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/lit/ - Literature

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20307386 No.20307386 [Reply] [Original]

>literally about some rich cuck
fucking french.

>> No.20307526


Literally a millionaire gay Jew mama's boy who never worked a day in his life and tries to get you to see life through the lens of his neuroses.

>> No.20307534

What’s wrong with that? It’s the glamorous life

>> No.20307541

Based, tendies and NEETpilled.

>> No.20307577

His mother was Jewish, his dad was not who was Catholic. Proust never acknowledged himself as a jew since he was raised catholic and eventually became an atheist

>> No.20307685

Proust also pretended to be straight and would seethe and dilate if anyone said he was gay.

What's your fucking point, zoomer?

>> No.20307719
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Still though, I can give you 1488 reasons why it's a great book.

>> No.20307739

Go ahead. Tell me why this sadboy proto-Lacanian is worth my time.

>> No.20307742

Greatest book of all time and yanks will never get it. Sad.

>> No.20307804

You are genuinely retarded.
>seethe and dilate
You sound like an insufferable retard who just discovered 4chan and is incapable of speaking outside zoomzoom internet speak, fag.

>> No.20307836
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Have you even read a chapter? You live as someone else, as real as your own life. Apparently someone much different from yourself (although I'm suspicious). Is this not a great gift? To live more lives than just one; this is magic!

>> No.20307853


>> No.20308289

You're mad that you're wrong (and gay).

I've read multiple volumes before realizing it's neurotic bullshit. Don't need whiny Schopenhauerianisms in my life.

>it's magic

Yeah, Proust was a real magical fairy alright.

>> No.20308344

Lmao you are the McCarshit faggot. No wonder you are a buttblasted loser

>> No.20308358

McCorncob is shit. Blood Meridian is reddit, just like Prout-Proust. The dude breaks his epic silence with an interview with Oprah and cries in front of her. Disgusting. He should be executed.

>> No.20308371

il y a un probleme?

>> No.20308376

>nu/lit/ is so pathetic that they side with illiterate working-class poorfags

>> No.20308384

ok shlomo

>> No.20308387

zoomer aesthetes will be the first against the wall

>> No.20308390

Like you, huh, celine fag?

>> No.20308403

You have no argument to refute me. Proust is a waste of time. His vision of the world is incredibly neurotic and false.

Babby's first intellectual cynicism.

>> No.20308409

There is nothing to refute as you clearly have’t read him and you clearly have not understood the brief perusal of his Wikipedia. It is like talking to a child screaming about a toy, but they never specify which you. Once you make a substantive point, maybe adults will engage with you. Until then, you have high school in the morning, bud.

>> No.20308411

Thousands of pages of a manchild crying about how in his analysis paralysis nobody likes him so he extrapolates that to the universe. Sorry, it's just you, Prout-Proust. Read some Ruskin and call it a day.

>> No.20308416

Go ahead and refute me. I've read most of Proust and in french. You're dilating like a manchild now. I think I really made you cry. Time to get serious and reddit as a last dying cope.

>> No.20308423

You truly are the retarded Celine fag who dilates every time Proust and McCarthy are mentioned.
Bravo Celine

>> No.20308437

I'm not. Try harder.

>> No.20308445

Are you going to cry, bud? Maybe if you actually had parental figures in your life like Proust, you would not have turned out to be a massive loser. No wonder you envy him. Must have deadbeat druggie parents. Sad.

>> No.20308484

>Maybe if you actually had parental figures in your life like Proust

hahaha okay I know you're talking about yourself now

>> No.20308485

Oh yeah I envy jerking off to tortured rats. You've absolutely lost it.

>> No.20308548

>zoomer aesthete
I highly doubt a zoomer has even heard Proust or Celine. I don't know if english has a particular word for teenage intellectual snobs either.

>> No.20308661

It took you multiple volumes to realize it was neurotic? I...anon...hmm. Just curious, how long before you realized Star Wars was set in space?