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20310492 No.20310492 [Reply] [Original]

read his autobiography

>> No.20310496

Nigga loved the lindy hop

>> No.20310499 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20310505

i am not going to do that and you know why

>> No.20310510

but it's a great read, unironically.

>> No.20310515 [DELETED] 


>> No.20310547

Should l get Ballantine or Penguin?

>> No.20310552

I have the Ballantine one, it's good.

>> No.20310636

You will NEVER make me read about you know whos and you know why.

>> No.20310656

malcolm x is theoretically based but i don't want to read some 98iq nog scrawl

>> No.20310663

how did you get that number? He seemed pretty well spoken and educated, given that his school career ended in the ninth or so grade.

>> No.20310669

he literally believed in Yakub and that whites used "tricknology" to destroy their former black overlords because Yakub was jealous

>> No.20310671

It speaks volumes that he was the class president in high school as the only black kid in pre civil rights era America.

>> No.20310679

yeah, during his NOI days but he laters renounces the NOI teachings and admits regret over many of his former beliefs.

>> No.20310877

My backlog is fucking huge and this is nowhere near the top of my priorities.
captcha, k ngar
It's a sign

>> No.20310941

we all know that feeling but it practically reads itself. really, it's good and never a slog, only around 400 pages. Malcolm doesn't waste time with his story. fun fact: he hated people who where not time-conscious, like not wearing a watch.

>> No.20310945

>and that whites used "tricknology"
KEK. I've got t read it.

>> No.20311320
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in one chapter he retells the whole Yakub story, pretty funny. but the rest of the book is really good, his days as a hustler are a blast.

>> No.20311359


>> No.20312806


>> No.20312973

On his deathbed he apologized to whitey and wept

>> No.20313019

Because he knew that the kikes got one of his own to kill him.

>> No.20313469


>> No.20313493

I read it years ago
I liked the burglar and prison stories more than the getting religion and becoming a civil rights leader stories

>> No.20313515

I wonder why the historical memory of Malcom X revolves around his Nation of Islam days as a black nationalist instead of his final year as a Sunni Muslim where he thought Islam was a cure for racism and learned to accept other races

>> No.20313524

you might enjoy the autobiography of James Carr

>> No.20313550

The same reason Martin Luther King was assassinated right when he was starting to go full Maoist and full coomer. (((They))) didn't like that narrative.

>> No.20313569
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Because nobody finished his autobiography, and most of his speeches that circulate are from his radical NOI days.
Malcolm died way too soon, I'd like to see what he would have done and the impact he would have had if he had time to spread the word of his hajj. It's a pretty rare person who is able to be open and change their mind on something so pivotal to their worldview, it's a shame he was cut down just as he reached a big ideological step.

>> No.20314106

I don't know why.

>> No.20314246

They made me read it in 7th grade at my school. Nice book.

>> No.20314278

NOI beliefs are as complicated and retarded as ancient Aryanism and esoteric bullshit that many larpers believe

>> No.20315094

that's what really surprised me, too - he was radical, true, but he also reflected on his own beliefs and had the balls to admit that he was wrong.

great finish, too:

>And if I can die having brought any light, having exposed any meaningful truth that will help to destroy the racist cancer that is malignant in the body of America - then, all of the credit is due to Allah. Only the mistakes have been mine.

>> No.20315508

>Yakub and that whites used "tricknology" to destroy their former black overlords because Yakub was jealous
this is all historical fact? why wouldn't he believe in this

>> No.20316062

>instead of his final year as a Sunni Muslim where he thought Islam was a cure for racism and learned to accept other races

lmao imagine believing Arab Muslims aren't racist against blacks

>> No.20316070

I found Malcolm X to be one of the very full blacks in history who wasn't full of shit, and the only one in the civil rights movement.
Reading his autobiography is a good suggestion, thank you OP.

>> No.20316137

what happened to all the proud blacks who wanted to go their own way and separate from whites? why are they all shameless leeches now?

>> No.20316555

is this the guy who has a photo of him with a gun looking out of a window?

>> No.20316634

yeah but malcolm x is a mainstream intellectual talked about in school worldwide, with hollywood movies with huge budgets made about him
so him being used as some kind of "here's a black intellectual bro!!!" is absolutely misleading
also, in autism/aryanism there is an effort to prove at least part of it empirically, using actual myths, philology, language etc
NOIs narrative has 0 basis behind it.
false equivalence

>> No.20316649
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He names the Jew, except in a comical ignorant way he calls them "white" kek

>> No.20316652
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>> No.20316654
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>> No.20316661

So he was just an angry antisemite? Pass.

>> No.20316680

superb book

>> No.20317480


>> No.20317487

haha this guy

>> No.20317636

Yes, you should

>> No.20317661

When I finish Victor Serge’s.

>> No.20317731


>> No.20319369
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What would Malcolm have tought about 4chan?

>> No.20319374

thats when he stopped being a based black nationalist because he got jealous and tired of living in MLKs shadow. he sold out. he was based before he sold out though

>> No.20319383
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George Jackson (before he was gunned down during a prison break that also resulted in the deaths of several guards) wrote that Malcolm X wasn't so much of a threat when he was going on about NOI stuff because that doesn't lead anywhere. He also thought the same thing happened to King when he started to put two and two together.


>> No.20319479

I get the feeling many of you are quite prejudiced

>> No.20319507

they were subverted by MLK

>> No.20319728

Separation doesn't really make sense.

>> No.20319829

It does when you know you'll never be fully integrated into a certain society no matter what you do. That was the reality lived by blacks in that time.

>> No.20320096

always found Fard much more interesting, considering how little is actually known about him

>> No.20320133

At that time. But I think the main thing is really economics, technology, logistics and things of that nature. I was listening to a local black radio show and someone called in, he sounded like an older guy, thinking things would've been better off if they went their own way, but the guest (a black woman, sounded a bit younger) wasn't unempathetic but said that in the South back then, that gas station or store in that small town run by a white man might not serve any black customers but now they've been wiped out by chains and big boxes who will serve everybody.

Amazon is designed to sell stuff to everyone. They have warehouses with thousands of employees. We're going to re-resegrate all of this? In my opinion, it's just not functional.

>> No.20320152

whites are to blacks what jews are to whites.

>> No.20320173

>his days as a hustler are a blast

He (or his ghostwriter) was a good storyteller, and there was a good story to tell.

>> No.20320186

he'd say it was the true face of the white man or something like that, I think he'd underestimate how many self hating thirdies shitpost here and tend to be racist as well, Malcolm never really believed in actual internalized racism, for him an Uncle Tom was just a negro who did his best to earn validation from his white masters, not a negro who actually hated other negroes and himself for being born as such

>> No.20320188
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An evenhanded, rather nuanced observation that is accurate in every detail.

>> No.20320880

Probably the most sincere and based man in modern American history

>> No.20321535

so from all i could gather, he was just a paki off his rocker?

>> No.20322059

i read one account that he was likely mixed race white+brown, not even black, which makes the whole genesis of the nation of islam kind of funny

>> No.20322344

Why would I read anything about a nigger that isn't the crimes section?

>> No.20322368

Hotep types are genuinely the most hysterical activists in this country.

>> No.20322995
