be clear - the sky daddy people assume Christians believe in is really far away from what they believe in. God the Heavenly Father is the creator in the sense that something can be created and God enables that. Loving God is loving existence itself as an infinity we are a part of.

>> No.20323507

>No they don't math is not like that. Math starts from unprovable axioms not circular reasoning
same thing

>> No.20323510

>Loving God is loving existence itself as an infinity we are a part of.
Neat. As part of God then I can judge the rules laid out in the Bible as immoral.

>> No.20323513

Needlessly unhelpful

>> No.20323519

It's not the same thing because you can circularly prove anything. To prove something using an axiomatic foundation requires that everyone agree to that foundation. I definitely do not agree to God as a foundational axiom. You can work it out as a toy example if you like but it has no truth to me in the same way my system worked out from the axiom of no God has no truth to you.

>> No.20323523

Something came from nothing. You stop existing when you die. Wow you figured it out. Everyone has been lying to you. There's no heaven. No morality. Just cum as much as you can and eat good food. Enjoy.

>> No.20323531

The truth will set you free brother. Throw off the fantasy of Christianity and join me in the real world

>> No.20323539

Even if God exists, God might just be an uncaring deity who is indifferent to humans and other living beings. Many people try to work their way around that by making up the Demiurge as an evil deity-like intercessor between the real God and the material world, but what if the real God IS the one who allows humans to kill each other and suffer from disease and die because of droughts and famine? What if God has no divine plan? What if God merely allows things to happen as they come to his mind?
What if God is chaotic and unstable?
Anything could be true. What does not seem true to me is that mortals could perfectly comprehend the universe as a whole and know all of the causes and ends for everything, or know how the universe is meant to be thought of. Religion is just as much of an imposition of an idea of an absolute truth as dogmatic philosophy and scientificism.

>> No.20323542

That’s what christians believe.
The universe is literally everything. So much in it we can’t even see it all. The idea that there was once nothing is ridiculous. Just as ridiculous as there being nothing but a god.

This didn’t answer my question though.

>> No.20323544

It's pointless to enjoy stuff. It's pointless to eat. It's pointless to do anything. Do whatever you want or don't do it - nothing matters in the end.

>> No.20323549

Wow, congrats on becoming a teenager.

>> No.20323554

God is a personification we assigned to origins. We came from this “Mother Earth” which came from this eternal night. The universal eye opens to look at itself before shutting again.

>> No.20323564

Bro maybe we're the universe looking at itself. Far out.

>> No.20323570

You are a louse and a cud of what your soul has forgotten. You are the shell of darkness scraped off from the scum of dreams fermented in the feces of low ranking demons. You don't disgust me, nor anger me, but disappoint me. You are not even half human but less than the dirt. The dirt does not deny its dirtiness but you deny your cleanliness. I can fathom nothing more serially pathetic than an atheist - a man whose firmament is a contradiction and whose soul is a plaything for his cock and his stomach. It is like watching the sun pretend its heat is separate from its light. Your life isn't real as you have no definition of real. You are a brother to the worms and what they consume. I could pretend to say that I can't find the words to express my disgust of atheism but that's simply not true - I have one word for them: Nothingness. Cling to it. It will be there waiting for you in your denial of what could save you. Enjoy the embrace of becoming what you think is lingering behind the face of the deep. Forget your name and forget that the word "I" could even have a meaning. Here's a fun one: Having no "I" to even forget that you had an "I."

>> No.20323583

Imagine being this broken and useless. Repent.

>> No.20323585

This is your brain on Jesus. When your retard tier arguments get picked apart you descend into fantasies of your questioners getting supernatural punishment.

>> No.20323587

>God is a personification we assigned to origins
Not a person good try

>> No.20323590

>When your retard tier arguments get picked apart you descend into fantasies of your questioners getting supernatural punishment.
I'm not talking about Hell. Hell is just your soul being obliterated.

>> No.20323591

God might not reward me for it even if I live in accordance to what I determine to be the right way to live. Even if there were a "right" way to live, it wouldn't necessarily be personally fulfilling or meaningful. It would just be following rules every day.

>> No.20323595

Say you haven't read the gospels without saying you've never read the gospels.

>> No.20323602

>Not a person
Right. He’s a fictional character

Yeah, groovy hu?
Its how metaphors work

>> No.20323604


>> No.20323611

>child sacrifice
It really does seem obvious of an influence when you consider stories like that of Isaac, the last plague visited upon Egypt, all the way down through how Jesus dies.

>> No.20323614

Bro, you just don't get it. Not everyone will agree with you just because they spent some time looking at the same words on a piece of paper as you did. Meaningful is not the same as right. Just because some Jewish preacher said that there's an afterlife where people get rewarded for what they do during life, it doesn't mean it actually exists.
Even if you can imagine it or draw it, it might not be real.

I mean, I believe you're a fedora-tipper Christian LARPfaggot who's just persistently claiming that the thing that their in-jerk Discordtranny group is promoting at the moment is what they gotta say they believe in, but I'd like to imagine that there is a person on the other side of the screen who can come to terms with the thought that nobody is really sure about what the ultimate nature of reality is like.

But, well, what can I say? This is 4chan. I shouldn't expect people here to be honest about they believe, only to repeat memes and spam retarded walls of text and shitty meme pics stolen from iFunny and Reddit.

>> No.20323622


>> No.20323626
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tearing my soul apart might be extremely pleasurable

>> No.20323627
File: 620 KB, 1200x1941, 1651586030891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here ya go

>> No.20323631

Existence allows you to exit which is atheism. That's why there's one unforgiveable sin.

>> No.20323634

Sorry, but I prefer to keep my body free from such substances.

>> No.20323639

ESL-kun what are you trying to tell me? The biggest sin is atheism?

>> No.20323640

Also, you didn't say if you've read them or not.
>I mean, I believe you're a fedora-tipper Christian LARPfaggot who's just persistently claiming that the thing that their in-jerk Discordtranny group is promoting at the moment is what they gotta say they believe in
Is that a thing now
>But, well, what can I say? This is 4chan. I shouldn't expect people here to be honest about they believe, only to repeat memes and spam retarded walls of text and shitty meme pics stolen from iFunny and Reddit.
I've told you what I believe.

>> No.20323641

Horse shit. Leprechauns, God, and Dracula don't exist.

>> No.20323642

I just did this and God told me that fags should be able to marry and everyone goes to heaven. Spread the word.

>> No.20323648

Say you haven't read the Gospels without saying you haven't read the gospels lol
Uh huh

>> No.20323649

>maybe Hegel too
Now you're just embarrassing yourself. Please actually read before you post. Hegel was a Christian.

>> No.20323650

>Leprechauns, God, and Dracula don't exist.
There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

>> No.20323653

Second part could be possible. First unlikely but maybe

>> No.20323655

well you've clearly taken Alice in Wonderland to faith since you're passing the sentence before the evidence

>> No.20323657

>Is that a thing now
Yeah. /his/ and /pol/ are full of Nazi trannies who roleplay as Christians on Discord and on their Bible general threads.

>> No.20323660

Hegel would have been condemned by the Roman Catholic Church if he had lived in Spain or Italy.

>> No.20323661

You will never have a woman

>> No.20323663

>well you've clearly taken Alice in Wonderland to faith since you're passing the sentence before the evidence
Post your beliefs.
>who roleplay as Christians
Like how you roleplay as an atheist?

>> No.20323664

Hegel's system works entirely in the absence of belief. It is "luciferian" if you will, about mankind's self-realization, that sort of thing immediately denounced in Genesis

>> No.20323666

No, I'm just an agnostic.

>> No.20323671

>Post your beliefs.
Is there a reason you won't explain yourself? I feel like a 1st century Roman police officer trying to get an answer from you other than "please execute me"

>> No.20323675

Don't make it that easy, miss :)

>> No.20323681

Checked. Also why do you larp as uncertain?
What are your beliefs again

>> No.20323694

I know what my beliefs are. I was asking about yours, which you are unable to articulate. Earlier, you spoke straight gibberish and then said something about there being one unforgivable sin. So what is it?

>> No.20323696


>> No.20323711

Does that mean you don't know yourself?

>> No.20323722

Why do atheists post this as some kind of gotcha? The Bible literally mentions Asherah and says that the Manasseh and the jews worshipping that sect were dumb. If anything this literally corroborates the Bible's account.

>> No.20323730

What even is an anti-trans law?

>> No.20323737

A law that says trannies can't kidnap children and force them to start playing video games before the age of 12.

>> No.20323819

There's much more than that, there's multiple human sacrifices to Yaweh and multiple instructions from Yaweh to perform human sacrifices that remained from the archaic period.

Exodus 13:2
>Sanctify unto me all the firstborn, whatsoever openeth the womb among the children of Israel, both of man and of beast: it is mine.

Exodus 22:29-30
>Thou shalt not delay to offer the first of thy ripe fruits, and of thy liquors: the firstborn of thy sons shalt thou give unto me. Likewise shalt thou do with thine oxen, and with thy sheep: seven days it shall be with his dam; on the eighth day thou shalt give it me.

Numbers 8:16-19 (the substitution of the required/past sacrifice of the first born sons for the Levites)
>For they are wholly given unto me from among the children of Israel; instead of such as open every womb, even instead of the firstborn of all the children of Israel, have I taken them unto me. For all the firstborn of the children of Israel are mine, both man and beast: on the day that I smote every firstborn in the land of Egypt I sanctified them for myself.

2 Kings 3:26-27 (Moab king, but endorsing the efficacy of child sacrifice)
>And when the king of Moab saw that the battle was too sore for him, he took with him seven hundred men that drew swords, to break through even unto the king of Edom: but they could not. Then he took his eldest son that should have reigned in his stead, and offered him for a burnt offering upon the wall. And there was great indignation against Israel: and they departed from him, and returned to their own land.

Micah 6:7
>Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of oil? shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?

Judges 11:29-40 (Jephthah's daughter sacrificed to Yaweh)
>And Jephthah vowed a vow unto the Lord, and said, If thou shalt without fail deliver the children of Ammon into mine hands, then it shall be, that whatsoever cometh forth of the doors of my house to meet me, when I return in peace from the children of Ammon, shall surely be the Lord's, and I will offer it up for a burnt offering.
>And it came to pass at the end of two months, that she returned unto her father, who did with her according to his vow which he had vowed

2 Kings 16:3 (given a later anti-sacrifice gloss)
>But he walked in the way of the kings of Israel, yea, and made his son to pass through the fire, according to the abominations of the heathen, whom the Lord cast out from before the children of Israel.

2 Chronicles 33:6 (given a later anti-sacrifice gloss)
>And he caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom: also he observed times, and used enchantments, and used witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar spirit, and with wizards: he wrought much evil in the sight of the Lord, to provoke him to anger.

>> No.20323821

1. It’s funny
2. It corroborates that they worshipped a pantheon before getting literacy and then they rewrote their religion. The original yhwh was just ridiculous bull headed thing. So again 1. It hilarious.

That women’s sports are separated by sex and not “gender”. And other “cis-het” stuff

>> No.20323839

To give credit to what became second temple Judaism, the anti-sacrifice faction that emerged from this Israelite backdrop who compiled and redacted the texts (Deuteronomy 12:31) that became the Tanakh were far ahead of their Phonecian and Punic brethren who continued to sacrifice their childern into the classical period. But that Canaanite stain remains for those inclined to take it as more than the historical practices of a Middle-Eastern tribe.

>> No.20323871
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Because it shows the dark Canaanite origins of the Yaweh (and El) cults, from which Second Temple Judaism emerged as a later faction that consolidated Yaweh and El, excluded Baal and the gods wives, and substituted the child sacrifice of their first born to Yaweh, as a Canaanite reformation that consolidated and edited the primary texts to reproduce an ahistorical Second Temple Yawehist account of the past religious practices of the Israelites.

The origins of Christianity and Judaism lay in the ritual sacrifice of children to bizarre clay gnome-like and bull figurines, some of whom were El and Yaweh.

>> No.20323875
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You people disgust me.

>> No.20323878


>> No.20323884

Don't talk about Aristotle like that

>> No.20323903

yeah fuck having laws and morals and shit, rape a bitch and burn down the local wal*mart because a black person overdosed on fentanyl

>> No.20323996
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>> No.20324012

Religion does not have a monopoly on morals. You are certified retarded if you think it does.

>> No.20324132

Hey now, don't blame christcucks for wanting to end abortion.

After all, where else are the supposed to get those kids they fuck from?

>> No.20324138


>> No.20324143

>no argument
Cope harder

>> No.20324148

>ruin your psilocybin experience with some retarded dogmatic garbage
Tell me you've never done shrooms without telling me you've never done shrooms

>> No.20324153

>uses the word 'karma'

Why are they such retards? Is reading the Bible comparable to smashing your head with a brick?

>> No.20324156

That pic was very obviously made by someone who has never done psychedelics in his life

>> No.20324157

Can someone make that kid walking away from Jesus and then turning back to him after wandering for every long but with Jesus replaced by Richard Dawkins?

That would be most ironic

>> No.20324160

make it yourself

>> No.20324164


>> No.20324177


>> No.20324216

>Pre-Fedora Biblical Criticism
I hate that this is actually a useful qualifier.

>> No.20324224

So this is saying that all superstitious beliefs we have are actually probably justified, like the monkeys and the cold water shower? Weird way to make that argument but okay.

>> No.20324225
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>The God Delusion was, if anything, even more of a nursery entertainment: puerile rants, laboriously obvious jokes, winsomely preposterous conceptual confusions, a few dashes of naïve but honest indignation, attempts at philosophical reasoning so maladroit as to be touching in their guileless silliness. And I think it fair to say that nothing Dawkins has written for public consumption has lacked this element of beguiling absurdity—the delightful atmosphere of playtime on a long golden summer afternoon, alive with small figures shouting happily in shrill little voices and stumbling about in their parents’ clothing, acting out scenes from what they imagine to be the daily lives of adults.

>With Outgrowing God: A Beginner’s Guide, all of that has changed. The warm, languid sunlight of those idyllic revels positively spills across its pages. At last, Dawkins has found an authorial voice entirely adequate to his theme. And it is charming. Yes, of course, the confused and chaotic quality of his arguments remains a constant, and the basic conceptual mistakes have not altered appreciably since the earliest days of his polemics; but here it all comes across as the delightful babble of a toddler. “Do you believe in God?” he asks on the first page, tugging at your sleeve, eager to inform you of all the interesting things he has learned about religion this week. “Which god? Thousands of gods have been worshipped throughout the world, throughout history.” Do tell. And, in fact, tell he does, breathlessly emptying out his whole little hoard of knowledge about the local deities of ancient peoples. The sheer earnest impishness of his manner is almost enough to make you ignore his continued inability—despite decades of attempts by more refined logicians to explain his error to him—to distinguish between the mythic and devotional stories that peoples tell about their gods and the ontological and modal claims that the great monotheistic traditions of the “axial age” and after have made about God, or to grasp the qualitative conceptual gulf that separates them.

>> No.20324235

Secular academics believe if a man cuts his penis off he becomes a woman so why would you listen to their theories on religion?

>> No.20324236

I wonder what larpers hope to achieve by telling people to "repent"
Or are they falseflaggers trying to make internet christians look even more retarded than they are?

>> No.20324238

Why do the "arguments" of /lit/ christians always amount to juvenile deflection? I suppose you are instinctually aware that your beliefs are too nonsensical to back up, so you resort to distractions

>> No.20324243

Anyone who defends trannies has their opinion on any other matter immediately discarded. This is not deflection it's an eminently reasonable position. If one lacks the critical thinking skills to see gender ideology for the horseshit it is then clearly that person is not going to have anything insightful to say about religious history.

>> No.20324247

Prove to me that the author of this book >>20323871 is pro-tranny. In fact, prove that any secular scholar on the history of religion is pro-tranny and doesn't just passively support the status quo in order to protect his tenure

>> No.20324250

Anyone who passively supports the status quo lacks courage and integrity and should have their opinion discarded.

>> No.20324252

Deflecting again, where's the proof, larper?

>> No.20324256

Physiognomy check. Yep he's a nigger lover.

>> No.20324258

I accept your concession.

>> No.20324262

Seething that people won't take faglover academics seriously, very sad. Grow up.

>> No.20324267

>Grow up
Says the guy larping as a fundamentalist christian on an anime forum for adult virgins. kek
Still not a single argument. Truly embarrassing

>> No.20324269
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kek, saved

>> No.20324272

No argument was provided in the beginning though? That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence

>> No.20324276
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>> No.20324278

Yes. Seethe harder about it, twitter cancer

>> No.20324283


You can say anything about larpers, you people sure are creative

>> No.20324287

>what's the hot new shit in this sphere
Joshua Bowen - The Atheist Handbook to the Old Testament (2021)

that, for example, 'm-l-k' root was not referring to Moloch, but to the type of sacrifice, that both Canaanites and Israelites practiced in times of dire need, as is evidenced by archaeological findings.

>> No.20324289

So basically God has a pussy and the Romans are the doctor

>> No.20324290
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>> No.20324291

>masking the incoherence of your beliefs with petty strawmen and irony
twitter christians are something else lmao

>> No.20324292

>Bible says that the Israelites fell into idolatry multiple times
>Archaeological evidence shows the Israelites fell into idolatry multiple times
>"See this proves the Bible isn't true!"

>> No.20324293

Ah yes, pretending posts don't exist now. Call me when you're tired of furiously coping, in the meantime I'll leave you to your cognitive dissonance

>> No.20324295

>if I represent arguments mockingly, they become false

Peak Christian 'reasoning', ladies and gentlemen. Thank goodness this religion is dying

>> No.20324296

Why not? Atheists have been doing it for decades lmao

>> No.20324297

n-no you see it's ok if I act like a childish faggot because the people I'm supposed to be morally superior to are doing it too
once again proving >>20322066 right

>> No.20324298

Half the atheist "arguments" against theism for this century have been "lol talking snake skydaddy".

>> No.20324299

No retard, they didn't 'fell' into idolatry, they started with it and developed your beliefs based off of it

>> No.20324303

The evidence does not support that assertion though, the earliest evidence shows they were monotheists BEFORE becoming polytheists. You probably don't understand just how bad secular biblical history is, they're still running on assumptions of the Young Hegelians nearly 200 years ago.

>> No.20324304

The bible isn't true because abrahamism is nonsensical and requires extremely shoddy post-hoc rationalizations to make sense (see the entire christian "intellectual tradition" relying on going "you made this? I made this" with superior philosophies)
Of course God exists, but God is not a petty, jealous, foreskin-collecting, tantrum-throwing entity obsessed with playing mind games with desert tribes

>> No.20324306

>see the entire christian "intellectual tradition" relying on going "you made this? I made this" with superior philosophies
Explain how Calvin did this and then I'll proceed to call you a retard when you can't

>> No.20324308

That's because Christcucks such as yourself constantly try to polish a turd, why atheists point out it's a turd, and all you have left is basically a 5 year old impersonating any and all criticism.

Not that criticism was even neccesary to begin with. The fact that yourself don't follow the beliefs everyone should follow tells me more than enough about them

>> No.20324310

Who compiled the canonical texts that form the Bible?

>> No.20324313

>the earliest evidence shows they were monotheists BEFORE becoming polytheists.

Which evidence?

>> No.20324320

God did

>> No.20324322
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Concession accepted.

>> No.20324327

>Nooooo you can't just say the church is guided by divine providence! You need to accept my atheistic presuppositions about the Biblican canon being constructed by men!
I accept your concession

>> No.20324333

>>Nooooo you can't just say the church is guided by divine providence!

Of course you can't, you provide zero evidence for it. People should take this as seriously as a muslim saying the same thing

>> No.20324339

Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.

>> No.20324342

>you need to accept my circular argument
No. Seethe and cope about it christranny

>> No.20324347

You sound very mad. Is it because you're slowly realizing that your beliefs are based on absolutely jackshit, or just because you can't get laid?

>> No.20324367
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No atheist has defeated Jay Dyer in debate

>> No.20324377
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>Atheist arguments:
>God is mean
>If god real why bad things happen

God is Azathoth.
Attending church on Sundays would make the blind, mumbling and insane Nuclear Chaos listen to your prayers and love you, yes-yes.
If you pray, this Thing will suspend the laws of physics in your favor, yes-yes. You are SPESHUL.
If the Originator of the Universe exists, then some 2000 ethics/morality prescription book is true, because you have won the Magical Lottery Ticket.
Providence implies reverse transmission of information through time, therefore, time-travel exists.

>> No.20324384

>some 2000-years-old ... book

>> No.20324400


>> No.20324452

detroyer, Alex Malpass folded him. Dyer is not a debater anyway look at his content: he is not debating people, just reviewing movies and doing Info wars tier conspiracy videos.

>> No.20324457


>Alex Malpass folded him.

I watched their debate, and their debate didn't really go anywhere - they came to terms, Malpass was understanding Dyer's position, but then they didn't really go anywhere to actually resolving the debate since Malpass got hung up on whether or not an argument in Aristotle was a transcendental argument or not.

I don't know where you got the idea that Malpass folded him - there wasn't any debate or resolution after the terms and positions were explicated. Is there something I missed?

>> No.20324458

Malpass couldn't even track Dyers argument. Dyer had to resort to explaining it to him like a high school freshman

>> No.20324581

>the hard right turn of 90% of the big new atheist figures
> not really considering my atheism as an animating thing in my politics
>escalation of anti-trans laws and this roe v. wade thing
Tell me you're an insufferable faggot without telling me you're an insufferable faggot.

>> No.20324618

Duendes exist, God exists, Dracula exists (Vlad Tepes)

>> No.20324624


>> No.20324736


Interesting read. Thanks.

>> No.20324885


>> No.20324912

Lol embarrassing
Karmic cycles are real and acknowledged as God's corrections or punishments for sin. I love watching how mean atheists are.
Lol cute
>You sound very mad. Is it because you're slowly realizing that your beliefs are based on absolutely jackshit, or just because you can't get laid?
Wow got em you're so clever

>> No.20324917

Oh look you've never read the gospels. I can literally read through someone's prose if they had.

>> No.20324924

Why all atheists are lonely lmao

>> No.20324988

cope and seethe, christranny

>> No.20324993

Are you ever going to explain your position or, can't you? "Read the Gospels" is still not an answer

>> No.20325117

>hipster christcucks
i am vomit

>> No.20325320

>look up a sauce for this image
>Best I can find is an experiment from 67 where the monkeys just threaten the newcomer if he approaches the bananas, but the newcomer eventually just does what he pleases.

Interesting, but it looks like this is just a lie.

>> No.20325338

Jesus was, is, and will be God.

>> No.20325350
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>Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth. He knows where the Old Ones broke through of old, and where They shall break through again.

>> No.20325360

>I can literally read through someone's prose if they had.
No christian actually follows what there was said. For example, you've been literally commanded (2000 years ago) not to procreate:

"What I mean, brothers and sisters, is that the time is short. From now on those who have wives should live as if they do not; those who mourn, as if they did not; those who are happy, as if they were not; those who buy something, as if it were not theirs to keep; those who use the things of the world, as if not engrossed in them. For this world in its present form is passing away. I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s affairs—how he can please the Lord. But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world—how he can please his wife—and his interests are divided." (1 Cor.7:29-34)

And look how well that turned out. Your parents spawned you. Oh, well.
Scripture is for lip service, and Jesus/Paul would have regard modern christians as blasphemers.

>> No.20325361

Hahahahahahahahahaha first Corinthians isn't a gospel hahahahahahahahahahahha omg

>> No.20325367

Is this good prose to you?

>> No.20325391

doesn't matter, it works as an analogy

>> No.20325462

cope, retard

>> No.20325465

>scripture isn't scripture
such pilpul

>> No.20325500


>> No.20325526
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Are our atheists still pious people?

>> No.20325527

Thats the thing, isnt it ironic that an image about people repeating things without thinking, gets shared without anyone verifying its claim?

>> No.20325603

>Jesus was, is, and will be God.

>> No.20325629

Oh, I'm afraid that's certified shirk, and will land you in hellfire. Better repent now, my friend

>> No.20325715

kek that's a nice way to look at it

>> No.20325855

Can't you get out of the chain by answering the question of
>because its possible
I don't see how any of the 3 can be equated to that. Possibility of things is fundamental, otherwise nothing would happen, unless you posited the questions in a really useless manner where the "why" doesn't accomplish anything.

>> No.20326045


>> No.20326071

>because its possible
That's the same as a brute fact or an axiom. You have no answer to why it's possible it just is.

>> No.20326197

>arguments for polytheism
This isn’t atheism, butthurts

>> No.20326577

keep coping
maybe one day you'll grow out of your pseud phase

>> No.20326608
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They forgot the part where they are represented by the onions wojacks in memes. This is, of course, the deciding factor of the debate.

>> No.20326614

The funniest part is that the Cross has become a universal Christian idol even though the book explicitly says not to have idols lol

>> No.20326627

>all the monkeys make a social pact to allow one representative of the community to ascend the ladder to see what happens
>they're instantly doused in freezing cold water
>realize why the fence was put up there in the first place
sounds familiar, smug_pepe.png

>> No.20326638

It's because the Christian religion has, verbatim, a "heavenly Father", literally a projected father figure to look out for people and give them an authority that will make them feel safe and protected. It's quite clearly a trait of human psychology to do this, since most cultures of a manifestation of this projection (often it is the spirits of dead parents/grandparents etc.). Of course, it's much easier to represent this argument with the more curt, and somewhat amusing terminology of just "lol skydaddy", but it's still accurate. So, in conclusion, seethe more.

>> No.20326640

I unironically have a lot of sympathy for New Atheism and the Skeptics, or at least some of them, but for the opposite reason to you - I appreciate them because they were instrumental in the genesis of the New Right. What is it if not applying the logic of New Atheism and Skepticism to post-war morality?

>> No.20326649
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>this thread

>> No.20326680
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Strange, I just came back to it too. I'm basically seeing the whole retvrn thing of internet tradlarpers as a misguided attempt by aimless people to find again a sense of meaning in a modernity that's slowly left them orphans, and my own meddlings with more rationalistic philosophers has left me once again on the more agnostic side of things. I decided to revisit Dawkins to see if there were things of value in there.

The book itself is so and so as far as actual arguments go, and as far as its social importance goes, it also aged badly; Evangelicals are no longer a relevant political force. Dawkins doesn't really understand the theist arguments he's trying to refute, and his account of morality doesn't really tackle the questions moralists actually deal with (such as the meaning of moral propositions and whether they can be said to be true or not). His own arguments for the "God hypothesis" being improbable are also quite weak, and when discussing the "complexity of the designer" it's amazing how unknowingly semi-tangential he is to discussions between Thomists and their critics on divine simplicity.

It's not a particularly insightful book, and the social questions "new" atheists (are they even new at this point?) rallied against aren't even relevant anymore. There needs to be a new, better, and actually rooted in proper epistemology, critique of religion, especially given its new role of filling in vacuums of meaning in the minds of intelligent but disillusioned people.

>> No.20326683

Even if God fits the archetype of the Father in human psychology, it doesn't really do much to dismiss the core argument sin favor of monotheism. Turning the argument on its head, if God doesn't fit the mold of the father Archetype, then the state or something even worse will (as it has today).

God as concept alone is more powerful and liberating than most people will give it credit for, and is paradoxically a concept greater than our own ability to understand it.

>closes your copy of The Essence of Christianity

>> No.20326715

>Shellfish polyester
can someone explain this one?

>> No.20326723

>sigmund fraudshit
into the trash it goes

>> No.20326760

You've just made an argument for the utility of the God concept. I think for some people it does have utility, and they are welcome to indulge in that illusion, but it does not change the fact that it is an illusion which has developed as an outgrowth of psychology as a kind of cope. Also, I disagree that the Christian God is liberating. It carries with it an absolute condemnation of human beings as sinful, and this world in it's entirety as fallen. This destroys human dignity and enslaves humanity forever to this totalitarian authority figure. In other words, when you have a permanent judging father, you become a permanent cringing child. When you become an adult, you should be able to grow up and put away childish things, and a projected daddy in the sky is categorically childish.

>> No.20326766

>Exodus 13:2
It means that every firstborn is blessed, animal firstborn's do not work and are not harvested

Deutoronomy 15:19
"You should sanctify every firstborn male of your herd and your flock to Jehovah your God.a You must not do any work with the firstborn of your herd* nor shear the firstborn of your flock."

>> No.20326789

Things are possible because the opposite would lead to nothing ever happening, and clearly, things happen. The day in which that is an axiom is the day in which the last action ever performed will happen.

>> No.20327076

>intelligent but disillusioned people.

>> No.20327079

>paradoxically a concept greater than our own ability to understand it
kek, the last defense of abrahamic theology

>> No.20327105

>but it does not change the fact that it is an illusion which has developed as an outgrowth of psychology as a kind of cope
I disagree but I want to point out that if this is true then anything you believe is a cope, so it doesn't really matter either way.

>When you become an adult, you should be able to grow up and put away childish things, and a projected daddy in the sky is categorically childish.
Read David Bentley Hart. Not only is it not childish it's the only possible conclusion to understand the world in a way that isn't ultimately self contradictory.

>> No.20327172

>in a way that isn't ultimately self contradictory
What's the contradiction, oh wise one?

>> No.20327345

You have not engaged with anything I have said at all. If you subject yourself to a heavenly father who has absolute authority over you, you are, BY DEFINITION, infantilizing yourself. You can't escape this fact. Also, you seem to think that it is granted that the ultimate truth about reality won't appear to us as self-contradictory, but this is not at all assured. We have a very narrow and limited view of reality through our subjective experience. There's nothing to say that the Buddhist view isn't the correct one, where each life is merely an opportunity to move closer to enlightenment and nirvana. Again, it's obvious that one cannot make absolute statements about the supernatural, but what one can observe about terrestrial religion is that it is quite clearly a human projection, a cultural edifice, AN ILLUSION.

>> No.20327692 [DELETED] 

>Imagine someone holding forth on biology whose only knowledge of the subject is the Book of British Birds
Starts the review with a shitpost. Criminally underrated ITT.

>> No.20327705

>Imagine someone holding forth on biology whose only knowledge of the subject is the Book of British Birds, and you have a rough idea of what it feels like to read Richard Dawkins on theology.
Starts the review with a shitpost. FPBP; criminally underrated ITT.

>> No.20327729

Reminder that /qa/ lost

>> No.20327936

can't believe there are so many retards on /lit/ that actually believe in god

>> No.20327953

It's the reaction to a multi-century swing in the other direction

>> No.20328013

The number of pathetically arrogant atheists who autistically believe they have a monopoly on rationalism, alongside no insight relating to the philosophy and history of science, is completely predictable on /lit.

>> No.20328123

>It's quite clearly a trait of human psychology to do this
It's a trait of politics. God is the king, you are his vassal subject. God is laws, you are his parliamentarian. God doesn't exist, you are an anarchist.

The covenant with God in the Old Testament is a vassal treaty with the Assyrian empire.

>> No.20328136

Non-sequitar, they're recovering the artefacts of how ancient Israelites and other Canaanites practiced their religion. Yaweh, El, Baal(s), and their wives, were clay figurines that you sacrified your first born child to in exchange for a reward or protection.

>> No.20328163
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Atheist faggots hiding behind "muh fallacies" to excuse themselves from having to engage.

>> No.20328449
File: 22 KB, 329x500, The Origin and Character of God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The post being replied to advocated for non-engagement with Israelite studies of Israelite and other Canaanite religious practices. Make higher quality posts on /lit/ or go back to >>>/v/.

>> No.20328564

You're a faggot who reads into a singular idea and tries to force the entire argument around it. You characterize modern religion as if it exists in strict continuity with the pre-literate cultures from which it developed and fail to take it as a complex social phenomenon that has existed and developed alongside and within a multitude of cultural inputs over a time period measured in millennia. You're not even smart enough to produce your own take on what this means for a given thread--you broaden the scope of the idea to the point that it becomes nonsensical for anyone with half a brain.


>> No.20328846

>but the escalation of anti-trans laws and this roe v. wade thing have basically made me realize that this is wrong and that christianity at the very least needs to be destroyed

>> No.20328848

Why would I have read it a first time in order to even qualify for any potential "going back", when I know that God is real?

>> No.20328859

Your projecting in a very dumb way your own avoidance of the problem of origins. I acknowledge the moral development of the Israelite religion by a Judaic faction that was strongly opposed to child sacrifice. It doens't extinguish the problem of correspondance, what does the god of philosophy have to do with clay figurines of El bulls and Yaweh gnomes soaked in infant blood?

>> No.20328885

>the fastest observed rate of mutation is too slow to account for the gebetic divergence between to species

How do we test this?

>> No.20328889

Which god?

>> No.20328916

The LORD God Almighty, I AM that AM.

>> No.20328923

Yahweh, this little fella?>>20323429

>> No.20328927

Again, which one? Yahweh, Jehovah, or Allah?

>> No.20328944

>I AM that AM
Sumerian trickster-god Enki?

"Yhwh is an imperfect hiphil verbal form from the root *√hwy ("to be")"
"the Semitic concept of a *√hwy deity, a deity's whose name is formed from this root, began in the East when Enki, the Sumerian god of subterranean waters, acquired the Semitic name Ea. To this day Ea, written e2-a, is conjectured to derive from the Proto-Semitic root *√ḥyy ("to live")"
"*√hwy deity was /yahway/, an imperfect yaqtal G-stem."

>> No.20328948

Just read Lucretius lol

>> No.20328968
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>the escalation of anti-trans laws and this roe v. wade thing have basically made me realize that this is wrong and that christianity at the very least needs to be destroyed.
(You) have to go back.

>> No.20328972

>.t christian

>> No.20328973

(You) faggots will see exactly who He is when y'all face Him at judgement. At that time you will look back at this time and feel foolish beyond expression. May He show mercy on that day and forgive for you know not what faggots that ye are.

>> No.20328992

>no u
christrannies are truly intellectually barren
>grow out of
says the underageb& larping as a christian because it's counter culture and annoys his boomer parents. project harder lol

>> No.20328998


>> No.20329001

All people who aren't religious are either
>not interested in good-faith arguments or philosophy, just in immediate social control (almost all fall into this first category)
>smart enough to realize that it's not a worthwhile endeavor compared to the long-term wellbeing of society, which historically functions better under religious leadership

>> No.20329004

Jehovah is a very late Christian mistranslation of Yahweh. Jewish scribes inserted parts of the epithet 'adonai' (lord) into the tetragamman to remind the vocalising reader to say out loud "Adonai" rather than the forbidden name of Yaweh. Christian translators unfamilar with this litarary device thought this compound spelling was the proper name of the tetragrammaton and created "Jehovah" from this confused double spelling.

The pronounciation of the tetragrammaton as Yahweh is known from the use of both parts to form other compound words, like hallelu-JAH.

El was a seperate god to Yahweh in the early Canaanite religions. There were different Els and Yahwehs for different locations, as with almost all ancient religions where the god is tied to a locus (genii locorum). The famous pot shard of Yahweh here>>20323429 is for the Yahweh of Samaria, in the same find there is a reference to a Yahweh of Teman (and each of their god-wives).

>> No.20329008

>>smart enough to realize that it's not a worthwhile endeavor compared to the long-term wellbeing of society, which historically functions better under religious leadership
Which isn't Christian.

>> No.20329042

Look at Muslim countries right now.

>> No.20329054

Not in the least, simply informing (You) of the facts.

>> No.20329060

Islam is bootleg Christianity.

>> No.20329061

Look at Shinto countries right now.

>> No.20329073

>Your projecting
I wasn't the anon you were originally speaking with--I just noticed the standard pattern of "muh fallacies" (and now "yo projectchun") that atheist fedora tippers who think they have a monopoly on rationalism always have to fall back on. The rest of your post is just cope because I pointed out:
>You're not even smart enough to produce your own take on what this means for a given thread--you broaden the scope of the idea to the point that it becomes nonsensical for anyone with half a brain.
You try to twist things back to that single myopic read of history, ignore that you've been called out, and think that it's ok to continue the bullshit because you're a filtered ideologue projecting your own ignorance on others. You're a retard. Cope.

>> No.20329078

Terrible post that doesn't belong on /lit/. Read some of the suggested Israelite studies lit posted in this thread before posting on the topic.

>> No.20329086


>> No.20329731

>hard right turn
honk honk

>> No.20329751
File: 795 KB, 536x706, d0e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted in a thread about:
>the escalation of anti-trans laws and this roe v. wade thing have basically made me realize that this is wrong and that christianity at the very least needs to be destroyed

>> No.20329765

>my atheism
>as an animating thing in
>my politics
I read his posts with a condescending lisp.

>> No.20329824
File: 197 KB, 400x600, E9C464AD-832E-4BA1-B5E2-9BF563876275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Positivism is sublated in Marx, which is precisely the crisis of Atheism.

>> No.20329857

>the fastest observed rate of mutation is too slow to account for the gebetic divergence between to species
no shit sherlock, we learn about evolution indirectly, we can't observe something for millions of years

>> No.20329863

> as dogmatic philosophy
any examples?
"scientism", you mean?

>> No.20330487

Threats aren't arguments. Cry more

>> No.20330513

Promises aren't intended as "arguments" and (You) will be the one crying on your knees begging for mercy.

>> No.20330521

Based. Allah will have no mercy for unbelievers.

>> No.20330546

>I can't do anything to you in the real world, but in the imaginary world pow right in the kissa
Power fantasy of the impotent.

>> No.20330648

>Terry Eagleton
>No Ph.D. in Dawkinsology
Criticism disregarded, he obviously hasn't studied the finer points of disbelief

>> No.20330733

Why would I want to "do anything" to you? I am hoping for you to repent and be a child of God while you have the opportunity. I want nothing but good for (You), fagtard.

>> No.20330847

Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

>> No.20330922

In that case, I sure hope yours will be the right religion, the right denomination and the right interpretation. Otherwise, you'll be frying as much as anyone else

>> No.20330928

Again, which god, gaylord? You still have yet to answer this vital question

>> No.20330962

>t. laying in bed together with mobiles after fag sex

>> No.20330980

Dude, you're fucking pathetic, just like your belief system. You can't even answer the most important question, why you believe what you believe. You think your empty threats do anything to anyone? I'm more afraid of a barking dog, at least that's real, unlike your god lol

>> No.20330988

>didn't deny it

>> No.20331005

Didn't deny what? That you're a pathetic man who's afraid of dying and tried to soothe your death anxiety with the poorest cope of all time? One that's held together with little more than intellectual duct tape and empty revenge fantasies? I sure didn't

>> No.20331098

>Didn't deny what?

>> No.20331272

lmao BTFO

>> No.20331506
File: 781 KB, 2000x600, know more news christcuck evolution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20332800

Never fails to surprise me how awful /lit/ debates are regardless of the side

>> No.20332828

Agressive threat followed by passive smug retreat. You're roleplaying as the crushed Jewish miserable who standing in the ruins of his town destroyed and family killed by the Assyrians/Babylonians/Romans who consoles himself that in the afterlife he will be the real winner, and the victors of the battle in the afterlife will be the real losers. Sure God and the church are impotent now to compel you to subscribe to my worldview and dictates, but in the afterlife, heh, my revenge will be saited.

>> No.20333054

>I'm better than the people posting in this Assyrian anal-play forum

>> No.20334285

>wrong with the world.
>how the entirely of humanity has been for thousands of years
You got me. I'm mad.

>> No.20334288

Dunno, considering what he proposed at the intro, he failed miserably. I don't think he is dumb, but he lacks understanding of people.

>> No.20334500

You retard he is talking about evolution of bacteria, which in a 30 year long experiment evolved way too slowly to account for anything.
Next time dont post if your a nigger.

>> No.20334604

Which experiment?

>> No.20334612

Yes, sure. Stick to your toddler religious books.

>> No.20334636

They've been systematically breeding drosophilia for over 30 years now and they've developed absolute no beneficial mutations, only useless shit like legs growing out of their eyes. The evolution cope is dead.

>> No.20334678

Again, who is this 'they' you're talking about? What experiment? Is this published somewhere?

>> No.20334802

Evolution is unfalsifiable.

>> No.20334894

>what are fossilized bunnies from the Cambrian

>> No.20334929


>> No.20334936

I care

>> No.20334968

Point is that you can only falsify specific evolutionary processes, not the idea of evolution as such.

>> No.20335200

what does the link you send prove, retard?

>> No.20335378

Now that's the kind of evolution I can get behind.

>> No.20335408

>and this roe v. wade thing have basically made me realize that this is wrong and that christianity at the very least needs to be destroyed

Christianity has nothing to do with reversing Roe. Read Alito's opinion, which makes it very clear that there is no basis whatsoever in the US Constitution for a right to abortion. Even pro-choice legal scholars have long recognized that Roe is wholly unconvincing in its claims. Christianity has nothing to do with it, that is, with the issue that was before the Court. All that matters is whether the Constitution establishes, either directly or indirectly, a right to abortion, and it very plainly does not.

>> No.20336396

great thread guys & gals