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File: 482 KB, 1139x853, kindle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20318683 No.20318683 [Reply] [Original]

is it worth it?
i'm thinking i should try to jailbreak it but don't know what to use

>> No.20318714

Yeah, I think it's worth it. I dig mine. I fantasize about running off into the wilderness with a solar charger, and spending a few years reading as much as I can. I don't know much about the jailbreak aspect you're talking about, but you can still send files from third parties directly to your Kindle from your email.
Hope this reply helps, OP.

>> No.20318720

Why jailbreak it? Just download from zlib and put correctly via calibre. Stay in plane mode if you have trouble with the book covers disappearing or google for the workaround. Why would you want to jailbreak it?

>> No.20318725

Oh if you’re going for the cheap version with ads then just stay logged out and therell be no ads

>> No.20318744

Why not buy another brand?

>> No.20319207

Why jump through hoops just because Amazon are greedy assholes.

>> No.20319275

buy kobo instead or onyx boox

>> No.20319283
File: 231 KB, 666x607, 083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does that mean?

>> No.20319354

It means the devices shows advertisement when shut down as well as in certain parts of the main screen. It won't show any ads while you are reading.

>> No.20319625
File: 197 KB, 1080x1063, 1651657473227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a used Kobo Libra 2 off a uni professor last year because of one of these threads. I honestly like physical more but I was going blind and crosseyed from reading pirated books on my phone all the time. I think the value proposition is insane if you side load your own books, and no need to jailbreak or convert with calibre since it reads all the formats (epub, mobi, cbz) I need it to.
Also with a 7 inch screen it is very apt for reading manga in my own experience.
With screen sizes under 10 inches don't expect good pdf performance since pdf is meant to maintain the fixed layout of the page and the text won't be resizable to your small screen, which will require a lot of pinching and zooming that is tedious with the slow update speed of ePaper and weak CPUs. You should stick to freeflow formats (based on XML) which for Kindle is azw and for everything else is epub and mobi. Beyond e-readers there are e-note devices (my friend has a Remarkable 2) which are very cool but we are entering decent laptop kind of money. Before the Kobo I tried my mother's ancient 2010 kindle, and it was still a perfectly usable and practical device.
I'm usually against this way of thinking but buying one of these things really did get me reading more, but everyone is different and I still own and collect physical copies of what I really enjoy.

>> No.20319636

>but we are entering decent laptop kind of money.
Even 13" e-notes are only $800.

>> No.20319641

Which is around what a decent new non-gaming laptop goes for. I should have added that.

>> No.20319779

Just get a Kobo clara instead

>> No.20319827

>get a kobo
walla, it done

>> No.20320041

I've got the tolino version of this. How do you read manga on it? What format do you use?

>> No.20320045

I’ve read over 100 books on my kindle paper white. No need to jail break it. Just download books from libgen/z-lib for free.

>> No.20320050

You can message Amazon on there messenger and tell them that you don’t want ads to pop up on your kindle and they will remove ads for free. I told them my kids use it and had a questionable romance novel cover pop up on the screen. They removed ads for free no questions asked.

>> No.20320106

because there's no hoops? you drop your pirated books into calibre and click "send to device." i'd be doing that no matter what brand of ereader i owned because calibre is convenient.

>> No.20320138
File: 180 KB, 1080x1048, 1651668627701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use cbz as a format which it supports natively (doesn't support cbr.)
I side load the manga which I download in two ways, one is with a java program called manga downloader which lets you do batch downloads from a bunch of websites and has lots of customization options (and save the file in cbz, cbr, pdf). The other way is with tachiyomi which is an Android manga reader and library tracker app which also lets you download from online sources and just recently lets you save them as cbz, but it will create a separate file for each chapter which you will need to collate into one on Calibre if you do not want to crowd the library on your kobo with a bunch of individual files.
The convenience of cbz and cbr is that they are just zipped folders with PNG/JPG images renamed to .cbz (for .zip) and .cbr (for .rar). If you have lots of local sources and you are a programmer you can make simple batch renaming programs to pump out these files easy peasy, if not you can use my methods described above.

My phone camera sucks, and these aren't the highest quality scans but the Libra's screen is 300 ppi and good quality scans look flawless on it. Regular tankobon are 7.8'' and with the screen being 7'' you won't need to zoom unless the scanlators where retarded and used way too small fonts. I enjoy it more than my phone since it doesn't strain my eyes nearly at all.

>> No.20320178 [DELETED] 

>because there's no hoops
Adverts and no natlive ability to read Epubs seems like hoops to me, just get a kobo.

>> No.20320183

You should not give companies money that use proprietary formats/software.

>> No.20320184

>because there's no hoops?
Adverts and no native ability to read Epubs seems like hoops to me, just get a kobo.

>> No.20320192

>the text won't be resizable to your small screen, which will require a lot of pinching and zooming that is tedious with the slow update speed of ePaper
Are you reading pdfs with variable text sizes throughout? I open a pdf, adjust once to the appropriate magnification, and we're done.
I don't really get the complaints about slow loading, either. Its definitely slower than an epub, but that means it takes a second, rather than a fraction of a second. How impatient are you people?

>> No.20320195
File: 35 KB, 391x197, 1651160270446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should not give companies money that use proprietary formats/software.

>> No.20320212

Do we have the same e-reader? That hasn't been the case for me, I need to zoom and then pan the page around for pdf since the text will be too small if I fit the whole page on the screen. But my eyesight is pretty bad. I just prefer epub, it lets me change more options like margins, fonts and font size, line spacing and yeah pdf isn't super slow but every performance impact compared to just flipping a page on a physical book annoys me.

>> No.20320439

>Do we have the same e-reader
I have a Kobo, fucked if I can remember what sort. I also zoom then pan around, but panning is just like turning a page. Not an issue.
I prefer epubs of course, but have loads of pdfs because lots of what I want to read is not avaliable in epub format.

>> No.20320465

Yeah, I really fucking hate panning around, different strokes for different folks I guess.
I also have lots of PDF files since textbooks and technical manuals are hard to find in epub.

>> No.20320533

i will do whatever i want. you're not a hero for buying your electronic toy from a different international conglomerate you doofus

>> No.20320543
File: 46 KB, 372x550, amazon-kindle-3-full-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asymmetric design can't be used

I'll stick with the king forever. Currently on my fourth Kindle 3. I wish someone would rip off the form factor and button layout already.

>> No.20320544

Very cool. Thanks for the detailed explanation, I'll see what I can work out. I've always read manga on an old HP elitepad, but the battery is dying so I'm looking for an alternative.

>> No.20320551
File: 39 KB, 720x722, IMG_20220427_214957_461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you are a newfag consumer retard that doesnt know anything about anything. To think its super epic to buy products tied proprietary software and formats is simply a display of ignorance. Maybe one day you will understand. Enjoy your amazon nigger trash that would be completely useless without, omg u guessed it, open source software like calibre you monkey-brained NIGGER.

>> No.20320623

Retards like you are why companies like Amazon get away with pulling this shit.

>> No.20320647

I bought the most expensive kindle oasis (£260). Do not do this. If you want a kindle get the paperwhite. There's obvious quality of life additions to the oasis, but no where near enough to justify its price tag

>> No.20320654

Get a kobo

>> No.20320693

I'm looking into e-readers right now because I cannot be fucked with reading on my phone anymore.

>> No.20320770

I really like the asymmetry since it lets me comfortably hold it with one hand in portrait mode, and it also works well in landscape. I do respect sticking to the same old device, it really does everything you need out of an e-reader.
I'm glad I was a bit useful. You should try it out, I think your e-reader is very competent for manga, it will be an upgrade over your old tablet and while the contrast isn't as good as modern OLED screens it's still excellent and your eyes will feel much better.
Also in case you didn't know this but if you type "devmodeon" into your search bar it will enable some beta features like games (solitaire, sudoku and a knockoff wordle thingy)

>> No.20320773

The Oasis is the result of a quasi monopoly. Amazon can set completely bogus prices for a 7" reader and have you pay extra for a version without ads or to simply get 32GB of storage just because people want a premium model and don't know any alternatives.

>> No.20320851

I'll probably end up with a kobo around the 100~ range

>> No.20320868

I've experimented a bit, seems the tolino isn't completely identical to the Kobo. The OS is slightly different and it doesn't support cbz natively. But if I convert cbz to epub with the kindle comic converter I can read a manga no problem. Looks pretty good, I'm impressed.
So, your way doesn't work, but you made me try out reading manga on it, which I wouldn't have otherwise, so thanks for that.

>> No.20321235

45€ Kindle paperwhite (organized with Calibre) is unironically the best piece of consumer electronic I've ever bought.
Now all I want is a A4 sized E-ink tablet for a reasonable price so I can read my degenerate manga aswell.

>> No.20321237

>is it worth it?
The Kindle was the best purchase in my life (I'm not pirating books, otherwise I wouldn't have bought the Kindle and just bought a cheaper eink reader)
>i'm thinking i should try to jailbreak it but don't know what to use
Why do you want a Kindle then? Kindle is literally a "Facebook" of ereaders. It is god tier if you buy books from Amazon (most are either free, very cheap for like $1 for 50 books, or are worth it if you reread them all the time). But if you don't want to spend one $ (ONE DOLLAR?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! YOU DISGRACEFUL PIECE OF... -"Philosopher" in the current year), then just look at reader from Rakuten or just look for "best ereader in *insert current year*" and just pick the first one that isn't Amazon.

But to tell you why ereader are the best thing ever
>no distraction, you are literally just reading
>you can chose your perfect word "format" with everything, from font, size, and even stuff like distance between each line
>made for the toilet session where you never have to fear water problems
>light as fuck (trust me with this, some books are insanely heavy)
>slim and can easily be taken everywhere
>insanely long battery life
>top tier readability (most ereaders have top tier indirect backlight that is god tier if you ever read into the night and had to deal with light changes)
>large enough display
>you can look up words fast
>you can search and mark thing extremely easy
and so much more

The ONLY kind of books you should NEVER read on an ereader are scientific textbooks like this

Those are books who have a lot of colored pictures, require a lot of space and color to maximize the layout, have a very heavy requirement of rereading stuff and switching back and forth pages all the time, and are generally not real "word books" and are rather complex book which try to stimulate your learning by switching up words with graphics.

But outside of scientific textbooks, I would never read any other book as a hard copy. Since the day I had my first Kindle, I never would ever go back to physical books if they only have text.

I personally read like this
>brightness 20 on the new kindle (the auto brightness is useless and actually more distracting if it switches)
>the old school font most books use (looking amazing on an ereader, compared to the mess this font is on a normal screen)
>size is between 4-7 (I'm experimenting and all of those sizes can be pretty interesting)

Overall I would say that it's finally time that physical books are completely killed with only two exceptions
>Literal collectors edition books where you not buy the book in itself, but you only buy it for looking at it and enjoying stuff like the author signature, the expensive book cover, and other things
>Scientific textbooks and generally university books (mostly published by any "YYY University Press") where you need a lot of graphics and rereading stuff

>> No.20321872

Me again, after finding out that the stated screen resolution with a height of 1680 pixels ignores that a good chunk of the bottom gets cut because of the page bar. I need to resize the manga pages to a maximum height of 1540 pixels to get the full height of a page. That kills 140 pixels of the screen and makes the pages smaller. I can still read furigana in original manga, but it's harder than before. Gna.

>> No.20321992

Damn, I didn't even realize this was a problem because the first thing I did when I got the reader was disabling the page bar (I did it for books and I guess it carried over).
Since the firmware like you said is different does it let you remove it in "reading settings" or something like that?

>> No.20322034

Doesn't seem so. There's no setting for this anywhere. Wonder why they've gimped the firmware on the tolino this much.

>> No.20322053

download KOreader, more customization

>> No.20322061

He would have to jailbreak it then. It's not android based so he can't just install the APK from the android version.

>> No.20322085

Scratch that, I'm full of shit and you can install it without jailbreaking on the tolino vision 6 (which IS android based) and I think that's his model.

>> No.20322767

I had one of these and I sat on it and it broke :(