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File: 92 KB, 828x1200, mark-kramer-the-black-book-of-communism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20293088 No.20293088 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on The Black Book of Communism? Is it a dangerous book? Is it accurate? etc.

>> No.20293126

"Moreover, three of the book's main contributors (Karel Bartosek, Jean-Louis Margolin, and Nicolas Werth)[6] publicly disassociated themselves from Courtois' statements in the introduction and criticized his editorial conduct.[35] Margolin and Werth felt that Courtois was "obsessed" with arriving at a total of 100 million killed, which resulted in "sloppy and biased scholarship",[38] faulted him for exaggerating death tolls in specific countries,[6][39]:194[40]:123 and rejected the comparison between Communism and NazismMoreover, three of the book's main contributors (Karel Bartosek, Jean-Louis Margolin, and Nicolas Werth)[6] publicly disassociated themselves from Courtois' statements in the introduction and criticized his editorial conduct.[35] Margolin and Werth felt that Courtois was "obsessed" with arriving at a total of 100 million killed, which resulted in "sloppy and biased scholarship",[38] faulted him for exaggerating death tolls in specific countries,[6][39]:194[40]:123 and rejected the comparison between Communism and Nazism."
Also a bunch of Indian dudes used the same methodology of reduced population growth = totally a murder to conclude that the British killed 2 billion people in India.

>> No.20293127

The BBC.

>> No.20293156

why did you make this thread again

>> No.20293271

It makes commies seethe. They cherry-pick singular criticisms and act like it undermines the entire tome (e.g. >>20293126). I'm happy crying faggots like >>20293156 didn't get you a ban and you were able to make the thread again.

>> No.20293356
File: 404 KB, 800x2449, stalin did noting wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20293367
File: 1.23 MB, 1126x1126, based_america.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes commies seethe as their failure of an ideology collapses in front of them, so its based.

>> No.20293425

>uses wikipedia

>> No.20293431

>In a period of 40 years...
>ignores territorial changes
>puts in some big numbers unrelated to the argument being made
>puts them in a few more times for good measure
>doesn't plot population growth (because it would undermine the bullshit)
You're retarded.

>> No.20293438

>okay so communism failed but...
Yeah, I'm sure it'll work THIS time lmfao

>> No.20293463

This graphic seems inconsistent.

>> No.20293479

Thank you brother.

>> No.20293507
File: 22 KB, 326x500, 34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check this one out too.

>> No.20293513

Opps. (>>20293431) was meant for >>20293356.

>> No.20293519

Thank you bro, I will.

>> No.20293531

This book makes c*mmunists absolutely seethe.

>> No.20293544

If it's such a famous book, why does it cost $80?

>> No.20293579
File: 51 KB, 640x640, e755030ed1331c4feb7d3f933af5a9e0e8f1ce98603e3db9b6f637d9f514d398_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes Bernie Sanders and Noam Chomsky squirm around uncomfortably in their loafers.

>> No.20293624

Because people are willing to pay that much, commie.

>> No.20293629

>he thinks murdering factory owners is bad

>> No.20293721

>hehehehehe lets just murder all of the successful people and then we'll get our utop--

>> No.20293731

Communists never explain who will provide the work once they get rid of all the scary factory owners

>> No.20293755

Why are communists and anti-communists so fucking retarded
westerners live in financialized service sector economies. this whole conversation is so imbecilic. There are no more means of production, they're on the other side of the world, do you understand? Communism is a dead ideology that describes and criticizes the economic relations of 150 years ago.

>> No.20293839

>Communism is a dead ideology
I was with you till this part. Yes, things have changed and The plans made a hundred years ago didn’t pan out. Various modern communist schools of thought are currently figuring in the new circumstances, so it’s far from dead. It’s pretty much vindicated by the looming disaster state-capitalism brings us

>> No.20293882

Embrace MTW.

>> No.20293892

I bought it like 10 years ago. Still haven't read it, but it being on the shelf has been a good conversation starter and helps very quickly identify which people I've brought to my house should ever be welcomed back.

>> No.20293900

Useless without a holistic overarching understanding of Soviet intelligence operations and aims against the West, and specifically the USA starting with the conspicuous involvement of Lower East Side you-know-whos in Lenin's Swiss train car entourage out to the Eastern Front That and how it interfaces with their partners in China, Latin America, et. al.

>> No.20293931

The One-Child Policy alone probably killed 100 million.

>> No.20293988

But you hate girls

>> No.20294067


If I did, I'd've already trooned out.

>> No.20294089

Yes, exactly. It's a comprehensively failed system which killed tens of millions of people. And, that's what the book is discussing. You absolute knob.

>> No.20294366

No, I’m saying that the one child policy resulted in more males being born and kept.

>> No.20294520


>> No.20294529

this nigga finna be downright incensed when he runs the numbers on the victims of capitalism

>> No.20294538

Am I the only person who dislikes communism without feeling the need to manufacture ludicrous statistics to justify this belief? Are tens of millions of deaths not good enough?

>> No.20294559

You're using capitalism as a scapegoat for poverty. Tell me, what communist country has ever succeeded in NOT being totalitarian and running their economy into the ground? NONE OF THEM! That's because communism is really about tyranny, and its mirror is capitalism (ie liberty) (I'm not saying unfettered lassaiz faire, libertarian capitalism is good at all, don't get me wrong). But your mistake is confusing the privations associated with systemic poverty (but still under a liberal & free system) with what is a liberal and free system. Ask anybody who moved from the Eastern Bloc to the United States, UK, Canada, Australia, etc if they prefer it here and they will say yes.

>> No.20294565

Does the book really inflate the numbers? How would the layman reader know?

>> No.20294582

>systemic poverty
do you even hear yourself?
kek polls show people preferred communism

>> No.20294591

Capitalism is perilously close to cause our extinction, anon. Communism is the imagined escape from that disaster. There are just attempts to reach it, not actual communism. No, stop. Your brain has been thoroughly infected with biased capitalist propaganda.
The death caused, whatever their numbers, are not excused, though some can be explained and actually blamed on liberal capitalism.

>> No.20294597

>polls show people preferred communism
According to commisar some fucking random anon, that is.

>> No.20294600

Disliking communism doesn't mean I like capitalism or economic liberalism either, I should clarify

>> No.20294617

But you do defend it with your ignorance of the idealism of the left.
Read News from Nowhere by William Morris before?

>> No.20294623

I still haven't seen a serious Marxist discussion on gig economy. If gig workers agree with them, they are workers; if they don't, they are petite bourgeoisie.

>> No.20294624

I haven't. I would like to. Thanks for the recommendation

>> No.20294651

Mentioning the holocaust whenever any shitlib screams about how this book exaggerates numbers is fun.

>> No.20294655

That's funny.

>> No.20294764
File: 356 KB, 450x359, BOOBA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's 912 pages long

>> No.20294928

Best thread on /lit/ right now.

>> No.20295300

>There are no more means of production
you're the retard here. your understanding of the concept of means of production is at the level of a 5 year old. and you don't even understand the concept of productivity and what the implications are of having 14 million people in highly productive manufacturing, with regards to the quantity of industrial means of production employed
>the economic relations of 150 years ago.
that's not even the reason you're wrong, but it's ridiculous that you think you travel into the past when you fly over an ocean
where have you looked?

>> No.20295549
File: 407 KB, 1558x2404, 996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is light and tracks the continuity between Lenin's policies and Stalin's dictatorship.

>> No.20295664

>Source: The Stalin-haters won't believe any source

>> No.20295668

sorce is at the top
LOL commies are the joke of the internet.

>> No.20295954

>Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Jackson, Lincoln, Truman

>> No.20296273

3 here are not like the others.

>> No.20296423
File: 572 KB, 1120x839, 53B8CB5D-C93C-4B69-A4EA-9BFE808C518F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three spoke English

>> No.20296504

Lenin spoke English

>> No.20296507

Capital Vol 3

>> No.20296516


>> No.20296524

>such a massive oversight in scholarship to create a biased point
>Ignore that, the rest of the book, that's the good shit
Why would I bother reading a book, when the writers admit it was garbage?

>> No.20296660
File: 150 KB, 446x675, Survival in the Killing Fields.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the anti kommunist aktion thread now? I read this last year. Absolutely harrowing.

>> No.20296757

I hate communism so much it's unreal.

>> No.20296781

Do you think Harvard University Press has ever released a banger, which sold hundreds of copies, or something? It's an academic book. That's why it's so expensive, plus it's 900 pages. You absolute retard.

>> No.20296823

Financial speculation is not 'productivity'. We do not live in 'productive' countries.
>what the implications are of having 14 million people in highly productive manufacturing, with regards to the quantity of industrial means of production employed
the implication is that the a critique of capitalism centered around industrial production is antiquated and calling me a retard or a five year old won't change that.

>> No.20296892

Communism has evolved. Ask Jordan Peterson.

>> No.20296904

It's just not communism, it's something entirely different coasting on the coattails of this dead meme ideology.

>> No.20296932

Do you mean to say the kids and faggots thinking themselves brave revolutionaries absolutely would not put the cisgender males in prison if they took over? There would be reeducation camps to break you down and convert you to gay, 1984-style. The fags and women would totally do that if they took over any Western country (namely the United States).

>> No.20296959

Listen man. I am not a communist. I am not a liberal. I am not a leftist. I'm not any of these things. I'm just trying to tell you that this 'gender stuff' and tranny shit and race stuff isn't communism. Communism is an ideology about industrial economics from the 19th century that has nothing to do with today's world. These weird liberals calling themselves 'communists' are just not communists. That doesn't mean they aren't repressive and willing to commit torture, it just means they aren't communists.
The other people calling themselves communists that actually take the dead 19th century ideology about industrial economies seriously are, while slightly less retarded, politically irrelevant holdouts whose movement died 60 years ago.
Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you?

>> No.20296994

Yes man, I do. And I simply have a wider conceptualization in mind when I think of the definition, in my opinion, of communism.

>> No.20297016

Then you're just muddying the waters by dragging in something completely irrelevant and different into the conversation. Instead of directly criticizing their ideas, the conversation then becomes trying associate them with the crimes of the Soviet Union or Mao or whatever and the conversation gets completely lost in the weeds. It's a bad tactic and inaccurate.

>> No.20297034

Ok man. I concede.

>> No.20297045

>Financial speculation is not 'productivity'.
I didn't say anything close to financial speculation being productivity. try again
>the implication is that the a critique of capitalism centered around industrial production is antiquated
wrong, the implication is that the mass of industrial means of production in the US is enormous, because with growth of productivity the ratio of means of production to workers rises.

>> No.20297080

deboonked here >>/lit/thread/S18793184#p18793368

>> No.20297083

Do you not find yourself ridiculous? This country is deindustrialized, the amount of industrial production and people engaged in that mode of production has never been lower. This is a predominantly financial and service economy. You're just emphasizing a niche aspect of the economy so that you have an opportunity to rehash the same shit you people have been saying for 150 years. How do you expect to even gain any traction when the supposed target audience for your rhetoric, the working class, don't even work in factories anymore? It's just a fun thought exercise for you and other people fed up with radlibs looking for an alternative.

>> No.20297345

>This country is deindustrialized
"this" isn't even a country, we're on an international website
>the amount of industrial production and people engaged in that mode of production has never been lower
industrial production is not a mode of production. it's a category based on what's produced, not on the social relations the producers assume.
the amount of industrial production in the US is still highest it ever was https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/INDPRO
but even if it was lower than ever, then it's still higher than ever in another country. and, more importantly, even the first country is more dependent on industrial production than ever, because the functioning of its economy is more than ever dependent on a perpetual supply of a larger and larger quantity of industrial products. there's no service without industry, because you need products to serve and means of production to serve them. and there's no financial sector without industry and service, because it operates either on value that's created in the production of industrial products and of services, or on the promise of value that's going to be so created in the future.
>You're just emphasizing a niche aspect of the economy
I'm not, I'm just correcting an overblown attempt at deemphasizing it.
>so that you have an opportunity to rehash the same shit you people have been saying for 150 years
financial and service sectors are part of the capitalist mode of production and as such they're included in "the same shit we people have been saying". you're free to read Capital and see for yourself. we therefore have zero need to emphasize anything else instead.
>How do you expect to even gain any traction when the supposed target audience for your rhetoric, the working class, don't even work in factories anymore?
is that really your epic takedown? do you think people can only talk to one another when they work in a factory? I think I must induce brain damage in myself before I'll be able to follow your train of thought here.

>> No.20297437

>Also a bunch of Indian dudes used the same methodology of reduced population growth = totally a murder to conclude that the British killed 2 billion people in India.
I'll believe it.

>> No.20297452

Dumb book about a tiresome subject.