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/lit/ - Literature

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20300543 No.20300543 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>20292710

>> No.20300550

There's no way to avoid being cucked is there? Even if you do the cucking for a long time at some point you will be the one who gets cucked. I have lost all hope that i might end up avoiding this, feeling quite depressed over this really...

>> No.20300575

That's why I've avoided relationships so far.

>> No.20300589
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based OP

>> No.20300595

>barely lets him hold her hand
>but fully lets him hold her
>and fully holding his head
>as she refuses his kiss
>with a disbelieving flattered smile
>and he suffers his passions fully
>she is in control
>in his arms
>she knows she will give in soon
>ultimately he only hopes
>but look how valiantly he hopes
whoever made this picture should write romance-novels. shit maybe I should.

>> No.20300599

Read The Father by Strindberg.

>> No.20300695

Took a break from marathoning Michael Mann’s Heat (1995) to post here.
I’m a little over halfway through the film and damn these motherfuckers are slick af.
I wish I was even half as profesional as these hombres are, and they do it all while looking cool as hell.

>> No.20300704

yeah, great film, rewatched it like 3 or 4 months ago, loved it even more on second viewing

>> No.20300768

They always try to be “relatable” but they never try to relate to me. If they want to make something that’s pertinent to me, why not write a book about how much a gallon of milk from the local grocery will cost when I go in tomorrow to pick it up?

>> No.20300775
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I will finish my undergrad degree in a few weeks and post-graduation ennui is creeping in already... I refused to apply for masters because I stubbornly told myself I've seen enough of academia and want to see something different (although my degree is in a field which won't bring me very far outside of academia, and academia has become in some sense a safe space - which might be why I yearn to escape from it).
I may have found a completely remote job as a translator. It's quite low-paying and some would consider it a dead-end job, but if I work it out right, it might be the perfect way for me to fund experiences outside academia. How doable would it be to leave my comfort zone completely and move to a cheap country far away? I'm only 21 and only speak Italian and English fluently (plus conversation level Spanish, French & German), but I think that with a bit of planning, evaluating options and getting paperwork done, this would be a pretty cool option. I obviously want to travel, see the world, and get to learn things first hand, but I'm also starting to see European cities becoming way too unaffordable for anything creative to flourish, and I don't know how fruitful it is anymore to sell one's soul to live here. I left my village in southern Italy as soon as I could and moved to the UK for uni, the next step would be to keep working my way towards full yuppie-dom - renting a flat in a gentrifying neighbourhood of some city that was considered cool 25 years ago, and accepting that working some role which calls itself "creative" while paying 30£ for a gig every other Saturday is the right compromise between pretending to be creative and making the people back home proud. The more I think about it, though, the less appealing it becomes... And I'll never really know what the other options are until I force myself out of this cycle, disappoint a few people, and see what else the world has to offer first-hand. How idiotic would it be to just pack my bags and leave?

>> No.20300807

I'm bubbly and tense as the inside of a balloon. He is. He is. My smiles are grimaces, my face is a rejected potato. He tells an unfunny story. He paces aimlessly. He's ridiculous and the world is. Have you noticed the sky lately? Have you seen the people beating him to death with a club? Have you feigned depth, then joy, then it all faded out.
The story of a girl thinking of a boy is outdated, especially when no groaning and screaming are involved. I have much better ones. Do listen.

The earth is dry, the grains are empty. The sea of yellow leaves is not yet quiet, but their whispers are undecisive. When talking back to them, they will swallow all inside until baked in next year's bread.

>> No.20300808

Im a fuckup. If only I'd have more willpower, clarity or passion then it would possible. Hard but possible. Feeling sorry for yourself is not healthy but I still do it.

>> No.20300846

Has anyone ever told you you sound annoying? Because you do.
The way you type, there’s something about it that just grates me.
Maybe it’s because you sound whiny, trying to make people feel sorry for you but also having that smartass college boy attitude about you.
Fix up your attitude and stop feeling sorry for yourself.

>> No.20300887

anyone think giving yourself a name has a weird incest like feel

>> No.20300901

Thanks for pointing that out, I guess. I had a few drinks and just didn't want to sound like a complete idiot. But ye, you're right, I probably should change my attitude when asking for advice, I recognise it's something I'm very bad at.
I don't feel sorry for myself, by the way, and definitely don't want others to feel sorry for me. I know I'm very lucky and maybe just don't want to sound cocky and make it feel like I want to make others jealous..
Do you have any advice on what I said in the post, though?

>> No.20300902
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My cock is constant and sharp, and I do not hope for a better lube for anyone. In fact, I want my dick to be inflicted on others ass. I want no one to escape. But even after admitting this, there is no catharsis; my libido continues to elude me, and I gain no deeper knowledge of myself.

>> No.20301031

I dont get where people get the confidence to write and proclaim things. I always feel i dont know enough.

>> No.20301037

>look at my files from like 8-10 yrs ago realize i was mr cringe
wonder how much of that i've retained probably a lot

>> No.20301049

Hi lit so without wasting time I have a idea for a story but i can't write shit so if anyone interested please do something with it.

But before : i don't know how to write anything so please don't criticize me.

>There exists a place in some fucking mountain or Japan or India, where you go to commit suicide (...there is a temple in which there is a stone where the actual suicide happens you go there and you touch the stone and die...) But you have to stay in that temple for one month and reflect on your life and all the decisions you made along, and after one month if you are still depressed and suicidal then you can die or go back to your life.

>So you can add our protagonist as a wagieCuck or KHV virgin incel or generally depressed and you put him in the temple and and show his life and all the shit he did to get at this point, and as the days go by Change his mind and at last day/hour he has to make a decision (i can't think of any good ending that's why i came here so please complete the story pretty please.)

>> No.20301079

>Do you have any advice on what I said in the post, though?
Here’s what will make people shit on you
>I'm also starting to see European cities becoming way too unaffordable for anything creative to flourish
>the next step would be to keep working my way towards full yuppie-dom - renting a flat in a gentrifying neighbourhood of some city that was considered cool 25 years ago
Yuppies are detestable, but even more detestable is yuppie wannabes.
You claim you want to something “creative” but complain about the affordability of European cities.
Moreover you also whine about the city not being considered cool anymore. By whom?
By the trust fund kiddies pretending to Ben artists that you are trying to emulate.
Since you work remotely you could easily find a cheap place to live in Eastern European cities because people are emigrating West.
But no, that wouldn’t be “cool” because the gaggle of inane urbanite twits you are trying to emulate are so stupid and insular that they consider anything outside of soulless metropolises and a few tourist traps in the third world “cool”.
Let me tell you something, Joyce penned his masterpieces in Dublin when it was considered a backwater before it became a hub for tech bugmen and plastic paddies.
Face it, you don’t want to be an artist, you want the appearance of being an artist.
You basically want to be a basic bitch trust fund kid pretending her paintings drawn with her period blood are postmodern masterpieces worth your of being shown in galleries.
Take a long hard look at your life and decide if you want to be an artist or not.
But be aware that people will catch and call you out on your bullshit if you decide to continue being a yuppie wannabe.

>> No.20301163

When he decides to touch the stone nothing happens, feeling betrayed he shouts at the silent monk and leaves the temple
He tries to kill himself repeatedly and fails every time he does so
After some time he's realized that he is now unable to die, now you have to make the thing feels as if there's no distinction between life and death

>> No.20301239

Nice going

>> No.20301284

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.20301287


>> No.20301321

Thanks for the reply. There must have been a bit of a misunderstanding, though, because what I was trying to say is in complete agreement with the points you made.
As I said, I moved to a city coming from a rural upbringing, and both yuppies and trust fund “artists” are groups which I don’t fit into. My post was literally about getting away from that, because having peeked into the college kid wannabe creative environment of one such expensive city, I can tell that I’d rather look for something else. Hence why moving to a cheap country far away sounds more appealing to me than moving to the “bohemian” neighbourhood of whatever western European city.
I don’t think creative communities should be always reduced to “basic bitch trust fund kids”, though. Automatically thinking that’s the case is almost equally detestable to me. While it is true that they’re not necessary for the creation of great art, it also true that Joyce for example was an active member of the intellectual circles of Trieste and Paris (among other cities) in his days, and that a lot of his innovation came from dialogue and correspondence with many of his contemporaries. Not to mention the publication of his works, which may have been impossible if he wasn’t in the right place at the right time.. But that’s kind of beside my point. I am not an artist and don’t want to pretend to be one. Mentioning cities becoming expensive was to say that Europe today is rather different from Joyce’s, when - contrary to what you’re saying - moving to a specific city/neighbourhood because other artists lived there would have made sense. To be completely honest I do think period-blood painters would probably make better friends than equally basic people who don’t even pretend like art is important to them, but they’re really just a false stereotype and my original post had nothing to do with them. I brought up the (bygone) “coolness” of cities to make a point about the pointlessness (and obnoxiousness) of thinking in those terms. That’s why, having landed a remote job, I was asking about the feasibility of leaving all this behind. You mention Eastern Europe, but I was thinking about English-speaking African countries where life is much cheaper, and the cultural experience would be much more insightful. That’s kind of what I was asking, not where is the Coolest place to move to, but would it be too crazy (at my age) to just go travel (regardless of the of Coolness of cities and all that)...

>> No.20301324

Have the ending being him deciding to kill himself and finish with him touching the stone. Don't elaborate on whether he does or does not die, leave it up to reader if the temple is genuinely magical or not. Don't go with the typical "and then this total loser with nothing going for him realized that life was actually amazing" bullshit.

>> No.20301334
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What is the point of being so ambiguous? She knows about my flame and still acts as if she doesn't know about it. She says she thinks highly of me and is very flattered by my inclination, but she never says anything either for or against. I have this hope that she is seriously considering speaking out in my favor, but not finding the time right, that she is careful not to say anything about it yet, but she always remains indecipherable and I never have a clue to guess the state of things.
Nevertheless we have dinner together, she introduces me to her family, and we often confide in each other. I would rather have a quick deception than a long languid wait.

>> No.20301337


Nigga wat ?

>> No.20301343

It is quite clear

>> No.20301345

Everyone gets cucked eventually, yeah. Done my fair share of cucking as asshole teenager, then got cucked to hell and back by a girl I fell in love with. Can’t complain, I had it coming, but that’s when I gave up on relationships.

>> No.20301349

nah, it's quite indecipherable

>> No.20301357

Don't do Africa, head to Uruguay, Argentina, or Brasil after having saved up some euros (DO NOT SWAP FOR LOCAL CURRENCY UNTIL YOU HAVE GOTTEN OFF THE PLANE AND CAN GET REAL EXCHANGE RATES) Alternatively parts of Asia can be good if you're trying to live cheaply as an expat. Latin America is way more violent than most of Africa but its also more developed. In a lot of English speaking Africa you will be immediately seen as an outsider and a potential target , I've lived all over the world, and South Africa and Botswana were the worst security situations I was in as a foreigner. I unironically felt safer doing charity work in some of Brasil's worst favelas than I did in "safe" parts of Johannesburg. And I dont mean the cool exciting danger that you can brag to friends about, but the "Damn, if someone breaks in while I'm here I'm going to be slowly tortured and raped to death because I'm guilty of being white" type of danger, which is what happened to one of my neighbors. Latam criminals tend to not have the same type of racial animosity towards whites that African criminals do.

>> No.20301383

>Latam criminals tend to not have the same type of racial animosity towards whites that African criminals do.
Does the language barrier create less of barrier then, in your experience - or do you speak Spanish/Portuguese ? Also which parts of Asia ?

>> No.20301387

>less of barrier
I meant make you less of a target

>> No.20301392
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>charity work

>> No.20301524
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mfw the cyberpunk timeline is actually going to be the reality . Technology is decreasingly no longer a tool that enhances and extends our autonomous volition and increasingly becoming an imposing and coercive force that stifles and constricts it. In 100 years you won't even be able to flee to the woods and hide. There won't be any forests. We're in for some crap.


>> No.20301550 [DELETED] 

some dude parked outside on the street was blasting this:


but i don't think he realized it's actually an ll cool j song with a bunch of features cuz as soon as the ll verse came on he slammed that stereo off so fucking fast lol that's what u get for listened to old shit from before u were born zoomer ass but ll was a legit great battle rapper back in the day so he shoulda let it play out

>> No.20301574

All art is an attempt at self-oblivion.

>> No.20301584

It ain't easy being a midwit but I try, I try

>> No.20301605

technology IS us. read Mcluhan

>> No.20301611

I'm working all day every day these months. May God take care of me.

>> No.20301615
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everyone hates america but the coming tech dystopia will be a lot less worse under their hegemony than china, but yeah we've been living in this weird unusual age of class mobility and freedom caused by the industrial revolution temporarily destabilizing the social hierarchy. it's all winding down now though.

>> No.20301623
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mcluhan is a lot of super vague woo, this is better

>> No.20301636

I think the reality is that she herself does not know yet. At a certain point you'll have to communicate that you can't be around forever and make sure that she knows you will require some form of commitment.

>> No.20301637

what comes after technology?

>> No.20301649

Nah I would rather live under transparent brutality of China than the opaque oppression in the Diverse States of America

>> No.20301668

Who wrote/transcribed that ad copy? It's so bad. I would be embarrassed to have that associated with my book.

>> No.20301698

luckily you write your own ad copy for your self-published amazon stuff so that's a problem you'll never have to worry about !

>> No.20301730 [DELETED] 

the united states has a very autistic legal process. it's incredibly transparent. not sure despotism were people randomly disappear is transparent.

>> No.20301751

Yes and no. I speak Portugese and its valuable being able to talk to locals to figure out where you should not go as a foreigner. If you're getting mugged understanding the criminals instructions might save you. Speaking the local language won't save you when a guns in your face but it might prevent the situation in the first place.

>> No.20301765

just asked the question of the century right there

>> No.20301770

You're probably right Anon, she's the epitome of indecision, I'll try to talk to her head on about this sometime instead of equivocating too subtly to hope to get any information from her reaction.

>> No.20301773
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>stays single because of 4chan memes
Get a fucking grip

>> No.20301780

>cheating is a 4chan meme

>> No.20301786
File: 29 KB, 500x336, Ginger-Snaps-ginger-snaps-25550917-500-336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only piece of media I have ever personally related to is unironically Ginger Snaps

>> No.20301794


>> No.20301796

Are you the femanon who posts here. I will marry you if you promise to read me your poetry late at night

>> No.20301811

Not gonna happen.
People have sex because it’s pleasurable, no one wants to have sex only to feel like shit while doing it.
You will remain frustrated and impotent as long as you have that mindset.

>> No.20301816

Muh cuckoldry bullshit is.

>> No.20301820


>> No.20301828
File: 6 KB, 184x184, IMG_20211213_144715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel a visceral hatred at mediocrity. I'm at a local author's reading now where I thought I'd meet people striving to reach the next pinnacle of writing and it's all old faggots and a few young people who write drippingly sweet adjective word salads. Why can't I find someone alive who's writing I thoroughly respect and want to learn from? I have this in my IRL job. I like having a mentor to learn from and try to surpass. Why is writing any different?

>> No.20301837
File: 27 KB, 283x400, 3A3D7629-4625-4CC2-B951-5FF7FFFAB917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still can't get over how excellent this film is

>> No.20301851

Ginger Snaps is basically about a codependent relationship between two sisters. The dominant sister comes to control and consume the younger sisters life. The dominant sister becomes a werewolf, enjoys her bestial side and totally destroys her sister's life. The younger sister gives everything she can to save the domineering sister from the Wolf, but it's in vain because she likes being the Wolf.
I found this movie right about when my brother's drug addiction reached its apogee. He had destroyed my life over and over. I watched this movie the day I called the cops and had him removed from my home. Thats about the period where I stopped having empathy altogether. My cat was just eaten by a coyote and I'm actually glad its gone because I was tired of having to reciprocate affection.

>> No.20301861

>Get a fucking grip
this guy does not get it

>> No.20301868

You will forever be the Taiwanese prisoner whose only love is a cartoon on the wall. Someone should shop that onto the Plato's cave allegory

>> No.20301871

>used to really love Mulholland Drive when I was a lot younger
>get way more life experience since then
>read way more philosophy and literature since then
>decide to re-watch it one day
>"Let's see how lame it is, now that I've evolved so much"
holy fuck... it's even BETTER when you're older!

>> No.20301877

I say again:

>> No.20301880

I am a girl, but do not post here usually. Trying to refrain from writing poetry until I regain my control of words, but thank you anyway.
Other people's poetry is nice, though prose is infinitely better.

>> No.20301885

From doubt and suspicion to belief and trust. From invulnerability to vulnerability. From presumption to possession of truth to humility and acknowledgment of fallibility. From withdrawal and detachment to involvement and indwelling. From abstraction in the ‘theater of solitude’ to involvement in concrete context, community, and ongoing traditional practice. From intellectual combat (“hard ball”) to conviviality. . . .

>> No.20301893

how's it working out for you so far? asking for a friend.

>> No.20301904

Becoming happier in life, looking forward to the future, but still working on it.

>> No.20301911
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sounds promising.

>> No.20301925

I've definitely noticed your posts before. They're very distinct, and I'm sure that's because your feminine hand stands in stark contrast to the r9k posting.
Anyway, my marriage proposition stands.

>> No.20301931

I recommend checking out what's known as "post-critical philosophy". There's also a development of "postcritique" in literary studies.

>> No.20301949


>> No.20301961

Just visited /his/ for some reason and it was actually riddled with atheists, communists, and antinatalists. For all of /lit/'s faults, it's good to be back home.

>> No.20301993

lynch is for people with dry imagination. you cant convince me otherwise. only eraserhead have imagination in it. all the others are about "subconscious deepness" atmosphere that only people with a nullified inner mind can enjoy as his own misterious dry mind and subconscious.
basically its sad that lynch is the more psychodelic cinema can get. completely sad.

>> No.20302010

A case of 2deep4u I guess

>> No.20302021

Sure, I'll write you letters, but write something of your own first so it will be worth it.

>> No.20302034
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Good riddance

>> No.20302045

thats my point. its great because it have the allure of "deep". and thats it because to this people with dry imagination having a slight glimpse of how unconscious is feels completely and ineffably groundbreaking and the moment they realize they dont have to "looking with a critical thinking" is some kind of superior form of art.
i mean, they like the strange atmosphere because it correlates at his own incapability of feeling their unconscious in a natural way.
if you see lynch interviews you can see, (obviously) that he is not too deep himself. he is not making movies for a deep message, are the others who confuse the atmosphere (who lynch do well and nice..) with deepness.

>> No.20302064

maybe stick to batman, kid

>> No.20302077

>if you dont think lynch is deep you are a marvel fan
life is more complex than what you think kiddo.

>> No.20302085

you're not really articulate with your words are you

>> No.20302090

I had a vision of a slender somali woman with thin arms, huge eyes and big teeth. I know the writing is shitty but I don't have another adjective: her face, also, was slender, and her nose small. She had straightened her hair, which was long, and wore a black leather jacket. She looked at me, and then she looked up into the sky. I think I am supposed to marry her. I will let you know when I see her.

>> No.20302093

no, im not.

>> No.20302094

I can't seem to focus
I can never fucking focus
So many of my problems could be solved with a simple proactive mindset
All I need to do is act
Why can't I fucking act

>> No.20302099
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Maybe you're trying too hard

>> No.20302124

not only you have this problem, our world is basically engineered for people to lack any focus and determination

>> No.20302138

that's why I love rereading or rewatching things I watched or read in the past; with time you gain more insight into things, gain more experience and can build more connections that you did before. Sometimes it feels almost like a new read or viewing.

>> No.20302156

>he is not too deep himself.
All his works can be summed up by any interpretation is okay as long as it satisfies you. Theres no correct (or deep) way.

>> No.20302173

every work of art can be summed up by it. but anyway, thats what im trying to say, the deepness is put it in his films by his fans.

>> No.20302226

Asking here because I don't feel it warrants its own thread:

What's a good place to start with Daoism? I own a copy of the Tao Te Ching but remember many people saying it's not the best introduction for reasons I can't remember.

>> No.20302241

It's Reimu though. Top cutie.

>> No.20302248

(Author of >>20301871 here)
I never said MD or Lynch are "deep". Where do you think I said that? I never did. You're projecting.

But since you bring the subject up. "Deep" is how I saw them when I was younger and less knowledgeable. Looking at them now, I no longer see them as "deep" and, like you say, they really aren't deep. But they have a different quality. They have a humor to them and they have a unique style and they sort of resonate, they have an interesting nonlinear structure to them. They're mathematical.

BTW, people who are interested in Mulholland Drive should check out Godard's "Le Mépris" (1963). There are quite a lot of parallels, it's quite clear the film hugely influenced MD

>> No.20302260

spilled water all over my bed last night but i was so tired and drunk i just slept on it instead of cleaning it. true retard moment
i enjoyed it much less when i watched it a second time. its alright i guess. i prefer Lost Highway and Blue Velvet, even Elephant Man is kino.

>> No.20302265

I've considered this but don't think it's the culprit. The tasks before me are manageable, achievable, and not overwhelming. Or at least they weren't before I let them pile on top of each other. I simply cannot seem to find the source of my own inaction; and only snap out of it when absolutely forced to. Any other time and it feels like I can't send the command that spurs me forward into doing what needs to be done just to meet the day's objectives. It literally feels like I have some wall in front of me that almost physically hurts to surpass.

Thanks for your suggestion nonetheless, I think I just needed to vent so you don't have to bother deciphering my rants

Care to elaborate? I have an idea of what you mean but the desire to know more intensifies

>> No.20302272

The Permian-Triassic extinction event was badass

>> No.20302331

I didn't like it for the theme of the movie but I liked it for the theme of it being a hollywood movie that expresses the life of an actor before 2000 which is an important detail, and as a simile it's like expressing the life in paris. It's like it's expressing the cliche of its american counterpart in the best movie that does this. So a sequel would be impossible for me because they would try to recreate the plot theme which I said wasn't the theme I actually liked

>> No.20302452
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it would have been funny if 2 months ago someone had said 'its a shame that with all the good ones we've been having Putin had to ruin it and start a bad war'

>> No.20302463

I just want to die, bros.

>> No.20302467

There's more where that came from

>> No.20302502

I used to want to die but now I want to not want to die

>> No.20302537

consider it though
imagine the only way you get laid is if you can convince her dad you're good people. would you have a shot? if no: shouldn't that be some kind of a cause for concern? but also: if that was where the selection pressure was at, that a young man would need to convince an old man that he's a good man, don't you think that could be pretty good even for the young man involved?

>> No.20302560

the scenario is a strict marriage norm where fathers must approve their daughters' match, as is often the case in Islam (I think there is some variation on the male guardian thing, but overall I think it's the norm. Not sure.).

>> No.20302615

Based pic. I'm curious as to what moment is happening between these two

>> No.20302635

Yeah that's a great point. On the other hand, convincing a woman that you're a good husband can also serve as a good selection bias for all parties.

>> No.20302710

I want to die and not die.

>> No.20302722

Hmm I'd certainly like to be your pen pal. Unfortunately I am not poetic. Even my deepest feelings are only ever considered through the analysis of third rate philosophy. I could write some of my personal reflections if you'd like.

>> No.20302727

I think i have finally realized that the path of loneliness is path for me.
I finally give up on keeping the apperances, trying to fit in. It never ever ends up good for me. People are devious, cunning, prideful and moneygrabbing creatures. I caught up on their lies but i dont strive to teach them a lesson anymore. Thats also prideful. They only ever talk the talk, and secure themselves then grab more and more through lies and greed.
Its a hard path that awaits me, but I've been lonely for years, its just time to accept it, and stop fighting against it.
I will pray, read the bible and try to see whats Gods plan for me. And be alone

>> No.20302751

what song would you choose to play when your casket is carried out at your funeral?

>> No.20302764

ECCO2K- I'm Gone

>> No.20302777

Jesus I just reallized. What happened to the hispanic pedo tripfag?

>> No.20302826

I think I’m going to start lying about my age by trimming about 4 or 5 years off.

>> No.20302939

at long last, i have become the kentucky gentleman

>> No.20302959


>> No.20303032

Get used to doing things alone. It's been liberating to me and I wish I'd done it years ago

>> No.20303051

Nah but shoutout to your friend Evan I guess. I’d imagine he’s a cool dude

>> No.20303065

I already do that.i have my rhythm. I go for a coffee, i train tennis, i go for a walk, i spend time in my room. All of those things i do alone.
I give up on people. I just want to find peace in solitude

>> No.20303114

I have things I want to do, feel almost like I need to actually, and wish I pursued them years ago. And yet everyday I fall into the same old routine of not taking the necessary steps to pursue those things or implement any lasting change.

What would a psychologist make of this? I’m not convinced it’s laziness.

>> No.20303229


I've been wondering. What does a celebrity owe the public? If I enjoy a meal at a restaurant, I don't go to the kitchen and ask the chef for an autograph. I do not ask my bus driver for an interview, and I do not ask my garbage man for a selfie. And yet because someone enjoys what someone else has made, they then try to meet the person and ask for something else. My pocket knife means a lot to me and has gotten me through some tough times, but I don't track down the maker just to tell them their work means a lot to me.
And what is it about autographs in the first place? Why is writing down one's name meaningful when it comes to famous people?
Why do people who make purchases for their enjoyment pretend they do it solely to support the creator? Why must the creator bend to the will of others under the threat of "I won't support you if you don't do X"?
And why must the celebrity do interviews? It seems like the less we know about creators, the more mysterious and interesting they are (we still debate about who Homer was). Isn't it better to let the work speak for itself? How exactly do Reddit AMAs and interviews "promote" a product in this digital age?

Please explain why I am wrong, and I will concede.

>> No.20303248

There is no intent behind it except by those who exploit it. Most of the public is mentally sick and literally sees an aura or glow around someone once they find out that someone has been in a movie or TV show, even if they've never seen it or didn't like it. Most celebrities are extremely, extremely mentally sick retards and borderline grooming victims because the industry almost always uplifts them into fame during their youth before their brain is fully formed, and then the only world they know is a world of "agents," "producers," and other drug-using freaks. Celebrities most often have the minds of children, but in aging bodies on drugs.

Between these two mentally sick poles is a vast galaxy of agents, producers, and every kind of weirdo and fuckup somehow making a living off the system. People who "handle" "talent" are psychopathic parasites.

>> No.20303261

so here we are saturday night. should i: shitpost on /lit/, read a book, do some sideproject coding, or get my ass kicked in cs:go by autistic kids with anime avatars

>> No.20303263

it's weird how celebrity works cuz when i was in college at a second rate tech school some dude who was apparently a star in indian visited the campus and got friggen mobbed at the student center and everyone else is walking by like who the fuck is that dude

>> No.20303291

They have to do those things because their career depends on popularity. A chef provides something with more objective value, you could love his food even if you hate him as a person, whereas people are more likely to avoid watching a movie because they hate the star. Moreover, as the first reply said these people are fucked up and they depend on it emotionally as well as in their career so they have no choice, they’ll ignore fans at certain times but you can be sure they’ll always come crawling back. Basically, a celebrity is someone who lives off the kindness of others, that’s why they have a different set of obligations, and why you shouldn’t feel bad for them the way you would for a normal person; they’re still worthy of pity in many cases, but for different reasons.

>> No.20303292
File: 91 KB, 750x1000, raf,750x1000,075,t,fafafa_ca443f4786.u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i saw this sticker on a light pole while i was wandering around today, any of u anime guys know what this is

>> No.20303295

If you're talking about child actors, sure. But what about someone like Adam Driver who didn't have a role in Hollywood until he was 26. Or writers like JK Rowling. It must be something to live your entire life as a normal person -- have people not look up from their phones as you go on the train -- and then one day you can't walk the street without someone filming you and a horde of people knocking over a kid just to get to you.


If these people are not pessimistic about the human race, then I'd like to know how.

>> No.20303318

>They have to do those things because their career depends on popularity.
Philosophically or Psychologically speaking, why is that? Why does celebrity exist and why is it nearly inescapable for us normal people to escape? Why does being seen on camera by millions up ones status? I can understand money, but not fame. Even in grocery stores we see the magazines.
>and why you shouldn’t feel bad for them the way you would for a normal person;
I don't know. It's hard not to pity them. Like, I get to be an asshole, but if I ever won the lottery or something happened and cameras were on me, I'd have to act like Mr. Rogers. And then people would start crawling out of the wood work to accuse me of shit, and even if I never did it, it would tarnish my image.
A sad life.

>> No.20303322

That's Mokocchi. She is a little anime girl.

>> No.20303332

I know it wouldn’t have worked and that you deserved better, but I can’t stop thinking about you. It sucks I let altruism and being a good person waste such a good connection

>> No.20303357

She's also wonderful and cute.

>> No.20303372

i was going through old journals and sketchbooks while cleaning earlier and i found a really old poem/passage i wrote about wanting to take better care of myself. it felt weird, i remember writing it and begging my future self just to be nicer to myself. looking back at it though i dont feel anything.
how did i get here? when did i give up on that and why have i failed myself? have i changed that much? it felt a little bit like watching a bug in a jar, except the bug is you from five years ago and you dont feel sympathy for the bug as much as you just want to let it go already
my room is clean now though

>> No.20303375

/int/ has been a reddit enclave on 4chan for how long now

It's amazing how far that board fell, it used to be completely unique/second only to /sp/ for bants. Now it's nothing except generals and sanitized reddit shit.

>> No.20303385

Why wouldn't it have worked anon? Why couldn't you try?

>> No.20303622

I'm a worthless pathetic human being and I failed my life.

>> No.20303628

Finally finished the massive tome I decided to start a couple of months ago. Feels good but I'm also sad to see it go.

>> No.20303640

I'm going to deliberately sabotage my own opportunities, push people away when they try to get close, beat myself up constantly over even trivial issues, do menial and degrading work my whole life, and make self-destructive choices all the time. I don't deserve to be happy or succeed.

>> No.20303641

Flags and generals killed everything good about /int/. Same thing happened to /sp/.

>> No.20303645

Recently many people keep trying to set me up with random women. Why can't a man be left to enjoy his virginity in peace?

>> No.20303646

I'm confused. Im no homo but I was riding my bike today and saw a cute ass twink. He smiled at me and I'm not going to lie anons. It moved.

>> No.20303650

He’s an upstanding guy with a lot going for him. I’m just a fuckup finagling my way through life. He deserves someone who’s made all the right moves and looks good on paper. He’d eventually resent me for not being that, if not breaking my heart sooner than that

>> No.20303656

At my last job the gay dude in our department was always coaxing me into fucking women. Miss you R best wingman ever.

>> No.20303688

I'll tell you from the perspective of someone that just had a woman do to me what you're doing now. The only thing I want in my life is her, I want her as she is not as she thinks she should be and I'm willing to wait years to make it happen for us as we want it to even though we can't have things that way now.

>> No.20303699

there's a million gay dudes in the city and most of them are loaded, stop being so sentimental lmao

>> No.20303739

My dick is huge, it’s very thick and long, and every girl feels sexually attracted to me.
Sex is effortless for me, I find as if the words come out of my mouth without thinking, those words preprogrammed to psychologically seduce any female of my desire; my body count is soon about to rise to the hundreds before I know it.
I am 100% confident in this, as it’s already the truth in my reality, as I and the universe say so and agree on. Life will bring about unspeakably pleasurable events and sensual sex for me and all of those deserving.

>> No.20303778

I’m a cis woman

>> No.20303784
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>> No.20304531

Should we not instead ask what's on your mindbody? The embodied cognition of thinking things means minds are part of their body, holistically, inseparably. Maybe go even further and ask in an ecopsychological Umwelt point of view, that is realistically; or, Lifeworld frame of reference: "what's on your mindbodysystem?" Is the whole system not also essential to the mindbody, part of it, as you must exist in the system in order to think or exist at all, that is in unification; otherwise, why stop at the mind and not ask what's on your synapses or what's on your atoms.

>> No.20304558

i think about the same thing, but i dont go to your extreme about atoms. i assume youre just making a point

>> No.20304575

Every day I piss piss and shit shit

>> No.20304602

I fly flies. And orange oranges

>> No.20304669

I wish I had a fancy lady to woo like in that picture. I think I could be happy running on nothing but pure emotion. But I've wasted my life plugged into a machine and I don't know anything but false simulacra. I'm a slave to my lust. Last week I went a week without masturbating. At the end I was writing torture porn, with unimaginable pain and dehumanization. The next day I felt sick. I wrote more, how the story was just a dream, and how all the characters really were different couples who loved each other, and cried over the pain of the shared dream. And then I deleted the whole thing, but it didn't change the fact that I had written it to begin with. I got some bad ideas in my head. I'm twenty-five. I live in the middle of nowhere with my parents. My whole life I've felt pleased at doing nothing, but this past year its suddenly become real in a way I still cannot comprehend. I skipped high school. For the first two years of college I did nothing but the bare minimum to get a 4.0. I didn't socialize at all. The last two was online during the deathless pandemic. Throughout all this I didn't care, I saw this as merely a duty, all I really wanted to do was just play video games or read a book or jerk off. Now I suddenly feel like its not enough. I don't know where to go. I had perfect PSAT and SAT scores, so if I take the LSAT and get into a good school, will I find meaning? Will I find a princess? Why am I considering going to law school just to find a girlfriend, what the fuck is wrong with me? Or should I install Tinder and go stay in hotels and meet women that way, even though I don't know where to begin. I'm reasonably handsome. I'm six feet tall. I'm a virgin with a nine inch cock. I used to compare myself with porn, not knowing the camera trickery used, and worry I was average. Now I wonder if I'm too big. I think of getting a blowjob a lot. I wonder how it will work. I'm a pathetic intellectual, and I don't know what to do. My parents are patient. They're both highly educated. My father was a jock musician, slamming pussy throughout college and highschool. My mother is a politician's daughter, and she remains the smartest woman I've ever met, the only smart woman I've ever met, I would say. I don't know what to do and it's so pathetic and I know it is, which is why I cannot write it any place but here, and that in itself is pathetic.

>> No.20304722
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if i drink to excess, is it not reasonable that i self induce vomiting before going to sleep? how is this not a loophole?

>> No.20304725

je suis fini

>> No.20304731

i used to do this all the time. anyways, ill do a shot right now if you do one last one. and then go puke

>> No.20304756

im finishing a glass of tequila tonic with a splash of sprite. so far i have harassed three women online.

>> No.20304763

Doesn’t work unless you do it right away and before getting the buzz. So what’s the point?
You’ll also develop bolimia

>> No.20304787

I really do belong here

>> No.20304792

so do i do a shot or not? also stop harassing women

>> No.20304814

women like being harassed

>> No.20304836
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Can't shake the thought that the MSM's attempt to paint free speech in a poor light because "those evil mean dastardly right wing racists are ruining it therefore we shouldn't have it" is some kind of predictive programming gas lighting protocol to prepare people for the actual curtailment of the right to free speech as the shadow of the looming techno-tyranny encroaches further . The media just seems hell bent on attacking free speech using right wing trolls as a scapegoat. It's too easy of an exploit, it appeals to NPC's simplistic us-vs-them moral programming. They'd buy the argument hook, line and sinker. Anything to get back at those all powerful--yet simultaneously basement dwelling virgin loser-- internet nazis.

>> No.20304837

When you masturbate, first you make a hole with one of your hands by making an “ok” sign but with the three other fingers copying the index. I usually do that with my left hand because my right one is holding the mouse. Then, for the next part, you make your penis (hopefully erect) enter the hand hole and then go off the hole. This you do repeatedly, applying pressure so the hole seems tighter and tighter, stimulating your penis into releasing sperm. When the sperm goes out, you feel like you’re pissing but with a real good sensation as your brain releases a lot of substances that make you feel good. You see, the sperm have the goal of going inside a woman vagina into her eggs, so both genetic material can unify and form a new individual with an unique genetic code. And yes, most biologists agree that a human being begin at conception, so in fact abortion is the murder of human beings. This is a fact and there’s no way around it.

>> No.20304917

haven't talked to anyone for 4 days now, despite living in dorms and attending classes. how to get over trust issues and make frens?

>> No.20304939
File: 784 KB, 3500x2280, DustinHoffman.87528.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently thinking about Dustin Hoffman. What a truly incredible actor he was and still is.

>> No.20304946

my brain is incapable of true randomization and my consciousness defines reality, that's why i see so many implausible recurrences of the same things
things i experience in my day-to-day constantly defy all sense of probability
so the only explanation is that i live in a reality in which probability doesn't exist

>> No.20304951
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Try as I might, I'm not getting to Oxford by will, circumstance or incident, but I haven't accepted this on an emotional level yet so I keep going, knowing that when reality arrives I'll be crippled.

>> No.20304990

you are all black

>> No.20304995

Prison would be so cozy if not for the niggers

>> No.20305013

I couldnt name a movie with him other than Rain Man.

>> No.20305015

Prison would be so cozy if not for the mentally deranged unpredictable egoistic max built retards

>> No.20305024

watch more movies anon
>here are some of the ones I like:
Marathon Man
Midnight Cowboy
Straw Dogs
All the President's Men
Straight Time
The Graduate
Barney's Version

>> No.20305125

Get ready for the war

>> No.20305128

Only 4 days? Lol I went whole weeks or months. Get used to pissing into bottles.

>> No.20305133

Im in so much emotional pain bros. I dont know what to do

>> No.20305141

The Chinese and their society have fully mastered and embraced humans as a force of nature; there is almost no crime of passion or ideological rhetorics, but nearly no great discoveries or works of art are to be found there
Conception of the Void or Mono no Aware are nonexistent, existence is the only constant and immortality is the ultimate goal of life

>> No.20305162

I'm totally surrounded by people in class, while eating etc.. yet I haven't spoken a word.
>Get used to pissing into bottles.
I just piss through the windows kek

>> No.20305178

What happened anon?

>> No.20305231

God has abandoned me.

>> No.20305280

I haven't seen her in years but I had a dream last night my crush from college and I were hanging out one on one. We weren't even dating, just hanging out. It was amazing.

>> No.20305290
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Expressing yourself sincerely through writing is very difficult.

>> No.20305306

I've always thought The Graduate would be very relatable to the anons on this board. Ignoring perhaps, the whole MILF thing.

>> No.20305339

>The wan light casts no shadow across the cunny of my soul.
Would you keep reading?

>> No.20305381

if you don't cringe at your past self then you haven't grown

>> No.20305385

I don't, I was always the best, still am actually.

>> No.20305416

I'm about to buy a trilogy.
What do you think about buying 3 separate books of the series for way more money but with better covers or the whole tirlogy in 1 book with worse looking cover for half the price

>> No.20305425

you probably read shitty books

>> No.20305439
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Used to do this. These days, I end up cringing in the present moment - paralyzed and unable to write anything at all.

There may not be an escape.

>> No.20305572

long ago, ages past, I had a gf who was alright. everything went to shit and all, but she was alright. once in our honeymoon phase, when we were basically locked in my room while some dvd-menu or other was repeating in the backround, as my family was out on some trip or another; I'll keep it above board: once, after, we were both laying back catching our breath, when she got up and got dressed. I asked her why and she said she was gonna make me pancakes. I told her, being raised by feminists, that I could not let her do all the work alone and that I would help out, but she smiled and told me "no, I want to do this for you". And I probably beamed right back at her and said "ok". And she went and I laid back in bed, putting my hands behind my head, and I laid and looked up into the ceiling. I remember I couldn't believe how lucky I was. It's hard even to put into words the happiness I felt then. This is probably top 5 of all memories I have. It was this feeling of being cared for. Maybe it was a dynamic where physically I do the most work in a honeymoon, and it's exhausting in a way, and we found a harmony where she tended to me. I felt so cared for, in such a natural way. It was the "go make me a sandwich"-meme except real, and genuine, and feminine as I was masculine. I just.. I'm only writing this because I wish women would understand what a thing like that means. I barely understand it, I just know that it was absolutely right, and I've barely ever been happier, if at all.

>> No.20305657
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Why are baby boomer authors' books so bad (e.g., DFW and Jonathan Franzen)? They just whine about having good economic conditions. My favourite generation of writers are the Greatest Generation and, to some extent, the Silent Generation because they probably went through shit in 1939-1945 and remembered what it was like to suffer and live. They were usually the established authors by the 50s and 60s, but sometimes they wrote well until now. What are your favourite generations for lit?

>> No.20306222

I really like /lit/, some of the most positive things I interactions on the internet were here
I feel like a boomer now, but really as I grew older my life slows down and due to /lit/ I started to appreciate that more and more. I open up the catalogue in the morning, make a post or two and in the evening I return to see if someone replied. /lit/ is a slow board and I love it for that, since I'm slow too

>> No.20306296
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Im wasting my life away crippled with doubt and living inside my head. Every study, course i do i pick up some little things perhaps but i never really get good at anything while ive heard of everything thanks to books and internet. So no one will ever ask my advice or expertise because ive got nothing to offer.

>> No.20306324

Is it normal to be constantly haunted by regret, cringe and grievances? Will commitment to a project (like fiction writing) fix me? Or do I need to leave my NEET cave and attempt to socialize?

>> No.20306331

Yes, no, yes

>> No.20306335

big dicks will rule the world

>> No.20306338


>> No.20306340

Well to be honest I’m not thrilled by your opinion, because the idea of writing is hopeful and realistic but pestering old friends I’ve ignored for years fills me with dread.

>> No.20306343

No, maybe, maybe

>> No.20306376

Good, thanks

>> No.20306414

Throwing yourself at a project won't fix your regrets and grievances, it'll just keep you from making new ones while you drown out the old ones a little while longer. Same with socializing and seeing past friends you haven't spoken to in years. It's part of getting older; we all move away and distances between us grow, but once you reach out you'll be glad you did.

Getting past regrets and grievances and forgiving yourself for whatever cringe stuff you did is a matter of introspection through self-honesty and learning to let go. Easier said than done of course, it's not something you do overnight, but just work on it more day by day and learn to accept your faults and mistakes.

Sorry to get all self-help novel on you but I'm working through the same stuff and that's just what I've found to be true in my case

>> No.20306520

it's a childish fantasy. I gotta move on.

>> No.20306521

I appreciate this perspective, it’s the best case scenario. As you say, easier said than done - my mind seems to prefer the opposite direction and erases all (minor) achievements while amplifying every mistake tenfold to the point where memories become grotesque monsters. Been NEETing for years now but this has only become a problem after quitting video games, which clearly sedated my brain and that’s why I’m hoping that meaningful activity will repress the pain again.
Anyway, all the best to you Anon.

>> No.20306615

she's lovely, brehs...

>> No.20306619

Tell me about her

>> No.20306633

she is tall and she lives in the same town and she has a pretty face and she has two cats and sometimes i play with them and sometimes i talk to her

>> No.20306645

also i saw her bathing naked in the river some time ago and ive been thinking about her since

>> No.20306654

Sounds cute.
Do her cats like you?

>> No.20306663

one yes, the other no

>> No.20306674

Having compassion towards oneself is not wrong

>> No.20306683

compassion towards myself is just not possible. too much flaws and none redeeming factors.

>> No.20306862

I feel so dumb for falling for online personas or media in general as if there was something big to understand, something to unveil. All of that is engineered to caption the attention of people who lack contrasts. And I fell for them. I'm done. I'm chinapilled. Yes it is right to watch educational content since age 2 instead of nonsensical bs that deeply relies on postmodern nihilism. I'm done.

>> No.20306870

What‘s the chinapill? You mean drill your kids instead of letting them indulge in hedonistic pleasures?

>> No.20306871

Competence beats arbitrary celebrity worship and their "talents"

>> No.20306878

What is it precisely about China that captivates midwits?

>> No.20306887

What country captivates highwits then?

>> No.20306954

based nippon of course, most refined culture

>> No.20306957

Objectively: ancient Greece.

>> No.20306962

unironically persia

>> No.20306972

I see

>> No.20306986


>> No.20307014
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Unironically, America. Many intellectuals have written books about it.

>> No.20307044

jaffa al qalaamu bimaa anta laaqin. fakhtasi 'alaa thalika aw dharr.
the ink on the pen has had time to dry after it has written what you will experience. so go ahead and castrate yourself, or don't.

>> No.20307098

I feel disconected to the human kind. I feel like no one understands me. I feel like i will never ever find someone i can spend life with. I dont know what is the reason for this. I dont think im that far out, i just think im always myself cause i cant act and pretend like people do, so i am always left alone

>> No.20307136


>> No.20307139

Couples spend their whole lives making these connections to better understand each other. You’re probably like everyone else here and have minimal connections with anybody. What else do you expect?

>> No.20307149

I think the internet is creating a cultural atomism that will breed incredible alienation. what do I have in common with my countrymen? I have more in common with mongolian basket-weaving enthusiasts

>> No.20307194
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pic related
Yes but i dont understand how people manage to find partner. Im not sure about this but i suspect theres an element of forcing, deception in mf relationships. A guy whos good with words and can lie will get a woman much easier. A guy who can put on a show. When im in a situation where im supposed to make a move i rather not talk at all. I think its more honest. Everybody wants entertainment, practicality, money out of relationships, i just want someone to be there for me

>> No.20307196

That's why the metaverse is so convincing to some people. It promises to overcome distance in an atomized fragmented age. It's like ohhhh I'm a democrat but I live in a town 1.5h away from the next metropolitan area so I spend time on VR and twitch. If the metaverse will succeed it will become a lasting omnipresent frame in which future ethnicities will evolve and manifest.

>> No.20307212
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>Im not sure about this but i suspect theres an element of forcing, deception in mf relationships. A guy whos good with words and can lie will get a woman much easier. A guy who can put on a show. When im in a situation where im supposed to make a move i rather not talk at all. I think its more honest. Everybody wants entertainment, practicality, money out of relationships, i just want someone to be there for me.
Why did you read my mind?

>> No.20307220
File: 22 KB, 483x474, 1613304085321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my home board cause i found internet home here. It doesnt surprise me we think alike. Godspeed anon and wgmi somehow

>> No.20307225

>pic related
>be year 12
>library gets refurbished
>English department no longer has space for all its books
>Teacher: "Year 12, help yourself."
*takes 1000 books*
>be year 13
>library gets replaced entirely by computers
>"Year 13: help yourself"
*takes 1000 books*

>It was awesome.
2011. Much better board back then

>I rather not talk at all
Suit yourself. But do stop posting this insipid meme from fifteen years ago

>> No.20307233
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>straight up stumbling into some 80s sci fi

>> No.20307246
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It's insane to me what a fucking psyop gender theory is. There is literally no proof it's true other than a handful of people with gender dysphoria, which until recently was classified as a mental illness on par with schizophrenia. Are we seriously supposed to believe this bullshit? I feel like the little kid telling everyone the emperor is naked. It's all fucking horseshit and academia taking it seriously is the dumbest fucking thing. ANYONE taking it seriously is dumb.

>> No.20307269

I donno wether to believe in dysphoria or not, but I certainly don’t believe humoring those with it with lies about plastic surgery and doping are an adequate or safe way to treat it.
The insanity of it is a long project, but woo boy, look at the latest snow-job with this fascist proxy war our dear leaders are forcing on us.

>> No.20307287

literally crying because Im a fuckup.

>> No.20307298

Nooo :( u r not alone

>> No.20307304

There's a lot to love
Qin dynasty, great wall, gunpowder, death kites, brother of Jesus Christ etc

>> No.20307318

It's because universities / the humanities are increasingly becoming mere placeholders, it's self referential and a scam. It's not real. The real nation is global capitalism and the market. More and more good people are leaving the humanities and that accelerates and feeds into that development.

>> No.20307322

I picked a pretty bad time to get my shit together and build a future for myself. Now I can't even speak out against it publicly now that I actually have stuff to lose over it. It really disillusioned me with the scientific community and academia in general; when I was younger I thought they superseded stuff like bribes or political agendas, only to realize that they're still just people and susceptible to suggestion and societal pressures like the rest of us.

>> No.20307323
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The more you read about Chinese history the more you will realize how much of a shitshow the entire region is
istg China was the first civilization to adopt the clownpill en masse

>> No.20307337

Exoticism in general. A lot of eastern philosophies are pretty attractive to the average person. The interest in their cultures and history typically follows soon after.

>> No.20307342

Whichever one I'm currently most invested in.

>> No.20307357

I just can't understand how anyone could believe democracy is real on any level. maybe it's just the most 9000 IQ way to run a dictatorship

>> No.20307387

Society promotes values which arent really noble or worthy of respect. Complete cowards, drones, weaklings get respect for selling themselves and being a puppet, following zeitgeist and popular outlooks to life. Those popular outlooks are no more true than any others, id say even less true cause they tend to promote status quo, being lifeless npc that only cares about kissing up to the perceived more powerful member of ingroup and hating on all perceived outgroups. Almost all are willing to turn a blind eye when injustice suits them and almost all are complete hypocrites playing the social game to perpetuate lies just to prolong the social interaction and to get money or company for the time being

>> No.20307487

I must work. Why must i work. I dont wanna work. The money it brings brings no sense of fulfilment along with it. It sucks. Why do i not be young, watch, leave seriousness to the days to come.
Tomorrow i will get up. I have to.

>> No.20307524

When I take off my glasses my vision becomes blurred but the blurry world perceived through my myopic vision is the same as the world of a "corrected" vision by the apparatus because the only difference is my eyesight, not the environment, which means that a scientific instrument, like a microscope, is also a "corrected" vision of the world, but that vision is not more or less "real" than is the blurry world we see without a scientific instrument; likewise, a blind person's dark world is as real as a nonblind person's, a snail's world is the same as a hawk's world, and any thing that perceives has the same world as any other thing that perceives, as the only thing that changes is the perception, like if you were look left or right and notice that there's a difference in perception and not in reality itself.

>> No.20307586
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>> No.20307616

Ah. The lesser of two evils as it turned out.

t. Not a Trumper

>> No.20307617

Liking black people is a luxury belief accessible to those privileged enough not to have to deal with ghetto negroes regularly. Of course if you only deal with educated blacks or with none at all you can virtue signal all you want. But if you have to deal with the average black person daily, everything changes. And no, the average Asian or white person are not just as bad. There is a distinct lack of courtesy, empathy, and good manners as well as an inability to respect basic norms that does not apply to other races.

>> No.20307622

I know this demon by its true name, and its name is Procrastination .

>> No.20307633

D U H H ! !

>> No.20307651

Who needs an excuse?

>> No.20307667

I'm not looking for an excuse because I don't need anyone's permission for my own thoughts. I could hate any race for no reason at all.

>> No.20307684 [DELETED] 
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whenever i see a suv with those super blindingly bright led light panels on the front i already know who it is. it's like a compulsion to anti-social behavior.

>> No.20307687

I know the probability that the incels will just answer "no" is very high, but regardless and given there are occasional femanons

Does it happen that women have that moment when they realize they are the worst pieces of shit that ever lived, and they have to turn their lives around, and so they end up on a personal quest to purify their souls? It seems to me this is a male thing to do, and that a woman would pretend like nothing and, forgive my crude language but in a way I feel it is warranted: just hold on to the hope that some day someone will fuck them straight. Ie: they hope that someone else will redeem them, they will be saved through someone else, not their own effort, not their own sense of responsibility, not their own striving. Their own goodness, which they believe is intact somewhere, will be redeemed, but this will be solved by someone else digging it up, not their work.

>> No.20307694

dude, most people, male or female, don't think about this kind of shit. you are weird.

>> No.20307724

I think it could be that basically it's for men to build shit and for women to be realized by their attachment to this. the traditional symbolism of sun and moon: the moon only shines when filled with the suns light. The question is what this says about women as moral beings.

>> No.20307729

It’s possible of course, but I haven’t seen it in real life. Even the worst malicious whores get so much validation that they never have to stop and question their choices. Let alone an average decent looking girl, bit of a slut and liar, bit of a good person; she’ll never have any moral epiphany.

>> No.20307738

>Even the worst malicious whores get so much validation that they never have to stop and question their choices.
they do have their hug-box hivemind

>> No.20307772

I think my girlfriend doesn't come to my house because I'm poor. Also I'm pretty sure she's tired of having sex in the car. Should I talk to her about it or keep it to myself?

>> No.20307937

do you tell women you're a chronic shitposter? on the one hand it doesn't seem advisable, on the other what's the point of some broad you can't talk to?

>> No.20307948

Well she knows, but it's not something I'd bring up because it's not interesting, not part of my identity, and not something I'm proud of.

>> No.20307964

>and not something I'm proud of.
I think I have most of my good laughs on 4chan. the discourse definitely shapes my outlook, much of the best of it at least. I don't mean I complain about african americans all the time, I mean there's a kind of an honesty, a bit like how a commedian looks at the world. A healthy scepticism. Nihilism would be going a bit far but a good kind of abandon. my normie-persona doesn't really reflect this. I'm wondering if I would need to clean it up to get a woman, but I honestly don't think any of this is bad so that seems pretty cucked.

>> No.20307966

That's what the tale of Genji is in no small part about.

I feel like emotional wounds one suffers as a child, as a member of the family are much worse than emotional wounds one suffers due to a lack of romantic success because in the case of the latter there is always at least a technically non-zero chance of bettering oneself and achieving success a bit later on, healing at least some parts of such wounds, while in the case of the former there is neither any real agency on the child's end nor a chance to mask trauma with later success because the trauma itself poisons the very relationships that one would want to achieve success in, and the wounds themselves are inflicted on a much deeper level, causing severe issues with any sort of emotional bond with other people later on. How could I sort out my romantic failures if I am still so hung up on my childhood and my family? Something about the feeling of being a child who didn't know real love and security of any sort in the context of my family depresses me and hurts me more than being a virgin. And I don't even know how I could start getting over it, unlike with women where at least there's a rightfully established formula of success.

>> No.20307996

Nothing better than laying the pipe on a young beautiful girl and her being dickmatized with that look in her eyes as she lays her head on your stomach stroking your chest, as you just lay there contently, taking it all in and basking in it

>> No.20308084

I used to, but I stopped because instead of making me "le funny meme guy" it just came across as juvenile as I got older. I hardly shitpost anymore at all for the same reasons.

>> No.20308112

communism, the "paradox of tolerance" and the aggressive puritanism of progressives is proof that hierarchy and authority will assert themselves in human society even under the most contradictory of circumstances

>> No.20308121
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>"My conclusion" he says, "stands in direct contradiction to the idea from which I started. Proceeding from unlimited freedom, I end with unlimited despotism."

>> No.20308122

you don't get it bro it's just a temporary hierarchy before the communist utopia sets in

>> No.20308136

you've put it so beautifully,
i was molested as a kid and I never ever had a girlfriend and am still a virgin.
I wonder why does God allow something like that to happen, then even let me live on incapable of hapiness, with no proof of God even existing. Why would something like that even be able to realize in reality?

>> No.20308146

Maybe he knows you'll pull through and has bigger plans for you. I'm sure if you keep at it, Christ will protect you, and you'll have a place in heaven anon.

>> No.20308152

well if heaven exists, then i've no problem with my life path and struggles
but how can i even know God exists and heaven exists, that part's been killing me?

>> No.20308153

it doesn't make sense because you are viewing god and the world through a purely materialist lens

>> No.20308157

Which variant of face down ass up is best?

>> No.20308172

could you please elaborate?
how is that from materialist perspective, it's spiritual perspective. Was Jesus molested as a kid? i dont think so. He even knew at any moment in time that he is literally God, and i dont even have that knowledge which in my opinion makes my suffering much much worse. I know this is supposed to be blasphemy but im doing it as a mind puzzle, i really do wanna know better and be God fearing.
From spiritual perspective i suffered immensely and have nothing to show for it.
From which perspective should i view the situation?

>> No.20308181

Well someone must be animating this entire world around us. Science can not even begin to explain how these particles become ideas in our minds. Our minds are immaterial, ideas are immaterial, there's an immaterial world, and our souls will survive our material death. Then if someone controls everything why would he have us believe in Christianity and make Christians the most prolific race? I don't think God is leading us astray just for fun. He send Christ to die for us, and that's enough evidence in my opinion. He could send Christ a million times, and people would still doubt it, so I don't think there's a need for more proof. We just need to have faith from here.

>> No.20308206

Also, I'd be interested to hear some details on the ass-to-deepthroat inversion

>> No.20308213

well I agree with you since I believe in God, I'd just like to have concrete evidence like st Thomas did who literally saw Jesus alive after resurrection. It's not hard to be a believer that way
And its hard to be a believer today where everything doesnt make any sense, people are alienated money rules even the vatican and nihilism reigns

>> No.20308226

And also the legend of the great penile dysenfunctionment

>> No.20308233

Maybe the times are hard but I think life would be much harder without faith. Even looking around at all the godless people and their values and lives is enough to show me that I'm on the right path. I don't think there are any good answers elsewhere.

>> No.20308253

there's a certain assertion there that this material reality and the pain we experience here is the end all be all of everything, thus one cant help but question the validity of god, which is why I say you are viewing this from a materialist perspective.
also the question "Was Jesus molested as a kid?" raises an interesting topic. god being god and all is perhaps the culmination of all experiences, Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, good and evil. i think its safe to say that god has been in a sense molested an infinite number of times, felt the burn of addiction, felt infinite torture etc. and the sacrifice Christ made is so potent because it was not just to be crucified but to take on this weight of all of humanities sins and know that infinite pain. as for what the destiny of man is, perhaps we are made in his image to know him, and as such, to also know pain and pleasure, light and dark, good and bad, and the end of this journey is to become something greater than what we are, a sum of parts which we dont quite comprehend

>> No.20308254

I don't know what I like, or what I want. I think I want to be a writer for the lifestyle that comes with it.
>work anywhere, any time
>set my own schedule
>only need to find a few successes to milk royalties for the rest of my life
Once I achieve this I can grow potatoes and keep sheep.

>> No.20308270

thanks brehs
see you in heaven ig

>> No.20308279

I'll call it, Literally Unironically Fucked.to Death: the Eternal Biological Epic

>> No.20308283

God bless you anon

>> No.20308305

I ghosted into a bathroom stall and started violently emptying my stomach.
Most of it was hitting the ground. In the stone floor I saw the face of a
"No leave me alone"
I was trapped.
"What the FUCK do you want from me!"
I was literally trapped. I tried to get up and open the stall door to escape,
but slipped and hit the ground hard.
"Let me go"
The monkey's face became clearer and started to come out of the stone.
The spectral creature was hunched in front of me in its awful glory
supported by robust knuckles. Its body fused into mine. I stood up and
started jumping up and down howling.

>> No.20308316

You're a homo.

>> No.20308450

This is also why forgiveness and mercy plays such a prominent role in christianity, because forgiveness and mercy is just an exercising of understanding, and understanding is holy

>> No.20308505
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books for critical thinking?

>> No.20308575

What are you on about? Just don't marry someone who will cuck you, it's that simple. It's not like you're destined to be cucked.

>> No.20308583


>> No.20308607

wait but theres actually no difference between the holocaust and american planes dropping a nuke on hiroshima. and one is kinda of abstracted and blurred and the other everyone agrees happened

>> No.20308843
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I'm gonna try talking to a girl (female).

>> No.20308852
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based good luck fren

>> No.20308934
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It is all wrong, I can't see one thing of my life that is right, I look everywhere and nothing is as it should be, everything is distorted, misplaced, poor or broken.
Someone free me, I can't do it on my own.

>> No.20308949


>> No.20308978
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Thanks fren
when next I see one

>> No.20308992
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>death kites

>> No.20308996

Blessed are those who are made eunuchs

>> No.20309003

biggest issue with your plan is that you need some talent to achieve that.

>> No.20309004

Yeah being a loser is kind of liberating.

>> No.20309012

It doesn't count if it's your mom.

>> No.20309018

Still doesnt explain how people take it seriously. Is the average person really such a blank slate that you can make them think men are women with just one or two GE classes?

>> No.20309019

I feel like the concept of the placebo effect and its implications and relation to the will is severely underrated

>> No.20309065

holy shit the anime avatar guy is coming out as a terf? lmao well he is like 30

>> No.20309071 [DELETED] 

no fuckin' way! BWAAHAHAHA is this REAL?

>> No.20309074

Im pissed that terfs get all the credit for the anti tranny stuffwhen its really chud bros doing all the heavy lifting

>> No.20309089

All chuds do is make ew noises (and keep futa folders)
Women who see the encroachment of males in their spaces are the ones driving the agenda with more logic.
RT station director, a woman, has put out anti-trans material.

>> No.20309106

Terfs are psycho. I followed a few terfs closely for a while and they really don't do anything other than screech. Its chuds who are driving trannies to suicide

>> No.20309109

No post I make can be good. I submitted this post because I wanted to.

>> No.20309123

coding, graphic design, being an editor rather than a writer, telehealth counselor and other such remote jobs will allow you to life the same lifestyle

>> No.20309130

Neither terfs nor chuds have moved the issue on trannies. It's all conservalibs and parents. There just happens to be a small gasp where tradcons agree with feminists and it's funny.

>> No.20309131

People here only pretend to want to be authors. They don't actually care about improving their writing ability.

>> No.20309215

doing productive shit does relieve some of the bad feels from neetdom but the constant haunting feel and anxiety of not being self dependent and relying on some degenerates remains

>> No.20309221

>most refined culture
>just a bastard runt of the glorious indochina
american education?

>> No.20309227

you mean just anywhere? what will you say? what if she just turns away or says something that shows she didn't like it

>> No.20309230

>tfw no one wants to see my pantyhose haul

>> No.20309236
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Go back. Holy shit, go back.

>> No.20309239

Is it just me, or is lit worse than ever? Guenonfag and his mimickers were obnoxious at the time, but at least it’s funny looking back. The catalog is just sad now

>> No.20309262

read rule 13. then YOU go back.

>> No.20309268

guenon sucks so fucking bad and you can tell because no one ever discusses any of his books it's just pictures of his face and dudes bitching about "modernity" or whatever. seriously, have u ever seen a guenon guy discuss a specific work of guenon?

>> No.20309270

The Canadian 2021 census allowed people to say they are transgender. They represent 0.33% of the population, it's probably similar in other countries too. It blows my mind that we hear about trans people so fucking much all the time, even in the news and newspapers now, and it's such an insignificantly low percentage of the population.

>> No.20309293

No because I scroll right past. Original guenonfag has severe issues just like the short lived Bukowskifag, but I’m unsure how many of the threads were parodies and how many were sincere. I guess that’s 4chan for you. I’m at a point in my life where I go on this site and it seems every thread is some loser hiding behind an ideology or religion to mask their issues. If a thread is made on a book that isn’t polarizing, it receives few replies. Sucks because I used to get good recommendations here once in a while. I can’t remember the last time that happened.

>> No.20309296

what happened to that namefag who was actually initiated and wrote long paragraphs of good explanation along with some poems

>> No.20309319
File: 76 KB, 816x612, 9E8FE246-D86D-4BDA-A592-EDA6F2A607FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free

>> No.20309327

Frater. He’s around but not as much I believe. There are good posters, don’t get me wrong, but lit has become pol lite and reading is used as aesthetic a lot. Jannies are trash too and actually delete threads with valid discussion that goes against their beliefs. Just feel like venting. I’ll still try to fight the good fight for a little, for those who deserve it. It’s easy to tell who actually reads here

>> No.20309337

did he initiate any anons
in a loosey goosey way till they find an actual teacher

>> No.20309340

You frequent some blogs. Yes, of course trannies are approaching you. They don’t like women.

Oh then there’s the “straight” guys who become trans to get into women’s prisons.

>> No.20309356

Oh look, a terf. Do you have hairy legs?

>> No.20309363

I’m not sure because my interest in poetry isn’t very deep so I’ll usually just scan those threads. They are actually probably the best regular threads on here because poetry can’t be used for ulterior motives. Once in a blue I’ll see legit grads students who did theses on writers like Henry James (not stackanon) and DH Lawrence. I haven’t seen them in a while but they were impressive

>> No.20309424
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NTA but I'm convinced it's a distraction.
>Oh no, there's increasing wealth and income inequality, Blackrock buying homes, climate disaster. But we most focus on a small marginalized fraction of the population?
>First nations people? The blind? People with degenerative muscular disease?
>No, people who feel like their body doesn't match their gender! And we'll also have them compete in women's sports too!
>But that sounds kind of retarded
>Precisely, and people will argue so hard over whether it's a real issue or not they won't have the time or attention to give to all the issues I stated
>Oh, well that's actually genius!

>> No.20309461

not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as

>> No.20309502

The dude's name literally means "female monkey" so I can't take him seriously even though I have no idea who he is and what he has done.

>> No.20309558
File: 29 KB, 456x620, jean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just don't marry someone who will cuck you, it's that simple