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/lit/ - Literature

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20303969 No.20303969 [Reply] [Original]

My girlfriend is asking me to recommend books. Where should one start with this sort of thing? I want to give her something useful but also digestible for someone who hasn't done much non-scientific literature.
>No useless literature (YA novels, romance, etc)

>> No.20303977

To Kill a Mockingbird is beautifully written and pretty easy to get through.

>> No.20303983

>give her something useful but also digestible
can I suggest my micropenis?

>> No.20304002

I would recommend a meme book like 1984, but I want to stay away from the idiot themes like the emphasis on "sexual freedom."

>> No.20304004 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.20304010

Hesse - Demian
idek why, bu trust me

>> No.20304016

have you considered that she wanted your recommendations, not ours

>> No.20304033

Brave New World then? It has a pretty blatant anti-sexual liberation theme.

>> No.20304063

The Sound of Waves is accessible and comfy

>> No.20304064


>> No.20304079

If she's actually a scientist she'll appreciate philosophical work or work by other scientists such as Leibnitz or Descartes even if she doesn't buy their reasoning I think. I would recommend poetry but people usually split between whether they love it or hate it. It couldn't hurt though right? it's really accessible and if she doesn't like it she could just drop it at any time. I personally like plays, poetry, and philosophy and I imagine she probably would too, idk. Try Dryden, Swift, Pope, Keats, or Wordsworth.
OH & BTW: The soft sciences (sociology, psychology, anthropology, economics, etc.) aren't real sciences, lmao.

>> No.20304087

Post her feet, then I'll help you

>> No.20304117

Yes, and I have so many things I could recommend that I don't know where to start.
[Spoiler] also people might find it interesting to discuss [/Spoiler]
Thanks for playing.

>> No.20304124

Oops fucked up the spoiler lol

>> No.20304126

She just graduated nursing school.

>> No.20304141

Accept now, that she won't be your girlfriend for long, cause you don't put in any effort.

>> No.20304269

Mean and untrue.

>> No.20304380

Yukio mishima obviously

>> No.20304389

ctrl+s you dimwit

>> No.20304395


>> No.20305546
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Make her read this. It will lowkey teach her a lot of shit that will make her a useful wife.

>> No.20305602

I told a girl not long ago to read Russian literature and recommended her to read Crime and Punishment. Maybe you could do the same.

>> No.20305624

Kek it's literally a nigger loving "white trailer trash are daughter fuckers" peice of propaganda you only read because the American education establishment selected for mass consumption.

Great way to get your girl blacked.

>> No.20305627

Don't do it.

>> No.20305659
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If she's asking for YOUR opinion than something like this would suit her well

>> No.20305668

the smart move is to get her My Brilliant Friend. She'll love it and buy the other 3 books, that's a guarantee.Then you can read the novels yourself, basically for free, having paid for 1 book, but also having credited 1 gift. you'll love them too.

>> No.20305674
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lmfao such a jewish way of thinking about this.

>> No.20305688
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thank you very much

>> No.20305764

People actually see this image and see the merchant...

>> No.20305799

You know her better than we do. What movies/TV shows does she like? Go by her interests and find similar books. I could recommend anything under the sun and she could hate it. Might as well ask us what scented candle should you buy her.

>> No.20305806

The Heart is a Lonely Hunter. It's a masterpiece and appeals to female sentiments.

>> No.20305839

She's fat

>> No.20305841


>> No.20305842

That is absolutely kino

>> No.20305845

In the Flesh: Undressing for Success

>> No.20305875

>that image

>> No.20306123
File: 2.73 MB, 4752x3313, 1650180875805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The end of Western Literature

>> No.20306752

No but she is very tall

>> No.20306771

this. so much this. +1 +rep upvoted and have my gold.

>> No.20306786

reddit moment

>> No.20307181

i gave her notes from underground; we are still together

>> No.20307215

>but I want to stay away from the idiot themes like the emphasis on "sexual freedom."

lmao then your gf will leave you

>> No.20307255

The one and only:

>> No.20307290


>> No.20307884

Femanon here. She wants to get to know you better. Suggest a novel that is meaningful to you that is also short, and preferably not too dense. Think Siddartha, not Gravity's Rainbow. If she's not a big reader in the first place, she won't actually read something that's long and/or difficult.

>> No.20307933


>> No.20307949

Don’t be a delusional anon and recommend dense philosophical stuff. Light and breezy is the way to go. Gotta walk before you run

>> No.20307959

>Think Siddartha
now i actually do believe you're a woman, you gonna recommend The Alchemist next?

>> No.20307962

Story of the Eye

>> No.20307983

>nursing school.
So she really needs some anti-sexual liberation books you mean?

>> No.20308093

nice m e m e

>> No.20308100


Too late bro. A gf has got to be born into a family where everybody reads.

>> No.20308116

>nice digits
no longer human
life for sale

>> No.20308125

>no based women's literature
We can't win can we

>> No.20308382


>> No.20308397

Escoffier and finishing guides. Our kids better be eating good and be well mannered bitch.

>> No.20309033

American psycho is a great starting point.

>> No.20309045

Crime and Punishment

>> No.20309104

I've never had a gf and never had a girl ask me for book recommendations.

>> No.20309178

I have never seen a vagina

>> No.20309393
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Maybe try reading some books yourself and sharing what you like?

>> No.20309600

Seconding this.

>> No.20309628

That book worth reading?

>> No.20309664

>she'll appreciate philosophical work or work by other scientists such as Leibnitz or Descartes
This. I met only moderate success with my gf by suggesting homer and Plato. She took to Descartes far faster.
Try the Illiad and Odyssey for fiction, and Descartes' Meditations for non-fiction.

Imo, the main problem is STEM-types are used to much shorter works and more tangible ideas. The lengthy and abstract nature of, for example, Kant, simply is too outside what they're used to thinking about.

>> No.20309669

Women don't like to think while reading, anon.
t. guy who's gotten several gfs into reading.