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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 38 KB, 474x649, Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20292435 No.20292435 [Reply] [Original]

Poems always had this image of being written by some sort of hippies. Majority of those I studied while growing up were either about love or 20th century political activism against fascism. Don't know if this is because I grew up in France or not.

Are there any poems that are more than this? Either some other less "corny" themes, or straight up insane stuff? Anything that changes from the basic values that poems usually shows.

Picture not related

>> No.20292517
File: 97 KB, 1398x1387, evola groyper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Picture not related
this is now an Evola thread

>> No.20292525

Poe had some very good horror poems, although I personally never liked Tamerlane all that much.

>> No.20292549

Well get me some Evola tier poems then

>> No.20292558

The greatest topic of poetry is love. You just been filtered bro.

>> No.20292585

I like narrative poems. Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Ballad of the White Horse, Lays of Ancient Rome. That sort of thing.

>> No.20292592
File: 295 KB, 900x788, 1647428504710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As you wish. Of all the cringy twitterphilosophy by permanently online and depressed-due-to-no-deadlifts incel turbolosers, Evola takes shared first place with Mark Fisher. Evola in particular has ruined an entire generation of young minds, some of which might have amounted to bountiful intellects if they had applied themselves and read Aristotle, Kant, Husserl, Wittgenstein, Whitehead or Pierce instead of obsessing over twitter e-celebs who still cannot make the distinction between that which is cool and that which is edgy.

>> No.20292610

>Mark Fisher
I unironically read Capitalist Realism[/sports] every night before I go to bed because it puts me so quickly. Rarely do I make it more than a paragraph or two.

would recommend

>> No.20292615


>> No.20292616

>Evola ruined a generation of men
A million other reasons before that one can even be brought into discussion you hack

>> No.20292660

>Yellow Cross

aaaaa in a sinusoïdal form
they fill the atmosphere engulf you to your eyes but don’t try to save
yourself because the roses kiss your eyelids and you feel the hot mercury
flow bubbles of desperate passion blossom the breasts Samiramis
you feel the hot mercury flow die die
until I fall atrocious sultan to abomination
you feel the hot blood flow it is yours and you no longer have it in the
metallic forests
in the distance palpitating girls parade
the passenger wavers and all passions interlace
the veils swing and the lights but the untied locks mingle suck your soul
small icicles on the green intoxicate themselves towards the syntax fruitlessly
until when until when
a cove dance deploys over bladeaglabla the family of fragrances
everything becomes drunkenness and vague
I adore you

>> No.20292718

this entire board was filtered by love as a concept.

>> No.20292749

Vast majority of poems aren’t, that’s simply a mark of the decay of arts in general that it has a faggy overly emotional association, when the primary topic throughout history of poetry has been mostly war and religion, beauty, life, death, cyclical nature, mourning and so forth.

Paradise lost, the faery queene, the odes of keats, the very strange poetry of mallarme, the awareness of paul Valerie, the emotionless aestheticism of Swinburne (such as in garden of proserpine.) the glorying in God common to Christopher smart, hopkins, King David, the decadent coomer and ghostly pieces of li-he, or you can go to angelus silenius who has very short poems each of which define and explain a theological point of his.

There are many many many options.

Going by your evola posting, I think you would like violence, go for the Barbara translation of Ariosto or the pope homer.

Alternatively check out the Georgics by Virgil they’re rustic naturefagging that goes back and forth between apocalyptic And stellar aesthetic, to basic instruction manual on how to farm.