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/lit/ - Literature

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20303723 No.20303723 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone ever send an email to an author? I don't think people realize how easy it is to get into a conversation with a world famous person. I've had conversations with Chomsky and Charles Murray.

>> No.20303731

Chomsky used to reply to all emails, dunno if he still does since he's ascending to crypt keeperhood

What did Charles Murray say

>> No.20303737

>I don't think people realize how easy it is to get into a conversation with a world famous person.
that's literally twitter's entire value prop to end users

>> No.20303746

I've shitposted with several authors in their discords.

>> No.20303748

We had like a 11 email long chain about his book Human Accomplishment and the arguments against it. It was a long time ago and I was retarded teen and it makes me cringe to read it now

>> No.20303752

Yeah, I am unironically the reason Death Grips has an album titled "Gmail and the Restraining Orders".

>> No.20303754

Most of the people I've seen on twitter have their DM's blocked. Usually the only way is to find their email online

>> No.20303819

>authors in their discords
None of those "authors" are real "authors" you tranny chud.

>> No.20303832

No, but an author emailed me.

>> No.20303843

I wrote to Junot Diaz asking about his experience in a MFA when I was feeling unsure to enroll in one. He never answered. I think I needed some answers at that moment, but I dont really care now.

>> No.20304418
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I've emailed Mike Ma asking for advice on what someone who feels directionless should do / what direction they should start heading in. The reply I got was quite satisfying, and I have been living my life through the advice he has given me since, honestly one of the best choices I've made.

>> No.20304425

Yes. I sent the author of a random self published book a nice email telling him that I really liked his stuff. I feel a little bit guilty now because I tried reading his stuff again recently and it was fucking terrible

>> No.20304940

What did he say anon

>> No.20304945

ive sent one email, got a reply. also semt a dm on goodreads to the author of The Troop and he replied like a fren
there's another goodreads author i want to contact once i read his book

>> No.20304962

I was translating lectures by Robert Sapolsky for youtube and asked for his approval on my idea to translate some wordplay. His response was short but encouraging. He is quite well known so I was surprised how easy that was.

>> No.20304972

I sent an email to one and he never responded. I thought I asked some good questions about his process too.

>> No.20304993

Yeah I emailed Tom Cheetham (author of quite a few books about Henry Corbin and James Hillmans work) and he was extremely prompt in his reply. Wrote to him a few times about various things.

>> No.20305002

Not an email but I sent a typewritten (written on an actual typewriter) letter to Melanie Jackson in hopes that she will forward it to Pynchon himself. I haven't heard back but the letter hasn't been returned either, so we'll see what happens

>> No.20305009

You aren’t supposed to dm them but @ them or however Twitter works.

>> No.20305041

I got blocked by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

>> No.20306769
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>> No.20306827

But this guy is a miserable failure and a transexual, how can one take his advice

>> No.20306828

Where can I email Charles Murray? I have questions about Coming Apart, and I tried to email him at the AEI but sadly never got a response.

>> No.20306842

I don't know who he is but
>no shows, games, porn, masturbation; rewire your brain
are very good tips.
No psychiatrist is true as well.
Belief in God and ignoring women, sure.

Taking meds, fuck that, if you're sick just take your pills.
No tap water, drink milk instead -- idk, seems like a weird tip

>> No.20306852

Tao Lin once replied to my comment on his post on twitter

>> No.20307066
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>Taking meds, fuck that, if you're sick just take your pills.
>No tap water, drink milk instead -- idk, seems like a weird tip

>> No.20307099

All I’m getting from this is that Mike Ma likes to be thrown around like a rag doll

>> No.20307109

The stuff about boredom is a really good point actually. I've never been happier since I gave up video games and made literature my only hobby. Passive consumption is the mind killer; boredom is a signal to grow.

>> No.20307155

Reading books is passive consumption, you're literally reading someone else's thoughts. Also I feel like all these self-improvement tips that focus on switching from consumption to production and removing time-consuming destructive habits with productive ones, miss the point of why so many people are like that. The fundamental issue is that people move to these things because their primary functions of working, procreating and building homes are not being met. This advice only boils down to: "here is what you can do in a shitty society", it's not wrong but it's extremely Jordan Petersonian ie to get your "house in order" while ignoring that the entire street is being carpet bombed. The Zizekian part of the equation that sometimes you have to fix the society before individuals can get fixed is almost always ignored and for good reason: it's impossible to piss against the wind as an individual. But we *are* at the point where we do have to look at entire society instead of solving issues at an individual level and sooner than later we will be forced into that position, the pessimist in me thinks that unfortunately the solution that will be forced on us, will be even *more* negative than the present state. But nobody in the West today is willing to look at these issues and this is such a slow-boil massive structural issue that more than a generation could pass before anything concrete happens. I think people who are 20 and 30 today will sadly be reduced into trying to build a tolerable existence in a declining society.

>> No.20307158

I'm surprised at how earnest and not-edgy he was here. This is all genuinely good advice.

>> No.20307715

>Reading books is passive consumption
reading is an active activity
get out of here with your "le humans are like le animals, I must sleep and fuck and forage like my half-monkey ancestors" bullshit

>> No.20307820

>I have been living my life through the advice he has given me since
>advice given literally a month ago
you won't last much longer

>> No.20307840

I've thought to myself before "Heh, milk. Gonna drink milk. That's my creative juice." as a joke but it must be legit because EVERY other piece of advice he gives is 100% true

>> No.20307919
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>take time to read again
>really want to mail authors
>Le Carré
>Uncle Ted
>can't reply because busy + cancer, don't want to be in some watchlists
>Amor Towles
>A nice and comfy answer
Send a letter to your favorite living authors you will not regret it.

>> No.20308016

I emailed Ogden Nesmer to get a copy of his book like three months ago. Seemed like a nice fellow.

>> No.20308034
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I mean, I've been happier because of it and see no reason to go back to my old ways. perhaps during the first and second week I was tempted to watch a movie or play some vidya, but as it stands those desires have faded almost entirely.

>> No.20308134

Such an insecure faggot

>> No.20308287

Care to elaborate anon?

>> No.20308297

Dont take it personally maybe he was super busy. Be persitent, its polite and it shows him you really care. Write him the same email again. Or re-write it and trim all the fat. Write one version that brings your point across in 30s of read time. Put that at the beginning. Then write a version that takes 2 minutes to read. Send both.
If you get no answer, never take shit like that personally. Chances are it has absolutely nothing to do with you or what you wrote.
This guy sent me a link to his dj set because he looks up to me and I wanted to listen to it but then I just carried on living my life.

>> No.20308429

Not /lit/ but I wrote emails to composer David Maslanka for a few months. He sent me a personal letter plus a spiral bound copy of some beginner Bach piano pieces to train my ear before I went to college.

>> No.20308943

raw milk is literally an illegal product in Canada unless you have your own cow. if i had one, it would be illegal to even give anybody raw milk.

>> No.20309007

No, I realize that I am a stupid faggot with nothing of value to contribute.

>> No.20309013


>> No.20309030

I sent his fantasy author a DM on Twitter saying how much I enjoyed his series but he didn’t respond. Also have thought about writing a letter to Cormac McCarthy through the Santa Fe Institute, though, I doubt he’d get it.

>> No.20309043

i remember when i was in like first or second grade we read some book in class near the end of the year, and i dictated an email that my mom typed to him about my suggestion foir a sequel or something. on the first day of the following year, i received a postcard in the school mail from him.

>> No.20309159

What did you write about?

>> No.20309172

Most laws like that are begging to be broken.
If you don't personally know a guy, you're out of luck though.

>> No.20309181

I just asked him where he got his inspirations, how much he charged for custom pieces, how long it took. For his symphony 8 he traveled to Russia and spent a month there listening to folk music and learning everything he could first-hand. Dude has my respect as an artist.

>> No.20309198

Yeah, I've asked for advanced copies of books citing various meme credentials and they always politely said no.

>> No.20309210

I agree with the other anon reading is a form of passive consumption. I mean you're reading, right now, just reading stuff on this website. The only difference with a book is that it is someone's curated, proofread thoughts.
I don't think passive consumption is inherently bad, but there's an important distinction between passive consumption that is both enriching and relaxing and passive consumption that is just dumping garbage in your brain, i.e. this website.

>> No.20309214

is mike ma being ironic or does he actually think like this? harassment architecture feels like its supposed to be a caricature of the average 4chan user, it feels mostly satirical, but at the same time it seems like he's 100% serious. very hydeian.

>> No.20309249
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I've emailed two somewhat famous /lit/ people: Harold Bloom and Dana Gioia. Gioia's somewhat more obscure because he's a poet and poets aren't well-known these days.

Bloom wrote me a three-sentence email thanking me for my note and plugging his most recent book. But at least he responded.

Gioia was super nice and sent me a ton of material and gave me encouragement as a poet and a creator. He later came and gave a talk at my grad school, so I got to meet him in person. We've kept up some correspondence, though it's been a while since I've written to him. This thread is reminding me I need to do it.

>> No.20309258

Read harder books.

>> No.20309283

it's really bonkers.
i can smoke tobacco and marijuana and drink myself to death and it's all legal, but raw milk is considered like actual poison or cocaine.
i remember there was a group of people in Ontario a couple of years ago, they had found some kind of loophole. basically they all "owned" a share of a cow some farmer had, like a cooperative, so they could get raw milk because they technically owned the cow. well they got taken to court and were forced to stop doing that.

>> No.20309305
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I think (at least with /lit/ and a few others) there's a somewhat healthy balance between receiving information that can further you or your life while simultaneously providing entertainment. As long as you're not overdoing it and spending more than an hour a day here, you should be fine.

>> No.20309310

While it may feel intellectually dishonest looking back. at the same time you probably made their day. As long as it didn’t inflate their self worth, which is a real possibility due to the arrogance of many creatives, you did a good thing all writers would appreciate to read. Not the worst thing to cringe at in retrospect.

>> No.20309313

As long as you aren’t lactose intolerant, which how could one be so intolerant in the current year, drinking milk is always a good tip. Whole milk not that 2 percent trash.

>> No.20309331

Not that anon said. What he said was reading is passive, writing is not. And there is a nugget of truth in it despite me not fully agreeing with the passiveness of reading. Many people have thoughts and ideas worthy of consideration, to say nothing of prose worthy of enjoying, but it is true that writing important too.

>> No.20309336

I don't know man, some really smart people don't read other people's work much. overindulging on other people's thoughts and not developing your own is not good. There not much reading that's a more constructive use of your time unless your reading guides to teach yourself how to do something.

>> No.20309494
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I think she might just be like that, anon

>> No.20309524

mike ma's a pooner? the more you know

>> No.20309613

When I was a kid I sent a letter to George Lucas. It was about some stupid shit like the number of characters in the Star Wars universe or something. My mom told me I wasn't likely to get a reply, but I did end up getting a reply addressing my question as well as a bunch of merch like a star wars patch and a light up lightsaber. Don't even care if it wasn't really from George, shit was cool

>> No.20309747

Isn’t that at Milo’s mansion

>> No.20309760

Scroolling 4chan is worse than both of those combined

>> No.20309983

I'm friends with Jordaan Mason, Sean Kilpatrick and Charlie Kaufman. We usually talk about poetry and recommend each other stuff.

>> No.20309986

I also used to talk to David Berman sporadically a few years back. I got real sad for quite a while when he took his life, since the last thing we'd talked about was him getting a second poetry release together.

>> No.20310135

Only ever reached out to a couple authors, for different reasons, and both replied. One was a favorite author and he was incredibly gracious and communicative and the other was to inform an author that her work was ostensibly being plagiarized by a new television show that had been announced, and she was very appreciative on the heads-up. I once reached out to a director once about obtaining a poster from a film of theirs, like actually in the film and made specifically for being shown in the movie, and they gave me the file to go have my own printed up.
Ask and you shall receive.

>> No.20310177

Wow, this is actually great advice. I thought Mike was just a meme edgelord.

The part with God and women is incelly and cringe though, but I get his point. He could have phrased it better I guess.

>> No.20310190

what about i scrooll my dick into you're butthole

>> No.20310268

They're all good advise. The person speaking is irrelevant

>> No.20310395

I’ve asked Steven King if he was drinking and snorting blow again after he tweeted something stupid

I asked Margaret Atwood if she had blown through all her tv money already when she was bitching on Twitter about men refusing to read female authors.

>> No.20310504

>tfw you know he's right but dropping vidya would result in losing your only best friends you ever had.

>> No.20310511

I emailed some authors about mistakes in their textbooks. I never checked if they answered me and I don't care.

>> No.20311928
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Someone in another thread said Mike had the “incel gaze”

>> No.20313035

How exactly did Mike Ma become a /lit/ meme? I only remember him being a pretty small Vine account that ended up in the background of a few Milo shots

>> No.20313261
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he write book, i read, i like
he write another book, i read, i like

>> No.20313297

I'd just shitpost back and forth with Nick Land on Twitter. Idk if that counts.

>> No.20314214

I sent an email to Quentin Scobie on buying Baby Alex because i had some difficulty trying to find it online. He replied back saying "Don't buy it".

>> No.20314251

Can someone send me an email? I'm lonely and don't get emails.

>> No.20314295

The thing I enjoy most about this board is being able to tell others that I like what they have written.

>> No.20314620

whats your address I'll send you one

>> No.20314740

>Robert Sapolsky
Dude is awesome, I've been putting on his lectures at Stanford while I play vidya lately.

I emailed a guy named Sasha Chapin because he wrote an article about DFW that I liked and his response was very nice.

>> No.20315868

t. mike ma

>> No.20317461

Writing a book calling for the execution of minorities/LGBT/Jews, while being Milo’s boy sex slave, and then turning into a troon will do that

>> No.20319384

you probably use aol or hotmail that's why

>> No.20319395

I’ve drunkenly sent several DM’s to BAP. Don’t know if I ever got a response to any though because I’ll end up glowposting or calling some hollyweird celebrity a faggot or kike and my account will get banned before morning.

>> No.20319409

you’re right, we need a revolution.

>> No.20319437

you can get in contact with q pretty easily when theres a discord dup every few months or so. he once made a tutorial to one of his songs just for little old me

>> No.20319489

I'd bet money you were playing an mmorpg, gacha or ranked video game. I quit one of those recently and I feel like I've become more willing to focus on creating things instead.

>> No.20319516

Correct, although it doesn’t have to be mutually exclusive. Thinking getting yourself in shape or being less-consumerist as conditioning for the inevitable crises.
But you are definitely right, you can see it in the entire wave of “mental health” awareness that companies and government put out, it’s used like anti-virus, just to ween out any traits that might fuck up the system.
Things like male suicides get ignored until they hit a certain threshold because that might interfere with production and profit. No company cared when the news wasn’t so pervasive, and a head-office (pre-social media), could plausibly claim to be oblivious about their workers lives and assume for the best.
A death of any kind gets more exposure than ever, and they have to send out something as a concession, and that usually boils down to a “talk”, that treats society as static and you as the malleable element that needs to change his thinking.

Like I said, not necessarily mutually exclusive. I like to think that what I have learned from these kind of individual-blaming therapies and stuff has made
Me a stronger individual to oppose the system, not fall in line with it.

>> No.20319700
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>> No.20320153

Tay Zonday sent me a friend request on YouTube back in the day.

>> No.20320165

I sent a letter to Elon Musk begging for a job explaining that I'm an abject lover with no discernible talents and an average IQ. I'm not sure if he received it.

>> No.20320177

I emailed Andy Weir when he released Project Hail Mary, and we talked extensively about Eridian culture and convergent evolution . I found it surprisingly humanizing that his email was "sephalon@gmail.com", and he made it when he was just writing shitty Sci-Fi fanfics before he was a respected author.

>> No.20320221

I've been blocked by several famous people, one was a staff at Imperium Press I think, the other isn't as cool and it was fucking Razorfist when I tried explaining what third position was. For a bunch of people hopped up on freezepeach libertarians sure don't like their economic theories being challenged, even if your cultural views align

>> No.20320322

>As long as you're not overdoing it and spending more than an hour a day here, you should be fine
Yeah, that's where I went wrong.

>> No.20320363

>Reading books is passive consumption
You’re engaging literature wrong if that’s how you feel.

>> No.20321184

I've had conversations with Chomsky (email), Stallman (email), Paul Graham (email), Werner Herzog (Reddit), Eric Idle (Twitter).

>> No.20321207

Nassim Taleb, Steven Isserlis (famous cellist), and Tom Holland (historian) too. All on Twitter.

>> No.20321406

>Jordaan Mason
They write?

>> No.20323043

God no.

>> No.20323768

im so glad to hear, Gioia always seemed like a nice guy. How did you get his email?

>> No.20323882

Christopher Hitchens responded to me from his AOL address a few months before he died.

>> No.20324023

He didn't answer.

>> No.20324616

About what?
What's he like?

>> No.20324674

I wrote Khabib Nurmagomedov asking for his opinion on my manuscript and he punched me in the face

>> No.20326146

This is interesting, what did he say

>> No.20326349

I once posted on George RR Martin's Not a Blog, mentioning the publishing date of one of his lore books and he told me I was out of date. Thats it, thats how I interacted with a world famous author once.

>> No.20326428

It is very sad to end up like Berman, i think drugs fried his brain completely. I dislike him as a person but American Water is a very good album.

>> No.20326800

Chomsky ignores my emails and Murray blocked me on twitter

>> No.20327283

He tried claiming the picture of my phallus was photoshopped so I hired hitmen to kill him

>> No.20327412

dno what to talk about