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20298713 No.20298713 [Reply] [Original]

>38 Ways to Win an Argument
>the plot twist is that you will only use the last one
What did he meant by this?

>> No.20298720

That you‘re a fucking faggot obviously.

>> No.20298736

Suck my cock, retard

>> No.20298738

Kill yourselves immediately

>> No.20298741


>> No.20298742

>What did he mean by this?

OP is a smooth-brain of course

>> No.20298745

I was only trying out if the 38. would actually work. It did. Great success.

>> No.20298749

You go first coward

>> No.20298760

What a miserable pedant he was.

>> No.20298899

What an idiot

>> No.20300420

kys retards

>> No.20300427

Whatever you're looking for is always in the last place you look.

>> No.20300484

best thread on lit rn

>> No.20301737

Let this thread be a testament that blue boards are refuge for low IQ redditors. /pol/ and /r9k/ are the only worthwhile boards

>> No.20301744

“kys” guy and Frater - two biggest faggots on lit - triggered by proper recognition that Schopenhauer is a mendacious baby. Pure pottery.

>> No.20301895


>> No.20303279

Wrong trip, I have ultimately mixed feelings about Schopenhauer, portions of loathing and despising, portions of respect and admiration. I neither idolize nor demonize him.

>> No.20303294

/pol/ hasn’t been good since 2016, /r9k/ hasn’t been good since at least the trannies but really the Reddit incel stuff, it was best when it wasn’t obsessed with sex and was more about anti-social tendency and was an alternative /b/ as for which boards are actually good, I like the ones which maintain the elitism and anti normie sentiment, like much of /a/ though even its degraded.

>> No.20303835

make thin wrists jogger