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/lit/ - Literature

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20315815 No.20315815 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: /lit/ absolutely essential reading

>> No.20315840

excuse me sir, it has come to my attention that two of the books mentioned in your humble post was, as a matter of fact, written by female authors.
on that note, if you do not delete this present thread immediately, consequences will follow.

>> No.20315857

both women are based though, especially sister miriam joseph

>> No.20315871

Add Kieran Egan

>> No.20315897
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>> No.20315900


>> No.20315971

Not my problem if y'all don't wanna be on the right side of history

>> No.20315983

>"right side of history"
even worse bait

>> No.20315988
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>> No.20316002

But that side is full of niggers and trannies... it kinda stinks, anon.

>> No.20316003
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>> No.20316629

Rope NOW!!

>> No.20316685

Where can I find an English translation?

>> No.20317200

>The Well Educated Mind
first part is great, probably better than How To Read A Book, books analysis part is awful

>Kieran Egan
anything in particular?

>> No.20317212

Whigs are such midwits

>> No.20317220

>books analysis part is awful

>> No.20317265

Personally I love combination of
>Deep Work
>Make it Stick
>Atomic Habits
>How to Read a Book
Of course all four are sadly copyright protected, so (outside of pirating them) you have to pay some money, but for me it was worth it and I would consider those four the "Holy 4" which should be mandatory to read and understand.

It's also insane how those Holy 4 are helping each other. If you have finished and understood all four, then you should be able to learn anything you want.
>Deep Work
Will tell you how to actually get the highest knowledge and actually breaking the glass ceiling of stupidity and mediocracy
>Make it Stick
This is just the gold standard. If you can't buy it because of financial constraints, at least "borrow" it from "someone". It is mandatory for successful learning and not learning this in school on day one with yearly repetitions should be considered a crime.
>Atomic Habit
While Deep Work tells you how to achieve the highest level of anything, Atomic Habit is there for you if you struggle to find the time.
>How to Read a Book
This is simply an essential to round up your knowledge. If you combine the high level of Learning, the level of making successfulness your habit, and understanding how to learn, How to Read a Book is really polishing the last lest of combining everything together and actually make Books your bitch.

While I'm pretty certain that those four books can be beaten by other books, those four are literally what I would consider the "I have no billionaire parents and scientific elites who carry me through life, so I do the second best and just learn everything necessary pretty much on the same level as them" the best starter pack.

The only disadvantage is that those four books teach you nothing what you should do. They just tell you how.

I found those recommendations myself on /lit/ and unironically this was the best help in my life I ever had.

>> No.20317331

redditest post ive seen in a while

>> No.20317353

have you never heard of a library? pirating is low life shit

>> No.20317362

I've read make it stick and yeah it's pretty good senpai, Though I only remember a few of the pointers, I've been using it and it's pretty good

>> No.20317489

>The only disadvantage is that those four books teach you nothing what you should do.
Are there any books on how to choose which subjects to learn and witch activities to pursue other than "on the shortness of life" by Seneca?

>> No.20317500


>> No.20317537

How to Read a Book

>> No.20317565

>self-help books

>> No.20317571
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>> No.20317589


>> No.20317623

Now that I think about it the trivium seems to be a good start like in OP's pic but I don't really know what one should do after that. The quadrivium seems to be somewhat random as in it helps to expand one's knowledge after they know how to understand language, think critically and express themselves clearly, but that can be said for almost anything.

>> No.20317689

Nuns get a pass. I ain't messing with nobody married to God.

>> No.20319180

>deep work
not a fan, i feel like he just says 'work hard'.
>make it stick
kino book
>atomic habits
havent read
>how to read abook
kino book, but large swathes of it can be skipped, it's a bit of a reference book outside the first few and last chapter.

>> No.20319889

yeah get rid of the book written by a MAN

>> No.20320111
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>The only disadvantage is that those four books teach you nothing what you should do. They just tell you how.
That's the point

>> No.20320202

Yes, The Educated Mind (its better than the WELL Educated Mind)

>> No.20320207

Unironically Wikipedia

>> No.20320277

The trivium is definitely a great book, and I've picked it up many times, never seeming to get tired of the great information within. I'd suggest everyone get/needs a copy.

>> No.20320310
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cringe reddit "effort"post

>> No.20320432
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>> No.20320435

Question for you and anybody else who might have an idea. Have you read Barbara Oakley's Mind for Numbers? How does that compare? Probably interchangeable with Make It Stick, no?

>> No.20320608

Not that anon but A Mind For Numbers deals mainly with learning mathematics, while Make it Stick deals with learning and retention in general, so no, they are not interchangeable

>> No.20320624

Cosigning this for How to Read a Book, will check out the rest, thanks anon.

>> No.20320745

Does anyone know equivalents in other languages, or if the translations are worth it? For fellow ESLs

>> No.20320869

Anons are hating on you but at your recommendation I started reading 'Deep Work' and so far (I am 25% through) it's been pretty good; at first, the examples he was using were making me a little wary of what he had to say, and I couldn't care less for the overwhelming focus on business productivity, but I already have a few takeaways and I feel like the methods he describes can carry over to writers and literature in general, too (reading about the method of 'deep work' and what it leads you to accomplish reminds me of William T. Vollmann, for example, and how he is able to write these massive, complex, dense, research-heavy books in relatively small amounts of time).

>> No.20321128

I've read an embarassing amount of books about studying and learning and all that and you start to see the same concepts pop up, just under different names.
>Step 12 ("How does this information fit in with what I already know?") in the 12-part process outlined in What Smart Students Know is essentially the same as the process of 'Elaboration' outlined in Make it Stick
>The process of 'gathering context' and 'putting together a big picture' before you begin reading appears in How to Read a Book, The Well-Educated Mind, and What Smart Students Know
etc etc

>> No.20321136

Its also worth noting that the process of 'elaboration' is one of the key elements of several knowledge-management systems, specifically the 'Zettelkasen' method and the other methods related to it

>> No.20321147

partially OT but reading the Phenomenology of Spirit was the most frustrating experience of my life until I gave up trying to follow rationally. Do you guys actually understand anything of that shit?

>> No.20321195

How to read a book should translate fine. I haven't read the others but you aren't reading them for the prose. I don't see why they wouldn't work.

>> No.20322087
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the chapters about how to read and how to make questions are gold

>> No.20322100

That's because all of them written in the past 30 years are just diluted cognitive psychology concepts. How To Read A Book is good though

>> No.20322115
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>the world as will and representation - arthur schopenhauer
>science and human behavior - bf skinner
>neuromancer - willian gibson

>> No.20322357

I’d rather kill myself than be a productive member of society