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/lit/ - Literature

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20321017 No.20321017 [Reply] [Original]

Why France and the French language has no outstanding writers?
What I mean here is that France has many great authors (Hugo, Flaubert, Racine, Molière and many others) but they don't have that outstanding, GOAT tier author. Like the English have Shakespeare, the Spanish have Cervantes, the German have Goethe, the Italian have Dante but France has nothing to compare with those names. They have many authors that belong on the tier just below and who come short of achieving actual greatness but none of them quite get there. Why is this?

>> No.20321032

They decided not to place all their bets on a single guy and meme him to death. Instead of a God, they have many great knights.

>> No.20321062

France has had many writers better than Shakespeare and Cervantes.

>> No.20321081

Which ones?

>> No.20321082

because they're a nation of larping performance artists, always has been
LOL good meme, audibly laughed irl

>> No.20321085

Not really but they do have many better than Goethe. Goethe is immensely overrated as a writer.

>> No.20321090

such as
none of the writers mentioned in the op really compare in terms of global impact and influence on one's language and literature overall. You can have personal preference of course.

>> No.20321094

Geniuses don't come from France.

>> No.20321099

Moliere is very close to Shakespeare and Cervantes and at least deserves being considered a goat.

Baudelaire and Proust likewise.

>> No.20321118

Lol no
Lol no + naming jews is cheating.

>> No.20321127

>Moliere is very close to Shakespeare

>> No.20321129

Proust is not a Jew.

>> No.20321134

>Proust's mother, Jeanne Clémence (Weil), was the daughter of a wealthy Jewish family from Alsace
Sound pretty jewish to me.

>> No.20321143

He was raised Catholic and later became an atheist and was culturally French. You're not le Jewish just because one of your parents comes from a family of Jews.

>> No.20321144


>> No.20321151

>culturally French
French culture is crypto kike degeneracy at it's worst.

>> No.20321158

I think first one has to ask themselves how much of the idea that these men were better writers comes from objective judgement and how much from highly subjective taste and the fact they are memed to death.
I remember Moliere having a very good reputation, even in my school days my peers were happier with him than with Shakespeare.

>> No.20321163

>you're not Jewish just because a Jewish woman birthed you
The Rabbi would like a word with you, bigot.

>> No.20321185

>German have Goethe
Kek. Goethe wrote a single great (Werther) and one very influentual (Faust I) book. Otherwise, he wrote two or three nice poems, but everything else is just Goethe bragging about how great Goethe is. When it comes to writting, he was talented and pretty lucky, but also pretty mediocre - he was a genius in self-marketing, nevertheless.

>> No.20321215

That's only a thing in Judaism (which he was never a part of)

>> No.20321225

Proust solos the entire Spanish and German canons

>> No.20321268

Lope de Vega and Schiller say more in a play than Proust in 4000 pages.

>> No.20321287

>but everything else is just Goethe bragging about how great Goethe is.
That's because Goethe literally is great. His greatness shines through his works, but his self is centre to all.

Or did you literally think that which is self-descriptive in Goethe's works is only self-referencing and lacking the innate content whereby that worthiness is judged?

>> No.20321368
File: 229 KB, 800x998, hbalzac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Ballsack

>> No.20321384 [DELETED] 


>inb4 hurrr camus is great but not as great as cervantes because... because it just is ok!

France has many God-tier writers.

>> No.20321386

Camus is YA.

>> No.20321408

There’s a painful amount of stupidity in this thread. France has consistently produced world-class literary talent for centuries now. The fact that a single name doesn’t stick out as overwhelmingly better than the others is more a testament to the field of talent than anything else.

>> No.20321409

Too bad he's not ethnically French.

>> No.20321410 [DELETED] 

>these people share a board with you
Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.20321433

Overrated vulgar writer.

>> No.20321441

Rabelais and Mallarmé are goats. Racine. Char. Flaubert. Queneau.

>> No.20321444 [DELETED] 


>> No.20321464

he's kind of like their Joyce

>> No.20321476

fucking who
Everyone can make that kind of list but

>> No.20321480

>Girl, you'll be a woman soon

>> No.20321506 [DELETED] 

Are you just going to ignore all of the authors I listed just because of that particular one you dislike?

>> No.20321571

>Who is Molière ?

>> No.20321581

He is, on his father's part and partially from the mother.

>> No.20321589

>not knowing Mallarmé
Is this really the literature board?

>> No.20321596

entirely wrong lmao

>> No.20321605
File: 141 KB, 1440x810, 1638966235816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who is René Guénon ? (Pbuh)

>> No.20321609

>NOOO HOW YOU DARE NOT KNOWING [insert some half decent obscure writer] YOU MUST BE ILLITERATE

>> No.20321617

You ' re only embarrassing yourself.

>> No.20321619

shut the fuck up

>> No.20321639

For me, it's Jules Verne. Innovative, tasteful, adventurous.

>> No.20321640


>> No.20321645

If you don't know who Mallarmé is, yes, you're illiterate.

>> No.20321654

seething hard rn

>> No.20321716

>tfw when anglos know people like Camus or Dumas but the finest French poet
We really are bad at advertising our great authors. Un coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hasard is likely the greatest achievement of French poetry.

>> No.20321776

>half decent obscure writer

>> No.20322023

>English have Shakespeare,
Moliere is just as good. Just not as well known in the anglo world.

>> No.20322032

I need to re-read flight to arras

>> No.20322041

Brainlet thread

>> No.20322084

Racine and Corneille even better

>> No.20322343

>Just not as well known
Because he's just not as good

>> No.20322346

Italy and Spain only have Dante and Cervantes

>> No.20323409
File: 14 KB, 300x225, NoComment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bon dieu.

>> No.20323465

readlet cope

>> No.20323470

I couldn't believe that retard either kek must be underage or SEVERELY underread.

>> No.20323473

>I only know these writers, therefore, that's the only ones that exist
>the more famous the gooder!
holy shit, is this the Marvel reddit thread?

>> No.20323483

>>I only know these writers, therefore, that's the only ones that exist
It's always like this when /lit/ discusses anything outside the Anglosphere and Japan.

>> No.20323541
File: 33 KB, 600x600, cutie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jacques Brel

>> No.20323566

>La Rochefoucauld
>Barbey d'Aurevilly
>Villiers de L'Isle-Adam

>> No.20323568

>Agrippa d'Aubigné
>Charles d'Orléans
>Mme. de Lafayette
>Du Bellay
>St. Thérèse de l'Enfant-Jésus
>de Sacy
>La Bruyère
>La Fontaine
>St. Bernard de Clairvaux
>De Bergerac
>Leconte de Lisle

>> No.20323573

>De la Rochefoucauld
>De Heredia
>De Noailles
>De Banville
>De la Boétie
>Saint John-Perse
>Aloysius Bertrand
>De Bonald
>Anatole France
>De Sévigné
>De Staël
>De Scudéry
>St. Louis de Monfort
All these authors combined are not worth Shakespeare's fingernail.

>> No.20323610

Have you even read the complete works of just one of them?

>> No.20323624

I've read the complete Montaigne and Rabelais

>> No.20323780

read more

>> No.20323785

Not really, only an easily impressionable retard would rate Proust that highly. He’s a great author sure but let’s not take the hyperbole that far.

>> No.20323904

Quantity < Quality

>> No.20323907


>> No.20323920


Seriously get into any kind of lit and sooner or later you'll find out that the French are omnipresent there.

As for huge French writers read just about any Balzac novel. Recently read his short story Sarrasine and was blown away by how MODERN and relevant its content is.

>> No.20324039

Are you american or british by any chance?

>> No.20324264 [DELETED] 

No, you.

>> No.20324464
File: 170 KB, 360x346, 1649560334960.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This the type of nigga to get fooled by a Jew who changes his name from "David Greenblatt" to "David Greene" lmao.
You can't be serious or are you just a coping yid?

>> No.20324472
File: 1.55 MB, 2574x3473, La Bas - A Study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Huysmans.

>> No.20324493
File: 525 KB, 2048x1433, houllebecq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20324501


>> No.20324607

>Why France and the French language has no outstanding writers?
Because there's too many of them, while other nations pop one genius and meme it again and again.

>> No.20324636


>> No.20324647

That's also due to the fact France has had a steady literary output from the high middle age to this day. While there's hardly been any english lit before Chaucer then hardly anything but Shakespeare until the 18th century. German lit was non existent before Goethe. Russian lit is an 18th century import and spanish and italian lit fell asleep in the 18th century.

>> No.20324651

marquis de sade

>> No.20324699

Sound like you were Mallarmé for this fight

>> No.20324705

By the way, to anyone in this thread, if you don't get this very simple pun, you are in no position to judge French writers, you don't judge writers based on translations.

>> No.20324714


Burger education thread

>> No.20324715

guy name mean
>Badly weaponized
and you expect me to take him seriously?

>> No.20324719

>85 posts in
>OP remain unrefuted

>> No.20324820
File: 135 KB, 664x777, PRAISE SLAANESH! - 40K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marquis de Sade!

>> No.20326037

>German lit was non existent before Goethe
I mean sure, Goethe and Schiller are game-changing for German literature, but both of them would themselves have disagreed with you, they are quite indebted to those who came before them, even when a lot of it is dated nowadays.

>> No.20326336

lol this is so fucking funny

>> No.20326405

>It's always like this when /lit/ discusses anything outside the Anglosphere and Japan.
Based. I think we should discuss and talk more french around here.
It would be good for a change.

>> No.20326665

literal whos. of course there were some german writers before muh goethe but they were all so shit that they were rightfully forgotten

>> No.20326693

>but they were all so shit that they were rightfully forgotten
how do you know?

>> No.20326696

Proust is one of the greatest of all time.

>> No.20326744

because if they were any good they'd be known for being more than influences on goethe?

>> No.20326823

Still all 18th century

>> No.20326827 [DELETED] 

Because the French don't care to advertise their greats to the rest of the world. In similar fashion, it was actually a Frenchman who developed the first theory of evolution, but if you ask most people they'll say the very concept was imagined by Charles Darwin on his own.
Similarly again, it was a French physician who first presented the theory of special relativity, yet most normalfags would attribute it to Albert Einstein (though Sir Edmund Whittaker did credit it to its rightful creator, Henri Poincaré).
Balzac, Proust, are certainly up there among the greatest, but like Lamarck and Poincaré, the French care neither to advertise nor to defend their honour.

>> No.20326832

Because the French don't care to advertise their greats to the rest of the world. In similar fashion, it was actually a Frenchman who developed the first theory of evolution, but if you ask most people they'll say the very concept was imagined by Charles Darwin on his own.
Similarly again, it was a French physician who first presented the theory of special relativity, yet most normalfags would attribute it to Albert Einstein (though Sir Edmund Whittaker did credit it to its rightful creator, Henri Poincaré).
Balzac, Proust, are certainly up there among the greatest, but like Lamarck and Poincaré, the French care neither to advertise them nor to defend their honour.

>> No.20326844

The anglos seeeeeethe

>> No.20326853

Not necessarily.

>> No.20326864

>b-but we have le scientists!
holy cope

>> No.20326906

>completely misses the point
You've never read Balzac or Proust for the same reason you've never heard of Poincaré or Lamarck. The French simply do not care enough about the world outside the Francosphere to elect a national writer and advertise him there. They are firmly convinced of their own superiority, which they should because they are superior.

>> No.20326992

Both theory of evolution and relativity are scams tho
Also non-Anglos don't care more than the
French yet they still have those distinctively great writers
All in all your post come across as a pathetic cope

>> No.20327007

for the last time, Proust is not French. Though I guess I'm talking to a people whose nationalist candidate in their last election was a rat looking jew

>> No.20327010

But he IS French. Not sure why you retards insist otherwise.

>> No.20327018

French = Someone of Gallic and Frankish blood, not some mischling.

>> No.20327019

Kek are you referring to Germans or Italians, aka the pettiest nationalists of the 20th century? They would do anything to look good to the rest of the world, especially Germany.

>> No.20327275

Nice bait, cunt.

>> No.20327286

>You're not le Jewish just because one of your parents comes from a family of Jews.
Yes you are Shlomo.

>> No.20327411

All Europe is Latin you mongoloid. You're not ethnically purer than m*tts.

>> No.20327435

And you will never be a woman.

>> No.20327532

>"raised catholic"
This in of itself is an identifier.

>> No.20328614

The lil kid Rimbaud and Saint Exupéry are quite influential in their domain imo

But for me it's definitely Baudelaire and Camus.

>> No.20328637

Europeans are mutts, too.

>> No.20328659

>They decided not to place all their bets on a single guy and meme him to death. Instead of a God, they have many great knights.

>> No.20328719
File: 148 KB, 494x900, francois-villon-1431-after-1463-granger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chaucer > Shakespeare.
Lope de Vega > Cervantes.
Even your choice of a country's best shows that you lack taste and the ability to think for yourself. By the way, Villon is superior to Shakespeare and Cervantes.

>> No.20328809

>Look people how smart I am for being such a contrarian!

>> No.20328943

>They would do anything to look good to the rest of the world, especially Germany
And that's the reason why they have left the League of Nations and engaged themselves in political ideals that were abhorred to the Anglosphere and Western Europe? Why they were willing to wage war with most of the Great nations at the time?

>> No.20328954

Does France have an LGBTQAWERETARD+ on their literary cannon? I think not

>> No.20328997

This is peak frog cope.
Flaubert: Nabokov, Joyce, Kafka all rated him as the goat. I'd name him for France's greatest writer, and the only reason he's not as popular is he's only worth reading in french.

>> No.20329026

What kind of projectiles does this literary cannon need, and how much damage does it do?

>> No.20329094

>Nabokov, Joyce, Kafka
Overrated degenerate pseud, opinion invalided.

>> No.20329186
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>That's also due to the fact France has had a steady literary output from the high middle age to this day

>> No.20329199

Céline and Camus

>> No.20329319

But if Goethe is good... and he effusively praised Klopstock, not in a critical essay or a letter or something, but in a climactic scene of one of his major works... don't you think that means, just maybe, that Klopstock has something of value to offer someone who likes Goethe? It seems hard to dispute that the pre-Romantic tradition in Germany is inferior to that of the Romance-language-speaking world, but dismissing writers because they aren't famous enough is extremely lazy and shallow behavior.

But anyway the reasons for all this stuff go back to the tension between Classical and Germanic culture, it's a complicated and interesting subject worth of deep study.

>> No.20329336

>only worth reading in french

It does not follow that because an author is stylistically skilled, they are "only worth reading" in their native language. For a novel, translating from French to English, I don't think it's impossible to get a decent impression of the style, and of course there are many other reasons to read him beyond the style (maybe less true for his early works, I'm not familiar with those), because their narratives and themes have value beyond the aesthetic details of the language. If an author is a 10 in the original and 8 in translation, that's better than reading someone in the original who's only a 6, you know?

>> No.20329344
File: 20 KB, 512x336, proust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

France has Proust, you retarded idiot, who is - hands down - the greatest novelist who ever lived together with James Joyce.

>> No.20329351

Stupid me, I thought that writing in French was the only requisite to be a French writer!

>> No.20329357

clearly a thread that could only exist on a board where no one reads, i.e. where no one would read Proust very long novel.

>> No.20329380

I think the issue is less of quality than it is of influence, i.e., who could be considered the father of french lit in the way that the authors in the OP are the fathers of their respective literatures? Of course you can quibble about whether or not they deserve that title but they are recognized as such, whereas as far as I know no one in french has the same kind of universal, pervading influence. The people saying de Sade probably unironically have it closer than anyone else, which tells you quite a lot about french literature.


You aight anon. Queneau seems kinda interesting, I read Exercises of Style and it was fun and clever and all that; but does he have value beyond that, or is he just a memer?

>> No.20329430

So the best "french" writer is a sodomite who went out of a jewish cunt? lmao the absolute state, what a shit country.

>> No.20329468

>I think the issue is less of quality than it is of influence, i.e., who could be considered the father of french lit in the way that the authors in the OP are the fathers of their respective literatures? Of course you can quibble about whether or not they deserve that title but they are recognized as such, whereas as far as I know no one in french has the same kind of universal, pervading influence. The people saying de Sade probably unironically have it closer than anyone else, which tells you quite a lot about french literature.
The fathers of french lit would be the writers of romans and trouvères of the 12th 13th century. But not much is usually known of them as they tended to fade behind their works, when they were not plainly anonymous as the writer of the song of Roland. They belong to a somehow mythological times.

>> No.20329509

I miss old warhammer art. It's all gay as the french now.

>> No.20329576


>> No.20329770 [DELETED] 

stopped reading there and I just reported you

>> No.20329782

I've read most of these fags and now that you've listed them out I realized what desperate coomers Frenchmen are. Even Latin Americans aren't this bad.

>> No.20329859

reported for announcing reporting

>> No.20329892

>Niggers still replying to this obvious bait thread
>Other niggers namedrop literally whos like Queneau that no one reads and that will leave no trace in history like any other modern or post-modern filth
>Niggers don't even know about La Fontaine

>> No.20330014

>La Fontaine
The guy who plagiarised Aesop?

>> No.20330081

>filtered by Paradis

>> No.20330122

I’m going to highjack this shitflinging contest of a thread, and ask whether should I learn French or Italian. Which one is better, anons? I care only about reading, not speaking it.
I’m guessing French for prose or Italian for poetry, but don’t know much about either French novels or Italian poetry, kek.

>> No.20330157
File: 26 KB, 271x370, 1645801655082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn French, they have bigger selection to go through, and some really fun stuff.

>> No.20330169

I know both :DD

>> No.20330188

Mentionning Shakespeare for English and not knowing Molière for French is ridiculous and pathetic

>> No.20330386

French for sure. Plus if you get good you could learn Italian later on

>> No.20330468

Fair amount of overlap between the Romance languages, so you'll get increasing return on investment if you decide to learn a second one. French definitely has a more significant literary canon though.

>> No.20330844


>> No.20330876

The whole of european literature is imitated from the French, the Romans and the Greeks, in that order.

>> No.20331016

Pierre, you dumb son of a bitch.

>> No.20331035

French is for poetry.

>> No.20331084

>What I mean here is that France has many great authors (Hugo, Flaubert, Racine, Molière and many others) but they don't have that outstanding, GOAT tier author. Like the English have Shakespeare, the Spanish have Cervantes, the German have Goethe
La Fontaine > Shakespeare

>> No.20331093

wait until you hear about the best brazilian writer or the foundational russian writer

>> No.20331142

If Flaubert isn't THE GOAT of french and world literature no one is.

>> No.20331153

>Other niggers namedrop literally whos like Queneau
Queneau was a huge influence on many writers in the 20th century. If it wasn't for him a lot of French writers wouldn't have been published. He was integral in getting a lot of French writers published by seeing the genius of their work when others couldn't. And no, I'm not referencing Oulipo or Oulipo writers when I say that.

>> No.20331162

Sorry, but if your Dad is Jewish, but your Mother is not, YOU ARE NOT JEWISH. That's not the case for Proust, but we can't have you spreading antisemitic misinformation like this.

>> No.20331165

I’m not even going to read the thread but OP you’re a fucking related. Ever heard of PROUST you Neanderthal

>> No.20331182

Rate Flaubert's novels.

>> No.20331200

Reading l'éducation sentimentale right now because of the lesson Bourdieu gave about it

>> No.20331275

Who are those writers? Genuinely curious, not trying to test you on it or anything.

>> No.20331291

I was just talking about this one in another thread, glad to see it mentioned again. You're in for a treat.

>> No.20331312

Loving the literature discussion here.

>> No.20331336

You will never be a woman or a janny.

>> No.20331430

La Fontaine est basé, d'autant plus qu'il est absolument inaccessible pour les non-français. Sa manière d'alterner les octosyllabes et les alexandrins pour jouer avec les règles imposées par Malesherbes est vraiment fabuleuse. Les anglais pensent que ce sont des fables pour enfants, alors que c'est probablement le traité de poésie et de morale le plus aboutit qui soit.

>> No.20331461

En effet.

>> No.20331592

The English wrote the Song of Roland, sorry

>> No.20331612

French literature is literally the best in the world, and also the most influential. it's not accessible to all, and the french don't seem to care, in fact they seem proud when plebeian foreigners are filtered by it. The only one that comes close is Russian literature, mainly because of the high number of absolute masterpieces. The Russians will be the first to admit they are influenced by French literature, nobody else's.

This is not debatable.

>> No.20331633
File: 23 KB, 460x333, washyoass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best brazilian writer
Brazil is a mulatto country so their best writer being a mulatto isn't shocking
>russian writer
yeah this one is cringe

>> No.20331637

1. Quality > Quantity
2. Great literature inherently has an universal reaching.

>> No.20331823

French literature has the most universal reaching because it's the most influential, all major (and minor) literatures are influenced by it, in major ways.

The right people knows about it, it doesn't need to be understood by all readers, or do you think Pynchon's status is pinched by the fact he's not understood by the average reader?

>> No.20331974

1. The Normans weren't English, they subjugated and raped you
2. The manuscript in Oxford written in the Old Norman language isn't the first manuscript, just the oldest extant

>> No.20332078

Sounds like a double dose of cope, buddy.
The English wrote the Song of Roland, simple as.

>> No.20332088

Fair enough I'll let you claim it, we all need a little glory

>> No.20332094

You seem a pleasant enough chap overall. I might keep you as a pet. Worry not, I shall be a benevolent master.

>> No.20332415

He was instrumental in getting Boris Vian and Marguerite Duras published.

>> No.20332614

>writers in the 20th century
All fucking trash, stop fooling yourself. Nothing of value has been written since 1945, in French at least.

>> No.20332634

By far the greatest french author ever and the fact that an absolute fucking idiot in this thread called him a plagiarist of Aesop makes me embarrassed to be on this board.

>> No.20332638

Marguerite Duras is supposed to be a good author now, is that a fucking joke?
Boris Vian is a fucking clown and his literature is worthless.

>> No.20333147

Duras is great though

>> No.20333300
File: 17 KB, 166x247, harry-peteur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he never heard of the prolific author Richard Petit

>> No.20333372

>Par la diversité et la modernité de son œuvre, qui renouvelle le genre romanesque et bouscule les conventions théâtrales et cinématographiques, elle est un auteur important de la seconde moitié du xxe siècle, quelles que soient les critiques qui ont pu lui être faites.
>quelles que soient les critiques qui ont pu lui être faites.

Even Wikipedia has to cope and seethe about her.
Dude, I read L'Amant when I was 13 years old and could already see that it was drab. It's just embarrassing, I've read better written YA erotica.

>> No.20333697


These seem relevant to the overall discussion and this particular conversation: top 100 lists from various French authors, compiled by Queneau. The two visible on the preview both give Villon as the highest French author on their list, seems like as good an answer as any for the question posed by the thread.

>> No.20333702

Oh and it appears he was in fact based after all:

>> No.20333933

Because French men are feminine. They're more romantic and intellectual than the brutish American male.

>> No.20334518

Villon is like Chaucer though. They would be considered as GOATs by most people if they wrote in modern French/English.

>> No.20334705

Damn, what a criticism.

>> No.20334780

No that means commoner, with a bad coat of arms

>> No.20334838
File: 117 KB, 360x270, 1 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20334857


>> No.20334889

French-English bilingualism is the best.

>> No.20335043

t. speaks both languages

>> No.20335085

Why are french writers such pervs?

>> No.20335121

montaigne belongs with shakespeare and cervantes.

>> No.20335132

He's Jewish.
>His maternal grandfather, Pedro Lopez,[11] from Zaragoza, was from a wealthy Marrano (Sephardic Jewish) family that had converted to Catholicism
OP ici, je suis parfaitement francophone. Aussi nique sa mère Moix et BHL.

>> No.20335150

>He's Jewish.
this is a thread about french literature, not jewishness or nationality or whatever.
Conrad is polish, he's also english lit.
Kafka is jewish and also czech. he's german lit.

>> No.20335830

It's astounding that this needs to be stated. On a literature board of all places.

>> No.20335845

Careful now, you cope so much you're projecting cope.

>> No.20336070

Holderlin is what Goethe could never have been

>> No.20336812

name a couple.